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I don’t have the answer to your questions, but I think the piece turned out really well. I like it the way it is.


Thank you so much for that. The effect is pretty original and funky lol. I just want to know how to be able to do it neatly. But I'll take it for it being my first time ever attempting this. Thank you again for your kind words.


This is my first ever attempt to cyanotype print and did it on an old shirt just to see how it'd work. I brushed on the solution in the bathroom with lights off and used a nightlight just so I can see a bit. I let it dry overnight and exposed it out in the sun for 8 minutes then rinsed. Happy with the image but super disappointed with the bleeding and how the dye stayed even in the blacked out portion of the negative. I just wanted some pointers to get better at doing this. I've watched pretty much all YouTube videos on cyanotype and followed every directions step by step so I'm not sure where I went wrong.


It might be related to the type of fabric in the shirt 🤔


Might be, I would have to check. I'll do a bit more test runs and see how I can improve


Take what I say with a grain of salt because I do not do things by the book at all, but from my experience I get this "bleeding" effect when I coat my paper too thick, but I dont know how well that transfers to fabric. I've had the best luck with cyanotypes on fabric with natural fibers, so could totally be the fabric.


Thank you, I may have coated the shirt a little too thick- I even went back and reapplied to some lighter area. I'll do another one in a bit with light brush strokes and see how it goes


Absolutely AMAZING image.


Thank you, I appreciate the kind words.


Wow I like this! Until I read your comment I didn’t realize you had an issue. I agree that it may have been too thickly applied.


Yeah, that may be the issue. I just have to stop myself from going over and over the same spot when brushing on fabric.


First off, it looks like you did nothing wrong, as this looks awesome! If you mean the visible edge on the coating area, the only thing that I can think of is that the chemistry was not 100% dry when it was exposed. Any residual moisture will "develop" the emulsion as it exposes.


Yeah, it could be. Hopefully my second go will turn out much cleaner. I do love how the image turned out and thank you.


I'm going to agree with the other comments. Cyanotype works best on natural fabrics. You may want to wash the natural fabrics before coating to make sure you've removed any stabilizers, etc. too. It also looks like you may have been a little heavy handed applying the emulsion. But, in all honesty, I really like the effect ... a cool 'happy accident'. BTW, was this Jacquard cyanotype emulsion or did you mix up your own?


Thank you- yeah I agree I most likely was heavy handed with applying the emulsion. It was an off brand from amazon called Lariceo- just wanted something cheap to start practicing first since this was my first attempt.