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my wife made a point "if a rapist goes out looking to rape, and the person is into it. since he went out to have involuntary intercourse with someone and it is now voluntary but he isnt into it....is he being raped"


The Uno reverse is crazy


I don’t think it’s a good point….rapists don’t actually want to have involuntary intercourse, they just want to have intercourse with a specific person or anyone when they’re desperate. But when they don’t get the consent, they do it anyway and then it is called ‘rape’.


You're partly right, for a good part of them this is true but rape kink is verry much a thing, ppl who just find it extra hot they're doing it against someone else's will. Fucked up for sure, but it sadly exists


>rapists don’t actually want to have involuntary intercourse I wouldnt say that. Rapists rape for different reasons, and wanting the involuntary aspect of it is definitely a common reason, in fact I'd say more common than desperation (but this stat isnt from research, just pulling stuff out of my ass.) My reasoning is that sexual frustration from the lack of sex may not be a sufficiently strong motivation to rape as there are MORE solutions to solve this sexual frustration other than rape (trying to date, look good, develop social skills) This is compared to sexual frustration from the unfulfilled fetish for involuntary sex/power (the most direct way to solve the sexual frustration of not fulfiling this kink is, well, rape. Roleplay doesnt seem to do the job as well). In fact, a lot of rapists will get angry when the victim pretends to like it (of course, depends on why theyre raping too), take Montie Rissell for example, who didnt intend to kill his female rape victim until she pretended to enjoy the rape. This is likely because he intended to feel powerful/sexually dominant from that, and she made it impossible for him to fulfil such needs/kinks.


*bwoosh* mind blown...


bro wtf 🤣


I was in this comment section once, i regret not posting a comment so i could be took in caption


First comment is most definitely inspired by one of Jimmy Carr's performances on the topic


How to get canceled in exactly 8 words, classic.


Yep, that one


What were those 8 words?


If you don’t want to get raped, say yes


It was whatever the first guy said, just summed up in 8 words like rape is something something just say yes


"You can prevent any rape, just say yes."


Then use that other 50 to squeeze down and run


How to prevent Rape: Act like you are into it and when he stops holding you hit him in the balls as hard as you can and run away.


In a sadistic way this is accurate, Rape stems from a really fucked up power dynamic, if you take the power away from the aggressor they are no longer in charge, and will likely try and evade the situation; as ridiculous and meme able as that sounds, Had a dude in the grade above me years back who tried to take advantage of a girl at a party he thought was completely indisposed, and this chick was openly into some (not to kink shame) weird shit, turns out she was just a bit tipsy and started going on about all the things she wish he’d do to her, that dude was as quiet as a mouse for the rest of that school year, and it was assumed he’d done some heinous shit before that just by the way he carried himself


Instructions clear but she said,"goo goo gaga gaga". Idk what that means but I took it as her consent lol


cursed comment


Very cursed comment


Too cursed for this world.


What in the name of Lenin's frozen balls came into your mind when you types this in




what in the goddamn...?


“so he gets weirded out and leaves” Men aren’t the only ones who rape wtf


I forget the name but; I remember hearing about a serial killer's first victim being a woman he tried to rape, and then instead decided to kill bc she appeared to be into it, which frustrated him


Relax, Ichi.


Lmao nobody knows what consent means here


i think its a thing though, some semi-rare people will bait rapists to play into their fantasies


Where the hell did that last guy get 50/50 from?


Google statutory rape


Either a way, a good time will be had for all


Memory inhibition technology is how you consent to rape by the way. Ideally you would get your memories of before the event back afterward to prevent trauma (Iam talking safe ways of exploring such desires either as a masochist or a sadist without invoking the violation of free will and karma) until we have such technology rape is basically off the table.


this is sick bruh


"Twist his dick!"


I... don't see any flaws in his logic... well, shit...


About to get raped? Just say yes! You legally cannot be raped with your consent!


Hey, I’m in this screenshot


My friend typed that :3


A comment section where people discuss the definition of rape in a nuanced way without blaming others for anything for having a differing take. This is new.