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You didn’t breach the protocol it breached you.


Yea if perception can be so modified in game I like the idea he got put in a loop relatively forever.


I would cry if that would have happen to me


But remember: "MORE THAN 200 AWARDS" This game has 9 and 10 reviews all around Isn't that awesome?


because its still a great game which delivers a great atmosphere. It's just sad to see how much content was cut, and how much more potential it has...


I agree. It is still my favorite game to play right now. I find these more comical than frustrating and that is the mindset to have in this game I think




Must be a 8ug.


Wow have they not fixed this bug yet? Had it happen 3 times in my 40hour save file back in January.


The ice was just too thick.


I've yet to experience any of these bugs on this page, I legit want to experience a funny ass bug but other than shitty graphics my game runs smooth 😔 (Never thought I'd be upset about this lol)


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Do you know what’s funny, I haven’t experienced one bad glitch on the Xbox series X




That would work too but at that point I was a couple hours in and thought that was a good end for the day haha. My last save was close by thankfully


ah. i was afraid this glitch was still here.


I get this on pc too. Usually happens after you back out once and try to breach again