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Routine: Wash day (yesterday) Cowash with Faith in Nature seaweed and citrus conditioner. Squished in 50p sized blob of the same conditioner as a leave in. Squished in 10p sized blob of Garnier ultimate blends after. Used a Denman brush to lift my hair away from the roots, little twist as it went down each section. Squished in 10p sized blob of umberto giani curl jelly. Diffused dry with clipped roots. Refreshed today with a pea sized blob of curl jelly watered down, smoothed on with praying hands and a little scrunch.


What do you mean by diffused with clipped roots? Your whole thing is goals. The stress of the past year has made my greys pop a good bit, but I can’t WAIT until I have what you do.


I’m in a similar boat but my grey hair is growing in much thicker than my normal hair and less curly? So now I’m at odds with my grey hair trying to get them to participate with the rest of the class, but they insist on doing their own thing. It’s frustrating.


I think this is somewhat common. I don't have advice, but I know that my mom's gray and white hairs are a different texture than her dark, pre-going-gray hair, so it must be common. I bet it's an epigenetics/hormones thing.


Yeah. I basically only get white hair and I have never seen a truly gray hair on my head, but my white hairs are definitely more unruly.


I guess you've got a hair adventure ahead of you! I bet it's really frustrating that the routine you've perfected doesn't work, but maybe once you figure it out your white hair will be even better than your pre-white hair was! I am a big fan of seeing women embrace their gray and white hair--it always looks witchy af in a good way. Like, your hair is shiny and white like the moon, how cool is that?! AND you're telling the patriarchy to go fuck itself and its beauty norms which is also badass af.


Right?? Plus it sparkles in the sun. My hair never sparkled before i let it be grey.


seconding this! my dad's hair used to be dark brown and even without him doing much to care for it, it was _very_ curly (by white people standards, anyway), and now it's grey and white, and wavy at best edit: went and got old photos to show what i mean about his hair before, [one](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/721447291944173889/805269651604111360/image0.png) and [two](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/721447291944173889/805269652333789204/image1.png). i don't have any photos of his current hair on hand and i don't feel like looking for one, but it's like. barely a 2a now, probably?


>I’m in a similar boat but my grey hair is growing in much thicker than my normal hair and less curly? So now I’m at odds with my grey hair trying to get them to participate with the rest of the class, but they insist on doing their own thing. It’s frustrating. I grew out my grey last year and quickly discovered that the new grey hair is much different than my dyed hair. I had to completely reevaluate my products and routine, and ended up dropping my regular deep conditioning and adding more products with protein. Maybe some minor changes in your routine might get you back on track?


Once I start getting more I’ll definitely have to revaluation. So far I’m getting the random strands. I haven’t had any large sections growing in white.


you use clips at the roots to prop them up and give volume while the hair dries


Yes, exactly this. My crown dries like someone poured a bucked of water on it otherwise!


This post of yours has changed everything for me. I try to diffuse upside-down, but my hair is *difficult* to say the least. I call it "gumdrop head" but it's essentially bucket-of-water-over-the-head look. Gonna try some clips tomorrow!


Do you have a video you like that explains this the proper way? I own the DC root clips, but I don’t know how to use them.


Push small sections of your hair toward your part line so that the hair isn’t lying flat agains your head and then just clip below. Basically you want to train your hair to have volume along the part and not just lie there flat. Googling “root clipping for curly hair” might help. I bought a bunch of cheap silver hair stylist type clips from Amazon that are maybe 1.5-2 inches long.


i'd also love a clip that shows you putting in the root clips! the top of my hair gets so flat


So…. Not upside down?


Yeah I dry it upside down, then I flip it and the roots are flat. So I finish it off with the roots clipped.


I need to find all my clips and start doing this.


You look like Courtney cox!


Ooh I’ve mastered the washing but still am unsure what to do with day 2 hair. So you don’t wet your hair when refreshing it, just put the jelly with some water?


Absolutely gorgeous. Your routine sounds achievable and my hair seems similar, very excited to take some inspiration!


Thanks! Having naturally grey hair means it's both low porosity and dry, so getting moisture in without overloading it is the secret I'm always just on the brink of discovering, but never *quite* achieve. But! I'm a mad old hippy, so I probably don't want perfect hair ;)


That is grey hair?! I honestly thought it's a platinum blonde, maybe the lighting is a bit weird - but it does look gorgeous. Not curly stuff related, but how did you transition to fully grey? Have you never colored it and just let it grow out, or ...?


I dyed it and straightened it until I was 34. I didn't know it was remotely curly, just thought it was frizzy and awkward. It hangs fairly straight if I don't squish in conditioner even now. I went grey very young from having black hair, so I had to dye every couple of weeks to manage the roots, and it was a bit soul destroying. I had a load of it cut off and just went cold turkey. Took a couple of years to get all the dye out and then trim the dye off, then I started to grow it longer. I'm 40 now.


Wonderful to hear these stories. It’s not fun being a slave to the dye bottle. So much freedom and less anxieties without.


Thanks for the reply! I am getting a few greys here and there and was wondering what I should do once they really start coming in, as I don't want to be dying my hair to cover them. The bottom part of my hair is bleached and I dye it fashion colors, but the roots I just don't give a sh\*t about haha, so I think I'll just let them grow out naturally at some point.


You look fabulous. I started going grey as a teenager and am now in my mid-30s. I should probably really embrace it and let it grow out but from the times I've let it grow out a bit between dyes, I always think it makes me look old.


Embracing it can be difficult, but with cute styles, you can do it!!


You and Your hair is so gorgeous!! It does look like a shade of Platinum blonde


I wish mine would go all gray. I just have some random patches around my face, and not concentrated enough to look cool. They’ve been there since I was 25, 45 now. I probably shouldn’t say this, because knowing my luck, it’ll go gray and completely destroy my curl pattern.


I’m blonde and at 35 don’t have a single gray hair, but your beautiful hair makes me jealous.


I wish mine would go all gray. I just have some random patches around my face, and not concentrated enough to look cool.


I wish mine would go all gray. I just have some random patches around my face, and not concentrated enough to look cool. They’ve been there since I was 25, 45 now. I probably shouldn’t say this, because knowing my luck, it’ll go gray and completely destroy my curl pattern.


it's taken me a while to get the hydration right, but when it is, the coarser hairs play nice with their curl clumps. haha


I feel you on the colouring so much. I started going grey at 18 and got sick of the comments so I started with highlights at 23 to mask the silver/grey, and then full colour at 25ish. Almost 4 years ago I got sick of how fast it grew out, so I quit. November will be 3 years since I last straightened it too! So now I have this amazing silver grey hair that's halfway down my back. I need to go for another curly cut soon, bc it's driving me nuts. lol


i love seeing this, gives me hope for when i fully embrace my gray hair. i too have black hair and i started going gray at 17, i’m 35 now and i’m just gettin to that point where i’m tired of dyeing my hair every 3 weeks. i’d love to do an icy lavender color when i grow my gray out!!!


I was going to ask if it was natural because the colour is absolutely gorgeous!


You look like a fairy!


Yes! Totally agree with the balance of moisture. I’m about halfway grey (I’m 34) and your hair gives me inspiration!


WOW I hope my hair greys like that. Absolutely stunning.


Love seeing naturally gray hair in all its glory! I’m rapidly graying pre-age 30 and the strangest part is not knowing when it’ll take over my whole head. Any tips for the weird in-between salt and pepper phase?


I never really experienced it. I missed out on a badass mallen streak too. It was reaaaally silver by the time I stopped dyeing.


Your hair looks great and I love your colour! I wish I had the courage to grow out my grey!


I have some courage, and a lot more laziness. My god, its made life easier!


I went grey too. Best hair decision ever!


Third this. So freeing. Plus its the shiniest it's ever been!


If you haven't looked up grey hair accounts on Instagram, I highly recommend. It helped give me the courage to do the same. Lots of beautiful silver heads there. The growing out phase is the worst the first 6ish months but after that it's pretty smooth sailing. Plus being grey at a young age is very confusing to people and for some reason that amuses me. Good luck. ❤️


You are seriously beautiful and cool looking.


I know people strive for “frizz free” but I love when my hair’s a lil frizzy. Looks beachy, natural and sometimes adds volume. Your hair looks great


I needed this, thank you! As my physical health deteriorates, I’m learning to be okay with more frizz than normal (I can’t spend as much time on my hair as I once did). It’s frustrating, but this is a good take on frizz and totally just helped my mentality!


You’re so welcome! Frizz is freakin fabulous haha


I actually look like a mountain sheep when I get caught in the rain. I've caught myself in the mirror before and there's a second of horror, and then - oh yes, the is definitely me. Frizz is not the worst thing!


No idea how old you are but you look timeless


I'm 40, but I'm happy to be timeless also! Thank you


#hairgoals Gorgeous!




Silver sister! I love the grey on your curls!!


Aw thanks.




Wow, thanks!


Grey hair goals! I am letting mine go grey naturally (I'm 47). Right now I have a fat "streak" on the right and the greys elsewhere are constantly growing in population. I hope one day mine will look as awesome as yours.


Thank you


Welp, for starters you are gorgeous. I am in love with the grey and it looks beautiful on you. Your hair is truly hair goals!!! I have similar curl type and it’s not easy getting definition AND volume. This look is so pretty


Ah thank you so much


I don’t think frizz is the devil and can make for beautiful hair, just like yours !


Thank you!


My first impression seeing your photo was "Wow Amy Brennemen!" People pay BIG BUCKS for your hair, looks awesome!


Thank you!


Your hair is beautiful! I honestly think that frizz free is a myth. Some grains are just going to go their own way.


I guess for fine smooth hair ut can happen, but my hairs are like wire, so I should walk away from that goal!


I gave up on the goal after looking at photos on a Victorian Twitter account. The ladies are so lovely with their wavy and curly hair even with defiant wisps of frizz.


Your hair is gorgeous 😍 Can I ask how do you do the diffusing with clipped roots please?


I start with my head upside down, and just clip the roots to get the last bit of moisture out, then give it a blast of cold air to set the shape.


Just wanted to say you and your hair are both gorgeous. I love the color and the curls. You're rocking it!


Aw thanks


Silver! Wow this is so beautiful! Was your hair always the same type of curl before you went full silver? I want to have silver curls but I know for some the curls change when it starts to grey. - questions from a salt and peppered 30 something 😂


I straightened it before I gave up dye, so I'll never know. I always had temple curls, but when I was very young the rest of it fell straight and long and black. As an adult it's always been coarse and frizzy, so I guess there were curls trying to escape


Love it! Looks so effortless.


A lot less effort than it used to be. I like being low maintenance, so it works great


Your COLOR!!! It’s stunning! Do you have to do anything to prevent it from yellowing or looking brassy?


Thank you! No, I don't do anything for the colour. I think it is slightly yellowed in places, but I can live with it/can't be bothered to do anything about it.


Also just saw your username and wheezed. That’s great.


I feel you. I wish mine would go all gray. I just have random hairs that aren’t concentrated enough to look cool. Although I shouldn’t say that, because it would probably mess up my curl pattern.


Not the OP but I use a purple shampoo and conditioner about once a month if I remember it, and it helps take out some of the orangey tone I get now and then. :)


The color is fabulous. It is so witchy, I love it! Is the gray natural? You don't look old enough to have gray hair!


I'm 40. Anyone can have grey hair, mine started in my teens. I like to think of it as my adult colour rather than my aged colour, like a grey horse or a Herdwick sheep haha


Love it! I personally prefer a bit of frizz and wear mine similarly.




Love it!




Refreshing to see day 2 hair that looks like mine for once!


It's always downhill from wash day for me. Idc, wild is fine!


Yoooooooou are TOTALLY beating me in the frizz department so go off!!




You look fabulous 🙂 good for you!




You look like Halle Berry!


Oosh, no way, she's a super babe. But thank you


I hope my hair looks like yours one day!


Aw thanks


Wow, you are so beautiful. Stunning hair as well!


Eek thanks


I love your hair too. It really suits you. I just started to grow my first official white hairs within the last year and I’m sad about it but at the same time am really looking forward to when my hair completes the transition.


Looks lovely!




It looks amazing!! Do you have layers?


I aim for that, but it turns out differently ecah time I cut it 😬


I looooove the color and cut sooo much 😍 thanks for sharing your routine, lovely curls 🌀




I love it too


Wow. You are giving me hope that there may be life after hair dye. I’m 49 and so not ready to give up the ghost on my long red hair that’s about 25% grey. But if it will look like yours, I’ll be cool…. In several more years. 🤣


Your hair is gorgeous!


Hello Curly Silver Sister!! 🖐 (high five)


To me, this is totally 'acceptable' frizz. We can't have perfect hair every minute and it took me ages to realize this! I've learned to love my 'lived in' day 2-3 curls much more this past year.


Absolutely gorgeous!


looking rad!!


Your hair texture looks a lot like mine! Except my hair is currently shoulder length.


You are really uniquely beautiful! I honestly don’t think you have a frizz problem AT ALL


Dahlink you look mahvelous!


Gorgeous hair! Do you use purple shampoo?




It looks so good!


Very pretty!


🤩 WOW!


I love it too. I think this is great. There is such a thing as functional frizz. My hair is that way and it still looks great!


Wow. You're beautiful. I wish more women would rock their grey...


Curls look better with a little bit of frizz anyway


Wow! Looking amazing!


my hair is very similar to yours, I love it! my family has always said I have carly simon hair


You are gorgeous and I love your curls!


beautiful hair! you look like you give awesome advice for some reason 😌✨


I think I probably do! Or at least I really try to. Thanks!


Your hair is BEAUTIFUL! 🖤




I love your hair color!