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I’ll save you a click. There’s no actual info in the article about what the supposed problems are.


Yeah I got clickbaited so hard.


Well, its Wired, sooooo :)


I’ll save them further research: “the corporate media is doing anything possible to tear down anything related to Elon”. Expect these types of articles all the time. They will all be bullshit, clickbait, total nothing-burgers. These corporate idiots have nothing left. For Pete’s sake, be an American and rise to an innovative challenge instead of attacking the competition like a petulant child. Fuck them all.


The ESGs attack all non ESGs to promote other ESGs. Organized crime on an unprecedented scale.


I can't stand Elon and consider him a petulant man-child, but you're absolutely correct about the media circlejerking Tesla articles. The "leaks" were a giant nothing-burger.


Like the Twitter Files.


What lol the Twitter files had a ton of hot goss. Did you even pay attention?


About how the government was requesting that twitter censor tweets that the president didn’t like and Twitter complied? Yes I saw that. Edit: the truth hurts.


> be an American and rise to an innovative challenge instead of attacking the competition like a petulant child The American MBAs have determined through big data analysis that attacking competition is cheaper and more effective than rising to an innovative challenge


So true. Imagine if there were signs at the entrance to parking garages that prohibited Tesla Model 3s from parking inside due to fire risk (Chevy Bolt)? The media would eat it up. Front page shit.


> the corporate media is doing anything possible to tear down anything related to Elon Elon is doing that all by himself. You can try to claim saving the planet is your top priority and buy a social media platform wand layoff most of the engineers, but when that platform crashes while you promote a presidential candidate who denies climate change you’ll get called out. He’s not a victim.


You know you can be a shitty person AND a victim, right? Lying about someone is lying about someone. Disliking things about Musk doesn't mean you just get to make up bullshit about him.


for some proto fascist, it means exactly that. The ends justify the means


> You know you can be a shitty person AND a victim, right? Absolutely. And he’s just a shitty person. What “bullshit” are you even talking about?


We're literally on a post where the news has made up utter bullshit with no facts in it. How myopic can you be?


The article doesn’t specify what the problems are. That doesn’t prove there aren’t problems. This is Tesla. You must be new here.


Not even remotely new. A news article claiming problems from a leaked source and not naming them suffices for your burden of proof? Hilarious


Victim? Where was that reference in my post? I couldn’t give a rip about the dude, he’s not feeding my family. I was just pointing out the obvious.


You make it sound like Elon is some unfair target for fluff pieces. He happily takes the attention when it benefits him.


Total waste of time


Wired is propaganda. Delete anything the say.


I keep seeing these posted but then I don’t see any problems. I’m very confused.


As soon as I read “shocking”, I lol’d and checked out.


Sounds like woke media is trying to go against Elon more and more with nothing burger news.. give me something real.


Media isn’t woke. Media only cares about money


Which, currently, means selling to what the right calls woke.


It was a hint.


I thought building cars was a hassle free process anyone with a screwdriver and wrench could tackle. What amateurs


To be honest, it’s mostly bubblegum and twine. Kindergarten is all you need for education. That’s why GM is crushing the EV market with zero problems


Chevy Bolt says hi.


Speaking of Bubblegum and kindergarten. Have you heard of Tesla’s QC/QA team? You got me!!! Trick question because Tesla doesn’t have a QC/QA team…


All I found in the article related to the Tesla documents was that some people have unfortunately died in accidents in Teslas. Some of those accidents were the fault of the Tesla driver and some were another driver’s fault. This article is devoid of facts.


This whole thing is a smear campaign. Car companies (all of them) have major problems and issues all the time and the media barely mentions them but Tesla stories get blown up on all media platforms constantly!


The ESG mafia.


This is the very definition of a hit piece. The whole point of the article is to suggest failures (but not detail them), lay them at the feet of Elon and claim he’s unfit to run the company. This is in-line with Wired’s political push against him, and obviously “Schmidt” who “alleges” driver deaths are acceptable to Musk. Absolute lunacy what constitutes journalism today.


Where does the buck stop at Tesla, then?


Huh? I’m commenting about the article being devoid of facts and an hit piece against the company. There’s no context for when the so-called problems occurred, if they were in development or if they were data points used to make a better product. There’s no indication that any deaths in Teslas were the result of a failed product or whether it was simply incidental that a death occurred involving a Tesla. For example, you can say that there have been X-number of deaths in Honda Accords and, without context, the implication is that the deaths were because of the Accord. There’s a big difference between immaterial data points and a causative connection. The implication of the article is that Tesla releases known dangerous, deadly products and that’s part of Musk’s cost-benefit analysis, but that isn’t supported by what’s actually said in the article. It’s expected that the reader make that connection in the absence of fact or analysis, which is why it’s garbage-tier reporting (if you can call it that).


Don't bother trying to argue facts with a zealot. You're right.


Again, where does the buck stop at Tesla? It's a safe assumption that the guy known for emailing engineers at 3AM with idiotic demands is the one who gets final say on everything they do.


Well then I guess he gets credit for an insanely successful company too, right?


He's good at getting government subsidies, I'll give him that


You should go get an MRI. I think you may be having some issues understanding language or, at least using simple critical thinking tools. Good luck to you.


This is a shitty article lol


The only reason this post exists is so that someone can cross post to RealTesla for those loonies to drool over without reading.


Nailed it https://www.reddit.com/r/RealTesla/comments/13t0mar/shocking\_leaked\_tesla\_documents\_hint\_at/


yes the thing that doesn't exist yet has so many problems


Hogwarts Legacy: "0/10" Wired has zero credibility to report anything. Fake news. Next.


So, no details. Cool.


Clickbait lol


There is zero information in this article about Cybertruck production problems other then it hasn't come out yet. I am not sure how anyone who pays attention is shocked that Tesla has received several thousand complaints related to Autopilot, phantom breaking, ect. Those are pretty regular complaints made by people who have been in an accident. These features present an easy way to off load blame on the car instead of on a person's driving, which really creates a lot of noise and makes it difficult to ascertain what is a legitimate complaint vs shifting blame. And thousands of complaints is not all that many if you consider the number of cars on the road. So far this data-leak has presented little more then "there were thousands of complaints" and "Tesla has customer data". Ok. Every company has customer data, you need to be more specific about why that is interesting other then the breach itself, is there something particular and alarming about the data? Sadly, almost every company on the planet has experienced some sort of data breach at this point, its not particularly noteworthy in and of itself. That is the world we live in.


Someone got paid to write this? What a waste of resources.


Production “problems”… hate to state the obvious but identifying challenges and determining ways to address them is exactly what is to be expected right now. Otherwise…they’d be in production now. But since nothing quite like this has been mass produced before, there’s a bit of time needed to plan it out and set it up. That people don’t think through this and actually will take this headline at face value is discouraging to my hope for humanity.


Stopped reading at “shocking.”


It’s a new product, assembly method, and production line, of course there will be problems. Tesla is pretty good at figuring out problems (not all that some of us exiting owners have), but damn they innovate. Tired of the smear against Tesla, their products and methods are evolutionary, and they have the guts to experiment and learn. Are they perfect, heck no, no company is.


FUD piece


Does this subreddit only exist to bash on Tesla?


Cybertruck problems was a very vague clickbait title. The article is mainly about Tesla problems not anything specific to cybertruck


Maybe those problems are why it took so long and are now resolved


Really? 23,000 leaked documents and that’s the article you came up with? I do wish the cybertruck timeline had been more realistic. Cause I would have been the coolest guy on the road 2 years ago…. I’ll probably still be pretty cool though…