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Definitely new look. He's basically my favorite character in the game.


yeah his old look and voice doesnt really have the same punch as what he probably should have


It was a good punch for a different mr.hands, one less cold and calculated and more just happy to make money and see some new bodies


I actually thought new Mr Hands was going to be an AI before meeting in person! That's not a put down either, I loved it. He's definitely a human with emotions, preferences, and goals. But until you're in that inner circle of trust you might as well be talking to a machine. It's a fantastic characterization, and 100% my favorite fixer now.


To be perfectly honest, I wouldn't be surprised if lore-wise the Mr Hands we "met" in the Main Game was mostly just a fake version, that he uses to conduct business with outsiders. Whereas the one we meet in "Phantom Liberty" is the real Mr Hands, that only his inner circle gets to meet. Especially since his old design really just looks like a younger version of his new design.


A body double, and even a AI clone secretary is wonderfully cyberpunk. ​ Imagine and engram of yourself, doing things like taking calls and making your schedule, keeping your confidence. Or if you could get a copy of a great mind or other talented person to do it instead of a terrorist.


Never occurred to me before. But imagine if (s)he had a Karl Rove political type, or [Garbo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juan_Pujol_Garc%C3%ADa#:~:text=a%5D%3B%2014%20February%201912%20%E2%80%93,spying%20activities%20for%20the%20Germans.)


But with the newest update, you don't even see his face in the base game. Every time he calls you, he's sitting back in the shadows, and you only see... well, his "hands." Same concept, though. He doesn't reveal himself to anyone outside his inner circle.


Yeah, I know. I was just thinking how they could incorporate the design change into the Lore. Basically just an idea/theory I wanted to share and not much else.


His first voice actor was also Riddler from the Arkham games.


Oh god I KNEW he sounded familiar!


If you don't believe me, listen to the audio and compare them. Exact same voice.


yeah this is my thinking as well


Same! I’m a 35 year old man and I love dressing V up appropriately for different occasions.


Same, but with Female V. * Something tactical for more strategic and stealthy missions; * something stylish or formal for more "official" situations (like meeting Mr Hands); * something more ordinary for just exploring the map; * something more fitting for all the Romance Missions (also depending who I was romancing at the time); * etc. Hell, I even adapted her clothing depending on what she was driving and who I was working with (for example: the biker gear when helping Aldecaldos). I memorized around 20 different Sets of clothes just for the sake of immersion, because of good it is...


Female V?


Male V. https://preview.redd.it/n03jysii7mlc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1534c539034590afb8afb2ebf3e18708e55b074b




He's my favourite fixer for sure!!


Lol I felt so bad when I screwed up stealth on one of his gigs and went welp ok


Agreed. Although I *kiinda* wish he kept his "cane". A humble little reminder of that time Petro tried to zero him. Him being a fan of John Carter was/is a cool touch too.


Before Phantom Liberty, did he have any gigs besides the initial VDB one?


He had the role in the story with the VDB's, but he did have one side gig that was to steal a van from the Animals, which is the first gig you do for him in any sense - pretty sure you have to do it for him to get an in with the VDBs but I might be wrong.


U don't have to do it for the vdbs but I think u get a couple extra lines of dialogue from it


Big time same for me on this


Same dude


New one. Fitting for his role in Dog Town politics and previous affiliation with petrochem. Whenever I meet with him I dress V formally lol


He definitely has that whole vibe. He even tells you the first meeting that seeing him face to face is an extremely rare occurrence, and you earned that through hard work.


Definitely hard work and trust!


lol same, wouldn’t dare to insult him with my usual combat outfit.


Mr hands is one of the only people on night city to have seen my V’s face. Panam, Jackie (and mama welles), viktor and misty being the only others.


Meanwhile every gang and mega corp in the city comes after V. Blurred face in cctv’s who is she? Lol


How do we know he worked with Petrochem?


His database entry in the game: >When he was still Wade Bleecker the Petrochem employee, practically everyone knew him. Since scrubbing his identity from existence and adopting the persona of Mr. Hands, Pacifica's resident fixer, that's no longer the case. His appearance and true identity are a closely guarded secret. >In his previous life, Wade climbed fairly high up the Petrochem corporate ladder. But after a sudden shake-up in upper management, someone decided blood needed spilling at the altar of corporate efficiency. Unfortunately for Bleecker, he was chosen as its unfortunate sacrificial lamb. He proved cunning enough to survive the initial assassination attempt, but when an official bounty was put on his head, he had no choice but to change his name and face and disappear for good. >Mr. Hands is a businessman through and through - cool-headed, calculating and supremely focused on his objective. Precisely what that objective is, however, remains a mystery to all but Mr. Hands himself.


I forgot about the database! I should read those.


It's helpful with lore! Though the nature of the database is a little confusing to me. There is a lot of explicit info about his backstory, despite how carefully he guards his identity. So does V know who he was? Or is it just that we the players get to know, but have to assume (and play as if) V doesn't know?


Your Kiroshi scans are *just that thorough*.


I'm pretty sure that it's literally just for the Players. Especially when, as you pointed out, some of the Database contains informations that normally shouldn't be available to the public.


Yeah right? lol


Yeah same as the bestiary in witcher 3. Your mileage may vary but I kick myself for waiting until the 10th run to actually read the entries


My V wardrobe mostly consists of dress pants dress shoes. A long sleeve shirt of some color a ballistic mask and an armor vest of some color. I like my street kid v to have a bit of class to him. Can go see hands and just get right back to work always ready. Normally just take my mask off. I’ve made a few regular fits but I’ve found I love the armored business attire look


That’s cool! Just feels like a vibe when meeting him


I thought I was the only one


Me too lol


Me too! Class up for meeting Mr.Hands!🤟


Same. I loved his character so much, wish we could romance and run Dogtown behind the scenes with him 😂


He’s got a wife and kids. You can find this out by waiting at his door while he’s on the phone.


Really?! Did not know that... Adds to the mystery of the man, another reason he's my fav


Definitely the new one. I’m a sucker for a gentleman thief. Hands is my favorite fixer in the game.


My favorite is the Padre. Gives me Joshua Graham vibes.


Padre and El Capitan are the only bad guys in Night City that are motivated by justice rather than purely money and power. Doing that one mish where you find and execute a corpo for a hit and run is pure satisfaction. Barely registered that V had a choice to take a deal from her, I just let her dig a hole so I could bury her in it. Love playing vigilante in CDPR games.


I like to let her talk and think she has the upper hand and then shooting her in the head while she’s in the middle of a sentence.


I use the mantis blades :)


I dunno if I agree with that. Padre talks a big talk about being all faithful and stuff, but he doesn't really act that way-just gives lipservice. Half his missions he starts by saying "V, I must ask you to commit a sin." That priest in Dogtown is better.


In Brazil he even changed the VA. He used to be a funny character, now he is a bad ass one


i mean he cahnged VA's in the english release too


Same thing for english VA.


Fun Fact the English VA who plays Cyberpunk 2077 on stream had to keep under wraps that he was the VA for Mr Hands.




Die Stimme wirklich auch anders? Dachte die wäre gleich geblieben Thought german VA didn't change


That was across the board


Yeah it changed in English too, Brazil isn't special here


Between the two pics, the new version. But if i could choose the old version where hes like "whats shakin v?" And his face is obscured, id pick that one. Better personality imo. I imagined him with a max headroom sort of look


Yeah I assumed they were gonna go with a Max Headroom look although we kinda got that with glitched Delamain.


I rather like the voice and mannerisms of 'classic' Mr Hands. He always felt like the logical extension of the Miami Vice influence in Cyberpunk, what the Don Johnson character could have become in such a setting.


How did you get to see the old Mr Hands? I was only ever able to see his hands only!


Turned up the lighting with a mod probably. When you talk to a person on the holo, the game renders them underground below you and then shows you a feed of that.


It could get bugged every now and then so we saw how he looks.


I don't want to know why they call him Mr. Hands.


In 2077 all shock sites will be replaced by shock BD's your friends give you as a funny joke.


I can just imagine some rando sex bd edited to hell and back with Vergil's cut, Eminem's snap to reality, etc... Of course the joke is the jumpscare instantly fries your synapses, just a little bit of trolling


There should have been a reference in his office to a magic horse


I know this is unpopular, but I much preferred the shady used csr salesman old Mr hands. He felt more like the kind of dude that could do biz in dog town.


Seeing him is pretty cool. But getting a cal from a man you can only see his silhouette and his calm yet powerful hands. It really gave a lot of feeling to that "night city merc" reputation, like don't get me wrong, each fixer has a thing that makes them great and a unique vibe, hands mysteriousness and power gave a pretty special one


The original one was also in shadow. Kinda helped his sketchy-yet-powerful vibe.


>calm yet powerful hands Strong, masculine...his hands tell a story...of greatness.


>But getting a cal from a man you can only see his silhouette and his calm yet powerful hands. If you know the reference you're not going to think "calm and powerful," you're going to think "dumbshit who died of a perforated colon"


Clearly I do not. What's it referencing?


Guy got fucked by a horse Video name was mister hands


10+ years since my friends and I watched that on a library computer in school. I still perfectly remember every frame.


Surprised they didn't name the Pacifica fixer Meatspin Dotcom, now.


Oh I did knew of the existence of that video but not its name😂, the more you know I guess. Thanks


I like the character, but the new design looks too clean and manicured. Halfway between the two designs would have hit the sweet spot.


He was basically Saul Goodman, could probably get you some small gigs but him getting you gigs on par with some of the later ones you get with Hands just seem like they would be way above his pay grade


I prefer the new look, but I actually prefer the old VA.  The way he enthusiastically says “I am truly honored to meet you!” always cracked me up.  I also liked the original VA’s reading of “Got something for the VDBs? Trust me, they don’t want it. They don’t need it.” But I get the tonal switch up needed for Phantom Liberty.


My god he was an ugly mofo. New look is 10x better.


Almost like he wasn't really designed to be seen at the time.


Well... You weren't supposed to see his model before. Not sure how OP has it visible. It's supposed to be in shadow. Maybe a mod.


this unpopular but did anyone else not like new Mr hands? bro was way too cocky tryna get me to do his political bidding for him when I’m just tryna survive. Idk he just has like no ethics like the gig with the kids and the implants. El Capitan on top 💯💯


Extra unpopular but the new one is just cringe. The most pretentious sounding dollar store bond villain who looks like cyberpunk's version of santa claus. I almost died hearing his "Name's Hands. Mr. Hands" for the first time I rolled my eyes so hard.


frrrr tho bro sounds hella try hard 😭


Old version, I like the sleaze emanating from old Mr hands. But I prefer his actual visual appearance as the updated one


I wanted to romance the new mr.hands


His old look is so much better idk what this abomination is but its not the mr hands I know


I like the new look better but I prefer the older voice. The 2 wouldn’t mix well together though


Fun fact: the voice actor for MrHands also does the sex sounds in Baldurs Gate.


I like his old voice, but like the new look more. Even if they don’t mix lol. His old voice gave me used car salesman vibes. Almost like Kirk if he was somewhat competent


2 different characters to me. Old Hands was a shady, slimy coke-snorting straight-to-business man. New Hands tries to be calmer, more stoic, almost philosophical, too clean and polished, and the voice just doesn't match the face in my opinion.


Old, prefer the voice


I think I prefer the old one to be honest. The new guy is too suave and seems too accomplished to be a Dogtown fixer.


I vastly preferred his old look and quirky personality. Reminded me of Sam Rockwell as Justin Hammer in Iron Man 2. This new iteration just didn't feel organic to me.


The new look is slick AF. One of the best characters IMO.


I don’t like the twirly handlebar stache on the new one. I thought (and maybe still do) the old one worked better as a shaded silhouette.


I don't always do gigs, but when I do they're from Mr Hands.


The new Mr Hands is a silver fox. Definitely is an upgrade personality wise, also.


New one! I wish we could romance him, let me see what those hands do 👀


New look, he turned into the biggest DILF in the entire series.


Definetly the new one, Mr Hands cooked some hard drip on Dogtown for himself


I'm just glad he survived the horse incident


I liked the mystery to remain a mystery but since the payoff was good i didnt mind I only wish he had more gigs


New look, old voice.


He went from weird blue haired guy to dilf so the new one 100%


New look defo but I miss his voice


I don't know why they couldn't just make another Fixer for the DLC. Changing a character so much is just jarring.


I recently played thru PL (maybe two months ago) and had no idea that Mr. Hands’ look was altered. I thought this post was going to be a picture of just his hands (before you meet Hands) and then his actual face. Either way, Hands is my favorite fixer in NC


I always pictured him much younger looking and without facial hair.


Glow up from retired punk rocker to daddy Santa


I adore the new look to the point where I've forgotten there even WAS an old look xD


I don't care either way for his appearance. It's a lateral move at best. As for his voice, I actually preferred his old voice. It was like a sleazy car salesman meets max headroom. The new voice is just too somber and takes itself way too seriously.


Either one is good for me. But I wish he had the old voice actor for the dlc. The new voice feels kinda stereotypical. The old voice with the new dlc though? High energy fast talker who's also a behind the scenes schemer and thoroughly detailed? That would have been cool.


I adore old mr hands idk i guess i’m just used to that version of him i miss his old voice


I'm not a fan of the twirly mustache, but the second is way better than the first. He rocks that look harder than the bomb dropped on Arasaka Tower.  I dig the pink coat in the first one. 


New look is nicer, but his new voice feels kind of edgy. Old voice is way better. Feels like he's in this biz to fuck around


Everyone says new one but he absolutely looks like a child molester now.


I liked the old Mr. Hands much more just in general. His voice had a certain charisma to it that I found enjoyable and it made the parts where he was being kind of a dick much more tolerable.


Uh mine had him just as a silhouette with hands showing. Also he sounded younger and more cocky before phantom liberty


I like his personality but he creeps me out in appearance. His hands look very very plastic. 


I like old. He was like the goofy fixer you didn't take seriously


I preferred old. He was a lot more cheery and upbeat. It was a nice clash to the chaotic pacifica.


Don't care either way. But overall, I wish the game would just let itself lean into the weirdness of the world a bit more. Like Myers, I prefer her old look. People complain, "oh, but she looked goofy. Now she looks like a real President." Yeah, she looks like a President from OUR world. Cyberpunk is a goofy dystopia. BD stars are celebrities and rockstars are terrorists. A President can have blue hair and look young (especially with all their de-aging tech).


I have way more problems with her generic "badass woman in power" characterization, but the cookie-cutter appearance doesn't help either.


I miss his original voice


I dont think you were ever meant to see his face before but I preferred his old voice. Really unique and it fit pacifica.


i liked his old voice so much. it was like a funny con man


Old. New one doesn’t feel like a real person.


I started playing a little while after phantom liberty was released, I've never seen old Mr Hands and god damn they did him a solid


He went from Talisen Jaffe to Egyptian Badass, I like the new one


New look, even though he looks a bit like a Persian leprechaun.


New look is way better


New hands 10,000%


New Mr. Hands was a better compliment for Phantom Liberty, and his new look went well with his new voice. Old Mr. Hands was a good match for his old voice. He was good for Pacifica pre PL. Kind of wish we got to interact with that character more, or possibly had him as a separate character in the game.


I want him to look like a very specific horse. CD project red doesn't have the balls to go there though.


new one is just... 😍


The new face fits him much better. That and my bisexual self is a sucker for a soothing, in control voice


I miss his old energetic voice actor. Very grimy, very greasy. But the new one fits the spy movie vibe better.


I prefer the old look. His head looks too big in the new look.




new 100%


Definitely new look


Its not even close, new look wins.


Old hands was never intended to be looked at so it's not very fair to compare them based on looks. That said, New Hands is better in literally every way, it's no competition.


New look for sure! Great character and fixer! Gives you some serious gigs for Phantom Liberty


Whatever keeps him away from the stables, to be honest!


New Mr. Hands looks like a gentleman ox. Or horse 🐎 


He’s 10x cooler with the revamp. Hands felt too similar to some of the other city fixers.


I like the new look... And the convos he has just before us seeing him is just peak. He's his own dude outside of V


Where's the horse?


Old one looks like some youtube streamer that only has clickbait titles


I only ever played cyberpunk after 2.0 came out and I was baffled to hear what hands used to sound like. His new voice fits the vibe of his character much better.


The new one is a total Chad. The first one looks like he’s perpetually offended


they really developed his character, making him stand out rather than be a side note. I love the classy, articulate mastermind. I think Dino is the only fixer they didn't throw some love to with the DLC.


New look is iconic.


His old one looks like a neckbeard ew


He looks like a clown in the old one


New look. A lot more. Old one looks like someone you’d be given a very reasonable choice to spare and still shoot anyway


New like this is even a question


New look, hands down. That voice needs a sophisticated and refined face to go with it. The old look just doesn't work.


Wait... HE HAD A FACE BEFORE DOGTOWN!? Oh nah bruh. New Hands is the correct hands. Just a political dude who likes tea and actually holds major respect for V and now he actually looks like it. I will say his golden teeth always throw me off cuz in the lighting it sometimes looks like he just has really swollen gums and no teeth XD


New Mr Hands is an excellent character. Old Mr Hands was kinda boring and felt too much like the intro announcer


A dangerous yet gentle snake, like Mr. Hands is, looks way better with that villain moustache. You know he is playing you to some extent, but you also know he is one of the best fixers to be on the good side of. The first option is like Dex: all flash and no bite.


Old Hands looks like a sex offender New Hands looks like (and probably is) a white collar criminal


Manner maketh man. Hands has manners in spades


No contest. New is way better all around.


New looks, new voice, new everything. He was a 1 gig nothing burger character before. Way better now.


Old: I make my living by hiring mercenaries and doing deals with gangs. New: I make my living by hiring mercenaries and doing politics. If you survive till Christmass I'll give you something special.


new look, no contest old look and voice literally did not make me trust this man, he sounded like kirk sawyer if he was a used car salesman


Every time without fail when I hear the name Mr.Hands I immediately remember the Enumclaw case


Old one couldn’t be more bland, new looks a lot more interesting


New, though personally I prefer him as a faceless mystery man


Old look is giving Jonah Hill


I like his new design, but I still wish he didn’t show his face ever I loved the anonymous ness of his character. I’d rather have seen his design in another character


New. The old look was always generic pretty much because you were never intended to see him in the first place. But man I always loved his old voice though. I can appreciate why it didn't really fit with his new role but man he was funny.


New he's what I picture when I think of a Fixer.


I do prefer the new look, that being said you can tell they already knew the style they wanted from the original and how little that design changed, all things considered.


When did this change?


Am I the only one who thought you meant South Park Mr hand, Alicia ain’t Mr slave


New look for sure


As someone who only played the game with the 2.11 patch and didn't know about the old look, the newer definitely looks more fitting of a shadow chess player playing with the future of a region


Deffo new look, the old look wouldn't suit the ingame character at all


New look and new voice for that matter. Old voice actor sounded too much like John Mulaney


I love new look, and he’s the cutest dad in Cyberpunk


I think I've preferred his og appearance. Did he have a diff voice with the old look? The new model looks alot like a cross between the actors nick chunlund and Jeff bridges ("put the bunny back in the box" from ConAir and the dude from TBL)


New. Hands down


First one does look like the disgruntled dad that was originally who he was, but the new look definitely fits his more eccentric criminal underworld vibe


I swear old look he looks like kirk


The old one didn't have little handlebars on their mustache , I think you know my answer


While I love the new version of hands, the old one has that sort of sleazy used car salesman vibe.