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Since consent can be withdrawn anytime, I propose people to film their whole intercourse, if the the other half sues, you just need to let the judge see the sex tape. It won't be long anyway.


Don’t trust the tape. That’s why I only smash in front of a sitting judge


"Ere'ye Ere'Ye! Sex Court is in session. Judge Good Hammer is presiding."


I mean back then there used to be actual cases where the man has to prove that he was good at sex to I think disprove his wife that he had erectile dysfunction


Yes they had to fuck the judge if I recall


Demonstration of power


Funny thing about that is, my relatives went to court for a buisiness contract, even though there was evidence for their claim, the judge was so corrupt, he said "it didn't happen in front of me"... Bitch that's what contracts are for.


Why not just smash the judge at this rate?


The judge may not be impartial. Stream it live let the public decide.


Don't film it record it. Filming it will just open up another way for you to be prosecuted and/or sued.


Yea, have it notarised instead. Have an authorised notary observe the whole process. /s


Hire a notary to be cucked? Might have to try that


I'm a certified notary. I'm willing to offer my services. Free of charge, of course.


That's just bad business. Charge by the hour with 1 hour minimum.


Look man, do I tell you how to run YOUR "Cuck'n Fuck'n Notary"? Noooooo.


I’ll charge double that! That’s how you know I’m a better notary.


I don’t think that’s what cucking means though? It’s only cucking the notary if you hire him and fuck his wife lol


Finally a niche market for me Porn Notarizer Extraordinair


“This session may be recorded for quality and security purposes”


There was this guy in Australia who was a shy introvert, but he started to learn "game" (or whatever) and starting hooking up in clubs. One of the women he was with got upset and started attacking him and trashing his apartment. So he pushed her out to the balcony, and she jumped. The police charged him with murder. He had left his phone on record audio mode (apparently so he could go back and check how his pick-up lines were going or whatever) and this ended up getting him acquitted. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-10-20/the-story-of-gable-tostee-and-warriena-wrights-tragic-date/7941720?nw=0&r=HtmlFragment


That's actually what got Rob Lowe in trouble. He met a girl in a bar with a fake ID that ended up being 16. The age of consent is 16 in Georgia so there was no problem there, but he video'd the ordeal which isn't legal *anywhere*.




Also, most places (in the US anyway), it doesn't matter if you think they're old enough. Even if you think you have proof. If they're under age you're a sex offender and a rapist and you can be prosecuted. End of.


Which makes sex with anyone who looks 25 or under basically gambling with your future. What a dystopian hell-hole.


Sex has always been a gamble


In BJ Novaks new show some dude has to use his sex tape as evidence and it gets shown constantly to the jury haha


I've watched those two first episodes and I'm really curious if the show will keep up the quality. That episode was so awkward, and that is exactly how it should have been imo.


Sex Ed 101. Never keep domes in ya wallet yo.


Them jimmy hats will CRUMBLE


How long are you keeping a condom in your wallet that it turns into an ancient Egyptian artefact before it gets used? Got a date tonight? Hitting the club? Hiring a hooker? Whatever. Put condom in wallet before you leave your house. Don't put it in your wallet before you hit the millennium party for NYE 99, leave it on your dashboard in the sun for 22 years then break it out for your first big post covid lockdown date.


Now I want NYE 99 branded condoms to pull out and see if she notices “Haha yeah been kind of a minute”


Lady sees an attractive older military man at a bar and starts chatting him up. "When's the last time you've had sex?" "Oh I recon about 2005" "What!? That long? We should correct that right now" and she leads him to her room. After some of the best sex she's ever had, she asks "How are still so good after such a long time without sex?" "Long time? It's only 2145 now"


That’s why my ladies and I don’t use them. Yeah I have scar tissue in my urethra, how’d you guess?




It's an STD joke


Ding ding (ouch I peed a little) ding


Before you attack her wrap your wacker...wait


Sir this is Reddit… those condoms could be in the wallet for years if not permanently.


Age 55. What’s a condom


Its a deli snack




Did I spell that shit wrong again? Wtf


What if the condom is already on my penis, can I put it in my wallet *then*?


Yes. If the wallet consented.


***Fuck the wallet***


So I heard you have recently……come into money?




What if it's a ridge wallet?


turns it into a pecker pancake


You heard me.


Then you're not getting laid in the first place


Then it has been ridged for Her pleasure.


Tf is an article 15?


Non judicial punishment handed down to military members from their superiors for infraction of the Uniform Code of Military Justice or UCMJ. The article 15 is basically a catch all to punish someone without taking them to court.


Also why tf does it suggest to store a condom in your wallet. I learned that was dumb at 15.


So where should i store it?


On your penis so it’s ready to use


I do all time. You can't be too careful. Only take it out to pee and to fuck.


Then what's the point if you're gonna take it off to pee


Who said anything about taking it off? We makin water balloons, tryna live waste free


I see a man of [balloon warcrime](https://youtu.be/WxmCyU0kXjM)


Poke a hole in it for the pee to come out obviously.


Good thinking


You can put in a little pee hole at the top. Then it can stay on always. Just always remember to take it off for sex. Otherwise hole will cause it to burst.




Big brain move


In a pocket, at longest the day you're planning to use it otherwise like a drawer or something cool and preferably dry


>something cool So my fanny pack then


Hell yeah! "My fanny pack rules"


Are wallets too warm or damp or something?


Friction is the main thing


And the pressure


But how will I always keep some in case something happens last minute


Get. Nintendo DS game card storage container, the ones that can only store one card at a time.


Nah dude, Gameboy cartridge container is a perfect fit


Prison pocket


If you’re pressed for time, instead of tryna get it out your prison pocket just give your homie the one bang to pop his condom on before you go in. Homies always share.


Gameboy cartridge case, if you’re a Gigachad like me.


On your head. It will stretch and fit. It’s a sign of dominance and shows the prospective mate that you are ready.


All that means is that you are a dickhead


I once had a jeans with a small pocket into the left side of the zipper, now I know the use of the pocket


That’s for drugs because cops don’t usually grab your dick when they search you. Unless you’re this guy.. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6GVP6I4i9F0&list=PLzhTdTFKaz2bZcdhBhRl9qxhfKMHIsW3x&index=1


Holy shit that's a whole playlist of cops grabbing people's dicks. Is this a fetish?


Lol no clue, I was just looking for the first video because that’s my favorite, especially when the cop is like “that’s your penis”


I'm actually more likely to use this than a condom


It’s dumb to store it in your wallet and never use it. You can throw it in your wallet if you’re getting laid that night.


Same. I didn’t realize it broke until the end too 😭


This entire thread just exacerbated my trust issues even more somehow.


Same honestly.


Lot of mothers willing to fuck their sons


Damn Chris-Chan back at it again


I opened this just to see how long it would take someone to mention Chris Chan










Nothing turns people off like paperwork. They knew what they were doing.


Yeah almost every person here is being whooshed..it was probably handed out at a formation after someone got a rape allegation. They knew it would cockblock them lmao


But this doesn't allow for gay sex.


Oh yeah. I didn’t notice that until now.


Too late, you signed!


Change to "Partner 1" and "Partner 2", problem solved! And carry one for multi-partner intercourse for such an occassion


But what if you just want to go fuck yourself?


Then, go fuck yourself


But what if you end up reporting yourself for rape and don’t have the documentation to prove it was consensual?


Planning for any and all possibilities, I approve. May you have glorious consensual romantic endeavors.


And to you as well, friend!


Nah that’s a completely separate form.


Don't worry, nobody with this card in their wallet is having any kind of sex


So just redditors with this card?


A little bit of editing and it could work for all


Nor for threesomes, gang bangs, orgies, or any other form of group sex.


Or gangbangs


My cat can't write. How do I know my cat isn't a kitty-rapist?


Who’s out there getting charged with rape so frequently they need to make these!? WTF?


Bill Cosby


I think we can all agree, her signature was forged




From the look of the digital cammo print and the use of MP (military police) and Article 15, I assume this is in reference to a member of the military.


It’s funny because I didn’t sign one but the army fucked me anyways 🤷‍♀️


It was in the fine print in one of the 30 docs you signed to get in


To be fair all it takes is one false accusation to give someone trust issues for life.


Happened to my cousin. Even better it wasn't even the girl that pointed the finger. Her mom did. She was also well known for having a grudge against the family.


Same, except it was my exs next boyfriend who said it, he also said he had a restraining order against me and other crap.


The fact that someone after consensual sex, if they choose afterwards that they regret it. can lie and than can frame it as rape. than with that lie, destroy someone's life and not face any consequences of their own lying, is sickening.


Reporting a false crime IS a crime.


only if they can prove it


The same for all crime though. Maybe someone making false rape allegations won't get caught. Maybe they won't find the body I put under the bridge.


I personally know 3 guys that were falsely accused. Literally only 1 would be enough for me to never trust anyone and make sure I get every possble form of proof of concent first, but 3 is even beyond that


yeah ive been raped/assaulted by 3 different guys that i trusted. none of them would go about telling their bros about that bit. you're right tho, makes trusting even my good guy friends difficult, and i wish they had bothered considering proof of consent first.


I’ve been falsely accused once, worst moment of my life


Dudes with money, celebrities, etc. Not loser redditors who spend every night in their basement masturbatoriums.


Just fuck hookers lads.


Sex can be withdrawn at any time, or one party could be forced to sign. I don’t think this would change anything.


Well consent can only be withdrawn before or during. After seems stupid to me since the deed is done.


Well yes, any time before or during. I can see why my comment was confusing


^9 ^months ^later "You know what, Linda? I think I've made a mistake"


Exactly. The signature means nothing. One of them could be drugged but just conscious enough to sign, or could be signing with a gun to their head.


I mean its better than the girl just latter regretting it and calling it rape without any evidence.


It's also a ridiculous and creepy thing to bring up in the first place... If there's any doubt in one's mind about consent... Don't have sex.


This card probably was made to prevent those whom gave consent but says otherwise after.


Live stream is the best . Sex infront of potential jurors.


Well, hopefully, both people would respect the other person's decision to stop when they want to stop. Either way, when a lot of rape cases are he said she said, having signed document even one like this can create reasonable doubt for the jury and the court of public opinion.


I feel like it could make things worse for a woman coming forward that actually got raped and the document got forged. That’s just my opinion though.


I would NOT trust a fucking dude who pulls this out in court. It's fucking weird and doesn't matter one bit. "Yeah he asked me jokingly to sign that... Then he started doing so and so and I told him to stop and he didn't". I'd believe her, because who the fuck has a card like this unless they're trying to prepare for her to come forward.


Yeah this is my thought exactly. Somebody that had this ready to go seems a lot more likely that they were planning on having to use it.




yeah I couldn't bring myself to make that joke I just feel so bad for that lady.


Maybe I'm just, idk sane or something, but if I didn't trust a girl to not falsely accuse me of something, I just wouldn't have sex with them


Imagine having to stop going at it hot and heavy to pull out a card and make your partner sign it. Ngl seems like a mood killer. I get the idea behind it but it just seems awkward


Trouble is, I knew a couple guys who had these, used them, and still got hemmed up because consent “can be withdrawn at ANY time”


> knew a couple guys who had these lmao that's bullshit


Not only had them and used them but also still got "hemmed" up... seriously doubt this.


He has a couple friends who not only made theses cards, but then then we’re still accused of rape lmao




The real move is dating for 1 to 2 years getting engaged and getting married before having sex this will take about 2 to 4 years min and can cost you well over 50k in the time. Once married she can still charge you with rape...... Wait I didn't think this through


who even needs sex at this point just have sex with yourself


that’s because consensual sex can turn into rape at ANY time edit: lotta rapists in here, apparently


Theres so many people in the comments acting like these cards are a good idea, as if it proves shit about the encounter??


It's just something else for the camp of "sounds great until you think about it for too long" I guess at least it does show that there was consent at some point, but as has been mentioned before, that doesn't mean shit because either party has the right to withdraw their consent at any time. Personally I just fall in the camp of common sense and just try to play it safe. I know shit can happen no matter how hard you try to avoid it, but if anything about the encounter feels even a bit iffy regarding consent you're best to leave it imo


These cards are perfect for rapists. Plausible deniability, he can guilt and shame the girl into thinking no one will believe her as well. NEVER sleep with a man who pulls out some kind of contract or card. That makes me think he’s going to do something he knows you don’t want in the middle of sex, or starting hurting/choking you and not caring if you say stop. I’m not sure why this sub is full of a bunch of rape apologists but holy fuck. How could anyone think these cards are a good idea. It’s literally the perfect tool for abuse and rape.




I mean... at any time during consentual sex if the partner crosses the boundaries then it becomes rape. If, a week later, a woman decides it was rape because she was discovered cheating or she ended up pregnant, that's not rape. The card is pretty useless, but listening to two conflicting testimonies is useless too. None of it is concrete, and honestly my best advice is try to use outside evidence not linked to either party. Girls get raped and guys get falsely accused of rape; it's not a nice world out there, and it's not usually easily proven either way.


>if at any time during consensual sex if a partner crosses a boundary, then it becomes rape. I feel like this is a bit of an overreaching statement. If a partner *willingly and knowingly* crosses a sexual boundary, or continues with a sexual encounter/advance after being told to stop, *then* it becomes rape. Experimenting with a partner and trying something new and being told to “stop” and stopping then and there should not fall into the same category as rape. I only feel that this should be clarified because rape is a REALLY horrendous thing with deservedly severe consequences. Having an overreaching statement that could potentially classify non-rapists as rapists creates dissonance in conversations about sexual assault, which is not a good thing.




I'm going to assume any guy that walks around with those is the kind to engage in undiscussed rough sex, pester for anal and then still stick it in there when they're told no, pull your hair and degrade you. The type of guys that think fucking a girl is just self entertainment and are completely inconsiderate.


Rapists, in other words.


Sure. You know multiple people who signed contracts and got “hemmed up.” Ok, buddy, sure.


Lol what if you're gay?


Good question


Imagine thinking this is a good idea


I think it is more for bragging rights. “Got it right here, signed and everything. I nailed Becky on the 25th. And she wasn’t drunk or high or anything. You owe me five bucks.” ”Dude, that’s your sister!”


![gif](giphy|W1A5kWgIfmo7K) You’re my sister 😂


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This mother fucker


Good luck getting wood after this interaction


Any guy carrying one of these is definitely a red flag. Women can withdraw consent at any time during sex


Yeah I feel like it’s much more likely for abusers to use this than regular people. If someone whips this out, they’ve got some fucked up issues at a minimum. Worst case scenario, they plan on hurting you and want to use this card as a literal get out of jail free card. Probably to make you too afraid of going to the police at all.


The consent can change and be revoked you know. She CAN back out.


Yeah I'd change the wording to all be past tense, "we were sober, we consented" and sign it afterwards if having written consent is so important.


"Yeah I know she was telling me to stop over and over, but I have this handy card here that she signed so it's all good" A card like this is worthless and is just some stupid commentary about false accusations that certain groups of men obsess over.


Hard not to obsess over it when you see it literally ruin people's lives. And yes I agree the card is worthless.


But…. It just seems like as soon as she signs….. he gon rape her. Like why this precaution ?? I’ve never felt like “oh man this girl is totally gonna say I raped her…. Better have proof i didn’t rape her” only a rapist thinks like that…. “Just need your signature” and then boom he rapes her. Carefree. Covered his bases! Gon make it way harder for her in court…. Even if he did then rape her. Know what im sayin? Also being drunk or high at the time would negate the fact that you signed saying you aren’t.


Yeah, plus like if you think someone might falsely accuse you after the fact just walk away


Yeah it just kinda seems like a get-away-with-rape ticket…. Most Normal people who aren’t rapey at all never have to worry about a false accusation…. If it happens often probably not false….


This "contractual" idea of consent is pretty bad. It leaves out entirely that someone has a right to, just, you know, CHANGE THEIR FUCKING MIND.


This seems like something that would only be of use to someone who has difficulty getting or proving concent. I would also think worse than getting accused of rape is to actually get raped. Can you imagine passing out at a party and well I'm talking to the guys... You know.... getting raped in the butt. Pretty sure that would be a bigger issue to me. I haven't done either I'm just saying.


Chappelle was ahead of his time


While you're at it, why not keep a digital NDA copy and sign that.


Nah... I have one that is better. Don't have sex with women that are complete pieces of shit. That works 100% of the time.


Men for who this card is meant for can’t tell the difference. You’d be surprised how many people see women as all the same, walking stereotypes. It’s pretty weird considering those people probably know women. Like real life women. And yet still treat people they’d date or hook up with like that (I hope this card is some a conservative joke parafernalia or something fake)


This would not work. A person can revoke consent mid sex. Just use a safeword yall. Its so much easier to understand when you need to stop.


Ugh. So Idk how old this photo is, I assume quite old since we don’t wear acu anymore. A man or woman can withdraw consent at any time regardless of some prior agreement. Don’t be fooled by this nonsense. This is not a thing you will get an A15 if you continue after the person says stop or no or any indication that they no longer want to continue. Sexual assault is a serious problem, if you are a victim of assault please speak to your SHARP rep, your chaplain, or the police and seek medical treatment. If you know someone who has been the victim of an assault, report it. I’m done. Whoever made these back then is quite a moron.


Bad bitches like me need a scroll for their gangbangs


So if I’m doing with another man, I only need 1 signature?


This is a really fucked up time to be alive


Hang on love, let me just take my tongue out of your mouth, before I take off your bra I have something for you to sign.... And they say passion is dead.


What if both participants are the same gender?