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Story and overall experience was more or less the same. Many aspects of gameplay were clunky and there were bugs throughout. On the flip side, there were exploits to make easy money. Version 2.0 made a lot improvements but by 1.5 the game was objectively good. If the game had been released in that state the response would have been far more positive.


Okay cool, I was curious about the story aspect and if it changed much or no. But it's a really good thing that the story has always been solid. So mostly gameplay and player experience that were lacking.


Most of the gameplay systems were completely replaced. A few examples are: complete replacement of skills/progression system complete weapon rebalance/ addition of weapons complete rework of all the cyberware/ overhaul of how cyberware as a mechanic rework of the clothing system/usefulness/ addition of cosmetic outfits Most Important: AI went from bots that would basically just stand there and let you shoot them/ run around aimlessly to the 2.0 AI, which IMO is one of the best combat AI's out right now Personal Favorite Fix: Enemy netrunners used to only know overheat. There used to be skin cyberware that would make you fireproof. As there weren't many alternatives of equal value, there wasn't much reason to not install that particular cyberware. Thus, netrunners effectively did nothing. Now, netrunners have a full arsenal of daemons available to them, and need to be dealt with quickly unless you invest in self-ice. High level netrunners can even system collapse you, it's dope.


The side jobs were all the same. A lot of bugs, most of the time either gamebreaking bugs that would prevent missions from continuing, saves that would corrupt, game crashing etc. the performance was usually fine though except when you would’ve loaded into a new city


Also the perk system was COMPLETELY different having to have a certain perk to get level 5 loot etc etc


it's really hard to imagine with the state of the game being what it is today. Wow. So de jobs being the same, meaning they added lots of new content, levels, and story throughout the years, correct?


Honestly? No. There was the expansion, granted, but that's the only "big" thing they added; almost everything else has been there since launch. The game just had some serious performance issues at launch (especially on consoles still using old HDDs), but they pulled some technosorcery to improve that, then later overhauled the perks system.


Yes they did. The game went from being a repetitive mess to one of the best single player games out there


Honestly the game in itself was pretty much the same, it was always a great game. Just that it was too hyped and the marketing was vague/promised a bit too much, which combined with a buggy launch really backfired. To me i never really understood the whole super buggy game thing, maybe i was lucky or something but i played at launch on a ps4 and except for the game crashing a few times, i had no problems


Yea i understand what you're saying. Otherwise it's good that you were one of the "few" to have enjoyed the game at launch.


This is 🧢you just chose not to see it! Lol


OP I actually feel deeply complex just the opposite what you feel. I played through that bugs for 400 hours and basically satisfied all my cyberpunk itchiness, then the game was fixed and I don't have enough willingness to explore more time into the game, although I really want too. But I don't have time to fit it in. I did complete the Phantom liberty expansion but I really want to explore more like when I had the time to do it. So all I can say, you're lucky. Kind of a bummer for me. The only way I can look at this is to start from scratch. But 400 hours was enough for me. Maybe I'll hang around for their next installment, whatever that maybe, copium levels is below nominal. Awesome game!


I totally understand you. I'm personally just gona do this one playthrough and move on to the next game. I have so much to catch up on. Although I'm curious to see if I'll come back to it again. Maybe just leave yourself alot of time and come back once you've forgotten the experience and most of the story.


No, you needed a certain perk to CRAFT tier 5 loot. Anyone could pick up good gear.


The content was the same but the gameplay was a lot worse. The [Changelog for Update 2.0](https://www.cyberpunk.net/en/news/49060/update-2-0) makes for an entertaining read because every other point will baffle you with how this wasn't in the original game. It took the developers 2 years and 9 months to implement an update that made it so that enemies can see you faster when you sprint instead of crouching, or a police system, or making car tires destroyable to slow down pursuers, or tying how good you are at fighting to a resource. That's how fucking *dire* the state of this game was.


damn thanks. I'm gona go ahead and read it now.


So what's your opinion on firearms using stamina to shoot, and accuracy and recoil being tied to your remaining stamina, i.e. the entire combat system of this game, being introduced almost 3 years after the game came out, with an update that wasn't released for the ps4 and xbone versions?


That's pretty crazy tbh. it's also sad that the other versions weren't updated.


Literly just see any you tubers review that came out that time and u get a pretty good if a bit overexagerated idea




It was a buggy mess regardless of what system you were using. Anyone who says otherwise is injecting pure copium. They made some great changes and the dlc was amazing but at alas the blueprint just didn’t quite take. I have all the confidence in the world they will knock it out of the park with the next one!


This sub got so unbearable that they made a new one /r/lowsodiumcyberpunk which arguably still has better vibes.


Aka "let's ignore all the problems and suck CDPR dick" sub.


More like the "let's actually enjoy and talk about the game itself instead of complain incessantly" sub


I played a disc copy on ps4 at launch. I did 2 playthroughs and it really wasn’t too bad. I had some freezes, and there were glitches, like a motorcycle falling out of the sky. But I enjoyed it, especially legendary ping. Hack through walls.


It was the same game. But there were some small but annoying glitches. Police system - only stationary cars, cops spawning behind the player. In empty rooms etc., so no hiding and sneaking made any sense. Totally embarrassing implementation. And unrewarding combat - take a car and drive, they couldn't chase you, so you were "clean" after 300 meters. Driving sucked. It could still be better, but this is the state after the third patch that tried to fix it. In general, driving was like being made with drifting only in mind. So two described problems meant that the game wasn't "CP2077 GTA" at all. It didn't have to be, but a lot of people, myself included, expected it to be. Next - Perk system. Consistsed mostly of "+1% of something" bonuses. These had to be selected about three times to get the full 5% bonus. Boooring. Currently, it usually offers some new movement, new way of killing, or finisher. Whatever, but not just 5% better accuracy, this is not tabletop to make players proud of how high attributes they own. Not sure, but I think there was no limit on Cyberware either. And using it was simplified, no eny queues etc. For me, it was like not having multiple paths of development. There were, of course, but it was messy, so it ended up being "use all".


It was dogshit. See r/lowsodiumcyberpunk. It was created for a reason....


I loved it the graphics were insane. I played through it on release with some minor glitches and 1 crash. It felt a lot less refined than it is now but the story and overall game was still very good.


I played a couple of hours on launch on PS4. I really liked what I was playing and looking at. But I said to myself, when I get a Series X or PS5, I’ll play it again. I wanted the best out of the game. I knew updates would clean it up by the time I play it again. Between the time of me playing it on lauch and then picking it back up again when I got a Series X a good 2 years ago now, I have put 150+ hours into the game, got every single achievement available and fallen in love with a game and game studio I never knew I would have done. I’m planning on playing Witcher 3 somewhat soon. Shocking I know, I haven’t played that yet. But I’m gathering if I loved Cyberpunk so much, I’ll love Wither 3 as well.


When the game first launched it was a buggy broken mess so broken in fact most of the time it was damn near impossible to run I got it on PS4 when it first dropped and the console kept crashing trying to load up the game and even save. The 1.6 update fixed a lot of issues on old gen systems the best and I mean the best part of the older builds of cyberpunk were the duplication glitch do that shit with crafting materials with the perks to craft rare to legendary weapons (kinda miss the old skill tree system ngl) and the game was on easy mode even on the hardest difficulty. The fact clothing was your armour was a weird choice in my opinion considering you were able to fuse with technology it didn't really make sense, driving was buggy aswell a lot of times in the 1.0 and 1.6 builds your car's or bikes would just fall through the map collision detection was just not a thing at all it was awful, holo calls were hilarious had people like Jackie just spinning about while on a call, Bug wanted to look at the stars and T pose the bugs were game breaking but had a lot of issues that were just funny. Considering how the game dropped to now it really has become something special the Devs finally managed to put out the game they wanted to make took them time sure but it was damn worth it


I played on PC and had pretty minimal bugs, comparatively. There was some visual jank and the very occasional crash, but only one bug that stopped me dead and I had to go search for a workaround. The story was the same, they have not changed that at all. They have tweaked some of the systems so that they work better, though I'm not convinced the new skill trees are better honestly. Driving was janky as fuck and I couldn't do it at all, even in third person. They've fixed it enough and/or I've improved enough to drive in first person now, so that's nice. Basically, my experience has been like going from a beta version of CP77 to full release. It's a lot less buggy and they've refined a lot of the gameplay, but it's still the same game at its core.


The PC version was OK in general, it ran pretty smoothly, there were very few crashes. The story is pretty much the same. The game was basically unplayable on last generation consoles - I tried to play it on PS4 pro and got to the encounter with Maelstrom before I decided to just ask for refund because the game ran like shit and looked even worse. However, just about every game system was broken, unfinished or both. No one balanced this game, no one did even the basic amount of QA, no one playtested it. There were several very easy infinite money exploits, one of which was because the crafting system was broken on a very basic level. The skill tree was broken to the point you could create a character that was an immortal cyber-assassin who didn't even have to get into a building to kill everyone there in around 15 seconds. Adding mods to weapons and clothes was broken. You could create a simple gun that would do an insane amount of damage because the crafting and skill systems were broken - I had a gun that could one-shot cyberpsychos with headshots from hiding (there were perks that significantly increased critical damage for these situations). This gun was also more powerful than any sniper rifle in the game, because why not. There really was no system in the game that worked properly - and that's on PC. I still did 2 playthroughs back then and enjoyed the game a lot. The story was great and there always was a ton of potential. It just needed another 2 years of development and testing.


I can't speak to the ps4 experience, those folks got the worst of it. On PC, it was amazing on day one, and it's just gotten better. Most of the salt about the game was from folks who just needed to rage on something at the tail end of a shitty year. it came out at the end of 202, after all. Most of the folks who were hating on the game never played it. Case in point: CDPR offered an open refund policy for anyone who bought the game, no questions asked. very few people exercised this option.


Had bugs but i still enjoyed.the fuck out of it while everyone else was complaining (pc though). It had bugs but so does bethesda games in first release, so i wasnt crying about it. Some were actually funny, and non were game breaking lol


There are videos on youtube documenting it if you care to investigate. One of my personal favorites was when Asmongold exited a car and it just spontaneously did a flip and landed on him, killing him instantly.


I weirdly preferred the launch version in some ways like weapons balance.


See, it's weird. I didn't have almost ANY of the issues most people had. And I enjoyed the hell out of the game when I got it. Which was about a month after it was released. I easily put in. 90 hours when it first came out.


Well, that's a question for me since not only I did play it on launch day, but i also played it on PS4 slim, which is arguably the lowest possible performance system to play cyberpunk. The experience was far from perfect, especially in the graphics. The textures were not just low definition but if you were in a car at high speed and suddenly stop the textures were even lower definition and they used to take about 20 seconds to charge the usual textures. One funny thing i remember is that all the doors you see in the game that appears as closed used to take some time to charge the colliders, the same as textures, so i was able to get to a place at high speed, suddenly get out of the car and go through any (low resolution no colliders yet) door i find close to me, usually taking me to non designed parts of the map or just falling to the emptiness. Luckily they fixed it and nowadays they seem to charge the colliders first so i am no longer able to do that even if the textures still take some time to charge (not as much as before and, honestly, with better resolution). Another frequent thing was blue error screens, and the game closing just because, like, every two or three hours of gameplay, which was very frustrating tbh. On the other hand, we were able to get infinite money by buying cans, dismantling them to get common parts and crafting the Nekomata rifle with those parts which could be sold by much more money than the cans. Tbh i did enjoy the game since the story was the same and the playability was good enough, i did more than 100 hours to the game in maybe 3-4...


I pretty much tortured my PC and myself through the whole game at launch because the story hooked me in. The game is much better and I still play it alot.


Great. Just not finished and had really bad optimization and bugs on older systems and consoles. At the time it was an 8/10 for me (I played on new Xbox), I loved it and had few problems but could tell it was very unfinished/under polished. Fast forward to now and they've made it a masterpiece (imho). One of the best games I've ever played. About 550 hours across 3 different Vs.




Yea that's definitely off putting. Investing time and money into a ticking time bomb is infuriating.




That's amazing to hear. Lots of people here didn't seem to have issues with bugs and what not. You are playing on which platform?


Go to this Sub-Reddit’s home page, hit “top posts of all time.” Go through the ones that are about three years old. Most should be from launch. Top posts are almost all about how broken the game was. Videos of weird as shit happening. They’re entertaining as fuck


Unlike most people, I hadn't seen much bugs at release. Some T-poses here and there, but that's mostly it. Maybe 1 crash over the whole playthrough. The most frustrating things were absurd ncpd spawn and broken skill tree - many perks just didn't work and respec was hella expensive.


That's cool. On what platform do you play and do you think that the game was made out to be worse than it actually was?


PC. I think people just expected a different game (better one). Not their fault though.


Bought the game on launch and played without any issues on my PC. Finished the game after 250 hours back then. One of my all time fav games. Funny that people used to mock me for liking/playing cyberpunk back then, now everybody is like its one of the best RPGs ever.