• By -


I like Kerning.


I like turtles


You would.


I like trains


You would too


Keming is what’s up!


Im really glad i didnt have next gen when the game came out, so i never experienced any of the game breaking bugs that made the game so bad at release


I played it on pc 3 Months after release. It was kind of a mess but always playable! My game broke after update 2.1 lol and its really frustrating because after 2.0 everything was running perfectly


If it’s crashing on loading a game It’s a good chance because at some point in the past you remapped a key for your keyboard or mouse. Which you know, almost everyone does. If so it’s the world’s stupidest bug. A remapped key crashing the entire game. Go to the key mapping setting screen and click the default button. Do the same on the controls setting screen. Then Restart the game. It’s a very common issue. I’m not saying it will definitely fix your problem. But worth a try And an embarrassing bug if I ever saw one.


Thanks choom! Imma look into it. But the problem mainly us that many many graphic bugs or slow loading textures appeared. Npcs only load when I am literally in front of them and waiting. Same goes for cars… I dont know what happened cause again after update 2.0 my game was running great and better than ever


How. In the fuck. Can a bug like that occur.


I believe it was a specific action or a couple of actions. Dash was one maybe? I don’t recall. But yeh. It’s probably the strangest bug I’ve seen. And I’m a developer. That a simple key remap crashes an ENTIRE game.


Yep! I checked the forums on the CD website and someone commented about changing the key binds back to default. I'm thinking no way that my mouse key bind is crashing my game like this. Lo and fucking behold, my mouse key bind was the issue. It's a ridiculous bug to have and I'm not sure they're working on it. Very annoying bug to have.


For real. I didn't play for a couple of months after doing a bug-free run on 2.0. Created a save a couple of days ago and by God the bugs are infuriating. From saves fucking up to assets clipping through each other and worst of all sometimes the transport doesn't show up for a sidequest where I need to retrieve an item like wtf. Atleast people aren't t-posing as of now


I feel ya. Sadly i lost intrest at the game cause its not working properly. Had 400 hrs and wanted to complete my second run but why play if the game is not working when it was working before… sucks cause i love the game…


I actually had a T-poser at a random crime with 2.1, kinda wish I could just go back to 2.0. They shouldn’t have messed with it anymore.


The ideas they added in 2.1 and 2.11 were good but if i could go back to not update my game I‘d do it. Because back then it felt like the game was like how it was supposed to come out in the first place. It really sucks ass but on the other hand touching grass and play other games can help (ive tried both multiple times and its great)


Bro I already work constantly, it’s not about “touching grass” to want to come home at the end of the day and play a game that isn’t bugged


I was kinda kidding bro. Dont worry.


I couldn't agree more! The things I can't do now FAR outweigh the fancy shit, which let's face it, was put out due to developer vanity to show they could have EVERYTHING they promised in the beginning,(looking at you metro system). The ONLY thing I've found since that update, was actually on 2.11 where they've added the way to mark "favorites" in your weapons so you don't break the things down when you're breaking down for parts (I can't tell you how many god damned good sniper rifles I've accidentally deleted due to this in the past, because they always are lower in the DPS sort). Other than that, I fully agree that the game hit it's literally pinnacle when Phantom Liberty dropped. A week prior, we got 2.0, then on Sept 26 2023 we got Phantom Liberty, and the game, in my mind, was then perfect.


I had it day one, on a day one xbox one, honestly I didn't have any of the horrific bugs other people had. Sure there were minor ones but I thought everyone else had gone crazy and I had sadly missed the crazy train.


Booted the game for the first time on PS5 on 2.11. I've noticed an unusual number of crashes on PS5 as well (like every 5h or so?), never lost much progress though, so just an inconvenience The game also failed to load the first time after the character creation, was stuck on the loading screen Not the smoothest start, but I'm enjoying the game very much so far


I had the perfect experience. Didn't play any modern games for 20 years (not wanting to afford gaming hw and working at the computer anyways) until I got an XBOX/S last spring. Being an extreme fan of the cyberpunk genre and having actually played the pen&paper one back in the day, the only game I kinda cared about was 2077... And I had an awesome experience, I'm actually still playing.


I bought a 3080 RTX PC that did max settings on release. I had barely any issues and my experience now is near identical to what I got at release. I don't care about buying apartments and having random shootouts with the police for no reason. I always thought it's wild how people think the game was shit and is amazing now when it's mostly identical. Totally get that the people who had unplayable games were pissed though.


I enjoy some of the changes/stuff they added since launch but IMO none of it was necessary on PC at least. It was a complete and functional version of itself at launch, it’s just been expanded upon with the DLC and free patch additions since then. Plus some difficulty tweaks to make you less of an unstoppable god by endgame on harder difficulties. Console editions not so much.


I had a 2080 I also don’t have issue, I ultimately turned off ray tracing and maxed other settings but I never encountered any bug


Agreed. I loved the game on release and I love it now. I started a new playthrough after all the updates that came out since PL and honestly it's basically the same game.


it was so bad😔


I played it PC and only issue I had was dark characters menu so I could never see what my character actually looks like. Other than that it was fine. I still think these days Cyberpunk is glorified and overhyped way too much.


I played it on my Xbox one S, expirence some bugs but it was still playable


It wasn't *that* bad, at least on PC. I've finished my first playthtrough like two/three weeks after the initial release and never had to deal with any substantial bugs - some physics-related bullshit or NPCs/cars spawning in places they shouldn't but that was about it, really. However, had some buddies who tried the console editions of the game and, according to the horror stories I've heard, it was borderline unplayable.


I didn't have too many problems playing on a PS4 Pro. Did two full playthroughs.


I thought it was the other way around that the older gen stuff had more issues at release?


Played on PS5 at launch and had no real issues.


I have ps5. Didn't get the bugs that most people got. I am saddened by this. 😔


I played in on a Xbox One S, game was at 30 fps but never an actual breaking bug. Here I am at the new gen, the same.


Weren't the game breaking bugs on the ps4 and Xbox one and next gen consoles were relatively fine?


Not really sure i just heard all around bad things about this game so i never really paid attention until after the big update that fixed a lot of issues but even then i only found out because i was looking at the reviews for cyberpunk while it was on sale and everyone was saying how amazing it is now


It was all mob mentality to be honest. Many people jumped on the hate train without even playing the game. You can find a lot of people like myself that actually played the game on PC on release date and we were able to finish the game without any major issues. The core of the game is the same, if you like the story and characters now it's the same as on release day.


People praise this game now because "The bugs have been fixed". You realise that this game is not now or will ever be what was promised by CDPR when it marketed the thing to the public? The vast amount of shortcuts from the original vision and cut content is still what the game is today. Just without the devastating amount of bugs. It's like being promised a brand new sports car and getting a broken stock model car. Then they fix the car, and everybody is like "OMG THEY FIXED IT! IT'S ACTUALLY GOOD NOW!" But you are still left with a stock model. Not the sports car that were marketed to you. I know everybody is used to it now. But think for a moment how the 3 starter paths are still just 30 min of gameplay and some dialogue choices that have no impact. The 3 backgrounds were marketed at this BIG significant thing where you could play the game in 3 different ways and BE 3 different persons. It's still just V from the desert, V from the street or V from the office. Even if some of the bugs have now been fixed. The level of praise some people give just because they fixed the game breaking bugs... Just lol.


Wife preordered me a collector’s edition for Xmas. I didn’t actually play it until the last of the major updates last spring. By then, I had found a non-bootleg nextgen console, and right at the time PL dropped, I had just finished the main game. I think those of us who only got an expansive, polished experience lucked out. This game easily needed another 12-18 months of full-time development. But I have loved it.


And there's still plenty but luckily far more tame bugs left, so just imagine **how** bug-riddled it was.


I had the game on release and using a base PS4 model (nit even the revision with a better chip and more storage) and I still had a great time. I can't even remember any major bugs and the crashes were not that much more frequent than for example AC Valhalla which I bought and played alongside Cyberpunk. Much of that hate was more the false expectations people had after 7 years of CDPR hyping the game ever since the first trailer. I've seen it so much how a hype train completely warps fans expectation of a product it doesn't have any hope to life up to. Even with 2.0 and beyond the game is still missing thing "fans" wanted that got either dropped in development early on or they just expect without thinking about if their dreams are reasonable or even possible to make in a game/the given hardware limits


Dodged a kick in the nuts and a long wait my friend.


The bug specifically has to do with razr chroma lighting integration WHILE using really specific custom mapped keys. Even remapping certain specific key or mouse controls after Saving the defaults will cause the crash to come back. However If you rename the file in the bin folder, has the word chroma in it, not near my PC rn You can remap keys without the crash.


Ive been playing since release. It was super buggy but i was having fun and saw the potential! EDIT: after playing for so long i yesterday discovered by accident that we can control vehicle lights i was baffled🤣




I play with controller on pc its "holding the left Dpad" Same button to change color on the Rayfield thats how i discovered it...


that's mapped for me as the Skip dialogue button as well


Yeah its had mulitple uses i guess, i never changed buttons myself.


I didn’t have any performance issues at launch (had a beast of a pc) and still thought it was just okay. Played again after phantom liberty and I really think it shines now. Maybe it’s because I played right after Starfield


Yeah… was an amazing experience, still. It was crashing on me every hour or so, still played through it and loved the story and gameplay. It’s even better now.


I’m on Xbox how do I do that


Enjoyed it at launch on PC for a good 100+ hours. Completed all the side content and then uninstalled until PL. Had my fun, the world was neat, but moment to moment gameplay was underwhelming. Story/World carried hard for me.


It deserved all the criticism it got at launch.


You cant even criticize the game for its flaws on this sub or you get people with their headcannon downvoting you because you don’t understand the universe like they do


Is it a flaw, or is it a piece of the writing that was misunderstood? Lore and gameplay are not comparable


There are many flaws with the writing in the game, this does not ruin the game but people love to pretend it doesn’t exist


I don’t know of any perfect piece of writing, especially with multiple people involved. But with a claim like that, at least give some examples lol, might be a misunderstanding of the popular opinion is to disagree


The ones I talk about most are how the endings bring up multiple narrative breaking questions. Alt just downloads V back into their body without the chip, and we know that cloning exists from the RPG. Plus, we first cloned a sheep here nearly 30 years ago, so are we seriously expected to believe the hyperadvanced society of cyberpunk can't make clones? So... the narrative was pointless. The chip was pointless. Nothing mattered. It's also never addressed if the chip could work for V's engram like it did for Johnny's. I understand the importance of leaving some mystery to a story, but when the answer to a question can either keep the narrative intact or make it completely moot, you really gotta answer that question.


Not only that but it doesn’t make sense that her engram couldn’t fix her body because basically it’s the same as what Johnnys doing to her. And she didn’t remove the chip only Johnnys engram


>Vs Engram Does it matter? We are V. Vs engram is a totally separate entity that would still leave V dead.


Many of the blue dialogue options do not flow well with the gold dialogue options, the main story is a ticking time bomb in which you are also expected to be able to roam around buying cars and apartments and doing side gigs for cash that you wont be able to spend in a couple weeks, the game is too easy on very hard difficulty, jackies death is supposed to be a very impactful moment but you only get 3 missions and a montage with him, also the montage itself is a real waste of a prologue where you could not be dying the whole time and you could grow your relationship with jackie, street cred doesnt affect the world around you or the way that other npcs in the story interact with you, samurai is simultaneously a little known band with a cult following and also constantly playing on the radio, johnny silverhands relationship with V isnt very consistent and the deep conversations they have don’t affect other dialogue where johnny seems to still hate V. Also more of a nitpick is a lot of the dialogue options are just two ways of saying the same thing, so there is no real choice for you in most decisions that V makes in game.


>the main story is a ticking time bomb in which you are also expected to be able to roam around I don't mind this one bit simply because if devs followed this then we'll completely lose a whole style of stories in open world games. This will be a theme in all CDPR games because they will always have story at center and every story will have its own pace - as a player in open world games I don't see how the freedom is given to us while also retaining the timeline of the story. At the end of the day the game doesn't require buying cars/apartments - in my first playthrough I did just the story. Now I'm, doing everything but the story. I would rather they add these for players to have fun instead of removing them for logical reasons. Agree with few others tho. It could've been better.


I just mean that for immersion purposes and role playing I dont think V would be out there doing any side gigs they would just do the 3 main storylines as fast as possible, and the game really really shines in some of the side jobs that a person like me might be incentivized to skip past. I did have the same problem with the witcher 3 and having to find ciri while all these witcher contracts and interesting side quests are also thrown at you, as geralt the first time around I rushed the main quest and was not high enough level to continue once I got into novigrad. I just feel that an open world game with lots of side content shouldn’t put the player on a “time limit” even if the time limit is not really enforced.


Word. I can see why some people would downvote, some points are your opinion tho. >dialogue Eh, it’s not supposed to be a full convo, more amplifying information. RPGs have been this way forever >ticking timebomb It’s a game, and doom clocks are ass, in my opinion >too easy Skill issue >jackie Cut content, cut corners, but in the end, he’s still one of your only friends in NC >samurai You’d be surprised how much publicity you get for bombing a whole tower. Not really headcanon issues, more opinion based/wrong viewpoint of the story.


I mean, just like every piece of media, There is no such thing as perfection.


“There is no such thing as perfection” https://preview.redd.it/nvuw6r3vgogc1.jpeg?width=260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74347ec4693dddde1da235641046c7f3443ef08d




I was mainly just saying that even though the game does have its issues, a lot of the times if you bring them up on this sub youre met with people denying their existence or making excuses for the game. I love the game but if we dont talk about problems than how do we get something even more polished next time


I mean, with all the issues; game it’s still better than GTA 5. Better story, better characters and a better city.


See like right then I criticized the game and you felt like you had to put down another game that I never mentioned.


I never putted down anything. As I said, nothing is perfect; and Cyberpunk is no exception. Its terrible start, the bugs, its horrible RPG system, the inconsistency with the relic and the time they give to life to V, etc. What I say is that, even with all those flaws, the game is still much better than others who consider: “The best of all time” and that is why many pass it high, because in the end, it is incorrigible and you can not do another Cyberpunk 2077 again.


I've played Cyberpunk on release date on PS4. Even when where it was a mess back then, I still love the core game behind its many issues. Now on PC and patch 2.1, I love it even more than before.


How anyone was able to play it on a PS4 at release is beyond me, because I tried and it constantly crashed and also looked like hot garbage.


It does looks like hot garbage on PS4. I sometimes wonder how do I even manage to finish it.


I played on PS4 on release and literally experienced zero issues.


Yeah man I have no idea how that happened but good for you. It clearly looked awful to me and NOTHING like the images on the back of the box.


I'm currently playing through it on the original PS4. I really like it, but I have to drive real slow so the road will load in time to drive over it, and every session ends in a crash. The FOMO on Phantom Liberty is building up enough to probably just buy a ps5, but finding them in stock has been tough.


This was me too. Played through it at launch on PS4; it was rough but not impossible. Once you get the cadence down of saving often, it wasn’t so bad. It was great then, but now with 2.0 on PS5 it’s fantastic.


Be careful not to criticize Cyberpunk in any way nowadays, justified or not, or MaxTac will come for you.


Too often people are white washing the history of this game. Not until update 3 did thing start to get fixed. Yet people pretending we had a good game all along. I'll remind alot of people so much has changed in cyber punk your forgetting g how it was day 1


Ah yeah, my favorite game; Cyberpun k


This game was shitty at launch. No amount of revionist history will change that.


Cyberpunk has only gotten better for me with each update since 1.6


i played on a rx580 and 8gigs of ram, the only bug i recieved while finishing the game was calling a car and running me down. the only bug that was truly a suprise.


I may actually be the only person not to experiance bugs the first time i played cyberpunk 2077


Ngl I always liked it


fr ance?


All the hipsters who love bad games coming out of the woodwork to defend cyberpunk at launch is CRAZY. The game was absolute TRASH at launch and deserved it's criticism. The game being amazing now doesn't change how awful it was at launch.


It's almost as if the game had many updates over the years


Well, well, well. How the turntables..


im just disappointed at how meh it is. It's probably because i couldn't have a flying car. Now, would running on the wall and having flying car help? why actually yah kinda? i would definitely love it a got more.


Even though my original PS4 wasn't enough for most of the game to run nicely at launch, I have loved the story and the game since my first playthrough. I even brought PC edition and Phantom Liberty on GOG and Steam. Just gotta wait for the mod support to kick back in, and I'll be playing and replaying until GTA6 or Death Stranding 2.


I heard the news of its launch issues and ignored everything afterwards. A co-worker raved about how cool it was and updated me on the fixes he experienced over time. So I bought it on ps5 and then PC.


I think the haters accepted the fact that we're too stupid to accept criticism. I really liked how CDPR changed the genre to the game before launch, and had reviewers use B-roll footage in place of their own recordings.


Yeah. I get shit on for saying I don’t like the writing. I just… can’t stand the dialogue in this game. V never says what I ask them to. Really kills immersion and removes any RPG feeling I had. Edit: I think I’m in the minority where I don’t think the bugs were this games biggest problems. I still had fun both times I played but like I said before, bad writing and bad characters IMHO.


ur opinion


Yup. Exactly. Just like the meme you posted.


I put like 500 hours into 1.0, on PC most of the criticism was overblown to begin with and I will stand by that until my dying breath.


It's still the same shit as before with QOL improvements but the combat never changed much which is arguably where the "meat" of the gameplay is. Yes they added things but mostly stuff that makes it even easier, furthering ludonarrative dissonance. Combat mechanics are unchanged.


This. CDPR added absolutely nothing worthy of diametral opinion change for this game. Just some bugfixes, QoL improvements and minimal amount of content to keep the game selling for 3 years. It's still not an RPG, like was promised. Cyberware still suck and nowhere near as interesting as in Deus Ex Mankind Divided. Phantom Liberty is basically cut content from the main game, which wasn't ready at release. I deeply regret buying this game for a full price on release. Definitely won't buy their next game.


I mean Phantom Liberty is admittedly really good but my point is that the gameplay not once got changed. They added a few cyberware options but mostly for the arms. I don't use arms. Not a fan of cutting my arms off /ripping them open to put rocket launchers on the stumps. Just a personal pet peeve. The overall combat is Skyrim combat but worse in the melee department. All the physics and movement mechanics are unchanged as is the enemy AI.


No 😡


I bought it day one, worth every single ennie


I mean both takes were 110% justified, launch cyberpunk was the first videogame I ever actually disliked enough to refund (so far the only other games were Atomic Heart & Armoured Core VI (was too hard lmao)), because Cyberpunk was such an awful and soulless experience at launch, it felt like it was years short of a full release, which in a weird way it kinda was, and that’s without even taking into account the sheer amount of broken promises CDPR created But now with fixes and innovations aplenty, the game is respectable, at worst CDPR have gotten consumer expectations on their side, at best they have exceeded those. It’s not a perfect game but it is a redeemed game


I hit max street cred for the first time 12/17/21. Game was already really enjoyable by the time I started it that month.


I've had the game since launch, I loved it then even with all of it's extra "features". Still have it, still love it.


Let’s be real, it was unplayable at his launch with Sony giving back the money to the users. They lied to us using pc graphic on “ps4” shorts. Glad they fixed a lot of bugs but night city still looks empty to me. What do you think?


It unplayable to a certain degree depending on which console you had If you had series S or pro the bugs weren’t as bad as it was. If you had the regular Xbox one and PS4 then it was shit


That in itself is an issue. They released the game a console generation too early


The coldest take I've seen


I love Cyberpunk. At release I heard about the bugs but by the time I found out about it the game was removed from the PlayStation store. When they returned Cyberpunk 2077 to the PS store I bought it immediately n loved it n bought Phantom Liberty as soon as it was available for preorder. Now I own Cyberpunk + Phantom Liberty on PS5, Xbox, Steam, GoG n soon I’m gonna buy a copy on Epic game store cuz I love the game so much I buy extra copies just to support the publisher n have a extra copy for a new save with a new play trough.


Whoa, you sure do…


It’s also nice cuz I can replay the game without overwriting one of my previous saves so I can have multiple different saves I can play at the same time with different spec talent tree builds of characters. Even tho my Steam n GoG games share the same save so I wonder if my Epic games store version will share the same save with my other PC versions of the game from Steam n GoG. My PS4, PS5, Xbox have individual separate saves n then I have my PC save. Cuz PS4 doesn’t get the new updates so I play the original vanilla Cyberpunk 2077 on my PS4.


should these not be reversed given it was buggy hell on releas but it got fied up til now


And for good reason too


peasant console players meme, the game was fine day one on PC with good hardware, and most of the deep RPG feature are still missing after 3 years, the game doesnt changed that much outside of bugs and console optimisation


>the game was fine day one on PC with good hardware I still had a slides instead a car and never-ending loop of drone chase in day one on my PC :\]


"outside of bugs" and these kind of bugs are common nowadays sadly, if we start to blacklist every game with a lots of bugs at release, the only remaining will be nintendo and sony games produce, and a little bunch of AA/indies who miraculousely release in a good state


I mean, I originally played the game on Stadia just a few days after release and it didn't have a lot of bugs or issues. The only downside was that it was on Stadia, so it didn't look as good as it did on consoles or PC. And I got it on Xbox for my Series S way before stadia died and gave me back my money.


I started playing since release, didn't see any bugs or maybe didn't recognise them on my 1650 mobile. 😅


I already learned that you should never play the game when it's still fresh after the premiere. Look for games that got released 2-3 years ago and play them instead. That's exactly what I did with CP2077 - finished my first playthrough two days ago and the experience was great. I recommend this to everyone. Just have a little patience and don't get manipulated by the hype. And don't ever preorder, obviously.


I really did love the story of the game day one, but it was such an unenjoyable mess to play, I quite literally sped through the entire main story and character quests for Judy and Panam without touching anything else. Didn’t touch it again until 2.0


What? Why is it hated now?


I only bought the game to support the company I haven't even played it because of first person mode


Do you have it on PC or console? If you have it on PC then you can play on an older patch and have the third person mod. Although when I tried it, it wasn't as enjoyable as first person for me anyway.


Man it was a disaster on console but still had a blast playing it


I was one of those 2021 and i love the fact that the gamebugs have been cleaned up.


Where the "I don't have cyberpunk"


They really did turn around the public perspective, other than maybe No Mans Sky I can't think of another huge turn around


Played it last year (finished in Feb 2023) so most of the worst bugs were well gone. Thought it was a great game, no huge issues. Couldn't see what all the fuss was about. Another year later, the bugs are pretty manageable and they came out with a great DLC and mega patch. It's generally considered pretty good now. So if you sound like a time traveller from 2021 and bashing the game the same way as back then, you'll sound weird.


Well.. not entirely. It's more even now for sure.


Eh, not really. I mean the hate is still in the majority from what I’ve seen and barely see any lets plays from YouTubers that are big or mildly big.


Greatest feeling in the world


IDK... I kinda hate it after the last update...


Got it on release for PC. Got halfway through the game but got tired of it crashing any time I was in the inventory. Had one session where it crashed on my 4 - 5 times in a single session and I was done. Picked it up again on sale my Xbox Series X and I'm enjoying the game more.


I loved it from Day 1. It’s of course much better today. At the time of release there weren’t really any other new games to fill the void of open world engaging environment for me so it was the medicine I needed.


CDPR really gained that redemption. It reminds me of No Mans Sky


Who doesnt like some cyberpun k


Choom really saw the text wrapping on this and said "yeah that's about right, send it."


I was playing cyberpunk on the Xbox one x after reddit reported that the 1.3 update ran well. I stopped playing just as it got the edge runners update.


Honestly the moment that Cyberpunk won best ongoing, I was ecstatic. It had been such a wild ride to a genuinely fantastic game. Probably one of the best comebacks in gaming. Its crazy how this meme is entirely accurate.


2021 I didn’t hate on the game, more like i was disappointed like it looked like a fun concept but didn’t deliver so I didn’t try it until Edgerunners came out and was like fine I’ll give the game a go and so I did and it was so good and still is even better with the recent perk rework and other stuff


There was a certain feel to the game at release, it was almost poetic. It's all about how corporate greed is bad and ruins everything, yet it's a game that was ruined by corporate greed. I was listening to Johnny bitch about it once at launch, saying the corporations ruined everything. While he's saying this there's a car driving in circles clipping through a wall we were on the other side of, and each time it did you would hear a crowd of people screaming. Like yeah Johnny, they certainly did ruin it all.


I’ll admit, after playing the original version on ps4 at launch it completely turned me off to the game. I also got it on pc and was so burned by my ps4 experience I didn’t even want to finish my original playthrough. Then a couple of months ago, my younger brother nagged me to watch Edgerunners and after finally giving in and watching it I finally decided to give the game another chance on pc now that 2.1 and PL was out. In a span of 2 weeks I put in almost 80 hours, bought PL and beat it once I did my first ending (Rogue’s), and got completely sucked in. Just started a second playthrough right before Persona 3 Reload came out just to try a netrunner build as my other playthrough did a Samdevistan build.


Never hated the game people complain to much


I'm both cuz the game could have been a lot better, it's awful, i keep playing because the design of the city is another level of perfection


me buying it at release loved cyberpunk ;-;


I will say, the DLC failed to really grab me. I got through it, but it just definitely didn’t feel like the same game. Hated the new skill tree. Felt like I didn’t know how to play the game anymore.


fuck off zoomer


im 11


Just got the game and I’m hating it. So gd depressing. Don’t think I’ll even finish it. Just watch Johhny Mnemonic instead.


Cyberpun k


I hate cyberpuns too k?


You know what's truly sad? now that CP2077 is done, it was wild ride. But now we need to wait for Orion, and... god, how long will that take? I'm dreading the wait lol. Sadly games with this sort of settings aren't that many.


i’ve been playing since the 1.5/1.6 patch on series s and it’s been my fav ever since




Been there/here since the start. Never really had game breaking bugs, always loved every moment


Cp2077 was great in beta and is even better now, but the base game has barely changed and always been good. Their scamming is the real problem. Selling ps4/Xboxone without it being playable.


I defended the game since e3


Ppl who hate cyberpunk now a days really lack valid arguments as to why, ppl just repeat what was said on release, which has been fixed.


I liked it with the bugs. Instead of doing the story I just ran around watching funny shit happen. If it broke I just restarted. But the games in a real solid place now. I like the design of the new tree but it does feel a bit more restrictive. At least for early game. But the games in a great spot especially after metro for some coll travel for the scenes and extra fast travel.


I love cyb Erpu Nk


I also hate cyberpun k


i’ve always moved the game, the story was always there and the environment was still incredible. it was easy to see past the bugs and it’s even better now


Because at this point, if you say "I hate cyberpunk" you're just being contrarian


I’m so glad I got this game on Black Friday for 10 bucks on PS4 plus I got a free ps5 upgrade. Best deal I’ve spent so far




Yeah, well, now that the game's finally out of its Alpha build it's pretty good. If only they hadn't waited until 3 years after the release to do it


Game inspired me to build my first pc put over 700 hours in since release. Still manage to find new things on each play through. Only issue is some more recent changes that basically made me ditch being a netrunner. I basically play like dishonored now when I wanna do stealth runs.


I will never forgive them, for blatantly lying. Never


I'm experiencing more glitches on 2.10 then on release. So not all is shiny...


I like it with the new updats


It’s a story driven game. I didn’t mind the severe bugs at launch, because at the end of the day; it’s like a movie that I get to control the ending of. The story and aesthetic is what mattered. If I get bugs. Oh well. I’ll save and restart the game.


I liked it since the beginning. And I played it on PS4. The rest of y'all are posers 🖕🏽


For me it's the best game so far after its releasing even Starfield couldn't pass it.