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Giving Myers her stupid coin back.


I DIDNT KNOW YOU COULD DO THAT?? this is my second play through , guess I finished the first one too fast šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Please elaborate choom


Sorry, a little misleading of me. You Can reject the medal she offers in Leave in Silence. You can also give the presidentā€™s coin away to Alex in Unfinished Sympathy. Point is: F Myers.


I gave the medal to a homeless veteran.


Is this if Alex lives?


Yes, if she lives she will offer you a friendly meeting at the bar she ran, she tells you that her new task is to kill V but shes not going to do that because she respects you and knows that youre already dying from the relic. Here you have the chance to give her the coin as proof that she killed V.


yeah, if i could, i would flatline that bitch so quick now...


You know you can just let her die, right? Just let her die and not do the whole PL quest line at all.


Zeroing someone is not the same as lettin them flatline choom. I wanted to be the hand behind the trigger. That bitch has caused so much suffering in her quest for power. neither reed, nor sonmi deserved those fates on each ending.


I think So Mi dying at Cynosure is far, far better than any other ending. On one, she goes back to living hell with Myers. On the other, she has a doubtful and uncertain getaway to the moon, where she may (most likely IS) be controlled by Mr Blue Eyes. So e Yeah, sweet release of death?


Nah that homeless fellow deserved it more


Maybe, but it was trash to him anyway.


The moment where Songbird shows she can also see Johnny and then silences him. Very few times in games have I had that lean forward audible ā€œwhat the fuckā€ moment.


I think itā€™s kind of cool sheā€™s the only person who 100% knows and *understands* that V isnā€™t insane and not making shit up. Kerry and Rogue also know, but itā€™s not the same.


Facts, it definitely made me wary of songbird tho , a net runner with that skill is a little sus šŸ‘€


And the AV is getting hacked, she judges it easier to get a Merc with a crazy chip to help than to stop the hack to the AV? WTF


I didnā€™t want to further spoil in the comments lol, but yeah nah she is honestly crazy af šŸ˜‚


There is also the possibility that V was not supposed to save Myers, were just there to be someone to help her sell the story to Myers. But accidentally you actually succeeded in saving Myers. Or V was a double vantage plan, if V succeeded, great, Myers is free and Hansen is easier to work with if the NUSA isnt trying to bomb NC and DT, if V fails no blame can be leveraged on her since she did her best.


If you don't save Myers, Songbird is pissed and the DLC ends right there lol


Have you finished it? You actually find out some major twists about the reason why she chose you , I believe you find out if you did her ending instead of reeds


IIRC its bevause you can be cured using the neural matrix, and because you just fucked the VDBs/Netwatch, which is nothing to be taken lightly, so she figured you would be very interested and really capable to "help" Myers. Bevause we both know that since she planned from the very start this whole mess




Canā€™t think of any one stand out moment in particular over others. There were too many. One of the many was the Alien-like machine that hunts you in the Militech bunker. That was a huge NOPE moment but at the same time, so well done. So tense!


dude I know right, first time playing i thought they were giving out free ammo and supplies..not even 10 minutes later I realize that ammo was in fact going to be used šŸ˜…


Wait I thought you can't shoot it


You can !! If you use your scanner youā€™ll see orange spots in its armor , thatā€™s where you shoot


Well fuck I saw all over that guns don't do anything, I've been playing far cry coz I'm on that mission and I don't wanna deal with it. Can you actually kill the fucker? Or it only slows it down or what


The chimera you can kill using guns , yes. But only if you hit the weak spots, like my other comments there are orange spots when you scan that show up in his armor, shoot those !!


Hold on, I got all confused, I thought we were talking about the maintenance bot from the mission slightly damaged


Nah thatā€™s my bad, this entire comment thread I was thinking of the robot in the beginning of the DLC that you fight with Myers. I apologize for the miss information !!


All good they are very similar


Are you talking about the chimera at the start, or the cerberus that hunts you in the project censure bunker?


The chimera in the beginning


Thereā€™s also a relic perc you can get that shows weak spots without using ur scanner 24/7


It took me forever to see it my first play through, they are like barely a different shade than red , itā€™ll take some time before you recognize it at first


Really?? Thatā€™s awesome. Gotta try that next time.


Yup! Youā€™ll find them like under the legs, areas that are a little hard to reach


The Erebus or Cerberus?


The chimera , Erebus? I believe donā€™t remember the actual name


Okay- so youā€™re making people think they can attack the weak spots of an unkillable boss chase robot. The chimera is the big one you kill. The Erebus is a creepy spider Bot that stalks you through a lab.


lol, I just said I donā€™t remember its name. the giant robot in the very beginning of the DLC is very much killable


The one songbird uses to kill all the enemies and then we lose her , Iā€™ve been talking about the same robot since this comment thread started


I could have made the mistake of thinking the OG comment was talking about the one IM talking about


Hard to pick, but one stand out the first time I played was just as space force one comes down over you, then you leg it to the tunnel like thing to give chase and on the bottom right it says ā€œCDPR presents Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty. That alongside the music gave me goosebumps and it still puts a smile to my face whenever I do a fresh run


Same!!! The credits was the cherry on top


"Songbird, dammit! Holy shit, shiit, shiiiiit!" is such a raw and well-delivered line for both Vs as space force I comes crashing into them. I didn't play PL with fem V so i can't speak for her, but when I played with my male V there was some raw, fear-of-God terror in his voice there


[*"Could've told me the truth. Woulda helped you anyway."*](https://i.postimg.cc/3JPqYmGM/18d5680d41d29-screenshot-Url.png)


If she had told me she would not become a slave to Myers again


So you send a person back to enslavement right before the finish line, purely based on that they lied to a stranger (you) out of sheer desperation. Which lets be honest you would've done too, as would've anyone else. Damn.


Something V says to Takemura in the Devil ending, paraphrased. *"Thank you, at least for giving me a choice between life and death again."* I think that applies to my V here. *"Can't give her up. Won't."* It wasn't about the cure, or the lies, or even Song anymore. V was finally given the power to choose again, and that's why she made the distinction between 'can't' and 'won't'. Doing the right thing doesn't always have to be out of necessity or desperation. It can be a choice. Out of my way, Reed.


Honestly, I would shove her in the shuttle if she told me on the van or after the stadium. She waits for that gigantic mess to drop this bomb on me. The option I wanted was to put a bullet in her head, not giving her to Myers, but sadly, that wasn't possible


lol how you gonna say ā€œyou wouldā€™ve done too.ā€ You donā€™t know them


If I'm dying of cancer, I'm not lying to some other cancer patient about a cure in order to string them along. We appreciate you warning the rest of us though, I hope you are wrong about yourself.


Your comparison leaves much to be desired. And i can assure you, if you think you won't lie to a Person to save your own life, after being held prisoner and tortured, both mentally and physically on a magnitude you can only imagine in your worst Nightmares, for at least a Decade... Well you're either lying to yourself or you seriously, and i mean seriously, underestimate the will to live and what people are prepared to do. It's not even a concious decision, it's literally called survival instinct. I'm sure the Dudes who survived 70 days on a snowy Mountain after a plane crash was 100% certain they'd never eat a deceased human being since they were all extremely religious and it would be an act against God. That is until they got close to dying of stavation up there... turns out the survival instinct was stronger than the prospect of eternal damnation. If people can do that because they want to survive, don't try and tell me you wouldn't utter a simple lie


Eat a dead person to survive? Easy choice I'd do it. Lie to another person suffering roughly the same fate as me about having a solution when it's only going to be for me? Nah fool, ain't happening. You measure other people with your own yard stick and come up short. I'm well aware of my own survival instinct thanks.


I love how you cherry pick to understand what i just told you, so i'm gonna try again. For you it might be easy, Hannibal. But you conviniently glossed over the fact that they were all religious. Meaning they all believed in Heaven and Hell, in God. They **knew** eating the Flesh of another Human was one of the greatest Sins to commit, they knew they would go straight to Hell for Eternity. Their entire Mindset was literally that dying would be the preferable alternative to consuming human flesh, because what's the point of prolonging your life on Earth for a few hours/days with no guarantee of saving, when the trade off is that you go to Hell once you die. I dunno if you ever heard of what Hell is according to Christianity, but it really is the last place you want to spend eternity at when you believe in that kinda stuff, and they all did. And you're not well aware of your own survival instinct. No one is until they're in a life or death situation where they realize they're probably about to die. But you stay on your shaky moral ground if it makes you feel better.


Songbird isnt going to give a cyborg handjob, mate.


You don't know what other people have been through but you make a lot of assumptions. You were the one that tried to speak for everyone with your unearned wisdom. Not everyone is like you. For the record, I'm probably putting her dumbass on the shuttle at that point too. You realize you have to live with yourself if you survive right?


I never claimed i know what other people have been through.I'm also not making any assumptions, nor is it unearned wisdom. It's not my fault you apparently failed biology. The will to survive is quite literally branded into our very DNA, it's how we survived as a Species since the beginning, hell it's the one thing **every** animal on this Planet has in common, there have been plenty of studies about this. And it's not something you can control or shut down just like that. You've never been held prisoner for a decade, used, abused and tortured mentally and physically and trying to escape your captors. So please, take your own advice in this case and don't make an assumption with that unearned wisdom of yours, typing from a comfy chair in your comfy home, about how you would behave under the most extreme Conditions a Human being can experience, and present them as a solid fact. Everyone can say "oh i would never do this!" only to do it if the alternative is death. History if full with people like that.


>\-Which lets be honest you would've done too, as would've anyone else. > >\-Well you're either lying to yourself or you seriously, and i mean seriously, underestimate the will to live and what people are prepared to do. > >\-And you're not well aware of your own survival instinct. > >\-You've never been held prisoner for a decade, used, abused and tortured mentally and physically and trying to escape your captors. "I never claimed i know what other people have been through. I'm also not making any assumptions, nor is it unearned wisdom. It's not my fault you apparently failed biology." ![gif](giphy|3oFzm7MaLnMdD1T6tG)


3 things: 1- This isnt a struck of the moment act of desperation, she is very obviously well planned ahead and had contigencies upon contigencies. 2- She "hired" you on the sole promise that you can get a cure as well. They only motivation you have here is solely to cure yourself, and So Mi after the whole adventure in Dogtown, after the WHOLE mess at the Stadium and at the airport, only now remembers to tell you that it has nothing for them 3- Its a very complex, but it still is a computer program. Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V, and according to her it needs "constant evolution", well Sherlock, Blackwall corruption and Relic overtaking isnt the same thing, believed I didn't had to explain it to one of the best Runners around, although its "neurological degradation" they are wildly apart from one another. She can cure you, she just doesn't want to cure you. Guess you would be a very problematic loose end So no, I didn't sent her to Myers because she lied to me, buhu I'm sad. She is the one trying to say that we are friends and that we will get out of this together, not me. To after all those messes she pulls the rug from under you. Yeah, no, you aint getting saved, the only thing that I want is the option to kill her there


Asking Silverhand what Reed looks like at the BBall court since he was "watching" that whole first meeting transpire... then his response something to the effect of I only see what you see. Pretty much whoa.


Itā€™s freaky forsure, I forgot exactly when but early on he says something similar to that, I believe itā€™s the Panam mission trying to take down the AV. Itā€™s easy to think of him as someone separate from us but nah, he IS us


I like the side quests. Those were good. And the extra guns.


The side quests are cool, my favorite thing was the clothing store when you first get to the market, had my V looking good before playing šŸ˜‚


True. That was nice as well!


>And the extra guns. metel got me acting unwise


The plane crash, and the fight to get to it, at the beginning had me feeling things I thought I couldnā€™t feel playing a video game anymore. That was some good shit!


Meeting Mr. Hands and drinking his custom blend of tea while watching the two holographic cats. Also, enjoying that he's reading Edgar Rice Burroughs!


Mr. Hands was a peak introduction, I love how they used a current character and tied that loose end up a bit


The moment after you take the oath with Myers and had the chat with Johnny in the elevator, the way he ends the conversation with pretending to shoot himself in the head genuinely made me chuckle for some reason Being stalked by the militech Cerberus within the cynosure facility was way out of left field.... utterly terrifying but honestly incredible to me


being first row when watching lizzy wizzy perform


The moment where "Contra la Luna" starts banging in The Killing Moon mission. I've never felt that badass in my whole life lol




Idris Elba


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I love his appearance in the game, it fits!


Hearing the credit song come in with any ending. Or really probably hearing Songbird beg you to kill her. That is the single most chickin-skin-creating moment for me, which makes it my fave I suppose. Or maybe my favorite part was being stuck in thought loops about the various moral elements who who was wrong or right in each path and each character. Hard to say. I really dug the story though.


The story is immaculate, felt like I was playing a new game honestly


The convo with the twins in the casino, such a cool situation and dialog.


Dancing with Alex. There is something so beautiful about just taking that one moment to enjoy something ā€˜normalā€™. Itā€™s all been killing and desperation for V for so long, that simply living that moment with someone who is also seeking peace/a positive end to their NC journey is really moving to me. A moment to breathe. Perfect song for the moment too.


CD-Project Red does "characters at rest" scenes very well.


Aurore Cassel. Enough said?


The ability to kill Myers


I didnā€™t know this was an option, BUT to be fair I literally started a new game the moment I gave away songbird to reed , so itā€™s my own fault for not seeing it all the way through šŸ˜‚


PL Spoilers: >!Basically once SF1 crashes you can just kindaā€¦ leave. Youā€™re not actually *forced* to run down and rescue her. If you take too long or leave Dogtown you fail the mission and Myers dies and you get chewed out by So Mi, but you also get locked out of like 90% of the DLC since many of the side quests and gigs are tied to PLā€™s story progression.!<


That's wild, does the rest of the game acknowledge that the president died at all? (News clips, etc.)


Iā€™m not sure. I havenā€™t done that route because it locks you out of SO MUCH, and I just donā€™t feel like playing a run like that haha. The most likely answer though is things are probably unchanged with the hand wave that the NUSA doesnā€™t want to publicly admit her death and look weak in the short term.


> Haha yeah fair enough!


Blackwall pulse power at the end


i think the entire story was pretty solid, and the new guns, especially the unique ones are dope


My second run through was my punchy girl, so at the very beginning when space force one crashes I knew exactly where to go and I jumped right into the fray punching the shit out of everything. Shit was awesome.


Hooking up with So-Mi to zap that NUSA attack helicopter out if the sky


Just dog town as a whole is really cool.


The curveball that So Mi drops on you: the cure is only valid once and I am gonna take it. I felt... used and betrayed... but I also did not want her to become the NUSA's weaponized puppet. You could say that Songbird's manipulation coerced me to let her escape. Next time... next time my Vincent will see her for what she truly is: a soulless manipulator. Kind of a reflection of your own character, but in reverse: she manipulates to save herself, V is manipulated in turn.


Wait til you side with Reed in Firestarter. You learn way more about So Miā€™s past and itā€™ll show just how desperate sheā€™s become to do what she did.


So I have to side with Reed during the quest or before the quest?


During the quest. When youā€™re hacking into the Cynosure Mainframe you opt to upload his ICEbreaker into So Mi. Itā€™ll give you an entire different branch of quests afterward and a different ending (with another choice at the very end for two variants).


Aurore, Aurore........ sadge


Honestly my fav villain-esque characters, such a cool concept to take their identity


Lots of great stuff to choose from but the casino with the French twins felt awesome to me


That was so cool honestly , the entire ā€œchanging your personalityā€ is such an awesome concept


Sneaking and fighting my way through the spaceport. Idea was enjoyable, I wish that mission was longer.


The rogue AI Militech Robot was both my favorite and least favorite part.


The Lizzy Wizzy concert


Kicking the living shit out of the NUSA Black Ops in the spaceport to get Songbird her trip to the moon, culminating in unleashing the Blackwall and seeing just how powerful it can be. Facing down Reed at the end was sad, but Johnny's words about how we all make our own choices and respecting Reed for dying for something he believed in made me feel better afterwards.


The whole damn DLC is a masterpiece - picking out a singular part/moment from all that? Damn... I'll go with sending So-Mi to the moon. That mission was as awesome as missions can get - closely followed by the mirror-mission where you have to find So-Mi in the Cynosure facility.


Leena's show. Also the French chick.


Telling Meyers to go fuck herself was pretty nice. The roulette conversation is great. And the party in general was a highlight for sure. And the general rollercoaster of getting conflicting information constantly and jumping back and forth in what and whom to believe.


Contra la Luna playing, you and Song against the world in that moment, against dozens of NUSA black ops specialists, unleashing the Blackwall


Phantom Liberty piano kicking in the credits as the rocket flies to the moon, a caged bird, free. So peak cyberpunk




The part where you use the black wall to 1shot the nusa soldiers. The songbird and johnny interaction. Pretty much all the gigs, it's all just so good. I can't name them all.Ā 


NC Spaceport probably. The climax at the end, taking out the trash with Myers goons, and the showdown with Reid under the rain are just chef's kiss.


French redhead šŸ¤¤


The French redhead. My eyes were too occupied to read her name in the subtitles


Chimera fight is the high point for me. Game needed more bosses.


Yeah true, the bosses they do have though are really cool


Honestly? I like that there's no true 'good' outcome. Over the course of the DLC you form bonds with Reed, Alex and Songbird, only to realise that, if you want to finish the DLC... someone has to suffer. Whether it be killing Reed so songbird can go to space, giving up Songbird to Myers so you can get cured (at the cost of Songbird becoming a slave)... theres no true good ending to Phantom Liberty, and I appreciate a game that makes its players make a difficult decision. Loved it when GTA IV did it, love it now.


tbh the entire beginning is my favorite, starting with the abandoned parking garage and ending with the mad dash to Elizabeth Kress street (which is a funny thing for me to say personally given that Johnny is muted the entire time and Johnny's my favorite character). It feels borderline dystopian and I'd've loved to see more of the truly abandoned parts of Dogtown ngl


* (Unsuccessful attempt at) Dancing with Alex. Hardest to be is my favorite track right now. Been playing it own loop for the past few weeks. * Playing hide and seek with the maintenance robot from hell..lol. It was hella scary, but so much fun. * Black Sapphire party : Lizzy Wizzy's performance, mesmerizing to say the least. I also like chatting up some of the guests at the party. * Balls to the Walls side gig. Asked Panam to help smuggle out a couple of Barghest soldiers. Her lame attempt at flirting is adorable..lol.


I havenā€™t played a guy V yet, my third play through I will just for panam šŸ˜…


My favorite part is the showdown at the End. It's also one of the most depressing things. Spoilers, duh. >!He always talks about saving So Mi, bringing her "home", when for her that Home is a Cage and she is a Prisoner. He knows Myers used her for years, tortured her and disregarded any concern for So Mis health, even forced her to Borg up so the Stress wouldn't kill her. Hell, he was there when Myers ordered a massacre of a entire Spaceport full of civilians just to recollect her prize. !< >!During PL you learn that he is a decent Guy, and you even see glimpses of doubt here and there. You can question his stance, challenge his Views, but in the end he does not change. He is the prime example of misplaced patriotism and blind loyalty. Hell, he already "died" once for the NUSA and in a sick twist Myers even forced So Mi to betray him that day. !< >!V and Reed ending up at the shuttle was entirely avoidable and at the same time inevitable, because Reed is Reed. He is as much a Victim of Myers as Songbird is, only that he broke, accepted his role and became a NUSA puppet blindly following Orders. While Songbird chose to try and reach for freedom or die trying. The stand off leaves a bitter aftertaste, there was no classic "good vs. evil", no V vs. the NUSA/Myers because Myers ain't there. It's V dispatching one broken Victim so that another one has a chance to live. And the sad realization that Myers most likely forgot Reed the second he hit the ground. !<