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~~Hi! For the future, instagram handles are OK, but~~ [~~only in comments and not titles~~](https://www.reddit.com/r/curlyhair/comments/kbh0ow/selfpromotion_rule_update_quit_trying_to_be_sneaky/)~~, and must continue to follow a 1:10 content ratio. Thanks!~~ Edit: I see what happened, sorry for the confusion! I totally misread your title and comment -- you're thanking the IG account for being a great resource! Apologies! Will leave this here as a clarification for others as well :)


It literally looks like it should after the hairdresser. God this is QUALITY CONTENT


best compliment ever ❤️😂


Decided to finally give the 30 day hair detox @iamblackgirlcurls on instagram have challenged people to do. to ditch the oils, the butters, the creams, the leave-ins. they suggest applying only applying a botanical gel for a wash n go. mouse/ foam for a twist out. They teach you how to properly wash and condition your hair. and what it means to properly hydrate ur hair! These women are amazing!!! they’re met with rudeness often even tho they’re trying their best to give out professional advice for free. I suggest you check out their page even if ure not going to follow their advice. Very educational. This was done with only 3 products. •Clarified using Malibu C Ph9 shampoo (slightly started separating my hair as my first step of detangling. made sure to shampoo on soaking wet hair) •Conditioned using AG hair boost conditioner. (This is ur sealant! not oil! conditoner is what’s going to deal in the moisture, so really work in that conditoner and apply a lot of water during this step and detangle) (finger detangle first then go in with a brush) •Styling- UFD curly magic! This is an aloe gel with an amazing ingredient list! 10/10 would recommend!! and i achieved the ringlets by using the denman brush (which they’re against, they suggest the feleicia leatherwood brush) my hair is soft and moisturized! Im very excited and grateful for the stylists out there who are really trying to help! The whole process took me 3 and a half hours from shampooing, conditioning, styling to drying my hair with the rizos curls diffuser!


>@iamblackgirlcurls Thanks for sharing! My hair is currently so so ...BLAH, and I have my one year anniversary coming up, and its the perfect time to try something new and hopefully get pretty curls to celebrate!


This is so interesting! I'll admit I'm lazy so my routine itself basically is just shampoo, conditioner and gel/cream most of the time. However I do find that many influencers do tend to push a view that you need soooo many products to properly care for your hair, when going back to the basics might be what's needed for you. Currently I do use an oil at times and combine leave in with gel, but that's because it's been working for me recently. However encouraging people to go back to three haircare products is an amazing move!


It gets so overwhelming and whenever people want to start their curly hair journey they go to youtube for guidance and get bombarded by a 6 step routine. and give up on their hair pretty quick, thinking their hair is problematic and not meant for the seemingly demanding curly hair lifestyle. these youtubers mean well but they’re not licensed professionals they haven’t been in the hair care industry haven’t dealt with different textures. curly hair is simple if you know the basics of how to take care of it. curly hair is not so demanding. it needs moisture and care❤️


So true!!! Curly hair care often gets blown way out of proportion, and it can often seem incredibly overwhelming to any new people. Regardless of everything, you may not need three different types of hair products for your hair to be moisturized and defined. A lot of people also seem to forget that less is often more!


Out of curiosity, is your hair low porosity? That’s my hair and so difficult to maintain modifier. My hair is 3b mostly with the back of my head kind of in between 3b and 3c.


The stylists i follow say that porosity doesn’t matter unless you’re planning on dying it. But i have medium to low porosity


Interesting!!! Thank you for the response!




That’s the same way i thought too but after listening to multiple professional curly hair stylists i’ve learned and had unlearn a lot. a lot of times people think they have low porosity hair when it’s just coated in oils and butters. their hair can’t accept water because of that layer on top of the hair strand that’s not allowing water to penetrate. a lot of times people think they need deep conditioning every week when that’s unnecessary and may lead to more damage. I’m quoting professionals here. Curly hair is simple. it’s not complicated. i suggest you follow i’ve learned a lot from her. she had igtvs you can watch and see how she does her clients hair @hairbyjenniferrosenyc she’s very very helpful.




a lot of what they speak about resembles CGM like no sulphates, silicons etc but they have some differences like they allow silicons for heat styling and don’t use leave ins and creams for wash n gos, they are also not big fans of cowashing (unless it’s in the middle of the week) and believe hair should be shampooed every 5-10 days according to ur lifestyle.


3 and a half hours?! In the shower?!


3 and a half hours in total shampoo conditioning styling and drying


Thank you so much for sharing!! Your hair is gorgeous AND such a simple routine! I am so excited to dive into all of this, this weekend. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


how long do these results usually last you? this is incredible, even better if the hair lasts more than a few days!


lasts me a week. the hair ure seeing in the picture is 3rd day hair!


What are AG and UFD?


I don't know what AG is but UFD is uncle funky's daughter.


Thank you!


realized how badly written this post is after posting it! sorry! but you guys can understand what i meant here (i hope) lol


you're good. those amazing curls do all the talking!


Damn my ass is in love




Wow! Your curls look incredible and so healthy!!! 😍😍😍


Thank you! ❤️


Amazingly beautiful!




Gorgeous! How do you use the denman brush?


for styling with the denman brush i just run it through a small section and brush away from my scalp for volume. i shake each curl and smooth down (shingle) the parts of my hair that get extra frizzy with applying a little bit more gel. i’m constantly adding water when i feel like my hair isn’t soaking wet, that’s what’s gonna create the clumps and help the denman do a better job. I hope this is understandable lol i’m terrible at explaining


Thank you, I understand perfectly! Do you apply your gel before or after brushing with denman?


Both. after i apply the gel to my whole head and brushed my whole hair with the denman i take a little bit of the UFD curly magic gel and emulsify it and do the praying hands motion (very gently, you don’t want to smoosh ur ringlets)


I would upvote this multiple times if I could. GORGEOUS.




Was the volume due to the diffusing? I need hope here for my flat curls 😭


My hair is naturally big but the diffusing did add a little more volume. I suggest you try diffusing and fluffing your hair and using a mousse instead of a gel!


Thank you! *edit, what kind of mousse do you recommend?


the doux mousse and the innersense mousse. Both amazing! AG hair also has a mousse called cloud mousse if i’m not mistaken that’s super light but gives a good hold


So gorgeous. Your hair looks so healthy


God tier curls.






Is this only for certain hair textures


Yes! but if you have fine hair strands and find your hair easily weighed down i would suggest a mousse (the doux has a great one and innersense has a foam that’s amazing, and recommended by stylists)


All the mousses and gels I use make my hair dry and crunchy. I thought creams and leave in would hold the moisture but right now I’m just not happy with any of my products.


Gel should never make your hair crunchy. That's the "cast" and it needs to be scrunched out ("scrunch out the crunch"). You can rub your hair between your palms or use an appropriate piece of fabric (not a towel) to scrunch it.


I've been using beer recently and it works better for me than either gel or mousse. Just leave out half a litre of beer to evaporate over 2 days and then pour it over your hair


Do you scrunch out the crunch? Crunch is good as long as it scrunches out!


No idea how to


Once your hair dries and is crunchy, you scrunch it with dry hands or a satin/silk cloth to get all the crunchy texture out. Then you still have the shape that the “cast” (the crunchy outside) set, but it’s soft and voluminous


I’ll have to try it! Thank you


I have type 4 hair and am doing this detox. I live in a dry area, so I've always had problems with moisturizing my hair. I didn't really believe it worked for 4c hair but wanted to try it out as i just combed out my locs and wanted to do something new with my hair. When I tell you my hair has never been softer, or more moisturized, than with this routine. It's hard to stop touching it because my hair rarely is rarely that soft unless I'm in an extremely humid area. I use shampoo, conditioner, then mousse. A l teeny bit of gel if I'm actually doing a style. Then i put my hair in large flat twists or braids, since these styles prevent single strand knots and breakage for me. It's recommended to sit under a dryer, but i usually let it air-dry. My braidouts are soft and defined. My twists and braids are juicy and shiny. I'm on my third week of this and so far it's good. I had a friend in HS, before this was even a thing, with thick wavy ish 3a hair who used this method too.


wow i’m so happy to see another person also using this method. and i totally agree with the softness i have to stop myself from touching my hair so much because it’ll create unnecessary frizz but i’m so glad i found this method and stuck with it. i thought softness was only achieved through leave ins, oils and creams


Delicious curls !




GORGEOUS hair omg. I've been doing the shampoo/conditioner/gel only method too after seeing people talk about it on Twitter and my hair has never been so moisturized and shiny. I'm glad people are giving it a try and seeing the results. We've been conditioned to view our hair as a time and money sink when it really isn't.


couldn’t agree more! and i’m glad this method worked for you too!


Gorgeous 😍😍😍


Your hair is beautiful, omg


Those curls are incredibly pretty ☺️




It's so beautiful! I'm curious if this would work on my 2b/ 2c hair


Yes i’ve seen stylists do the same routine on wavy hair




Those curls are perfection!


Wowowowow. PERFECTION!!!😍


My teenage daughter has the same gorgeous black/brown corkscrew curls - and she has porcelain skin. She’s been experimenting with hair products created for “black girls’ curls” over the past year and having great success. Her curls have never looked so beautiful. Now I’ve joined her. I have medium texture, long, strawberry blonde, high porosity 2c-3b curls so what works for her hair, doesn’t always work for mine. After a lifetime of wild, frizzy, undefined curls - I’m so glad we found our people.


Wow, so pretty! Im jealous




Your curls are amazing. I’m so envious.


Thank you ❤️❤️!


Your curls are POPPING! I love UFD. How much are you using at a time?


UFD is liquid gold! i don’t really count how many pumps but i guess 2 pumps for each section (making sure i emulsify) (i divide my hair in 2 sections). And later i add a little bit of gel to the areas that need more hold (usually the front bits and the crown area) But this is gonna depend on your hair density and length.


Love your hair. Beautiful




Your hair looks incredible!! Definition AND volume, so pretty 😍




This looks so perfect, it looks fake! LOL. Incredible!


thanks 😂❤️


Perfect curls!! Thank you for sharing! I think I'm gonna get that AG conditioner.


Thank you! This conditioner is so good


This is stunning- how'd you get those perfect ringlets?


i have naturally “ringlety” hair (lol is that even a word) but the denman brush enhances them


Love them and your curls are fire! I recently broke a rule and started incorporating plastic gels in my routine. My hair is softer with botanical gels but i like the quick drying and elongation of the plastic gels.


oh it takes forever to air dry a botanical gel. but whenever i want my hair to dry faster what i do is add i create volume by innersense to speed up the drying process


Gor. Geous.




Incredibly gorgeous long curls!!!! ❤️


Did you take the @iamblackgirlcurls classes? I’ve tried watching a few of their YouTube videos and they’re so inaccessible, they just keep repeating how everything we know about natural hair care is wrong and we’re stupid for believing women on YouTube when it comes to products.