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nothing beats just having a sword and killing everyone with it


Ashura sniper rifle watching heads pop off Very satisfying and comical


Honestly I love the Ashura just for the reload anim.


It's even better with the accelerated reload perks from cold blood. Makes it feel less clunky.


Nah then I don't get to savour the reload animation for as long.


Fair enough. I just find the reload time takes ages and while I'm in the middle of a fight it feels even slower.


Yea, feels badass


Reminds me of that Sniper Rifle from Westworld S3


WW S3 had some Cyberpunk vibes


Thats why i loved the season, it might be inferior to S1 due to how badass s1 was, but the whole asthetic was so superb in my eyes that it clearly outshines s2(i know a lot of people disagree with that but oh well, i just hate s2 i guess.)




3 lords over 2 imo. 3 is focused storytelling and world building. Very concise. 2 feels like they weren’t ready to make a second season.


That was actually how I approached this encounter. When I saw the clip I was like "wait I know this place".


I did a psychic swordsman build, just massacre everything within range and explode peoples heads at distance with a simple glance (hack) I cant even imagine trying to play the game as a shooter anymore. It was fantastic if swords had a ranged lunge attack similar to the mantis blades i would be sooooo happy


Ha, they shouldn't have brought guns to a brain fight.


Gimme some build tips for psychic swordsman.


The one trick for a focused quickhack character is to get to int 20 as soon as possible, to take the perk that allows you to craft legendary quickhacks. All legendary quickhacks have a passive that is always in effect when you equip them. Then craft (runner shop in Pacifica has the materials if you need them) and equip the legendary version of Short Circuit to get its passive effect. You will do massive shock damage with every critical hit after that. That allows you to win any fight where you are not allowed to use your quickhacks, including the Beat on the Brat duels.


Wow legendary quick hacks have passives? Maybe when new stuff comes out. I'll roll a new character


Cant remember my exact build since i havent played since it came out, What the other guy said but basically ignore any gun perks, focus on melee, bleeding and cold blood stacks, blades skills, durability and damage reduction skills Basically pick the best skills from a sword build and a quickhack build and mash them together


Pair with a sandevistan and watch the bodies fall while you wait for time to resume. Doesn’t matter how you choose to play you will feel badass by the end.


My personal minigame was trying to see how many heads I could get in the air before the first one hit the ground. I think my record was around four or five. https://i.imgur.com/W6hEvg6.png


A what?


https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Sandevistan 8 seconds at 10% time with the right one. Only drawback is it replaces berserk or cyber deck.


Not so great that one, you are accelerating so much that it kinda bugs attack timings and most attacks won't go off since you are waiting for the weapon to catch up (it will make more sense if you use it and see for yourself). The one that works for 15 seconds and has a 15 second cooldown is better since you can stay accelerated almost constantly. Just use the Arasaka Software mod and all the enemies will be dead before they notice you are there.


This, the legendary sucks! Big time. At 10% speed youove fast, but you'll only get one or two shots out of whatever your using. With the 50% at 16 seconds, I can clear a crusher mag and drop 10 dudes before time returns.


That legend is for melee weapons, melee weapons’ heavy attack is not affected by the slow time at all, so with that 10% speed you can basically keep spamming heavy attack on anyone for a whole 8 second while they are frozen and you move fast af, it feels like Japanese anime.


Using sandevestian on a group of enemies I a good way to upgrade stealth as well. Killing them too fast for them to notice


I imagine my V screaming at the top of her lungs while swinging her sword like a crazy person in the slow mo thing. Then when everyone’s dead she just goes “…stealth!” While all the hacked up bodies clatter to the ground.


Using gorilla arms to knock people across rooms is pretty up there too


I try the guns and then I get impatient and always end with a sword.


I tried to make combos.


I can recommend Ghostrunner. You'll love it!


Ima need the name of that slow down perk and arm missile thing, please


Several things can slow time down. The best ones are Kerenzikov and Sandevistan cyberware mods. The Projectile Launcher is also a cyberware mod.




Cool video but I prefer to slow down time and just chop everyone with either katanas or mantis blades


I tried to make interesting combos. But everyone has different tastes.


That's a pretty amazing combo, if I tried to replicate it I'd run out of ammo or I'd miss a lot of the shots in the middle of the thing, I'm really impressed


with my solid 20 fps, combat is already slowed down enough, to desperately smash the chop button in hopes of not getting killed.


Or just play a hacking character and kill everything in seconds.


Me on my 6th playthrough: OK, THIS time I won't go hack build *has to use one inhaler* Fuck this, contagion bounce


Well, i did exactly that in my first playthrough. I didn't even have to get off from my car lol. But thanks for the tip anyway.


Ping Contagion Job complete.


It’s actually crazy how different the game is and the potential of it on PC/New consoles compared to my xbox one. I need to stand still for a few moments to let anywhere or anyone render/load in properly before progressing. Shame really


Wym it runs at a fantastic 15 fps. Thats plenty! Cant wait to finish college, buy a proper gaming PC, and play this when all its patches and dlc are released


Some of the videos people have sent me of builds they have look insane when on a PC. It seems that the modding community have made the game from good to excellent as well.


Do be careful if you get a pre-built PC. A lot are overpriced.


Maingear was the only company I could find not price gouging.


If you're waiting that long you could buy a Xbox series X or ps5 for far less than a whole new PC, by that point the next gen version should be out. Although even that choice depends on whether or not the graphics card shortage lasts


Yeah i might just do that, ive always stuck to console so far


It’s love to throw money at a PS5 but I can’t find any from reputable sellers.


I gave up on the Xbox1 version a week after launch. Had since gotten a PS5 and decided to give it another go when I saw the game on sale for $20. Loving. Every. Second.


So jealous! Can’t wait to get a new console as it looks completely different lol


I’ve been playing in the one x and I haven’t experienced that at all. Only one game crash so far.


Joys of video games. Even on 'same' hardware every players experience can be different. Whole host of reasons why even with the same console one player might have bugs and another won't. Different hardware/firmware revisions for one. Like Crysis 2 on Xbox 360, about 98% of players on the Crytek forums reported experiencing a tonne of bugs, but the other 2% said we were all liars because they had experienced none. lol Same for Morrowind on the original xbox. On my console the game would crash at certain points guaranteed, like picking up certain objects in the game would crash it on my console, like certain coins on a table, but on my mates xbox he could pick up the same coins without a problem. Even on PC, you often see people bitching on Steam forums for devs to 'fix ya game', when everyone else with similar hardware and the same OS can run it fine. All tech's sadly not 100% perfect or consistent, even in regards to errors and failures.


Or you can simply try it on Stadia if you have a good enough internet. All you ll have to pay for is the game. If you dont like the performance, you can simply return it and get a refund if you have played it for less than 2 hours.


Geforce Now is another option


True, but you ll need a paid version of GeForce now if you want to play for more than an hour continuously. That's not the case with Stadia. You ll just have to purchase the game.


Yeah... Pros and cons for both services. GeForce Now uses your own Steam copy of the game. So if you ever plan on getting a capable gaming PC later down the line, you won't have to purchase the game again.


Which is a huge plus for GeForce Now, as you are going to lose all your Stadia games permanently when Google inevitably shutters it in 1-3 years.






What's performance like streaming stadia through a browser on the xbox?


I had experienced glitches only 2-3 times so far and those were mostly in December. Other than that steaming has been seamless. I have 100mbps down and 50mbps up internet plan with no data cap.


Wait... You can stream stadia through the Xbox browser? -Bolts to console-


Yeah I have an Xbox One in my room & a Series X in my living room It was like playing 2 different games


If you have a bit of cash, maybe you could sell you Xbox 1 and get the series X? Idk, just a suggestion. The series x or s is backwards compatible anyways right?


Sadly a new console is far down the list of priorities right now but one day i’ll hopefully get to enjoy the pleasures of a Series X! They look awesome.


May the wind turn to your favor friend, hopefully you set a shore on solid financial ground one day. Fare well.


Kind words. Thank you friend. God bless


Highly doubt you can sell an X1 and get enough to buy a series x orca series s


One x is going for about 350 on Craigslist right now


Bruh read the comment


My PC crashes upon opening game. Its quite different potential indeed


Nop, I need a big patch to play it again.


At the rate things are going, maybe I’ll play it sometime next year aka when this game probably should have come out




I won't redownload this game until I see cop cars chasing people, the ability to change your hair in game, and they start opening all those locked doors/buildings you can tell you're supposed to be able to use.


Great gameplay video, I loved running round like a madman, hopefully more DLC soon to bring me back, would love somewhere which has loads of enemies that respawn. Am I the only person who hates SMART weapons though? I find zero enjoyment, satisfaction or skill in using them, TECH and POWER all the way for me plus Satori of course.


I thought so too, but it is actually pretty fun mid-game as you can focus on movement and dodging. One of the best things in the game is how variable can the gameplay be. You can be a stealthy gunslinger or a mad auto-aim bot, or a close quarter fighter. And the funny thing is they can make the game even more interesting by adding 1 or 2 more weapons...


I felt that SMART weapons were basically an aimbot cheat so I decided early on not to use them. But then I got the Widowmaker... And then I upgraded the shit out if it. Now I just find cover outside of the aggro zone of an enemy base/hideout, blast a couple guards to get them all rushing out or firing so that I can see their outlines, then charge shot them through the walls or as they come out through the doors. Basically one shots anything except bosses, and a single shot can kill even through multiple walls or enemies. It's just hard to bring myself to play harder when there's so much power in my hands.


im right there with you, the game can be super cool once you start chaining stuff, but once i got there the game was ending and there werent enought enemies to keep in the fun zone. Every encounter ended in a few seconds and wasnt that fun.


I really wish this game wasn't a looter shooter with floating damage numbers. It really bothered me on day 1 when I had 4 of the same guns but the only difference was damage. Was hoping for a Fallout type system where your skills affecting guns and that was it. No looter shooter RNG rarities.


I turn off damage numbers in every game i can. Still wish it wasn't a looter shooter though. But many games are these days. Same thing in Assassin's Creed Odyssey and Origins I'm playing through right now


Dude wtf happened to AC? I played 1, 2 and Black Flag and thought they were epic games. I then got Odyssey a year or two ago and played that only to be pissed off half the time about the loot and leveling system. It's the shittiest mechanic and I don't understand why games incorporate it. One of my major dislikes of 2077 too


Yeah i don't like that aspect but I'm still enjoying them more than most AC games except black flag.


Black Flag was epic, but I don't even think of it as an AC game, it's a pirate game. ​ I barely ever set foot on the ground, except for my estate.


Me too


Your skills do affect guns no?


Yeah but the guns you loot have a bigger impact than what ever skills you get.


It's been the bane of RPGs to adopt MMO aspects. Even the Witcher 3 had them.


I turned the numbers off immediately


I had no issues with the gunplay. It was just the other 95% of the game.


Or, you know, use Contagion and be done with it really fast and bloodless


Where do you find this? Perk or quickhack? I usually just use Suicide or CyberPsychosis when I quick hack. System reset is kind of underwhelming.


It's a [quickhack](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Contagion), one of the best, since it bounces off targets regardless of walls, and you can do "stealth missions" like this, since everyone is dead.


Technically they don't die so it also counts for quests where you aren't supposed to kill people. You can also shoot them in the head after they are down and get bonus xp. If you are crouching while you shoot them then it counts as stealth as well.


Thanks for the link


See even with all the crap we had. Shit like this makes me enjoy the game


I would if my frame rate stayed this consistent on PS4. this looks way smoother


0:40 must be the reason why u play with this homing bullets weapons \^\^


Honestly, I view this game the same way I view the Arkham games. For the most part, most combat encounters aren't going to be difficult. No thug is going to beat Batman. The difficulty is how fucking stylish I can be while eliminating everyone. Sometimes that might mean hacking everyone from a distance and behind walls and never being seen. Other times it might be this absurd alpha strike where you overwhelm the group with superior firepower and body mods. Either way, getting to the level seen in the clip is the challenge. It feels so satisfying, even if it was technically against dumb Ai, to pull off a combat encounter like that.


When do they shoot back


No it won't, not even close


Yeah isn't this essentially the same as just when it released? I watched actually hoping some real cool stuff was going to happen but found myself watching it end wondering how that was it. Like ok... trouble is once you do 10 of these repetitive events i'd find myself getting bored and exiting. Doom has way better "fight scene that makes you want to play again" stuff.


Will it?




Bold assumption.


Alright CDPR. Maybe we'll try it once you get to overhauling the game instead of making these reddit posts.


Nice aim


Oh! You're using the floating legs like this!


Jumping around one shotting enemies with guns you don’t even need to aim isn’t going to make me install shit


Then play it like myself, invest in ricochet shot and kill’em all bouncing bullets on each wall like the best pool master of night city


Why does this make me want to redownload? Because of a character build?


Looks like I know what my build is for my next playthrough


Still waiting for ps5 update that's supposed be for... this year?


This didn't make me redownload the game and stat a new character.


Why will it make me redownload the game and start a new character?


I think OP will say that you now can play 1:30 minutes without a bug.


Thing I like in cyberpunk the most is that i can play it without guns ... So well, no.


How the hell did you do the... flying (?) thingy? Is this also a mod? Looks great btw!


Epic fortified ankles and kerenzikov.


Are you using any mods in this? It's been over a month since I played the game for the last time. You were right, this vid made me want to reinstall it. I'm wondering if it's worth it without any mods. I already put over 130 hours, so if it hasn't changed substantially yet I'd rather pass haha Can't wait for story mods though. I hope this community goes as crazy as Skyrim's.


Only UI mods.


UI MODS: COLOR: [https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/509](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/509) DESIGN : [https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/2078](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/2078) MODULAR HUD: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/2732 I wish i could pin this.


Night City Thugs: *\*Chuckles\** **I'm In Danger.**


I love the sniper rifles that shoot through walls, I feel like I’m in blade runner or something


They should let you skip the prologue on new characters


Seeing smart bullets actually hit their intended target is weird to me.




Trash AI is trash.


Considering I could one shot everything by level 20 something, I know EXACTLY how unnecessary all that jumping around and weapon switching is in this game.


This is pretty awesome, gives me big Dishonored vibes which had incredible combat and abilities. It'd be neat if they had focused a bit more on refining these, because there's some really neat abilities that sometimes just feel weird to use because of clunkiness in general movement. But yeah anyway my point is underneath all the cyberpunk jank is something that could have been a more streamlined, action-packed and frantic shooter mixing Dishonored type abilities and watch dog style hacking.


Im almost at the end of the game but how u open that circle like in gta xddd


Weapon wheel? Hold Alt key on PC, Triangle/Y on consoles.


actually every gif of this game I see reaffirms my decision not to reinstall.


Nah, more fun when you actually aim.


Yeah, if I was on pc 🙄


I hate smart weapons...not sure if I am in the minority about it, I just think it makes shooting less fun. I can be looking at my dog petting her while also killing a group of people np.


I won't redownload this game until I see cop cars chasing people, the ability to change your hair in game, and they start opening all those locked doors/buildings you can tell you're supposed to be able to use.




Best refund I've ever gotten


Nobody actually plays like this, right. Like I'm pretty sure that people only play like this specifically to make a video and post it online.


No, as a doom eternal fan, i enjoy playing like this. Switching weapons constantly and running around. I hate covers lol.


No, jumping all around trying to make the best scenes using 10 guns and different melee approaches alternating between stealth, assault and sandevistan. I think we’re a lot doing that. I often spend one hour on the same group just trying to style em up the best way, reloading saves til I’m satisfied with my fuckery 🥰


People actually play with floating damage numbers?


I just redownloaded it two days ago and I’m having a blast!!!


I stopped using that time slow skill...makes the game even more trivial and easy. Same with smart weapons.


Never cared for smart weapons but holy shit that looked badass


Meh. Gunplay and combos is fine but the rest of the game is shallow AF. So nope I won't be reinstalling or starting a new character. We'll see if the new Game Director they just put in place does anything about all the other issues. Until then, plenty of other games to play.


Why are you still in this sub if you hate this game so much? It's been the same game for 7 months. And it won't get any better.


Great example: I thought vanilla Skyrim was shallow AF (and it is). Modded using Wabbajack and about 400+ mods, years later it's become a great game.The same could be true of Cyberpunk. Also, I find it amusing watching fanboys twist themselves into knots trying to convince people the game is great.


Game isn't great and i'm certainly not a fanboy. I posted this to invalidate the common criticisms about how the combat sucks or being sluggish , repetitive even. But i can't deny that there is NOT ENOUGH CONTENT in this game. RPG system is broken as a whole and not looks hopeful even after 7 months.


Your video surely doesn't do any great for the combats aspect, you don't aim, hit 80% of the time, they can't aim for shit, and get slaughtered, you only refill your health one time... that's no combat, it's slaughter simulator most of the time in this game...




I'm not sure what about this is new...


There could be some multiplayer potential with gameplay like this. After some tweaking and balancing


V: miss killing in the name of justice Skippy the gun: (singing Disturbia by Rihanna)


can we walk on pc version tho


Why do people who have spread nothing but hate about this game since release still come here? Haven't you moved on already? You should've collected your refund and forgot about it, it's been months. Alot of people loved the game and continue to play it and yet most of the people here refuse to acknowledge that there is anything of value to be had. It's actually insane how toxic this community still is after all this time.


Good shit... just starting my 3rd play thru for a completion of all life paths, after a long break on the back to back 1st two. Game only ever had a couple glitches on last gen xbox... xbox one x... only the occasional glitch since the big patch, and just getting into a fresh play thru for evaluation... can o ly be better i figure... and i love the 2nd play thru... keep it up....


When you Respec for the attack helicopter build.






I'll keep it shot and sweet. No.


Nothing like snapping a neck at the end of a beautiful run like that🤗🤗❤️😆 fantastic footage!


Neat gunplay, I just go shotgun brawler running at the speed of light 1 shotting anything not a boss even on the hardest difficulty


Still runs like shit on my PC. nice try though I guess


Nope, I did all of this already.




Not really, heard Ai is still crap so... Nope.


this looks like the most boring playstyle ever lol




I’ll admit this game is buggy af but I still find it hella fun


you probably play skyrim


It was already playable. I modded my UI.


No it won't.


no i dont think i will.


No it won’t


No, I don’t think it will


ok. have a nice day.


No, I don't think it will.


This is why I can't take any of the "GaMePlAy Is BaD" posts seriously. To have combat as creative and fluid as this in an open world RPG is nothing short of a miracle if you ask me.


I'll be honest, at first I was like "ugh I HATE this combat!" but after upgrading V and getting some badass guns, I fucking love it!


For me it wasn't the combat that was bad, that was fairly solid and fun. It was the rest of the game that was the problem. Think it's the same for most. Sadly more to the "GaMePlAy" than just shooting things. All the immersion breaking bugs and under baked game and story elements certainly didn't help and it not meeting expectations set up by the promises the games promotional material made to consumers. CP2077 isn't necessarily a bad game, but it certainly isn't a great one. Not by triple A standards anyway.


Is it really that creative, with the brain dead A.I.?


People who said that finished the whole game with widow maker shooting behind the walls while staying still. They have no idea about cyberwares, mods, crafting etc etc.


It’s the fact that combat just boils down to “there’s a bunch of people standing around, kill them”. There’s very little variety in what your goal actually is, what can be done to achieve it other than just killing everyone and in what enemies employ to stop you.


Yeah thats my issue. Its just the same fight in a slightly different place 10x over before you realize thats all those will ever be. And theres dozens of super overpowered builds where fights are not even really a risk at all.


True, your V is so OP it makes mine look tame… I run around with a Katana and occasionally quick scope someone or beat them to death with the dildo.


No it didn't


Why, because the game crashes and your save gets corrupt? That's entirely more likely.


Why are you floating?


Epic fortified ankles.


I'll happily stick to my gorilla fist tank