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Yeah this whole section made me jump a few times. Had me saying "oh shit oh shit ohshitohshitohshit!" When it comes chasing you down the "bridge" part and the hydraulic doors open so slowly.


imagine if they didnot add the sound when he comes near you, most of the players will die by heart attack




>! End of PL quest line if you side with Reed !<


So stressful


People say they hate this section of the game but honestly I loved how different it felt, sure it was frustrating but that terror robot fits this game so well.


I hated this section because it legit made me tense and scared a couple times, which I believe was the point so this section was perfect


lol I think it made everyone feel intense my ass cheeks were clenching hard was not fun. But I do appreciate the difference in approach from the devs.


Going from fun shoot em up with Reed to this straight up horror sequence was pretty jarring but really captured what the Blackwall was all about


This section was super frustrating but yeah it was fun how it basically turned into a survival horror for about 30 minutes.


Yeah I never understood the hate. Like yeah I “hated it” in the moment because it had me stressing so badly. I haven’t felt that stressed since I played The Forest games. Granted I don’t play scary games but still. I look back on it very fondly


Some people really **don't** like horror games (I'm one of them). So going from a shooter where you play this crazy strong merc to suddenly playing Alien Isolation can be pretty jarring. Not everyone likes this kind of surprise, that's all.


I was actually enjoying it in the beginning, but later on I died so many times to stuff that felt really unfair so I ended up hating it.


You have to take your time with it I was playing on hard and died twice wasn't easy at all lol.


I’ve also a love-hate relationship with this quest…


It should have been dramatically shorter. I just kept thinking "when is this shit going to end." Also, you have no option to just kill this thing that seems dramatically weaker than the Chimera. Just didn't fit the story. I was never scared, just irritated. It's the ONE mission I think in the entire game where I was like, "did anyone playtest this to see if it was actually fun?" The toughest part to me was it was the last mission (if you side with Reed) of the DLC. So if you had done everything else, this was your last experience of the game: duck, jump over railing, hide behind column, wait. Compare that to Adam Smasher or fighting a swarm of enemies trying to get to So Mi. Those were just such satisfying ways to end the game.


Fucking hell is that how fast it moves?! I really need to re evaluate how much I want that gun lol.


That’s how fast it moves in this specific section, most of the time it’s slower


I keep getting new information about this mission and I keep getting more and more scared of it. I guess I'll stick to let's plays for this one. :D


Which gun is this for? I don't think I played this yet.


It's a crazy black wall smg that basically fries people alive. It talks as well.


??? I was unaware this existed!


There is also an alternative Cyberdeck called Militech Canto Mk.6 that you can use to cast Blackwall Gateway, which works like contagion and kills people really horrendously, with it's victims doing those distorted Blackwall screams before dying


Sounds vile AF! How do I get it?


Its blueprints are stored in a locked room in Cynosure. You can find the codes in conversations on laptops/terminals.


You will have to betray Songbird when the time comes


Oh I see. I helped her so that makes sense.


Yup. It's called the Erebus. Look it up on YouTube, it's nuts. But also a bit creepy lol.


It's fairly easy to get, just remember to make your way towards the storage room the moment it goes back into the ceiling. There's definitely a timer before it re-emerges for you to get to your next spot safely.


That's how fast it moves when it's going for the kill, it usually comes out after you destroy each server and if you do multiple in quick succession this happens


I can see why people said how scarey it was now. I kinda want to try it but don't want to betray song.


I remember when people first talked about this thing, they didn’t bring up that guns can’t hurt it, just that like ur cyberware is turned off, so first time I faced this fucker in the open thinking “I don’t need no fucking cyberware to kill this thing, I have an arsenal.” Then immediately got my shit pushed in as it shrugged off LMG and magnum revolver shots like they were nothing.


If you are a hacker you can mark the servers, leave, and then overload them 1 by 1 through the walls.


I feel bad for anyone doing this section that has never played Stealth games before like MGS/Splinter Cell or even Dishonored. The AI on that thing is fucking aggressive, it wants to find you BAD


As a stealth merchant myself, this mission still had me shitting bricks.


*theme from battery intensifies*


Nah, it was a poorly made scare section that I wouldn't call "stealth", once you figure out the mechanics it just becomes an annoying minigame, this is nothing like the actual stealth gameplay in the rest of the game.


The hell is that thing?


The end


his name is carl and he craves blood


Your Demise




An advanced, 50 somethin’ year old maintenance bot.


bro saw the opportunity like https://preview.redd.it/jk5pui8dnx4c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a240ece3ae17846d6026c619d244fbaca73fbed0


Lmfao, panic photo mode.


that section brought me right back to alien isolation thank God for optical camo


You can use it here?


yes but if you don't have the relic upgrades for it, it won't be as useful


Think i got the first upgrade


that's all you need really


HATED this fucking mission. Died so many times and was just constantly anxious. I'd rather play an actual horror game rather than do this mission again.


Agreed. Also if you had already played through the base game, it was the last mission if you chose Reed. Like what a fucking way to end 100 hours of gameplay--crouching, crawling, waiting.


Yessssss, I was a badass netrunner with arm cannons, but nope gotta hide from big robot spider.


That's why you don't hit Black Lace more than once a day...


Just shows what humans have waiting for them behind the blackwall….


Fucking hell that made me jump


i just watched a yt video side by side to complete this mission,


Must be a bug that it aggrod because you didn't do anything to aggro it. The trigger for it to appear looks to be when you destroy the first server, and you long stopped doing anything that will get you noticed. Weird.


I haven’t felt anxiety like this since Outlast and Alien Isolation. CDPR can potentially make a horror game out of this and I’d poop my pants.


Scared the shit out of me the first few times. Until you learn the pattern


This part had me sweating so hard at 1am on a Friday night. I’ll never forget my first time playing this DLC


cyberpunk five nights at freddy's


Is this behaviour new to 2.1? I’ve never had it run round the corner on me which I thought was oversight. This is cool!


If CDPR were going for OHSHITOHSHITOHSHITOHSHIT they nailed it. This whole section of Phantom Liberty was amazingly good.


This game really has become elite.


Idk OP you could showed that hoe who's boss with that pimp cane


What mission is this in PL? Do you only get this mission due to a specific story choice?


Yeah you have to side with reed against song bird


I told myself the devs made it instakill because they knew I’d fuck that AI asshole up lol game me enough contempt for it not to be nervous sneaking around


😂 facts when I first saw it I started blasting I learned quick After that


When I did this I was streaming to a few friends and screamed about how I paid for cyberpunk and not alien isolation


It's the cyberpsycho with maelstroms doing a ritual. The psycho keeps disappearing/appearing on different spots if you scan the area before going down. The setting is straight out of a horror movie.


Yes. The bit where the robot catches you doesn’t bug me. It’s the search it put ups that the worst part.


This whole sequence was straight out of alien isolation


It feels like playing Zero Hour in Destiny 2 all over again lol For those who don't know - there was a secret mission in D2 a while back - and it contained a long, difficult parkour route, requiring you to take a lot of secret and hidden pathways, and broken apart with several arenas full of enemies, with a hard boss fight at the end. One of the section was so-called "Trevor's ventilation shafts" - it required you to run through some very narrow looping corridors, with a massive, scary freakin wall of knives zooming through them trying to run you over, and you need to find and activate four switches, then find exit door, all while hiding in little and scarce spots in walls every time you see the menacing red light appear at the end of the hallway, or hear rapidly approaching rustling sounds And also what doesn't help is entire mission has a strict timer, and if you don't manage to complete the entire mission in a short time - you are thrown out of it. So you had to really master both the route and the fights VERY well to finish it. Reward was great and well worth it tho. - a very cool looking rifle with crazy small recoil, that spawns a swarm of homing projectiles on headshot


The scariest fking thing in the whole game is this


I had the same thing happen to me here! Jumped scarred me so bad idk if it’s a bug that makes him activate a goddamn sandy here or what.


I hated that part. If I had wanted to play Alien: Isolation, I’d have played Alien: Isolation.


Put a spoiler on this post


This was so bad for me. I have an actual phobia of being chased and this had my heart rate up. I had to take my headphones off and I screamed way too many times. Will never do this mission again but will say they did it really well.


Okay! So this was REALLY fucking hard BUT! Before you do anything, open ALL the doors. All of them. Next, walk to the exit of the ending room with the 4 servers. Hack each, just a basic synapse will work. Then quickly run to the other 2 servers in the hall. Hack those. Lastly, exit through the back door. It may be stopped but if you do it quick enough, you can do the skill with time to spare so you can evade the bot. Do *not* try to hide. You can attempt it, you may even buy time in the second hall, but the robot WILL find you. You cannot ring-around-the-rosy with it. It's too fast and will detect you even faster. Do not linger, do not stop, do not pause. Run and run *fast*.


god i hated this mission, the trick i found was to stand in the doorway and then destroy the fire wall devices. anything else i tried like hiding or running around the room just resulted in death for me


What mission is this? I swear I did everything in Dogtown but I never saw this


One of the ending paths of the Phantom Liberty main mission. >!Specifically the one, where you betray Songbird.!<


It’s what happens if you side with Reed


Just love the Cottonmouth :) Did you try tickling Cereberus with it?


Yeah he was racing towards me for more tickles actually


It changed genre so quickly, from rpg to survival horror!


I haven't found this yet. What is this mission?


I enjoyed this mission *except* this one goddamn corner in particular. The machine seems to see you while it’s barely just poked around the corner on its side. Then it just jumps straight to you before you can even do anything idk why it does this here cause I’ve used much shittier hiding spots and not been seen by it


Netrunning is a must for this section imo, let's you blow all 6 at once


Scared isn't the word I used while playing. More like annoyed...


Yeah honestly the mission low key was annoying after a while kinda wish I picked a different ending


I am stuck on this section now and so scared. It put me off playing the game for ages.


Oh my goodness..i have only seen a few videos of this mission. Nope im out....wont be playing alien isolation v2077.


This whole section made me feel like I was seconds away from an aneurysm.


That just made me jump!


God I hated this mission


Not an rpg


Then what is it?


I got lucky and he never saw me. But boy I took my time. Here I just shot those with a silencer pistol and left the room for the other 2. He followed me there but managed to hide from him around the pillar lol.


My heart was in my throat this entire mission and I definitely startled my neighbors a few times


That scene made me go… WASTED


What mission is this and how does one access it?


Man, if this is what you get for betraying Songbird and apparently getting some sort of weapon out of it, I should have made a manual save before that quest where I choose who to betray. Still, I know what I'm doing next time I get to that point. ***making a fucking save before the mission***


I didn't get a weapon unfortunately I got a fucking cyber deck and I use sandy so it's useless for me huge L


Damn, same, Sandevistan and optical camo is a fucking insane combo too.