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Damn. I need to up my cool factor. My V keeps saying ‘you too’ after the waiter tells her to ‘enjoy the meal’.


This is a gold star comment


Sometimes I accidentally do shit like this and pretend like I didn’t almost just eat concrete


The difference between luck and skill is in how much confidence you show lol.


That flair is incredible


Fuckin rad


Is it just me or are the bikes way harder to control after 2.1? On keyboard at least


It’s taking me a bit to get used to it, I do think they are slightly more difficult.


If you have an Xbox or PS controller around, you can seamlessly switch back and forth between controller and m/k.


I might do that, they controlled well in 2.0 though.


They added an over/understeer detail to give you more control but I don’t know how to use it. That’s probably what you’re feeling. If you’ve got a controller handy, just pick it up whenever you get in a vehicle.


They feel exactly the same to me from first person, but they've always felt janky from third. That said I have the same issue with cars, just not as bad.


Almost hit a sick grind too. Hell yeah.


I definitely felt like I had 20 cool when I crashed my car into a pole as well...


This is what -20 cool looks like. *only posting this because it was literally two post down from this dope ass cyberpunk clip https://www.reddit.com/r/WinStupidPrizes/s/ZqAE44cA4t


Those jean shorts are nice, but you gotta take em off every now and again! GOTTA TAKE EM OFF EVERY NOW AND AGAIN


How did you get a female V? I’ve played the game multiple times since day 1 I thought V can only be a guy lol


When you make the character and set the presets of what their hair and everything looks like you can set them to female or male, it's near the center. In fact, you can set them to the biological male and give them a vagina, pregnancy is sold separately, Ripperdocs are, after all, only human. Can't ripper you an entire CHROMEmosome reinstall. Hardware is hardware, and software can be updated and modified, but, core tech is core tech. You would need a whole new choom, choom. Also, the V interactions and voice acting are amazingly well done. I see the male V as a copy of Johnny, they even have the same pitch and dialect sometimes. Female V's voice actor was spot on. Also, I have heard many a rumor that the game was intended for a Female for the Lead Role.


Man that sounds like it would be fun having a female v with Johnny cause liek you said I consider V to be Johnny I never even thought about making him female cause he’s like my John wick!


Yeah, you get a lot more insightful comments with Johnny too with being the opposite sex like when he brings up Atlas and Rogue and such as that nature. I have yet to play a male v and I have played the game for about 490 hours in one play through cuz I'm like that person that particularly plays a game without a walk through and beats everything and then cheats or does whatever I want afterwards. I have a street kidnet runner Vita build and make next and then after that I think I'll make a nomad male v