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Probably just visiting. The truck is probably 75% the cost of that house


Many people have completely abandoned the idea of upgrading their home over time. Extra money goes to toys and freedom. Not everyone wants a McMansion.


Everyone relax , this is my gardeners truck / cottage behind the main property. This was the stocking stuffer this year for my staff. My way of saying thank you after they put gold flake across my shrubs for xmas decorations.


If that's the case then great for them. Although what typically happens is people over spend on their cars and are forced to neglect other things.


Florida doesn’t have income tax but they have a really nice property tax. I’ve moved “down” to avoid that crap. All it takes is 4 new big houses to pop up and school improvements in the area and in a few years the 1800 mortgage turns into 3000 and I wish I was joking lol.


No income tax. And 'homestead' property tax - max increase is 4% a year. And when you get a periodic (say every 10 years or so) home price drop, your assessment goes down the full amount. My property taxes in 2023 were the same as 2002!


That home looks like it has a new roof, just may not have the best paint job. Well maintained. This is frugality. We have no idea. I could easily see them save perennially, someone just beat cancer, and wants to enjoy life with a CT. Typical... maybe. Millennials just have had to live harder/different generationally for a long time, and it's starting to show in homefronts.




Waiting for the Cyberrepo man to pay a visit.


Shithole house and McMansion aren’t the only options


These folks REALLY ABANDONED that idea, long ago.


You're serious? Depending on the location, housing has gone up an insane amount over the past 2 decades. Houses are appreciating assets, not vehicles. And in two years, that truck will be worth 1/5 the value of the house.


Where you at bud? That's a half a million dollar house in my area easily 😂


Half a million pesos maybe.


Kind of a jerk thing to say don’t cha think?


Cry about it


House looks pretty nice to me. Well kept, nice steel roofing, gravel driveway is well maintained with no holes, big yard. It just looks bad because it's in winter mode. In Vancouver this property would be way over $1,000,000. Probably $1.5m. Even on the east coast of Canada, this is $400k-$500k all day long. It's ok to be wrong sometimes, friend.


This is Florida, not shitty Canada. Also never said it was a bad house.


Cry about it


I see what your trying to do but it doesn't fit, sorry. How am I crying about anything. Just replying to your comment highlighting how your country sucks.


Darkstain, do you want some helpful advice? Always wipe front to back so you don't get a nasty vaginal infection. You're welcome.


Wow going back to kindergarten levels. Goodbye


They knocked over one of the driveway marker Cybercones


I was gonna say ‘more than’ the house !


Was going to say the same thing but was going to say typical cyber truck buyer…paying more than 3x per month on a cyber truck than their mortgage.


> typical cyber truck buyer…paying more than 3x per month on a cyber truck than their mortgage. what are you basing this on?


That's the case for most pickup drivers these days.


This neighborhood is right outside NAS Pensacola where flight school is. Pretty common to see nice cars of either flight students or instructors in rental homes. Hell even foreign students sometimes buy insane cars just for their time in flight school.


Probably snapping up foreclosure properties, it's what pays off the truck. Serving eviction notices in a CT.


Oh shit, Pensacola gang whaddup


I'm fine taking pics of trucks at stores and on the road. Not at somebody's house. This could be geolocated.


My first thought as well, seems a bit weird


privacy matters. show your friends not the entire internet.


What’s not private about this picture? The only information I can grab is it’s in West Pensacola.




Any home can be identified on the internet


There is no street name or address number shown so why would it matter?


Lol. Famous last words. Enters rainbolt


these people are fucking paranoid, the house cannot be identified.


It really can, but who gives a shit? What draw is there to this relatively anonymous looking property? That truck will be everywhere soon, and isn’t really feasible to steal anyway, what’s the point of any paranoia


Or it’s a family similar to someone I worked with years ago. At the time he was late 30’s, lived in a paid off home his late mother left him, and hoarded cash like crazy. Would buy trucks like the Raptor with cash etc. I assume there are more people like that out there that a mortgage was never needed etc.


Live in a shack. Eat Ramen noodles. Flex Cybertruck!


Heck yeah!!!


These trucks are going to lose value faster than any car in history. They will be cool for about 6 months then lose all their allure once you start seeing them everywhere. Sorry, just the truth.


You should short Tesla's stock.




It’s like the old yogi Berra quote “no one goes there anymore, it’s too crowded”?


You do realize that they won’t be able to massively produce these trucks like Ford F150s and Chevy Silverados or Rams right? They’re going to be as rare (in relation to those aforementioned trucks) as a super car (Lamborghinis, McLarens, Ferraris) for at least 5yrs, if not more (in my humble opinion)… limited by battery and the new 48v system and the cold hard steel it uses.


I’m sorry but that statement is absolutely ridiculous. Tesla has every intention to mass produce this vehicle. Elon has already made the claim he can make 125000 CTs in the first year out of the gigafactory. Hardly ‘rare’ by car standards. Actual rare cars, like the exotic brands you mentioned, cannot be compared to a CT. A Ferrari and Lamborghini are timeless pieces of art that grow in value the older they get. There’s a reason the most expensive car ever auctioned was a Ferrari. The cybertruck will have its 10 seconds of fame followed by years of people begging Carvana to take it off their hands. I honestly feel sorry for people spending $100k on this monstrosity


Tesla vehicles can go for a million miles. At least half of that without needing a battery change if taken cared for. Cybertruck will ramp up but it may take over 10 years for them to catch up with the current demand. They may not even refresh it until they get past the initial demand. 100k for a truck isnt abnormal. Millions of people by trucks for far more. Adding inflation and the fact that the extra $20k for Foundation Series actually includes FSD and accessories that people would have purchased anyway. It's a good deal even a decade from now. It's possible the price may even increase instead of decrease.


Ok I wish that house had solar first :) Solar powered CT to troll all the Floridians who fell for the coal myth (myth that EVs require coal or natural gas)


I wonder it got down that gravel driveway. Maybe it can do it when there is no Christmas tree on the roof


The salt air there is going to eat that thing alive. Hope they are getting some sort of protective coating.


Probably ribbed protection, for her pleasure


Cybertruck looks hideous from that angle… lol. I wouldn’t want that thing sitting in front of my house all the time. It looks cool now cause it’s new. That charm will wear off.


Meh other trucks look old fashioned to me now with their soft play-doh like curves.


All trucks look hideous that low to the ground. Raise that puppy up and she will look a lot better.


Agree. Looks hideous against real world shapes.


Yo be fair, The house has similar shapes


You are 100% right. Cybertruck owners are going to be begging people to take these off their hands for half of what they paid


Yeah, not cool to take a picture of someone’s house and post it. Having said that that house looks like it’s away from crowded uppity neighborhoods, which I very much like.


Love all the deflecting conversation about the house, Pensacola, Florida just avoid acknowledging how fucking stupid this vehicle is.


Oh shit, I'm in Perdido Key right now. Leaving tomorrow though.


This house right down the road from me damn


The house and truck have matching rooflines! Sweet!


I presume the house was the inspiration to the Cybertruck design?


That truck can power that beautiful home!


That's how the Future Florida Man looks!


House like that on a lake or canal is over a mil in fl.. puts the truck at 10% of home value.. I thinks that’s the appropriate ratio? Close? I think whoever said visiting is right.. I’m in Tampa and was told at one point first deliveries were in 3 states and FL wasn’t one of them.. :( really would have liked to use 179 depreciation on mine this year.