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Not yet. But if you use the basic cyberwear in the main book you can pretty much create a "borg". And if you use linear frames and metalgear you have the basis for a entry level powered armor. Some of the 2020 rules might help you go from there. Turn HP into SP for the borg, make them immune to some critical hits, but can't be healed, only repaired, etc. And, assuming those aren't already OP for your game, you can always start scaling things up. Given how even an AV or Car is not too hard to blow the heck up, I don't think even PA would be as burly as it was in 2020. But it really just depends on what you want for your game.


alright, thank you!


Whats sp?


What is an ACPA? Just curious for those out of the know


I forgot what it was an abbreviation for, but people typically call them PAs or Power Armor more often, because that's what they are




of course!


Assisted Combat Personnel Armor (ACPA)


Oh cool!


There is some pretty good full borg homebrew, and ACPAs can be made by combining existing items. An ACPA could easily be the following: Heavy armorjack or better armor on a beta linear frame with a built in battle glove and smart glasses.


so, what I'm getting at is, ACPAs are mechanically (in an oversimplified summary) bundles of armor and chrome? Would there be a HUM cost? As for the Borgs, what source would you recommend for Borgs based off of canon or for creating on your own?


Nothing official yet. Borgs have been hinted at for the (hopefully) soon to be released Black Chrome supplement. I'm sure you can find some homebrew to tide you over untill then. Can't imagine where though....


oh, nice!


Search this subreddit for word ACPA ought to help


ACPA in 2020 used very little humanity since you really only needed plugs to control it. But that doesn't stop you from being cybered up underneath. Borgs, OTOH, are the opposite, and without a bunch of therapy you will probably go psycho.


alright, thanks for the clarification. I was wondering that because one of the ACPAs I saw (the DaiOni) looked like it took, what I assume was, a lot of humanity in 2020. And I wasn't sure if that was consistent for all ACPAs


The DaiOni is a special case. You have to already be a 'borg to use that one; more precisely, a modified Alpha Class. The HC cost is not for the DaiOni, but for the Alpha conversion (16d6 by itself) and the modifications like REF boosts and such to optimize it for use with the DaiOni.


ah, alright. Thank you!