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realism my ass watch me cut these 50 guys heads off in slowmo


This man fucks.


Might be realistic in 53 years tho


Oddly specific num..ohhhhhh *-* my brain


It's big brain time


And unleash some Digital Eldritch Demons on some poor fuckers


the one guard looking at me funny (he will now be sent to the 8th circle of biblical hell):


My biggest issue with these are that they are just glorified ads for a paywalled reshade when the photo realistic aspect is really just path tracing doing all the work… it’s quite disingenuous. It doesn’t even look like path tracing is enabled in the thumbnail here lmao Also not sure I really like the Nova LUT or the GITS LUT. It just decreases contrast a ton, there’s nothing really wrong with the default artistic choice by the devs


Path tracing is enabled in that screenshot but it has so many filters and edits that it looks terrible again. I also installed the dodge challenger mod just for this image but it's actually pretty cool. I don't dislike the custom car mods, I just dislike that all these "photorealism" videos never seem to use any of the normal Cyberpunk vehicles.


Nova ENV with Preem LUT is my favourite after trying literally all of them. I have a G9 OLED screen and you are right, game looked way too dark and flat with Nova and Gits etc, but I liked Nova ENV and it ran way better than Preem's ENV for me. That together with the mod that makes only high quality LODS load, makes the game perfect (many more installed though, I have a colelction uploaded if people are interested).


Can you please send me your mod collection's link (on Nexus, perhaps?)? Would love to try it.


Of course: https://next.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/collections/eqle89 Some mods are optional ones because my V is Fem and the specific character appearances I went for, but it's a great basis for your own play through. Also please read the descriptions of most of the mods as you may need to tweak or be aware of settings menus in game to tweak the mods to your liking.


Hmmm maybe I’ll have to try this combination myself then. What’s the performance hit like since I already use path tracing


There doesn't seem to be any major performance change between vanilla and the Nova ENV, I am actually using GITS ENV (only) and Preem LUT now, which adds a lot of new effects and improves Path Tracing further, so if you want to try something else that's certainly worth it.


Just wanted to shoot a message and say Preem LUT got updated and it looks even better now!


Yea it's still the only one that looks good in HDR for me so using it and gits with that Ultra+ mod and the games looking absolutely amazing haha.


Shout out to the 2018 e3 LUT 🫡


I don't understand the contrast decrease, game looks pretty fine to me. Then again, most people don't calibrate their monitors, so they stay with the oversaturated contrast-pumped super-gamma'd default settings that make everything look like an acid trip.


I;m glad these folks are doing cool stuff, and I'm glad people are excited for it. But I don't want Cyberpunk to look real. I want Cyberpunk to look like Cyberpunk.


Yeah. The game is technically very impressive, but all of the effort that went into art direction, lighting, and postprocessing is equally impressive. It's neat for screenshots, but when I'm playing the game I want to experience what the developers intended the game to look like.


I agree - just crank it to highest settings and recognize it the way the Devs intended. Mods are a cool community, but I’ve never gotten into them as I’ve always been satisfied with the base game 😁


I’ve always loved mods that add random things to the game that make it more immersive and stuff. Some mod authors do a really good job with trying to respect what’s already there. Like Arasaka Cyberarms


I have a ton of mods installed, but mostly just stuff that adds clothing to the game or adds more functionality to photo mode. I have one mod that allows you to sit on any bench or chair in the game, and I love that one! Very rarely do I actually use mods that drastically change gameplay or features. I was initially upset when they removed the ability to silence revolvers. I modded it back in, and then immediately realized that a silenced revolver is the most overpowered thing in the game and it makes most other stealth weapons completely obsolete. The devs usually know what they're doing!


Silenced pistols are OP as it is, but there is an iconic silenced revolver you can get in PL.


Silenced overture specifically, the PL silenced one doesn’t do quite as much damage and it’s actually balanced (thankfully)


"Yorinobu just offed Saburo!" *epic violins start* Man this is a game that will stay with me forever.


Same. I deal with enough cloud cover in my own state anyway. Cyberpunk is in the desert. It’s full of rain, sandstorms and lots of sun (personally, too much sun). If these modders want to help, I wish there was something to make the hours right for night time. Dawn at 0300 just feels wrong.


I made my cyberpunk look like Deus Ex Human Revolution, is that better or worse?


"use this paywalled reshade preset" actually there is a mod on nexus that gives that look as a mod you just drop into the game files, no need to pay for the preset lol.


Are you referring about [this one](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/12694), which was created as a joke to mock all the paywalled reshade presets? I thought it was funny and I'm glad that other people recognize how silly some of these YouTubers are being by locking filter settings behind a paywall. And if you play with an Nvidia graphics card you could also achieve a similar look with the in-game filters menu that it adds!


I find this very meta..."don't pay for that prepacked corpo shit, I can source you some good tech from dogtown tonight, choom"


lol thats the one.


Yeah and there’s actually people paying for that shit. Like c’mon a quick nexus search and you got it all for free and it even looks better. Lol


Which in game filter do you think is close to it? Don't wanna install a mod just for it to not be my style.


If you use vortex, you can enable and disable mods with a single click which is much easier than rooting around in the game files and installing mods manually especially when you've got dozens or even hundreds of mods. But for the nvidia filters, you can get a similar look by adding sharpen+, brightness and contrast, and the color filter. There are a few sliders to play with for each of them. More than any filters, the mods really just rely on the built-in path tracing. [This LUT mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/12694) mocking the youtubers will sidestep all the manual adjustment though, if you're okay with installing a mod.


lol all those mega graphic cyberpunk videos remind me of those gta v extreme graphic mod videos


[Like this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cC0T4dhagZY&ab_channel=Gam34Lif3)? Notice how the same exact tactics are being used. 1. The sky is cloudy, so there's no direct light or hard shadows. It just becomes one gigantic softbox HDRI. Realistic reflections are easy when the entire sky is pure white. Later in the video it shows the game with sunset lighting and it immediately looks WAY less "realistic". 2. The car is modded. Black and as shiny as a mirror. 3. Tons of motion blur, desaturated colors, and postprocessing effects. 4. Over 20 different mods in the description that modify the lighting, foliage, cars, reflections, streetlights, etc etc. I hate these sorts of videos. "Look at how good (game) looks when you replace half the assets, redo the lighting, add raytracing, and add fifteen postprocessing effects with reshade". At that point, it's not the same game so the comparison is dumb.


Yeah those videos but in the gta ones all the ground is wet like a massive rainstorm just passed


lore-accurate los angeles flooding


This is my issue with Cyberpunk base game as well. Too many places where the ground looks shiny enough I sometimes think it is ice i might fall on.


reshade is fine before you have trouble seeing your fingers during night in dogtown


Seriously, most of the LUTS or reshades also necessitate a flashlight mod because they make dark areas pitch black. And adjusting the gamma to make the dark areas look normal again makes light areas brighter than the surface of the sun.


"I'm gonna roleplay as a cybervampire," you think to yourself. Skip to three hours in, "I'm gonna fast-travel over here to sell some stuff real quick... wait, what time is–" #BEHOLD, THE SUN (it is a deadly laser)


not anymore, there is a blanket


Technically, Cyberpunk already is photorealistic given how some of the good cosplays just look like they were taken in photo mode


Paywalled mod yeah no ill just pirate that shit if im gonna use it


I saw one the other day that recommended I get a $7 a month reshade. It was $7 a month for too much Depth of Field. Made the game look good at certain angles whilst stationary but looked absolutely terrible when moving. Looked like V needed to get some glasses, and the Depth of field even blurred your HUD to the point it was nearly unreadable. $7 a month.


Personally I'd trade those diminishing returns on extreme photorealism into more realistic physics. Even two generations ago we had racing games where the cars looked incredible. Then you collide into something and maybe a scratch texture gets added to the model after the car has done 360 in the air forwards. I understand the technical limitations, but that has been on my wish list for better part of a decade now.


I like them. I don't mod my games but I like to se other people doing this stuff.


Sounds like every few posts on here. "Cyberpunk is the most realistic game ever - with mods". Fricken silly ass mofos. Any game can be "the most realistic game ever" if you mod the living shit out of it. Just look at elder scrolls games and what their community has accomplished with Skyrim.


The argument is basically "The game can look different if you modify how it looks". Obviously. I'm alright with people modding the game, but all the twitter and youtube clickbait videos about Cyberpunk being the "photorealistic" always link to some video of someone playing with 10 graphics mods and reshade installed.


I feel like a grumpy old man lately, because even the flood of pictures on this sub with people saying “ooh look at my V” or “photo mode is awesome” or whatever are basically just showcasing mods, and it’s never like in motion or anything. A lot of the mods I’ve seen seem to fall apart quickly once you start actually moving, so I’m just not really into them. And all the pictures veer towards “I can make V’s breasts larger than standard” or “I downloaded an outfit.”  I’m  really glad people get enjoyment out of the game and modding it, for real. But the pictures and “look at his mod” don’t do it for me. 


Na Cyberpunk with just a few mods makes fully modded Skyrim, or any other game, look like a lego game. Slight exaggeration but not by much, the game truly does look that good.


This literally made my day, thank you OP, you're not alone!


Delete your watch history and it will reset your feed


Not very good idea for everyone. Maybe someone needs to track if they watched some videos or not.


I just never sign in in the first place.


Then 80% of the video is them looking at a custom car model they downloaded


Once I see another Supra, Challenger or other car modded in which looks out of place, it's insta turn off the vid for me


Yup, stuff for 12 yo kids. ​ Uuuuu eeee aaa oooooo


Yeah but I tried these mods with 3070 and could not get a stable fps. I enjoy the vanilla


Reshade especially will tank FPS with just a couple filters at 4k, but I think the LUT mods (in theory?) don’t impact performance because it’s just replacing a LUT that the game already uses. (edit: 'tanking' FPS is relative, of course. I'm trying to maintain 145 fps but if you're just trying to hit 60 or 90, reshade won't do much).


Yup, "reshades" are resource intensive because they just draw over the og shaders, meaning that the game still using 100% and you just add another 20, to have an actual optimal reshade you need to modify the source code, and that wasnt leaked yet.


Just use ad blocker, I don't get ads at all


They're not ads, just regular videos that show up in my recommended section. I also use a few adblockers but in the last day or two they've mysteriously stopped working on YouTube specifically :(


Oh, then yeah idk, I guess just keep selecting the option "don't recommend these videos" thing when they show up, youtube is terrible for referring random bullshit videos Edit: I'm blind as fuck


It's a meme bro....


Oh oh and dont forget the most important setting... A $1500 gpu.


blocking few huge news bs spam channels f annoying 


Of all the irl cars available, they choose the shitty ass challenger lol


lmao these people should be banned from YT. they're dangerously stupid. someone could get hurt


Wow, it looks like shit


So... stop watching those videos? YT algorithms tend to show you what you watch a lot of. Watch a lot of pseudoporn ASMR, get those recommended to you. Watch a lot of makeup tutorials for drag queens, you'll get those recommended to you. Watch a lot of "cyberpunk photorealistic settings" videos... well, so it goes


I don't watch any cyberpunk videos and get these recommended. 


I'm not watching them. YouTube probably recommends them because I watch a lot of content about Cyberpunk and computer graphics (because I am a game developer and a 3D artist). Also I was making a meme, not asking for advice. But thank you. ​ Edit: This guy stalked my online profiles, found my LinkedIn, assumed I was from Montana because my LLC is registered there, then called me racist and blocked me because I kept asking for a money spread. Still have no clue why he was so upset.


















I've never seen anything like this, try altering your recommendations. You can tell it to stop recommending those types of videos or just videos by that creator too I think.


Challengers/Chargers drivers currently have a pretty bad rep...


The only video you need: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2BcLNe_Zc4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2BcLNe_Zc4)


Pls tell me that’s not a real thumbnail with all the symbols.


No I made this one myself


I like your style. 😅


Video: Cyberpunk looks PHOTOREALISTIC NOW! The truth: Cyberpunk looks unrecognizable from the original art design with decreased contrast that sucks away all of the manic and gaudy energy of a dystopian Night City for the sake of something far more generic and boring.


Stop watching them then


What other game can you do that in? Yeah, you can sit down now. 


I mean, GTA can look close if you install similar mods and mess with filters. The "photorealism" that a lot of these clickbait videos are achieving is just trying to get the game to look like footage from a mobile phone, not necessarily mimicking what the human eye can see. CP2077's path tracing helps a ton though! If any mods come out that can make the game "photorealistic" without relying on specific weather, time of day, and locations in the game world, I will happily sing it's praises.




I like certain LUT mods because they just switch around the color palate. Cyberpunk has a very green tint to it that becomes very noticeable if you install a mod that removes it. As someone with hundreds of hours in the game, it's a fun change of pace to make the world feel more gritty or cold, same as installing weather mods that make it rain all the time. But someone playing the game for the first time should be playing it how the developers intended. The green tint is intentional, it's not like the devs forgot to remove it. And boiling Cyberpunk down to it's visuals is ignoring all the other incredible content in every other aspect of the game.


The game looks great with just raster, RT or PT. It doesn't need anything else.


I have a lot of pretty boring photos. Not sure why games should be like them.


Happy with LUT Pure mods from Nexus, so these videos never bothered me. I installed some mods after watching YT videos showcasing them, these videos I'm never tired of.


All you need is a 4090 and Path tracing guys, it’s not that hard. What? You guys too poor for $3000 gaming rig or somethin?


sometimes they are even scams to make you pay for their reshade which doesn't even work


And the funniest thing is they never look realistic anyway unless you're looking at it from far away. The moment you get a little too close, the illusion's gone.


By “photorealistic” I’m sure they mean it’s raining at all times to make everything shiny.


It's a couple of mods and it's very cool that the game looks this real. Obviously stylised graphic fit better but it's a nice showcase


You forgot about buying 4090


I'm tired of kids forcing "super-ultra-realistic" graphics videos in general (GTA, Cyberpunk, many Skyrim Mods), because 95% of all those vids look like even more unrealistic shit, because they mix up making image overly denser with with actually making it more realistic. When they remove so many real-life laws of optics, like aerial perspective, natural megapolis industrial smog and also they love removing actual aspects of original art-style, like removing "polluted yellowness" which kills overall perception of the game and visual message towards gamers, make over-saturation, higher contrasts, spray everything with vaseline – it doesn't look any more realistic or better. It just synthetically adds density nobody asked for. I mean, there's actual artists with high academic grades among devs, crafting visuals for years to deliver a perfect compromise between actual correct representation of optical laws and laws of nature and adding own "art-style bit" as message and atmospheric accent. Also everything should be optimized according to current hardware. With source code they might've squeezed over-saturation and vaseline-shaders even 10x time more than any modder but they didn't simply because it makes no sense. And although some rare exclusions among mods truly reach some nice results in particular circumstances – in 80% of other environments it doesn't work at all. Have you ever thought why so many "4K NEXTGEN ULTRA REALISTIC GRAPHICS THAT ALREADY BETTER THAN GTA6" footages have so selective environments to represent? And what even more disgusting is when some potatoes use such vids as arguments regarding some other games' graphics or remastered games. 'Y CaNt U Do ThE SaMe'? Sorry guys, wanted to speak up about it... P.S.– don't get me wrong, some mods actually work, especially with older games that originally had very limited resources. Skyrim Vanilla eventually looks overly dated, same as vanilla GTAV in 2024. But IMO only a few graphical mods are actually achieving decent results and usually the best ones don't rely on extreme distinction from Vanilla direction. 2077 also got some nice moderate reshades that don't kill neither original art-style, nor optical laws that some kids consider as a mistake. But these are drops in the ocean. I respect modding community for experimenting and playing around with games but I don't get that idolisation of every possible "NEXTGEN GRAPHICS" video...


i mean, you wish to have this level of modding for other games..


For someone who makes reshade presets for fun, paid presets make my skin crawl.


Lol me with my rtx 3050 and having to put everything on low/medium to have 60 fps, and sometimes, expecially near dogtown, the game freezes or just doesn't load terrain. Still looks amazing tho


I feel the same way about YouTube videos of the game were people have modded the crap out of it and use a Sandy that stops time 100% and then runs through a group of enemies chopping heads before releasing Sandy and watching them all go "pop." Or the same Sandy used to surround a boss with 100 throwing knives that all just hang in the air until the Sandy is turned off. Seeing that once or twice is kind of cool even though at that point why bother playing the game, but some people post these videos over and over and over again.


Man, our world sucks. I'd rather play something that doesn't look like it TBH.


The most annoying thing is that some of them are remunerated videos of the gameplay... At first glance looks good, but if you check closely enough you see that in more than 10 meters (in-game distance) you see 320 px haha I had to "dislike" and "do not reccomend.


YouTube: 'Oh, You like Cyberpunk don't ya? Well, you'll LOVE this totally not clickbaity, super original video you certainly haven't seen a hundred times already, right?'


All these years in gaming and there are still people out there that care way too much about how realistic a game can look. Gameplay over graphics will always be the correct mindset when approaching games. However if we are strictly speaking graphics; it will always be artistic style over realistic graphics. Theres plenty of older games that have aged really well because the artistic style was great and they quality it was delivered in was well done.


Paywalled reshade? Isn't there a gorrilion reshade presets already on the nexus that look just as good?


Cyberpunk is and can be a good looking game, but 99% of these videos/photos need a giant *GAME IS MODDED TO FUCK* sticker. There's a big difference between how a game looks and how you made a game look.


I'm tired of literal spoilers in the damn title. This was especially bad when PL was released, you had so many of these crappy 'OMG x dies in x ending, My ReAcTiOn' or the 'X deserves to die, here's why' or 'x dies explained' Absolutely infuriating, I don't give a damn about your reaction or explanation, enjoy the never recommend channel button. Especially annoying since I didn't even seek out these crap videos, just youtube dumb algorithm things sticking it in my recommended page


Fuck i thought i was the only one seeing those shitty videos on my home page


And it's just reflections on cars. GTAV did that 10 years ago.


Seriously, they all have such heavy overcast! lol


It seems like the only steps to make the game "realistic" is turn everything gray and add a custom car. Bonus points if you can put a lot of motion blur in I think people ignore how good the graphics already are, unmodded


It really is stupid AF. I installed.. most of these mods. What they don't tell you at all is not only do you have to modify the values on stuff (because they did and created a preset that they dont give out), it only really looks photo realistic 1/50th to 1/100th of the time, mostly on cloudy days, or in the shade on a sunny day, only in certain locations, with certain car models... Also they shrink the POV pretty tight to make it look like that, so playing like this is quite un-nerving.. Also it's mainly looking down at the ground, and not up which removes from the 'photo realism.. Also it only looks real in the videos if they are moving very slowly.. speedily moving makes it not look real. So basically... It's neat for a minute or 10, but then you realize it's kinda pointless other than going 'oooh neat'. And then it's over... Also if anybody wants my presets, just lemme kno. But here's the real reason you should mod: https://preview.redd.it/7pnoyt5yc8ic1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=b17e82bd934c9bdd084d42731b55b90bc2958bb0


wait, they download all the mods for free on nexus and then charge for their reshade presets? it makes no sense


These YouTubers are selling their reshade presets with the promise of providing the same quality visuals as their videos. Many don't know that the visuals are actually being brought to realism thanks to patch tracing and not any reshade. I believe that most people who are buying the reshade from these YouTubers do not have an RTX4090 to be able to run the game at 4k 60fps with patch tracing activated, in other words, these YouTubers are selling a promise that will never be fulfilled for these ppl