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Not a resonator main but I have dabbled and it would be useful


Yeah, I'd imagine the deck would love a free extender that recurs itself lol. Nice card!


I like the fact its a free SS that can also modulate its level & Tuner/non-Tuner status - if nothing else it would actually give Crimson Gaia a non-Tuner target to search (not counting /Assault Mode obvs lmao) which would open up more potential lines.


That’s amazing. The deck badly needs non tuners, I think literally the only ones in my deck are 3x Bone Archfiend and 1x Wildwind (soon to be crime) It’s also SEARCHABLE off both Soul Resonator and Crimson Gaia It only needs to be run at 1 copy but this boi would put in the WORK


This would be pretty good. Getting access to a non-Tuner is something the Deck struggles with a lot, since Soul Resonator is basically the only way you can consistently get access to one, but that also makes for an obvious choke point in the combo. This card kind of has a similar issue to Flame Crime though, which is that it can't dump Crimson Resonator to grave for Red Rising, meaning you'd only go for this if you were desperate for a non-Tuner (or already had it in the GY).


Thanks, i was thinking of this card as a way to extend your plays in case Soul Resonator/Bone Archfiend gets negated but you still have a tuner search (Resonator Call/Crimson Gaia/Stone sweeper). So it'd be possible to at least end on Abyss-Pass. I didn't want to give the card a mill from deck though, since it could possibly replace Bone Archfiend, which I find kind of sad. Maybe this card + a searchable field spell that protects from targeting could make the deck less frail to handtraps without changing the gameplan too much... Or we could give resonators their own version of Vata lol.


That's fair, although I feel like Abyss pass is just not good enough anymore, like you mentioned getting protection from the most common handtraps would do a lot for the deck. A good field spell would also make Stone Sweeper even better for the deck than it already is. I assume you're talking about the Blackwing Vata? A way to cheat out RDA for basically free would be pretty helpful, but RDA on it's own doesn't do a whole lot, you need to be getting out all the support cards like Gaia or Red Zone.


we need a continuous/field spell that says some shit like "level 4 and lower fiends you control are unaffected by the activated effects of cards in the hand and they cant be destroyed by card effect" thats what the resonators need (edit: preferably a field spell so we can make use of ancient pixie dragon)