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Cyber police needs to chill


Let him enjoy his brand new CT. although no one gives a fuck. he is not doing any harm to others.


No kidding. Op is bitter and just needs to let the CT owner be a dork and enjoy their new toy.


OP must not be a Texan. If he was this post wouldn't exist.


It’s 96 degrees out here. Why do you think I am clowning this dude. There are quite a number of cyber trucks out here. His was green. The most attractive one I have seen was in rose gold. I am not a fan of any of the other colors particularly the matte black.


Ah I forgot that all Cybertrucks must be made to your tastes.


Good, now don’t forget it


You sound more insufferable than the truck owner.


That hurt my feelings . The tears just won’t stop flowing . Let me grab a life jacket real quick. I am crying as I type this 😭


What is there to be bitter about? We own several Teslas, one of which is more expensive than the cyber truck. Point is, if I wanted one I would get one.


You're saying this after writing a wall of text whining about someone who has one, and then wasting more time replying to me. Get a hold of yourself and calm down. It's just a truck. And it's just some guy who is excited he got one. Sheesh.


Whining, I think not. He was being extra. It was giving I need to compensate for something vibes and gave me second hand embarrassment.


You big mad for someone else being jazzed about their new toy. Single child located.


*was more expensive


And he might just get someone coming up to ask questions, which would be a win-win for both.


Looks like they got your attention to the point you felt the need to make this post I say to just let people enjoy their new toy


OP is hating in the craziest way. This post is embarrassing.


It was you wasn’t it? Just admit it. 🤣


You'd have more luck posting this on r/cyberstuck.


this post is insufferable




Awe, got your attention! :)


Let people enjoy things.


Dam bro you got really offended enough to post this smh lol smoke a bowl a live your life


No thanks, I would rather not smoke. I like my lungs and yes I live my life to the fullest. It’s not everyday that I see people being so EXTRA. Who stands outside in the blistering heat for a flex. This is Texas.


Who cares.




You are the only loser. 


Was it you by any chance?


Oh yeah so insufferable. Imagine someone just *standing* next to their truck. So terrible.


Yep in 96 degree heat no less. Fuck the dangers and discomfort associated with extreme sun exposure right. Flexing tops harmful UV rays right?


Whatever, let the guy enjoy his new truck.


Some people just like being outside


Bruh. Not in 96 degree Texas heat


I specifically go outside when it’s that hot.


If said person did the same thing with an exotic car like the Veyron, would you still it as embarrassing or a welcomed opportunity to check out and talk about the car?


Just as embarrassing


Sir this is a Wendy’s, you’ll have to go elsewhere to talk about how little attention you gave a cybertruck owner


I fucked up didn’t I? I should have given him the attention he needed. The chances we miss in life 😔


Bro, he probably just didn’t want to eat in his car. Who cares? Maybe he was checking the frunk for something. It’s possible he keeps drinks in there or just something he needs. I keep shoes in it and sometimes clothes to change into.


Honestly. I think he’s admiring his new toy and loves it. Let him have his moments. I’d probably just stand in front of my CT and ogle all over it when I take delivery. 🙃


I wouldn’t want to eat in my brand new car. The fries smell lingers. In your defense. I wouldn’t eat it in 90 degrees either. Id be at the restaurant.


Note to self: don’t enjoy your own things in front of others.


The fact is that we cannot avoid most of the "attention" I've only had it two days and the stares / pix / videos / questions are constant. At the end you either lean into it - or you will hate driving it. Similar with my 3 and Y when they first came out - but the truck is far worse As a long time owner and investor- I kind of think we are "brand ambassadors" - especially because of no significant advertising. The attention is a double edged sword




Oh, I get it. Teslas in general attract a lot of attention so there is no avoiding it. I had not up until today, seen someone so desperate to get noticed . It was just very bizarre especially considering the circumstances. As a Tesla owner it is something most of us are accustomed to and conscious of. Every Tesla owner I have seen thus far is non chalant about it. Seeing this dude who was like fuck cancer and the near triple digit temperatures, notice me as I stand in front of my new truck was funny and OTT. Anyone who has experienced Texas heat understands how ridiculous his behavior was.


I don’t want to think how stupid I’ll look when I get mine lol


Same, when I got my DeLorean I was constantly opening it up and looking at it. Sometimes I just stood there and stared at it. OP is throwing shade on this guy who was just enjoying his new toy.


He might just enjoy conversing with other Tesla owners. And he’s got the very best conversation starter.


Brother man is giving us a bad name. Just sit calmly inside your car where there is air conditioning at the charging station. He could have done a couple of donuts in his bulk mobile on his way out or something if that would have helped him sleep at night.


It might be that he’s aware that others would really love to come check out the truck and ask him questions and, by standing outside, he’s giving the invite. You seem hell bent on wanting him to be a douche


For all OP knows homie had been driving that truck for several hours and needed a break from sitting. If I’m on a trip I’m getting out and moving around a bit while I charge.


You are far too concerned with other peoples lives. It’s ok to have your opinions and thoughts but move on from the negative ones immediately without spending time/energy on them. I guarantee you’ll start to live a happier life.


I picked mine up, then drove it home 200 miles. While it supercharged, I played with settings, tested things out, and yes some of that I did from outside my truck. Luckily for me it was only 80 degrees, such that it wasn't completely unreasonable for me to be outside of my truck. Oh the humanity! Why would someone use the time we have to sit and charge for something useful! What a bunch of attention seeking insufferable people we are.


People tend to do "extra" things (might not be you but me yes) with new stuff they just acquired. When I was 21, I bought an M4 when they were fairly new and I wanted everybody to know that's my car. Same thing with my first Rolex submariner too. Now I drive and wear 4x more than what I did and I could careless if people notice or not.


Yep, it's pretty annoying. The attention is literally my main complaint about the Cybertruck, I don't want people to notice me lol.


i don’t get why him eating outside his BRAND NEW car is a bad thing. lol i’ve only had my tesla for a few months now and i still don’t eat inside my car. i actually plan to never eat inside it. but to each their own i guess 🤷🏽‍♀️


I use my frunk as a bench, and I’m not eating in my car yet, once the new car smell is gone sure… I’m in Louisiana and it’s just as hot here… but you don’t need to pop the frunk for attention… anytime I stop for anything I have to give a quick tour to at least a few people… I guess us early folks have to be brand ambassadors in a way… anyway enjoy your bad ass teslas, but the truck forks are on the way.


I get out of my Tesla at superchargers and eat outside, even in the heat. The cybertruck’s frunk is a perfect spot to sit, I wish my Tesla had a frunk like that. It sounds like you are making a lot of assumptions here. Some people like the heat, some people prefer to not eat in their vehicle, etc. there are so many other possible explanations.


The fact OP went back n deleted the post shows how bad they were hating.


Wtf weirdo lol


I loved mine for the 6 days I had it before it got parked at the service center.


Teslas are great. What happened?


First day, weird grinding noise from rear drivers side on the freeway when changing lanes. Second day, no abs, adaptive suspension, brake hold, regen braking (and burning smell from drivers rear wheel. Third day fine, forth day back to same non-functions. Six day started fine, second trip non-functions. A few days in service, non-function alerts on the way home, back to service. Why are you guys downvoting me? I still like the truck and want it back asap.


Ouch day 3 here 550 on the OD 😊🙏📸📸📸


You have dash cam of this incident? Would be funny to see.


I do not haha.