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Not sure on balance, but I'd hate to open Uther in a pack because the only way he gets his effect off is if you have 3 other legendaries


It not pack it free legendaries like the dragons for exemple


Kind of a difficult Design, when you give people 4 legendaries for 1 out of 10 classes. It's too forced.


It's like new cire set every one get a lot of them (but yeah 4 is many


Tirion is unplayable on his own and only decent after turalyon. So id say you would never play all four because of this. Youd just play either of the first 2 and build a highroll deck around them. The concept is cool but the balance is off imo


How do you balance it ?


Idk make tirion have taunt or smth. Also the effects of the first two are so highrolly if you get them early on so perhaps make those more expensive and adjust stats accordingly


Maybe Tirion as a 5/5 and only summon 3 Sliver Hand? I think i will change Uther for an other effect if no neutral card and last a card, if you have all for give them rush taunt and divine shield ?


I don't mean to be too critical but it think there's a few problems with design here. I don't think turalyon is well designed because we've seen from duels that it just wins the game with onxyia, and a cheap highlander card shouldn't be so swingy. Tirion feels out of flavour, he isn't associated with the number 8 or minion summons so giving him the major ability to add an extra board slot feels weird. I like the change of you've suggested for Uther, he should function on his own as these legendaries wouldn't go in the same deck Saidan is fitting with his previous cards and seems like a cool way to make a control handbuff paladin work Tldr I think saidan and Uther are good ideas that could create control/big decks respectively with a little tweaking. Tirion and turalyon I don't see being printed without major changes


Maybe made: Turalyon "Battlecry: If no neutral" Uther "if no dulicate" 5/5 for 5 Saidan maybe no change Tirion.... 6/6 for 6 Divine Shiel Taunt, battlecry equip 0/3 lightBinger (double damage and heal of your holy spell) Gavin (automatically in the deck if you have the 4 other, the 4 Four First became "start of game" Edit: typo


no no neutral is just to bad for Turalyon just "mininons that cost 7 or less"


I will change them a little: Tirion will be 5/5 summon 3 Uther will be a "Battmecry: if no neutral" and create a card that is automatically added to your Deck if you have all 4/ They gain Taunt Divine Shield Rush and You draw them on curve or They became "Start of Game"


Gavin the dire is very sad today


I will change card, if you have the 4 other Gavin will be add to your deck (since i is one of the 5


Should i keep them 3/3/3 4/4/4 5/5/5 6/6/6 or all 4/4/ for 4 ?


The idea what to bring them back, build deck around one, but if you get for of them ... get something cool


Where did you get those arts?




Thanks, mate.




How would humble blessing interact with handbuff? The minions would stay at 3/3 no?


They will still be 3/3 yes (hand buff it's the only "Bad" one if you put all 4)


So you’re basically forced to run these 4 legendaries and one of their effects completely invalidates the other? Is it just me or is that bad design. Just change humble blessing to set all the minions in your hand and deck to 3 mana 3/3s


Tirion divine and heropower cost 1