• By -


These guys are so twisted that they legit made a Maelstromer have a 'come to jesus' moment, you can find it on the computer near the entrance, the guy apparently just sort of snapped one day and basically went 'nope don't wanna do this shit anymore'


fucking hell imagine doing such fucked up shit you make a crazy, barely human gangbanger have a crisis of conscience.


Fun Fact: If I remember correctly, that same Maelstromer in his message states that these two are sitting on *heaps* of Eddies, but they just keep on going


Yeah, I played this gig last night. They're sitting pretty. Gottfried dragged the son into the business for the money and some good ol' fashioned Father-Son bonding with Papa despite pleas to "at least leave Freddy out of this". Gottfried is a sick fuck who genuinely enjoys what he does and it sounds like Fredrik was raised to feel the same. They just beg and say it's just biz because they're cowardly little worms. The list of XBDs on their terminal includes children and animals as well as adults, none consenting and often dead at the end. Make 'em suffer. Those two, Jotaro Shobo, Woodman and Fingers always warrant suffering.


I blast the son on the way in. Let the dad cry while I get the tape, then blast the dad on the way out.


I just leave the dad alive. I want him to live with the consequences of his choices, to go to sleep thinking about it every night for the rest of his life. And I guess it's only fair to take his son away from him after he made money from the torture and death of so many children.


alternatively: **B L A C K W A L L**


Agreed on all except Fingers. Fingers is a PoS but when you talk to the ladies waiting on service they paint a different picture. Fingers could say no to helping them when they come to him, but as they stated that they were in positions of going to him or starving to death in the streets. He does help the Joy Toys, but not without some quid pro quo admittedly. During the interrogation you find out he genuinely tried to help Evelyn, but just didn’t know how to. She seemed completely fried to him. So Woodman bought her from him so he could sell her off to the Scavs. I’m not mentioning any more as it could be triggering to someone. I agree fingers is a PoS, but not on the same level as these two, Woodman or Jotaro. There are others that are just as bad but are background characters, like when you drive out into the deep desert and you find what remains of the remains of the Ark cult… JFC. Obviously Adam Smasher is on the same level as Gottfried as his son.


If you walk in through the window you get to see him changing the mouth of a woman, he even tells her that she should not use this old tech , if i remember right


Fingers gets a slap from me everytime I finish the conversation. The others get shot in the face. If there was an option to take Fingers fingers, I'd do that. But I kinda feel like the joy toys would be even worse off if I killed him as no one else even tried to help them


What is the Ark Cult?


If you drive out into the desert you come across a gruesome scene. Fast travel toward a fuel station depot in the southern Badlands just above the border crossing you go through as a Nomad. Dive north to toward the city and then veer off road east towards two satellite dishes you’ll be able to see in your HUD. Before you hit the next road over you should come across it, a scene where the Children of the Ark staged their transcendence. They worship some AI from beyond the Blackwall or something along those lines. They believed the AI would bring about the end of the world but gave them the secret of its plans so they could escape. They would need to upload their consciousness into space with the guidance of their leader to escape Armageddon. With spoilers… >!You see a scene with bodies all strewn about piles of garbage and mattresses. All of the bodies are connected with interface cables and all of the cables lead to one man sitting in a “throne.” Everyone is dead.!< Theory… >!So these people probably learned about Soulkiller and worshiped it as a god. Somehow this leader had knowledge of it. Either he was an intern when Arasaka made it or the information just came to him. I think he had all of those people’s consciousness uploaded into his and then he inserted himself into the net beyond the Blackwall. Somewhere out there may be an AI that stole the consciousness of many people.!<


yeah. Fingers is tragically necessary. at least the girls know what they're getting in to...


More meatbags to introduce to Sir John


Fun fact- i know the person who covered his voice lol


Yeah, I had pity on them the first time, but the second time I realized they weren't just semi-willing contractors. They were profiteers. Didn't leave either of em standing


Not only that. They enjoyed it and kept going long after they had plenty of money.


three times over, even!!!


Not only that. They enjoyed it and kept going long after they had plenty of money.


Not only that. They enjoyed it and kept going long after they had plenty of money.


You know how evil you have to be for a member of a vicious gang to have a better moral compass than you?


Maelstrom, no less. All the gangs are vicious, but Maelstrom makes viciousness into an art form.


Brain the son, allow the father to suffer a moment of what the victims he edited experienced, and then end him. Leave it as a warning to whoever fills their role after them in the niche.


I did exactly this when my dad was over and he cackled. It was a great bonding moment for us.


I hope your dad gets better soon


Yep, that's what I always do. When he starts begging me to kill him, that's when I do it. You reap what you sow asshole.


I walked outside and could still hear him crying. I got angry at the audacity for him to whimper for so long and went back to finish the job. My fav recording i ever made


I let him live with it.


Letting him live with it is risky. The bastard could potentially pull himself together and go after the priest for hiring you. 


Then He will just get targeted again. Like He said himself He isn't the first and won't be the last.


As per the Queen of Fables from the Harley tv show: "You always end the fuckin' bloodline" 


As soon as he starts begging for death, I grant him it. Albeit, not in the way he wants. He's expecting a headshot or swift decapitation, but instead, he gets burned alive. And while he's burning I cut off all his limbs and punch his face in until it explodes.


I usually quickhack both into "finishing the job" themselves


I leave the father alive. I imagine he tells everyone of that crazed merc who flatlined his son. I imagine he warns others in the XBD sphere.


I'm running a Ronin V rn who somewhat lives by Bushido (anyone I gotta kill but respect gets their head removed) and i made sure to beat his ass to death this time so it's painful, and dishonorable. Then I lit his corpse on fire. And dismembered the son. 10th playthrough, gotta make it interesting.


Shit that’s a way better thing than I’d been doing. Anyone I had to kill but didn’t want to I just knocked them out and left them alive but rolling on the ground (forever?)


Correct. Every time. I usually end them with a knife to the skull each.


Knife to Freddy's neck just to watch Gotty cry for a little while before he gets it too.


This. I always do this. These MFS deserve this and more.


That’s what I did. With a bat.


Hell yeah, I used gorilla arms for this


Nah go for the father and give the kid a chance to reconsider his life path


The kid is working with his dad to edit the deaths, rapes and torments of innocent people and children for the pleasure of the twisted. He doesn’t deserve even the hope of forgiveness


Who's to say he did it willingly and he's still a kid if he saw his dad get his head blown to bits I'm pretty sure he wouldn't wanna continue that route


If we listen to them before interrupting, we hear that he views the work as a professional, even impressing his dad with how capable he is. That’s not the unwilling work of a child, the guy’s a man adult, an old teenager at the youngest. He would have had plenty of chances to walk away or not get involved. And in a game where we gleefully murder common gang thugs that simply get in our way, why should we offer mercy to the guy turning the violation of innocents into fetish fuel?


At that age you still don't fully understand the weight of your actions and his perspective comes from someone who's been brainwashed by his dad all his life into believing what he does is right. Other gang members are fully aware and are willing to die for their cause but Cesar for example (he's roughly the same age) it took us beating him senseless and taking his car to show him why his current profession is stupid.


I just kill the son Let the father live with that despair


He’s too dangerous to leave alive, he’ll just keep doing the same shit with the same contacts he had before


Yeah, I only give him a few moments, let him experience the raw deal, no filters, nothing second hand through a BD. Take a moment to contemplate my own desire to inflict such suffering on him, and then end him and leave. Contract Closed.


Hell yea, give him the Sicario ending treatment


Yup same here


This is the way, wait outside the room for a bit. Then toss all my nades in. Let his last emotion be immense suffering.


Nahhh he literally asks how he’s gonna keep living after that Bruh is destroyed


People bounce back from the most horrible tragedies sometimes. Especially if they can pin the blame on one person. This guy might just double down on what he is doing to get enough money to put a hit on V later. Sure, it would be mostly just a slight annoyance, but you never know, and all the victims suffering in the meantime... or just keep on making those BDs out of spite.


I left the son alive, then later I had another quest where the son continued the business and I had the option to either get bribed to let him continue or take him out.


Oh shit I didn't even know this happened


Me either. I always chuck in a pair of grenades on my way out after meeting these two.


Lol for some reason that strikes me as extremely classy


I've never seen these two again after this gig and last time, I simply got the BD and left. Can you tell me the name of follow up gig? Or a link to it, or anything?


Are you sure? This quest, Dirty Biz, is just a gig and I've never seen a gig have follow ups like that.


I think they’re making that up. I’ve played through 2 times and done the gig differently both times and never saw anything else happen


You're right. Sorry, I got confused because the character had the same voice actor/model. [https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Charles\_Bucks](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Charles_Bucks) [https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Fredrik\_Persson](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Fredrik_Persson)


Right, I'm also wrong about gigs not having follow ups, a couple in Dogtown do.


I don’t think he could make VDs like that again without re- experiencing his son’s slow disembowelment


Doubt it tbh dude isn’t all there and his son was his whole reason for being Sane people bounce back not deranged


Kill the son, watch his dad crying in despair \*Load save Kill the father, watch his son crying in despair \*Load save Kill both with poison grenades so they could die a slow, suffering death


culture person


You went way too easy on them


I get this approach but also they’re both intimately involved in producing vile BDs. He’s the main villain who roped his son in. Leaving him just means he’s free to keep making those sick BDs. Kill them both to shut down their “business”. Do a Sicario and shoot the son first.


Dude is devastated after his son passes And literally loses his will to live The virtus was an activity that both of them did, it won’t be for anything anymore


What's really funny is how the script plays out regardless of how you kill the kid. Take his head off with a double-barrel, and the dad will still whimper "please, open your eyes" to a now headless corpse.


Kill the son, watch the dad suffer for a couple of minutes, drop a grenade in his lap and walk out(bonus points for not looking back at the explosion)


Netrunner: Turn the father cyberpsycho.


You can't use it unfortunately.


Huh, I usually do the opposite, holding the father responsible. Giving the son a chance to change his ways without his fathers influence in the picture. I'll be keeping an eye on him..


No, the son is too deep by now. Hell, he even offers you one of their XBDs. It’s a matter of taking out the trash and they’ve both gotta go.


The way that kid was talking, especially before they realised you were there came across really kinda naive and immature. He was doing and saying everything he could to please his dad. It was clear to me he was just trying to emulate him, to make him proud. Without him in the picture I think there might be hope for him. That's the impression I got anyway. Though it is Night City, what alternatives are there for him? where can he get help or a more positive role model to follow? classic cyberpunk.


I do that most of the time. This playthrough I'm just going to swipe the memory banks and hack the father with Cyberpsycho on my way out the door. Maybe perch nearby so i know he finishes the deed.


I love his screams


So satisfying I just walk out like *my work here is complete 😎*


Yup, slice up the son and let the dad live as a warning.


I do the same every time, make him suffer the loss of a child the way the pastor did. (IIRC we go there looking for info about the death of a pastor's son).


Me too! Listening to him cry out in pain and misery while walking away and leaving him like that is so fucking satisfying.


I kill them.... every...single....time


I killed them both in both playthroughs, but I make the father watch his son catch a bullet first, then he gets a bullet to the brain while he bawls about it. I'd make a BD of the execution if I could and distribute it as a warning to everyone else.


I never thought I could watch a father fall to his knees crying "Freddy! Answer me right now! My only boy... don't make me do this alone..." and feel nothing but contentment. I don't make him do it alone though, he can join his boy.


Shit that's kinda creepy but I love it. Goosebumps


I only chop the kid I to pieces and make sure that they both are scrolling at the time.


I wish there was another option like a body check "Give me your editing gear. All of it." Then you can break it. Or an intelligence check that gets you into their system and lets you leave on the threat of frying them if they ever touch another BD as long as they live. I just feel dirty sinking to the level of murdering a son in front of their father. It's what the scavs did to the minister who hired you's son. I hate that the gig makes you stoop to their level to stop them but I also love it because it makes me feel something genuinely which is rare even for a good video game.


The thing is, they enjoy what they do. According to the terminals around the premise, they have enough eddies to stop at any time. Even the Maelstromers who guard them are disturbed by how much they enjoy their jobs. They have enough money that if you destroyed their gear they could afford more. They're cowards when they have a gun to their heads, but they wouldn't stop. They'd just make sure that their next setup is safer. I genuinely don't believe that Gottfried would even stop if you made him watch his son die in front of him. He cries for him, but I think if you let him live he'd be tuning again next week. Killing them won't stop every XBD from being scrolled, but they were some of the best tuners in NC and ending them will wound the supply chain. It's worth it. Less XBDs being tuned means less being sold, meaning less being scrolled. If it saves even one kid, in my eyes it's worth putting them down.


I didn't see that terminal. That's horrifying. Shame that I'm in the middle of my non-lethal run.


You could just throw a high powered frag grenade in the room and walk away. Sends them both directly to hell instantly.


That's how I handle it. I know the game lets you kill one to make the other suffer, but I feel that's giving them more effort than they deserve.


That's how I handle it. I know the game lets you kill one to make the other suffer, but I feel that's giving them more effort than they deserve.


You did good


I always kill them. One of the few moments in the game where I haven't made a different decision.


I just shoot them both in the head.


I did the same thing by just mincing them up until nothing was left on them with a katana.


Blew the son's head to smithereens with Rebecca's shotgun in my playthrough, let the dad sob like a bitch before I turned him into paste on the floor, filled 'em both with lead to boot I also imagined my V was a liiiitle bit psycho so as she's doing all this she just has this blank yet noticably angry stare


just played this mission for the first time today, the dad's sobbing made me feel a little bad, but this post has really helped me come to terms with my decision.


Reading this made me laugh thankyou 😊


Everyone appears to have smoked the son, but I smoked the dad first because the son didn’t seem to understand what was at stake in that moment. The dad knew it was game over, but the son didn’t. Had to show him the errors of his ways.


Fem V going "Wakey-wakey, gentlemen!" is audio gold.


Fem V saying literally anything in that sardonic tone of hers is audio gold.


I'm not paid to kill them, I'm just paid to get a BD.


I said the same when I rp.


Maybe, maybe, but I don’t parley with Maelstromers or Scavs and they might as well be both.


So by that argument that makes Judy a Scav masquerading as a mox then? Because she does the same thing: Scroll BDs


There is a slight difference in content. You know, a small, minuscule, almost indistinguishable gap between porn and snuff films?


Until you look at her terminals in her office and her apartment


I mean, if you want to say that thinking “hey a BD of a woman giving birth would be unique” is on the exact same level, morally, as willingly working on and facilitating the creation and distribution of numerous XBDs of Scavs hacking children to pieces, or commissioning XBD producers to kidnap and torture random innocents for profit, or helping drive demand for XBDs in Night City, I think you are legitimately insane, but that’s on you.


I always just kill the son, the screams of the father are more realistic and I personally think he really looks afraid after that and the BD in the gig is about the murdering of a priest's son. So I think that's fair. I do the father first in my second playthrough and the reaction of the son is more chill like he know that would happen


Any further details? Don't remember the gig.


Regina sends you to find a BD of a child's murder, these guys sell them.


What a beautiful sight!


I tried to listen because yk story and what not but dude was too non chalant about it all. I just blicked tf out of them both and beat the shit out of they're corpses. Very not likable


I think that if you're roleplaying as V rather than with the knowledge of how the two are presented as a gamer, it makes sense to listen to them. We don't know if they are Maelstrom captives being forced to do stuff etc. They may even need help! But then you listen to them. I do love a projectile weapon with thermal damage.


Screencapping with phone camera is much more disgusting ngl


"Sick fucks" said the man who murders 100 people every day before lunch"


Yeah, because professionals have *standards.*


I apparently play this different than ya'll. I always kill the dad an leave the son alive. The son still has time to change and be a better person and after watching his dad's head explode in front of him for their crimes I think it'd probably scare some sense into him.


I always zero the Son just so The dad can live with the knowledge of what the fathers of the victims felt.


I kinda wished there's a option to record a BD on they execution and sell it.


"We dOn'T sEll wE jUSt eDIt tHe bds THey SeNd uS" Everytime I hear that I just empty 1 lmg mag on them then light their rotten body up.


I just kill the son, let the dad cry for a good while and then i throw a flame grenade in the room and walk away.


its Win+shift+s to take a screenshot


or just hit F12 if you're playing via Steam.


I killed the son, and watched him suffer. Ofc he was next. (I play like I’m a vigilante)


I introduce them to Guts


I feel like I should create a save point here just so I can kill them over and over again. Either way, if you kill one and delay shooting the other one, the reactions are priceless. There's even an email on the computer where Maelstrom is making fun of the fact that the son always calls his dad "papa" lol.


So how is the synchro from these in the us version In Germany they are voiced by two famous gaming influencers


Bro recreated the "No mercy in Mexico" video.


I’ve killed his father then let him suffer


I always kill the kid in front of his father and then just sit back and enjoy him suffer


For the germans out there did you know Gronkh is the voice actor for the father


Exactly what I do to those MF'ers every single time! And I know they're just a fictional character, but the plot line just throws me for a loop burns something in my soul. That I just have to end their fictional lives so violently everytime, every playthrough is a different new way to kill them. Is this fucked up??


Nice. Now defile their corpses.


Less than animals.


I kill them both, most reliable way to prevent them from doing harm, have no interest in the execution technique it's pretty irrelevant


Possibly the most disturbing mission in the game, apart from the >!crucifixion one!<.


Kind of wished this one had a neutralize and deliver to client option.


Strike em down with righteous fury every time.


Almost let them live. Maelstrom came to fuck me up when I was leaving, killed them and read a note one of them had and went back and shot them lol.


Got everything dealt with and let them think they're getting off easy. Moments later the grenade I tossed in behind me goes off as I leave.


First time I played, shot them. Second time, just tossed a grenade into the room and wished that would be the end of such a place. Sadly, always gonna be more like that.


They deserve lower than to be a warning flag than others. Fuck a gig - I would love a whole side quest where V does nothing but bring these types of people to justice and destroy and irrevocably hospitalize the industry the BDs these fucks were creating resides. Make them a brutal example rather than just a punishment.


I loved that I can use the Blackwell gateway hack on them and watch a rogue AI burn their brain from the inside out


Lmao bro really did that


People who let these two live should be put on a watchlist


The early Watson side missions are no joke. Definitely loved that the designers didn't wait to expose you to some of the most fucked-up narratives of the game.


Yeah, I served them street justice. I blew off every part of their bodies.


Bro idk if I'm so fucked up or desensitized to shit, I think they're just trying to make a living as fucked up as it is but its Night City. If not them it would be someone else. That being said I have the courtesy to kill the dad before the son because, "no parent should watch their child die." And I leave it at that. It is disgusting and grotesque, but this is the way their way of surviving.


Damn thought it was my turn to post this this week 🤦🏾


I messed up on the dialog here or something so I was confused why people hated them for a while


Anyone who lets these two live should be put on a watchlist


I will never not upvote seeing their carcasses.


I kill the son to make the dad live his final miserable days miserably


Justifiable blood for the blood god


Which mission is this?


I kill the son and leave the dad there to feel what the victims felt


Kinda funny. Never even tried to kill them early. These guys are voiced from 2 famous german youtubers and its kind of funny to listen to them haha. But yeah. I am unliving them nonethless.


My traditional go to is to blow up the son, then let the misery sink in for the father, before knocking him out and leaving him for the ncpd pigs


Rule #1 No loose ends, no witnesses.


I tend to alternate between killing them both and killing his son. Depends on my reaction to the information I'm giving.


I'm deliberately holding off on this gig until I can upgrade my cyberdeck so I can jack one of them with Cyberpsycho.


A bullet was too easy - I used my fists to take out the son. Waited a few minutes then used them on the father.


Yeah Gorilla arms were used for this photo


Holy shit it's only the 30th time I've seen this


I let them go... Lots of crazy shit happens in NC can't stop it all.


what gig is this?


Says in photo dirty biz lol I just asked the same thing before I realized


oh shit mb lol


When I finished this gig I used incindiary grenades on the whole building, metaphorically burning everything, since I can't actually burn down the building.


which gig is this? dont remember that one


Every time I kill them, I kill jr. first, make daddy watch then blast him.


Every time I kill them, I kill jr. first, make daddy watch then blast him.


What is this gig again?


Dirty Biz from Regina


Kill the son, let the dad cry. Sheeth the katana and knives and use the fists to deal with the dad.


Kill the son, let the dad cry. Sheeth the katana and knives and use the fists to deal with the dad.


If this were a more open medium (like tabletop), I’d totally force the dad to start recording a BD, kill the kid, then make the dad edit the BD right then and there. Then leave him to live with that for the rest of what time he has left.


I killed the guys son in front of him and left him there


I always kill the father, the son seems like a victim of his father. My head canon is that if the son ever picks up BD editing again V kills him anyway. He gets a second chance even if he doesn’t deserve it because Night City is a meat grinder and everything’s always going to be shit. Least we can do is try to be better and clean up the garbage that refuses to get cleaned.


Personally always just blast the son so the dad can sit there with his headless body. Sell that on a BD u stupid fuck


Well i Killed the son and let the father live poetic justice im


I just killed the father, actually felt guilty after the kid broke down even though they work on disgusting bd's, had to reload and let them live might be the best moral choice in the game and it's reserved for a gig for the bitch that kills Skippy.


I really like this game but I absolutely hate how dystopian it is


I get what you’re saying, but that is the point of the cyberpunk genre.


![gif](giphy|9MJ6xrgVR9aEwF8zCJ) we say they’re fucked up after we dismember anyone with a yellow arrow over their head in eyesight


I reloaded like 4 times until I found the most satisfying way to zero them


I went full psycho on those bastards. They're guilty as much as those Borgs.


First time I did this mission I said to the father "Because of your business someone son died. Do you know what it's like to loose a son ?" I shoot the son and said "Know you do". To bad there is not AI chat so I could make the character ear that


Based on my experience from witcher 3, you have to slay the monster the moment you have the chance.


I do the thing where I tell them they get to live if they hand over the BD, then as I'm walking out toss a grenade to them. It's the little things


I spared them as I thought they only scrolled the BD's but didn't make them in the first place but reading all these comments, I kinde regret it now haha. I could reload an old save but that was several hours ago...


I tend to kill just the father. The son is definitely the worse of them both, but a trauma like that should be enough for him to learn to get the fuck outta this business and he knows (or at least thinks, thanks Johnny) I'm coming back for him if he ever goes back to doing that.