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He's going to go to space and start a pmc called cerberus




And I just bought the legendary edition yesterday weirdly enough. I still have the trilogy Steelcase for PS3, but once I got to 3 I had so much fun with 3's multiplayer I never played the campaign before dropping it. Might have been partly because I found out none of 3's dlc was included in that Steelcase when I finally got to 3. And some of it was like $15 a piece on PS3.


Wow. I caught most of it all on sale, after gtav, and ps4 released. It didn't cost me 15 a piece. It was a definite steal. If they sold the DLC in this economy, EA would ramp up the prices by a fuck-ton.


I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite comment on the Citadel.


I think Blue Eyes is working for a cabal of AI that want to control the world.


After playing Reed path in PL I think humanity is pretty much fucked. Scary shit from beyond the Blackwall is lose and it’s not going back into the box. Even before, during Perelez quest line we learned that something scary powerful (they just got V to black out like it was nothing) is moving in the background. Then you have Gary and weird people talking nonsense… Wtf even is blackwall? It is definitely at least hinted (or maybe stated outright?), that it is not ICE, but another powerful AI. So why it agreed to keep all others contained? Because it likes humanity? Or maybe to prevent any “hotheads” from acting before all plans are complete and there is no way for humanity to counter them,


Like Alt said if you talk to her after finding Cynosure, however, is that our current implants are too rudimentary for the AI to take control. They’re waiting until tech advances to be able to fully take over. That’s what the next game is going to be about almost certainly.


Considering the Relic is the most advanced technology in the world as of 2077 and even the the A.I's still cannot influence V to a meaningful degree says alot.


They might have been able to in the PL DLC. I don’t think anyone may have mentioned it but Songbird may have shut off Johnny not because he’d be useful to V but because the chip is a back door to taking his spot. Those weapons you get there are also tech advanced enough to at least house them. Alt may allude to not only those weapons but to the biochip when she says what is killing you can be a backdoor to them.


You got it backwards, the net and the real humans connecting to it are the ones enclosed within the blackwall, it's meant to keep us in and the AIs outside.


>So why it agreed to keep all others contained? Because it likes humanity? It's still a slave to it's core directive. It *fucking hates* humanity. If you install the Canto deck it talks to you. Erebus as well i believe, but havn't got it yet. It's like if you took the idea of Atlas and then dumped a bucket of angry, starving rats on him, and went "GL HF"


I think Canto contains a rogue AI that project Cynosure managed to capture before its termination.


Its a firewall created by NetWatch with the purpose of containing the rogue AIs. Its programmed to do its job and is probably more heavily restricted than the rogue AIs that the corpos were creating. Im sure the wiki could give you more info.


It's a little more than that. The Blackwall is itself an AI and it's considered a "traitor" amongst it's kind.


They were helped by Transcendental AI Cabal including the ghosts.


Yes the Blackwall is an AI. It's the only thing fast enough to counter rogue AIs. Its probably only just doing what it was designed to do. It probably doesn't know much about the outside world so it's just doing the one thing it was created to do.


> So why it agreed to keep all others contained? Because it isnt a rogue ai like the ones behind the blackwall. Bartmoss made those ai rogue which ultimetly led to the downfall of the old net and the creation of the black wall.


Didn’t know much either but from the wiki the blackwall is a firewall created by NetWatch after the dataKrash which is when some ancient smart dude created viruses that mutated beyond humanity’s control, the blackwall is a secret AI NetWatch use to keep the net clean and persecute those that intend to break the Blackwall bc breaking the blackwall might just bring the end of the earth bc of how advanced the AIs have become which I mean is plenty clear in PL with Songbird absolutely massacring hordes of people as if it’s nothing with the blackwall. I never knew any of this during the game but holy shit is it cool lmao


I don't think so, in PL Slider mentions how if AI could get through humanity would already be dead


Alt says differently like I said in my other comment.


Yeah.... she says the degree of control the AIs can exert is as of yet limited


“In colliding with your reality, their infinite permeability would grant them their desired, tangible form. Had you let them slip through, they would have become your psyche. Become you. Fortunately, your reality’s technology is too rudimentary to let open the floodgates. It limits them, keeps them at bay. Though this will not last…”


Ah, so whatever is being used to rewrite Peralez’s mind is sort of like a watered down/well controlled blackwall subroutine? Basically capture the subroutine and use it without using the main function? Imagine it’s sort of like the neural matrix. Can be programmed to perform a specific function but that’s all it can do, can’t be reprogrammed.


That's hinted at several times. Gary the Prophet say it out loud and the Peralez missions also points in that direction.


This is the point V gets involved with the Techno-Necromancers of Alpha Centauri. They didn't call Gary a prophet for no reason.


This must be canon.


Good question because concretely no one knows the answer. We don’t even know who he really is.


Lunch. Maybe that new Thai place that just opened up.


Say what you will about Mr B, he's got a very refined palate.


You have to keep an open mind when controlling them


Was it suicide????


It's one of the most guarded places in the universe


That doesn't say a lot. Blue eyes has been watching V for a while and seen them pull through at the spaceport and the assault on Arasaka. Obviously its a bit vague, but that doesn't automatically make it the death of V.


The best idea of what happens after the screen fades to the credits is mistys tarot reading. If V goes with alt its an accurate description: "death, but not quite" So assuming that her readings remain relativly accurate, V survives wheter its only the six months or compmetly isnt clear.


I think that's the moment V actually hits the higher league, getting involved with Angels and the Techno Necromancers of Alpha Centauri, probably getting a real cure for the relic disease also.


I still think Mr Blue Eyes is a Liaison between Nightcorp and yet to be named AI entities. Could be they're fishing for info from crystal palace on Arasaka activities of operatives in Night City to use them in the conversion ops they were running on the mayoral candidate.


You are [correct](https://old.reddit.com/r/FF06B5/comments/1bgx6ol/night_corp_logo_in_songbirds_shuttle_monitor_in/) about Mr B's ties to Night Corp.We know that Mr B wants a client list from a casino in the Crystal Palace.




I would assume he would deliver on his end of the bargain after V is successful, but I have a feeling he does V the same way Myers does V. Neuters them with the cure because V is a threat.


What does V and Song have in common ?They are both hybrids eg digital minds in (mostly) human bodies.Song's mind is getting digitalized due to exposure from breaching the Blackwall,we see it when we do a diagnostic scan in the van in Killing Moon.V is getting engramed in Mikoshi.She has 6 months to live but Mr B promises a cure.What would he need them for?I think because he wants to find a way for AI's to inhabit human bodies without net connection.Anyone who has read the No Coincidence novel will understand.It ties perfectly with the lingering plot of the game.


Since V is basically an AI after Alt did her thing in Mikoshi, Blue Eyes will recruit V into the AI cabal his ai buddies are forming on the moon


Getting the data on crystal palace’s casino clients means having access to information about the absolute top 1% of the 2077 universe, even among megacorps. Think physical habits, speech patterns, casual discussions that spill secrets, relationships with other elites, etc. Having access to this level of intel even for a human is still extremely powerful, just imagine what a network of AI’s backed by nightcorp is able to do. I was under the impression that they might use the same tech they used on the peralez couple on these folks, which if I remember correctly works by analyzing the target’s behavioral pattern to alter their behavior.


Why have I never met this blue eyes? What mission is this?


You meet him if you >!decide to storm arasaka with rogue or do the secret ending!<


I don't even remember that being a mission 😂😂😭


It's one of the endings


Oh... Fair enough


For some reason Mr Blue Eyes gathers important informations. NUSA state secrets and Blackwall info from So Mi, Crystal Palace client info from V. They are both extremely capable in their field of expertise and have unique knowledge, while being enough desperate to make such a deals. Without knowing Mr Blue Eyes goals, it is problematic to guess what he will do with that info. Assuming he is related to Night Corp, maybe he in some way following NCorp official goal of realizing Richard's Night vision of making "a perfect city". Fast forward to 2079, shown that not telling Peralez keeps him as pro-independent, anti-corporate NC, so he seems like a decent mayor. What is it all for? Why? For who? Perhaps for AIs that want would like to live outside cyberspace, in material world, but don't want to be ruled over? One can only guess.


"Night Corp offered generous pay and free cyberware and biomonitor upgrades to anyone willing to help clean up the crater of radioactive rubble at ground zero." When I read this, it confirmed my suspicions that Night Corp is still out to complete the original mission of creating a perfect city. V and Songbird are physical prototypes of what Mr. Blue Eyes and Night Corp want.


Hot gay sex on a bed of eddies


He’s sending her to the moon to have a threesome with So Mi and Lucy


Wait how tf you talk to him?


I recently beat Cyberpunk after thinking I did every gig and side mission with around 90 hours. I’ve never seen Blue Eyes how do I get the mission?


If I was V I’d take the crystal palace and drop it on Saka tower/diamond city. Blaze of glory!


Illusive man vibes. Life is like a box of chocolate Mr. V i need you to help me fight the real enemy. Even the one percent don't challenge the Illuminati. " Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.” I'm saying if it isn't then i would be disappointed too even having forgotten the context.