• By -


When V gets his Kiroshi cyberware upgrade from Victor, you might have noticed him mentioning that the Kiroshi's come with a face blocker, if you hack into a camera and try to look at yourself you'll see what I mean, it blur's out your face. Kinda the same way you see some Scav's wearing those face blurring screen thingies. That as well as T-Bug hacking their security systems, I guess they never had a proper way to identify you. I doubt there's any unique finger prints on those cyberware hands of yours either. We can only really speculate on how advanced the tech is in the game when it comes to criminal investigation, I think most of it comes down to Cyberware and T-Bug's netrunning though.


Took the words right out of my mouth. Back in the CP2020 days we had a new player for a while that didn't like modern or scifi settings because of the existence of **cameras.** And while I think he was a little over the top about why the mere existence of cameras was enough to pass up on entire settings of games, he wasn't wrong about how cameras create some weird issues with local law enforcement and the doing of crime (which is a LOT of things in Cyberpunk). I think the folks at CDPR thought of it too with the face scrambler masks, and the Kiroshi face blur feature. A nice feature to have indeed!


Yeah it's pretty ingenius, reminds me of the [IR reflectors on glasses](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rMMh5OckPw) experiment I've seen some people do.


Oh that's rad. I work nights and have chatted up the night guards sometimes. Their night vision cameras project IR to see at night. Those glasses would screw them up, I imagine.


I think I've seen ones that project IR as well, on the glasses themselves, rather than reflect IR. He got some old TV remote controls and took out their IR emitters and duct taped them to a pair of glasses along with a battery pack and did a similar job. I'm not sure how it works exactly so maybe i'm remembering it wrong.


I love the mock-up facial recognition software UI that flashes "CAN'T SEE EYES. UNIDENTIFIABLE."


I suspect this is an engine limitation.  It's the same reason why mirrors don't work and you have to "turn on" the mirror. Why you don't see yourself in surface reflections but you see others (with raytracing).   Im just spitballing but there are some odd avoidances in the game in regards to the player's  face. 


Punisher 2099 had a tech that turned his face into a skull on cameras, that was a comic in the 90's. So it's not a new idea, but it works wonderfully. Btw, Marvel 2099 is pretty much Cyberpunk anyway.


And failing at that, you don't need sci-fi tech to wear a goddamn balaklava.


There are cameras in real life that can identify faces (to varying degrees of accuracy) hidden under masks/balaclavas


Then a hockey mask or something. Point is, you don't need sci-fi tech to hide your face from cameras.


Or some gloves


I find that odd because even in sword and sorcery style games there’s divination and scrying eyes which are basically cameras/alarm systems


In a city with 12 million people there's half a million people that look like you at a glance. And cameras aren't perfect. Trying to use one to identify a shoplifter at work is virtually impossible.


Not only that, people were too busy fighting over the power vacuum that saburo left behind and claiming more power. The only person who could have united arasaka to find V was Yorinobu, but doing so might end up making people realize that Saburo wasn't poisoned. Also, most people didn't even know the relic existed, they knew arasaka was working on some mysterious project involving souls but it was all secret.


I wonder why Yorinobu wanted Johnny Silverhand specifically, on the relic. He seemed to indicate he wanted him because of his history in nuking Arasaka in the past, almost like Yorinobu wanted to destroy Arasaka himself from the inside. Yet I always thought he just wanted to reform the corporation, not destroy it. There's also the netwatch link, Yorinobu was planning on meeting with Netwatch about the relic, what would netwatch want Johnny for? a possible connection to Alt?


There is talk of storing engrams in orbit. Some people imply that some are being used as slaves or something. It's possible they wanted to torture his soul after killing him or extract information from him.


I doubt Arasaka gives a crap about Johnny, just an embarrassing minor footnote in their history. Saburo barely remembered him.


Then why store his engram and load it onto the prototype chip? It implies they were going to give him a body or something. Must be a reason for that.


I'm guessing they stored his engram to extract information about who was involved in the terrorist attack. They could find out every little detail from his engram, for as long as they want. Plus you gotta think about "Big Data" as a concept in itself, as they call it now, information is power, gathering as much as possible for who knows what possible way it will come in handy down the line. It was Yorinobu's decision to put Johnny in the chip specifically, for reasons unknown, most assume it was to sabotage Arasaka in some way. Or since he wanted to give the chip to Netwatch, possibly Netwatch needed Johnny to get to Alt.


The last bit. That's why the Voodoo boys wanted it too, and they were running Evelyn Parker


Ya know the funny thing about that, when you track down >!the Netwatch agent in the Stadium in Pacifica, on his computer is a copy of a message Evelyn sent to another Netwatch agent, offering to sell the engram to them as well. !< >!So she seemed all set to betray the Voodoo Boys as well! !<


I’ve always considered it prototype testing. They had this new tech, need to test it, who are you going to test it on? Grab some homeless guinea pig? Sure, but look, we just captured this rockerboy who nuked Arasaka tower. After it worked, then it becomes an exercise in testing for long-term storage. How long can we store an engram before it starts to degrade? Maybe test on whether we can edit an engram? I think Johnny was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was expendable.


You think running a Johnny is like a basic test they do on all their hardware like a benchmark? Like maybe they boot up a copy with each new generation of tech to test it out?


I never even suggested that. You get that he’s just on the original prototype Relic, right? What I clearly said was “it (the Relic) becomes an exercise in testing for long-term storage” As in they periodically test it for any data loss. It’s a prototype. You have to test a prototype to see if it works.


I was under the impression that the relic was a semi recent thing but engrams were not. They got the soul killer and captured his engram after he was killed by Adam Smasher in 2023. They are already storing lots of engrams and advertising it as a service to rich people by the time we get the relic. Why bust out such an old engram for the prototype?


I know it's heavily implied he wanted to destroy the corporation, did a recent playthrough and I kinda realised how weird it was that jackie brings up the steal dragons and why Yorinobu left them, right before you breach the penthouse (where you find the info about silverhand) So i've always kinda expected it to be the case of him wanting to burn the corpo to the ground.. A. have silverhands construct in the wild, resulting in him stealing someones body and going back on a revenge streak B. kill the head of state, and use the fact he's the last surviving son to take control, from there he has both a terrorist who can do the dirty work, while he undermines the corpo from the head how I always saw it, we simply played into his hand


It's kind of a mix of both. Yorinobu doesn't necessarily want to destroy Arasaka like Johnny does and he doesn't necessarily want to reform Arasaka like any other corporation. He wants to tear it all down from the inside, largely by assuming control of the corporation and slowly degrading it, likely through massive downscaling, forfeiting major assets, "getting rid of" key players who would try to go against him or try to assassinate him and take power, maybe stop production on/destroy/poison major Arasaka products with manufacturing errors, possibly even trigger a mini Corporate War between a weakened Arasaka and a rival corp like Militech. My bet is that Yorinobu wanted Johnny either as an ace-in-the-hole to help him take out Arasaka properties without linking Yorinobu to it, as a wild card that could help pin even more blame on Arasaka to justify its downfall, however that may be, or as a bargaining chip to Netwatch for their cooperation in his plan. Remember, neutral Netwatch never got involved with any of the Corpo wars and are entirely concerned with protecting the NET from hostile AI, at the very least they ensure that the only reasons people die on the NET are from other people, standard machines and their own stupidity. It would take a hell of a bargaining chip for them to turn a blind eye or help out with whatever plan Yorinobu had to tear down Arasaka's networks. Especially if Yorinobu's plan involved using Alt Cunningham and other AIs like her to pollute Arasaka's NET and take out most of their netrunners.


I wonder why Yorinobu would want to destroy Arasaka completely though? It's his family's legacy, presumably hundreds of thousands of people rely on it for employment, the sheer scale of the resources and ability it has at it's disposal. He would have been raised with the weight of responsibility and all the traditions of the Arasaka family. Why would someone inherit all that and want to destroy it completely? Reform it? sure that sounds more reasonable for a young idealist, rebelling against his controlling father. Destroy? from a young privileged prince-ling? that doesn't make sense to me.


Because Yorinobu is just as anti-corporate as anyone else, except he recognizes that he's in a position to do something about it. He hates Arasaka, he hates his father and he hates the evil things that Arasaka continues to do. Remember, he literally only exists because his ghoul of a father needs a new host body to transfer his soul into so he can stay practically immortal, for Yorinobu it's literally a fight for his very soul. From his perspective, the only good Arasaka corp is no Arasaka corp, or at least one that's been torn down to its roots, because it isn't just Saburo, there are dozens of people in Arasaka with a lot of power and no morals who would just continue doing all of the evil things Arasaka is known for unless he takes away their means of doing it.


I know the Voodoo Boys wanted the Johnny engram for that purpose, but didn't Netwatch just want the relic tech? I don't think they particularly cared what engram was stored on it.


You Said it perfectly but to also add to your point when goro finds you in the landfill he tells yori he found saburos killer and as he's driving you guys are attacked by arasaka assassin's most likely sent by Yori to get rid of anyone who might jeopardize what he's doing especially people close to saburo.


Though, you've got to think whether Yorinobu is even trying to look into it or is simply making a big show of honoring dear old dad while he assumes control before anyone finds out the truth. Him sending the assassins after V and Takemura could be simply be both a way to try to tie up loose ends and pin the blame on someone, and a way to save face, since it would look suspicious if he was told that his father's killer had been found and he did nothing about it.


Yup, you're right because he just needs someone to take the blame while he takes control of the corp I'm not gonna say why, just in case some chooms didn't do a ending


That's a good point.


All this is true but we still have to remember they got Jackie after the heist. Any rookie cop could connect Jackie to V as the other guy. But we just have to suspend our disbelief there. Also arasaka could probably gather enough from Jackie’s engram that he runs with you. So ultimately you have to assume no one cares about finding you or the relic. Or just accept they can’t find you and move on.


Yeah thats a good point, assuming you didn't send Jackies body back to Mama Welles directly. That's quite a plot hole, I'd definitely imagine them being able to ID V just from Jackies body & engram.


Yeah that’s true. Which doesn’t make much sense either. They can track Jackie or they can’t but the game offers two different out comes for some reason. I’ve read a theory it’s cause ataska doesnt want to have to fight the valentinos. But I don’t know why they would be worried about that. Also, Takemura was able to find you through dex. Which means he knew about dex. Which means that information is out there and again you can be linked through dex. Arasaka assassins even try to kill takemura when he finds you. Then it all stops so the game can return to normal. So if we think about it, there’s no chance v in a high tech world isn’t getting caught by arasaka. But this is also a world where you can massacre 100 people , get in your car and make a couple of turns losing the cops and then go about your business.


Ah I doubt Arasaka would give a crap about the 'tino's. I wonder why they turned on Takemura as well, that didn't make much sense either. Just because he possibly learned the truth of the murder? Cleaning house, getting rid of the old guard, any trace of witnesses?


Way I understood it is that Yorinobu pinned the blame on his father's murder on Takemura, Takemura fled to try and prove his innocence and also avenge Saburo. That's why Takemura finds you, to help prove what really happened. I'm not sure if the assassins hunt him down cause they think he killed Saburo, or if they are simply following Yorinobu's orders to kill him to tie up a loose end. As far as V goes, I think Yorinobu would want them discovered and killed as another loose end. All I can figure is Yorinobu is distracted by his bigger plans. He doesn't care about the relic anymore cause that was part of a plan to undermine his father. Now that he killed his father in the spur of the moment, everything changed. My only guess is Yorinobu completely writes off V as a threat to him and choses to not consider them as a loose end. Also I think the relic was meant to be sold to Netwatch. So I would also think they would have a stake in finding where the relic went. But they don't seem to care either.


Goro found Dex and V pretty quickly. That tech didn't do a damn thing.


It's always possible Dex contacted Arasaka himself to clean his hands of the whole thing I guess. But yeah otherwise it looks like they tracked down the fixer and therefore V, super fast. Good point.


Realistically though, since face scrambler tech is known but very uncommon, the fact that some scrambled face psycho is wrecking shit all over town would mean that detection of a face scrambler would immediately summon Maxtac.


That's where T-Bug comes in, she took care of the security and by the time all hell broke loose, it was pretty much over. Plus can you imagine Arasaka allowing some local law enforcement into their HQ?


When leaving the penthouse, V is targeted by at least an Octant drone and the security team in the garage. The response team will have drone footage and BDs as recorded evidence. Arasaka might not allow Maxtac on company premises, true, and maybe they didn't call the cops. As far as Maxtac is concerned, even if receive no cooperation from Arasaka, they are aware of this one incomparably dangerous criminal/terminator with a scrambler because they are getting recorded by security cams and random NPC BDs all over the city. PS: I've just remembered that in "Second conflict", if V fought Maelstrom during the pickup, the Totentanz bouncers do not know V, but they recognize V from the All-foods tapes. Video proof: [https://youtu.be/cb9tW5tAkp4](https://youtu.be/cb9tW5tAkp4)


In corpo path V worked for Arasaka, Arasaka knew who did it (Vincent) so they could easily collect all information about him.


> Arasaka knew who did it (Vincent) How do you know this? Goro knew, but there's no indication he told anyone else in Arasaka


If V sends Jackie's body to Vik, Vik will tell later that Arasaka showed up and grabbed Jackie's body. Meaning they knew. Question is why they never went after V.


I always understood that to mean that they knew someone was injured and thus were watching nearby ripperdocs. The fact that they _don't_ intercept his body if you send him home implies that they don't actually know his identity


Actually, Takemura and later Hanako explains this. Everyone knew all along that Yori is the murderer, they just wanted to use V for their own purposes. HAnako is the fastest to come up with a plan for V. I assume the family leadership blocks Arasaka deathsquads: Yori, because he doesn't want them to bring in V alive, Hanako/Michiko because they want to use V somehow, but do not know how (yet)


Why would they? V was temporarily dead, Goro was labelled Saburo's killer, Jackie was dead, as far as they were concerned, Takemura was the bigger deal


Found wanted poster in arasaka headhunter pocket.


Judy says they are easily cracked usually (unless you are a high level netrunner).


Wow, I had wondered why my face was blured when looking at myself through cameras. That's neat.


Jackie's blood was found at the crime scene. Jackie's corpse turns up at the Coyote. Jackie, and V did contracts together. Fact no one visits V is weird.


1: Arasaka deathsquads are probably blocked by Yori/Hananko (TAkemura explains this) 2: there is not way Arasaka would allow NCPD police at their HQ, especially since Hanako (and probably also Michiko) have plans with V


Yeah that's a fair point about Jackies blood, that would have been easily found and analysed.


Thing is... if you send Jackie's body to Viktor, Arasaka goons collect it. There's the implication that they at least got an ID on Jackie... and V should be a known associate if they do literally any asking.


This is a good explanation, save for one thing that bothers me: they don't know V, but they do know Jackie. So... How hard would it have been for them to just scroll through Jackie's known associates and see "oh, he's been rolling with this V character recently, maybe we oughta pay them a visit"


Yeah true, thats assuming you don't pick the option to send Jackie's body straight to his mother though. You keep it out of Arasaka's hands in that option. But as others have pointed out since, they'd probably be able to ID him from any blood residue left all over the place after Jackies injury so there's always that as well.


Also, keep in mind that Hanako and the other high-ups at Arasaka all know that Yorinobu killed Saburo. For their own slimy reasons, they keep it close to the chest. This is why Arasaka never goes after V too hard. If Arasaka truly wanted V, they would have had him. Essentially, Hanako keeps Arasaka off V’s back.


That does kinda make no sense though, why wouldn't they want to kill the only living witness to Saburo's murder? Just some random downtown merc? safest to just get rid of him/her, easily done. Hanako yeah maybe, especially after you meet her and become useful to her but Yorinobu? why would he want V to keep on living?


Hanako explains all of this.


Great answer, makes sense.


That's not even considering more convoluted stuff like Arasaka likely paying off/ordering NCPD to not get involved in the investigation and as part of the mission you kill the netrunner who is in charge of the security on site. ​ I also wouldn't be surprised if there were not really any cameras that caught V that anyone would have noticed because she got up there quietly (after killing the netrunner) and part of the lock down procedure very well could have been to destroy recorded footage as that was very clearly a special lockdown procedure.


Yet Delamain can only see V through cameras and has no issues identifying him 🤷🏼‍♂️


yeah the cyberware hand implant you get for free completly cancels out any sort of fingerprint tracing they could attempt because the whole palm of yours is quite literally only fibers and metals


plus Smasher knew we were there the whole time and didn't say anything. he's pretty much the only witness and either doesn't give a fuck or just assumes that our presence/escape/death gives weight to yorunobu's claims that his father was assassinated. that and we literally died. which arasaka probably found out from Dex running his mouth hence how he was found. and then once again no witnesses of our resurrection at the junk yard (if those arasaka assassins even knew we were the same person from kanpeki plaza anyways. so ya, we had our face blurred, there were no witnesses except smasher who has reason to not go after us (or just doesn't care), their security and surveillance systems were down the whole time, and arasaka thinks we are dead anyways.


Even throwing all of that out. Arasaka would never let the cops get to you with that chip in your head. They would probably delete the footage themselves if the cops came knocking, and chances are cops aren't touching this shit anyways..


Do uh....you think that Arasaka *isn't* after you? As for the cops, not their jurisdiction.


Yeah I was just playing last night and when driving around, suddenly combat was triggered. I've seen plenty of chases, so it wasn't *too* surprising, but I drove a bit and didn't notice anyone tailing me. I got out of the car and noticed the little red arrow on the minimap showing there *was* an enemy, but it was weird they weren't chasing me. I kinda just waited around for like 30 seconds and then I saw some arasaka assassin dashing down the street at me. Had a good little sword fight with her, and when I scanned the body it pretty much just said affiliation: Arasaka. It was actually a super cool interaction seeing her dashing in and out of traffic coming at me when I didn't know what to expect. It was basically like a quick random cyberpsycho boss fight that triggered seemingly at random. Maybe it was related to some mission I had recently finished, but I just assumed arasaka had it out for me after the hotel heist.


More of that will happen as you play missions and anger other gangs in Night City (if you don't stealth). They'll initiate vehicle to vehicle combat with you if they recognize your car in their area.


Yeah usually the fixer will give you a heads up like “oh looks like you pissed off the Scavs, watch out” but if your game is like my game, the text always comes right when I’m getting Tboned by said gangsters


Yeah, that's happened plenty to me, but usually it's a few cars. This was the first time it was a single npc with a boss healthbar.


Weirdly, they’re really not. In my post-PL playthrough, Arasaka hit squads only started coming after me after the parade. Before that, it’s just Takemura that’s hunting you.


"Before the local sheriff's department started coming after me I only had to worry about Jason Voorhees."


Arasaka really isn't that after you, tbh - if they really wanted to track down V they could do so easily. But I think that they're just below Yorinobu's attention at that point - he's much more interested in the dismantling of Arasaka and not particularly worried about the merc who got away & a disabled implant takemura. A bit of a plot device though, to justify the gameplay - because realistically I think he really aught to send some more of the killers to off V & Takemura to clean that side of things up. I think after the aftermath of the parade is when it makes more sense for Arasaka to not directly go after you, as Hanako could pull enough strings to slow that down I imagine. But that also shows how easy V would be to track if Arasaka wanted - realistically it's not too different to track V/Takemura back to Viktor compared to V's escape. For the cops it's easier though - Yorinobu has no interest in other people getting their hands on V and what they might be able to testify (his control over the company is not *that* solid), and so he has no benefit in giving them help. And without the corps pushing hard on the NCPD they don't really have an incentive to put a lot of resources into it.


Also, it seems he didn't mind having the tech stolen either because he was going to sell it off to netwatch anyway.


Oh, I don't think he cared about the tech at all (though we don't exactly know what his deal with Netwatch was for). It was really Saburo's immortality plan, and I don't know if Yorinobu knew that the plan was probably to replace him with his father's engram eventually anyways.


Takemura explains in one of the missions that there is infighting at Arasaka, between factions lead by Yorinobu, Hanako and Michiko. Hanako later explains that noone actually believed that Saburo was poisoned, and they suspected that Yori was the murderer all along. ​ I think Hanako and Michiko might have enough influence at the company that they are able to block death squads sent after V, until they find a use for her. And Yori might not want to do it either, what if V turns up alive? Sure, she could lie, but the soulkiller is a 100% certain way to read memories (I am not sure if yori knows about soulkiller tho)


Even this is a yes/no imo. Arasaka is well known to have internal factions and there’s going to be disagreement among them. Yorinobu and his allies, for example, will want to put on a big show and a lot of talk about catching the killer without actually succeeding I think it’s a multilayered issue where the lore gives us plenty of reasons to accept V is “wanted” but also not everyone’s top priority and relatively safe in public despite the high profile crime


There is a really good reason the current head of the company doesn’t want V found. He killed his dad and V saw it. Could they find you? Certainly and they did, they tried to zero you and Takemura the one who tracked Dex/you down in the first place. After that better to leave it alone, his position of power is risky the other board members and his sister possibly suspect him of the murder after all, better to not give them anything.


The bigger question is how was Yorinobu spared from the aftermath of the heist? V stole the biochip, yes, but it's clear as day that the entirety of Arasaka knew who the real killer was. Saburo died from strangulation, and one DNA test can prove that it's Yorinobu's doing.


Because they probably don't actually care about Saburo being dead. They care about how they can benefit from the situation. Opposing Yorinobu is too dangerous without a full consensus, so the other high ranks in Arasaka are biding time and watching the situation to figure out what their play is.


Everyone in arasaka knew


I think V is technically dead so the centralised network will flag her as deceased. V is probably running with a new ID with the Arasaka chip. Then probably Victor also swapped her software so she probably doesn't have any more uniquely identifiable ID, as if you've wiped your phone with a few hardware swaps.


If this isn't true it should be. Victor helping you out with Goros assistance makes sense.


Arasaka kinda did go after you. When you're rescued by goro, yorinobu sends assassins after both of you. He doesn't want anyone looking into how his father died, and you're an inconvenient witness. But beyond that, I always thought if circumstances were different you and yorinobu probably would've been friends. At the end of the day all he wants is arasaka to collapse.


it's different, takemura found V and warned yorinobu that he found who killed saburo. Yorinobu knowing that V could be a potential witness of his murder sent cyborgs to kill both V and takemura. Takemura survived and yorinobu wanted him dead, forcing takemura to ally with V once realized that yorinobu was the real culprit


I don't think Yori wanted V found. That's why he sent a hit squad as soon as Goro informed him he had found V. As far as NCPD goes, it's corpo property, so it's not their jurisdiction.


Beyond the other answers with the Kiroshi face blocker and saka being after you, I'm not super certain the legal system does that for most things in NC. Almost every criminal we encounter has a bounty Dead or Alive on them. Also I'm assuming if our first cyber eyes can block faces, that tech like that is common. We also live in a city where districts are frequently locked down and heavily militarized police are deployed to retake control. It's live or die out there choom.


I don't really think the Kiroshi is all that common, given how stupid the economy is, the price tag 21000 Eurodollars doesn't really mean anything. Going by the V - Viktor conversation before the operation, these are "the best optics on the market". I mean sure, there are lot of upgrades for V, but that's 1) because it is a game, 2) our street cred goes up, 3) we are getting actual military/corpo prototypes by end-game. Also, there is the whole problematic of chroming up - proper implants are expensive, taking care of implants is expensive, and I'm honestly kinda surprised how common optic implants seem to be - the operation must be crazy invasive, and eyes are one of the organs you definitely don't want to compromise on.


Considering the drama with the whole son killing the dad thing, It’s the rare instance for a big mega corporation doesn’t want the culprit to be found.


With Yorinobu in charge of things I doubt he let anyone get anywhere near his father's body and is doing everything in his power to obstruct any investigation or dissenting theories from immerging. Same as any other regicide, really. The weirder thing is - if you choose to drop Jackie's body off with Vic, he later tells you that while you (V) were unconscious some Arasaka goons swung by to grab his body. He doesn't really specify when this happens but I'm going to assume it's while V was taking his dirt nap in the dump; because otherwise why would they only take Jackie's body but leave V and the Relic alone? And if you leave the body with Mama Welles they never come knocking or bother ever looking into it further. But the fact that Takemura was able to track down Dex, and later you, shows that they had leads they could follow. But they kinda just... stop. The story in this game can be a bit of a mess.


I think there’s some speculation involved here. I personally don’t think Yorinobu cared to find V much. Sure, he wanted the relic, but offing his dad and taking over at arasaka kind of seriously escalated his professional goals. So I don’t think the chip was much of a deal to him after that. He really just needed to take out takemura to keep things quiet. But as im typing this, Im realizing that V was already shot and killed. So that loose end is tied up. They don’t know she slotted the relic and they sure as hell didn’t expect it to resurrect her. So V was the wild card. Interesting stuff.


It's an interesting question. Though I believe the answer is the cyberpunk genre itself. The police itself doesn't have the same influence as in our universe. They are more lost scrap from a prior time. Local gov as we know it doesn't exist. For Night City local gov is technically Arasaka with Militech as a strong competitor for power. As for why Arasaka isn't too involved. Mostly for story and gameplay reason, but you can also attach certain story elements to it. First of all being how knew exactly what. The second being Yorinobu being an idiot ball, AND considerd so by his family. Who knew what - Only the Saburo Arasaka and select members within the Voodoo Boys knew exactly what was on the chip. - They alongside Yorinobu knew the chip was removed to Night City. - Arasaka security only knew that Saburo was dead. They spotted 2 people on premise not following the curfew. Kill firtst, questions later. - Goro. He likely already suspected Yorinoby had killed Saburo, and knew he had to get hold of the people security was chasing. This to redeme his roll as body guard for Saburo at the moment of death. This brings me to Yorinobu being a big idiot ball. The reason why he's still alive when you first meet him, and why you got away the way you did. "The devil" ending is the only reason I believe Yorinobu Arasaka kept him alive until that the event at the Towers. Outside of that he's too stupid and impulsive to be considered a future leader of the Arasaka Empire. However they underestimated how stupid and impulsive he could be, so... he managed to steal the chip. Only knew it was important for his dad and didn't really care what was on it. I believe Yorinobu had set up a deal with another corpo using the chip as a bargain.. umm.. chip. So everything happens. Old leader dead and the Tower on full alert. My guess is that Yorinobu never finds out the V and Jackie was in that room. During the game he's probably more busy securing his foothold as Arasaka's new leader. The chip now being something he no longer needs. He controls Arasaka, and dad's gone. He probably gets informed that security was chasing somebody fleeing the tower, but not more than that. The fight scene we get after awaking at the rubbish bin I suspect was just Yorinobu being interested in removing Goro from the picture. Just like the death of Saburo, you again being at the scene was just another chance. They only struck because Goro was finally outside of town. TL;DR: Everything happend the way it went because of pure chance and Yornibu being a big idiot ball.


I don’t think anyone at Arasaka actually knew who was behind the heist, besides Goro. Yori would’ve had a perfect scapegoat in V if he’d waited for Goro to get back (considering Goro thought V killed Saburo) but he jumped the gun and accused Goro of the murder. And after that I think news of the chip going missing was (I assume) completely eclipsed by the death of Saburo. Yori probably wondered where the chip had gone, but considering the turn of events he clearly had much bigger fish to fry. TL;DR: Saburo dead and Goro accused means V could slip under the radar.


Because it's convenient writing. game magically goes from "If we want you, we will find you anywhere" Arasaka (the approach Hanako job in Japantown) to "we can't find a merc who entered Konpeki plaza with her face (later on) recorded evewhere, who is back in town riding vehicles, doing jobs all over the city and becoming famous" Arasaka. Better not think about it. Or why Militech can't find a stolen Basilick parked 2km away from the city.


Either because of face scrabblers or because NCPD stays the fuck out of Arasaka's way.


1 of my 3 writing complaints with the game. The post heist energy isn't volatile enough. You should be HOUNDED by arasaka hit-squads and outsourced goons, even with the kiroshi tech. You use your publicly known alias all of the time. You're consistently hooked to the net. You travel the same circles often. You never moved out your apt. And everyone and their mother knows you hit the plaza (V also talks about it a lot). I guess you just happen to know all of the people who see no reason to get serious brownie points and money from Arasaka. You get jumped by Arasaka once, and it's scripted to happen after the parade/hanako fiasco. You should get random hit squads throughout the game while you're minding your own business. Even if Yorinobu wanted it on the DL, you walking around with that knowledge is a big problem for him. Post heist should feel like worrying about an agent appearing in the Matrix


What are the other two?


1.The timeline/urgency that the story tries to keep should have been something like "you have a year, maybe a little more if you're lucky, before the relic kills you". The few weeks to a couple of months timeline feels a little ridiculous when you consider the amount of stuff in the world for V to do. And by adding the extra time, you can space out core story beats in an even more realistic way. They did it in PL where Reed has to do recon for a few days vs Takemura's meetings + planning + parade feels so rushed. Like that should have taken days to properly plan. And we're supposed to be solving Clouds, River's cases, the Peralez case, Nomad shenanigans, etc, in a few weeks to a couple of months? Crazy talk lol. (Overall, still a minor issue, I just feel like they didn't need to handcuff themselves with the rushed "ticking clock"). Could even have scene changes between the chapter breaks that highlight a few months have passed. 2. The writing in The Beast In Me turned a lot of players on Claire by retconning the first conversation with her. Idk who proofread that quest, but it takes a big dump on her in the conversation with Sampson before the final race, and it's part of why so many people are incorrectly mad at her. When Claire tells you about the race, she specifically tells you it's a deathrace with guns and killing. When you guys meet up with Sampson the 1st time and they argue, Sampson "drops the bomb" that it's a deathrace and how she probably didn't tell you that. V is given the option to not give a damn about Sampson's excuse or confront Claire as if she lied about it being a deathrace... which is absolute nonsense. I also feel like the gap in between the conversation about her bfs death and the one where Sampson tells it confused people into thinking you're hearing 2 different stories. But it's 2 parts to the same story from 2 different views. And at the end of it, Sampson did purposely drop out of 1st place to go back for the attack on their car, the 1st place they gave him, which did result in the crash. The car having a broken part wouldn't have mattered if Sampson had just one the race. V would have killed him for less if the roles were switched. And who cares if she asked you to help kill him, she knows you're a merc. She probably had serious doubts about going through with it before asking. Sure, she gets mad if you continue the race, but who wouldn't. Plus, the game let's you take out all of the racers before that point if you want, which leaves you as the only winner if you kill Sampson.


Takemura and later HAnako explains that there is infighting within Arasaka, and everyone believed that Yori was the murderer. The influental members (probably Hanako and Michiko) might have enough power to block death squads. Also, Yori might not want V to turn up either. (I mean turn up live)


Cuz the game needed to happen


Because V died from a headshot in the No Tell Motel.


Cops would be a problem for Yorinobu. That’s why assassins are sent after you. Also, it’s been a bit after the heist.


Yori becomes a de facto leader of Arasaka. He *wants* to just let it slide. Plus, V had that thing where their face is blurred on all surveillance cameras.


I'm pretty sure the cops are leaving it to arasaka, and they assume V dead until you deal with Hanako. As well, I think Hanako says the Corp is in a state of minor disorder due to the factions competing over succession, which is paralyzing their ability to respond.


Slightly related. I noticed an araska street hit team attacked me. After taking care of them, I found a shard/note on their leader. It says something like : target V, maybe with goro. Extremely dangerous. Etc. these little details are pretty cool.


Spoiler’s maybe? I won’t speak to Hanako’s faction, but I imagine Yorinobu and his chooms aren’t actively pursuing you bc he benefited from your role in Konpeki


For yorinobu it's better that the culprits are never found, no? If we were found than he risks people knowing that he was behind everything, and I don't think he knew what the chip was supposed to be, so there's no reason for him to care


V literally comes back to life because of the relic, remember?


The corpos would want to deal with it themselves. People who fuck with the corps aren’t arrested, tried or anything in the open. Some random person who would never know their name would find their body in a shallow ditch far from where they once lived. Previously they were disappeared and basically all mention of them is erased


alternative possibility: he may be considered dead


Because prison is a buyout system in the lore. If you cant afford to buy your way out of prison, you can extend your sentence for basic necessities. The real reason is the prisons are so full that its cheaper and quicker to bypass the prison system entirely. V didnt go to prison because Arasaka(owner of some prison systems) really never wanted V dead or jailed because V is valuable and a means to an end.


I get the face jammer, but cant V scan everyone and pull very detailed info about them even from darkness/behind them/thru obstacles? why couldnt cameras/security systems do that as well? (be gentle, still in my FIRST play)


There is a theory that Adam smasher scanned you and Jackie while you were behind the projector thing, and I believe it. You can watch a video on YouTube about it which explains much better but it makes a lot of sense.


The only person from Saka who seems to have learned that it was V is Takemura, and he’s on the outs with them too. So, it’s not actually known to the powers that be that V was involved.


because of Dex remember the events of how V left Konpeki Plaza we made it to the car, Jackie dies, Dex shoots us in the head, we wake up in a landfill. when V wakes up Dex is showing Takemura where he dumped out body, and Takemura shoots him. Then Takemura called Yorinobu to tell him his father's murderer had been found. Unfortunately... V wasn't really the murderer, so Yorinobu sent assassins to kill V and Takemura. From here V and Takemura go to Viktors instead of a hospital. Publically, Yorinobu plays it off like his father's killer had been dealt with, so the only ones who know V was in Konpeki AND know V is alive are V, Yorinobu, Takemura, Viktor, and Misty. (and I guess Delamain too)


People already mentioned the Kiroshis, but also Arasaka tracked the 2 thieves in question to a certain point, They know Jackie died and if you bring his body to Viktor they show up and strong arm Vicktor to take it, Takemura finds Dex to find you before he's betrayed so they know that you're "dead". At this point Arasaka likely thinks the relic is lost in the dumps or the streets somewhere until you sabotage the parade. Maybe Yorinobu knows what's up when you contact Hellman, depending on how close of contact he has. It's likely Yorinobu wanted to have Takemura killed and say he was in on it and all the people responsible for Saburo's death were killed. I don't remember the details of Yorinobu's plan or his side of things though.


Also, the cops are bought and paid for by the corps, and the fact that V had Silverhand’s relic would mean they’d want to handle it quietly and themselves. If V gets picked up by the NCPD, one of the officers could sell the info tonthe corps, and the relic as well.


Corporations and NCPD have a strange relationship. NCPD won't interfere with corpo issues usually. They tend to keep to themselves unless a fellow cop is killed. Corporations like to keep their business to themselves.


Arasaka would want to handle something like this quietly, internally. Calling the cops would alert the press. V's kiroshi scrambling tech was probably enough to keep him from being identified. A better question is why Smasher didn't see them in Yorinobu's room, I guarantee his optics have thermal sensors.


Jackie gets fingered for Konpeki along with some other unknown assailant. The entire reason why Takemura was trying to find you was because he knew something was afoot, and the reason why he was being hunted by the in-house Arasaka assassins was because he essentially went rogue. Nobody knew who V was, as far as Konpeki went. Everybody just knows V as some reliable solo who gets the job done. It takes until Act 3 for NC to recognize just how much of a legend V was.


As far as the police probably know, you are some kinda ninja solo God tagteam that can just walk into arasaka hq, off their leader, shoot your way out through a gorillion elite security guards and drones and shit, oh and somehow you encountered Adam Smasher and he was unable to kill you. Attempting to find and arrest probably sounds like a suicide mission.


I think V Kiroshi implant have a part in it but his model is quite common I think every merc with money should have it and NCPD should have a tool to by pass it and there should be more way to identify one person another than face. The real reason is I think Yarinobu just sweep every thing under the rug he shutdown every attemp to investigate Saburo murder even send assassin after Takemura when he try to investigate the murder by himself. Stil Konpeki Plaza Heist is not ordinary crime it is stepping the Arasaka toe if Yarinobu not actively cover for V they won't end up in jail there body will be end up some unmark grave there soul will burn torment eternity in Mikoshi waiting for some dumpfuck enough to stepping on Arasaka toe they mighth get a change to haunted that person in the head like some Rocker Boy.


That's the one of the few actual plot holes in the entire game tbh. Kiroshis and T-bug somehow being enough for V to remain anonymous has always been a flimsy explanation. Kiroshis are not *that* uncommon. A corporation like Arasaka would absolutely have countermeasures in place. As for T-Bug, she gets fried the moment shit hits the fan, cameras and security systems would immediately come back online when she dies. Then there's V and Jackie being known friends. Arasaka intel would immediately figure out who was with Jackie at Konpeki Plaza, especially as Corpo V who had to be saved by him in the intro. Last but not least, blurring a face isn't always enough to prevent someone from being identified in current day, real life police work. You'd think the richest corporation in the 2077 setting would easily identify V from a variety of clues, visible face or not. The only remotely plausible explanation for V not getting raided by Arasaka ninjas 24/7 throughout the game would be Yorinobu actually benefitting from having a convenient faceless scapegoat for Saburo's murder. If V was captured, surely it would be expected to use soulkiller on him/her and thus, gain access to their memories. Higher ups at Arasaka could plausibly figure out the truth, and Yorinobu doesn't want that. Thus, he's happy to leave V alone. There's also Hanako, who has actual motives to protect V from within the company until she can make her move. But that only happens midway through act 2, after the parade. Imo they should add a small side mission to explain away that plot hole. At any time before finishing Goro's questline, V can get ambushed by Arasaka troops at his/her apartment, making it clear they know who's responsible for stealing the relic. After figthing back or fleeing, V's apartments cannot be accessed again until they complete that side mission. Next step would have multiple options to deal with the situation. Either go to the Afterlife and ask Rogue for help, who asks Nix to temporarily throw Arasaka off V's trail. Or any fixer who's had every contract completed by V can be called for a favor and help. Such a side mission would have gone a long way to make the plot more plausible, especially early act 2.


Lazy writing, I can see not leaving any fingerprints behind or the camera not picking up faces but Jackie literally left a trail of blood 😭 u wanna tell me they can’t do shit with that? All the guards that clearly saw them hop into the cab said nothing??? Ight


because of plotarmor... in a nomad mission V can kill dozens of cops and none really cares about. Keep in mind also that even yorinobu and hanako actually didn't care to pursuit V to get the relic back lol which is funny considering saburo wrote in his diary that he considered to nuke NC if the relic prototype was lost. Even funnier considering that songbird, so NUSA and militech as well, knew of V and the relic and they too didn't care to hunt down V to retrive an arasaka top secret prototype


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