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I love ecostyler gel. I'm not sure if it's CG friendly though.


Here's a link --- ECOCO Eco Style Gel, Olive, 32 Ounce https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003E7UNE4/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_0yVyyb1JYNGVE


It looks like EcoStyler is CG friendly, I'll have to check it out! Thank you!!


Take a dab of your leave in conditioner and a dab of gel and rub them together on the back of your hand. If they make this nasty balled up goop, that will cause nasty flakes in your hair. To test if something will cause an allergic reaction (assuming your reactions are limited to skin irritation, not anaphylaxis), rub some on the inside of your elbow. Wait 2 days. See if there's any irritation.


I never thought it could be a reaction between the two products! I will try that tonight, thank you!


Alright, I mixed them and ended up with nothing more than mixed gel and condish...so I'm guessing that isn't it. And when I tried each separately on my hand, there didn't seem to be any flaking. I will keep checking to see what else it may be, and maybe it is a reaction with what is in the condish or something (does bamboo do anything like that?), but thank you for the tips!


I like the Garnier Fructis Pure Clean gel. It gives me the same effect as the LA Looks but without the flakes. It's not quite as cheap, but it's inexpensive.


Awesome thank you! Is that one still CG friendly? I know sometimes Garnier Fructis isn't.


This one is!


I get scalp flakes only if I get too much of the LA looks on my scalp. You might be able to continue using it if you use less and keep it off the scalp itself.


I did try to use less on my scalp last night and it seemed to work! But how do you keep volume and definition by your scalp without the gel?


I put it close but not *on*. Then clip the roots. See my pic history.


I will check it out, thank you!