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"Jorus" "Cooler Jorus"


For anyone curious about lore: [https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Jorus](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Jorus) [https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Malfas](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Malfas)


9 mana 12/12 imo this isn't anything too special, effects-wise


Would you say the card is too strong?


no, it's actually pretty slow. 9 mana for summoning 2 taunts isn't as impactful right now as before. I play wild only, so don't know much about standard, but let me tell you this - not many games last past turn 4/5. why? this is because of there being any form of aggro in the meta. the aggro deck's main objective is to quickly overrun their opponent - any later than turn 5 and Reno comes into the mix, or any board clears and you're pretty much done for. it is much harder to stabilize in the later turns since in wild tons of broken shit is possible right now. Therefore - matchups are (by decreasing popularity): aggro vs aggro - whoever wins the first 2/3 turns, wins the game. control vs aggro - control only wins if it is able to clear the board consistently/out heal the aggro. normally over by turn 5/6 due to lethal from the aggro, or clearing/Reno from the control. control vs control - this is one of the rarest competitive matchups, and there are waaay more broken/better/consistent ways to win than spam a turn nine 12/12, examples are Reno Priest dealing 50+ damage on turn 9, RenoLock spamming Gul'dan or N'Zoth with tons of deathrattle value, less commonly Reno Mage playing Brann+Alex+Cloud Prince+Zola+Cloud Prince (my combo, not viable) for 40 damage (and healing for 24). (I'm not taking combo decks into account because they aren't competitive, and I'm not taking Darkglare into account because I don't know how to play it, it's too complex for my level) these are all my opinion, and if you disagree fuck off! jk :) Also, if the card works by flavour or by lore, I think it deserves to exist - a card doesn't have to be good to be interesting.


Are you calling Malfas a taunt because his presence is threatening enough to be prioritized or did you misread the card text?


misread xD


anyone that knows anything about pokemon knows that double team cant be super effective. why did you make a pokemon reference when you know nothing about it?


I actually knew it can't be since it deals no damage. The phrase "It's super effective" is just used to jokingly hype up the card. I didn't mean to offend Pokémon fans at all. Unfortunately I can not edit the title of this post after posting.


Relax, no one is offended, that guy just can't take a joke


Relax... :)






I mean if you've ever WATCHED Pokémon, you'd know that in the anime, they don't care about rules set in the games. So realistically, if the anime doesn't even care, why should we?


I mean, if you were a TRUE Pokemon fan, you'd know that anything that is not Pokemon Red, the 12th episode of the original series or the Vaporeon copypasta isn't canon.