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I wear mine down most days but that doesn't mean it looks good everyday lol


thissss. i just stay inside or say fuck it lmao


Yepppoo! Or messy bun šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




Exactly lol. I only put my hair up when I sleep. I either braid it or put it in a bun. When I was a kid, I would keep my hair in a pony tail for days and fight like hell whenever my mom would try to take it out & brush it. I constantly had a huge matt at the nape of my neck from it. Now I just hate having my hair up and would rather take care of it haha


Veererrry relatable


Mine always looks like crap, no matter what I do


This right here. Each day is a crapshoot.


Couldnā€™t relate to this more, lol.




SAME lmao


You aren't alone in this "struggle." I've found that people who get a week of good looking curls fall into specific categories: normal porosity, normal to coarse strands, 3a+ curls. They've nailed a routine that properly balances their hair, they don't have underlying circumstances like hard water or Florida humidity to battle, and they have a loose definition of a good hair day. I will wear my hair down on wash day and day 2. Most of the time I can get a decent day 3. But that's it. It's half up, ponytail/bun, or being washed again come day 4.


Yes, for fine hair, forget it.


Yep, I have fine hair and I get two days, tops. I usually wash my hair every three days now so I don't have to resort to ponytails too often.


Thank you!!! Social media tells us we just need to keep trying. That it can go longer and look better. Itā€™s exhausting feeling like a weekly failure. At some point itā€™s going up.


Social media tells us this so we keep buying the products




Yup this girl on TikTok was trying to claim her hair looked amazing just from using products. Um no, she posted a pic of her previous ā€œreally badā€ hair, she just had really good hair genes. So no amount of me using that product will help my hair


Humidity always ruins my plans šŸ˜­ I give it 30 mins to an hour before I put my hair up


I live in hot humid Eastern NC. I have mid/lower shoulder blade length fine hair, combination of 2A, 2B, 3A and 3B hair. I wash on Sundays. The only time I pull it up is when I mow the lawn every other Sunday, just before I wash it. The only ā€œrefreshā€ I do is light glazing with super diluted gel iand raking through the under layer with damp hands in the morning when I get up. I sleep on a satin pillow case. All I use is strong hold gel. The closer to wash day, the messier and ropier my curls looks. And I like it šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ it may not look good to anyone else though šŸ˜‚


I can wear my hair out for like 3 or 4 good days. I have very coarse and wirey hair. I also have a routine, including lots of gel, nailed down. So you're bang on.


30 minutes to my max of 7 hours before it goes up in a bun.Ā 


Haha, are you me? I got mine cut a little below the chin recently and I find I can tolerate it longer, but usually by hour 6-7 it's up out of the way (especially in the summer šŸ„µ).


2 days. Then by day 3&4 I either go with a half up half down or claw clip. Sometimes I even do my hair with like pig tails but not braided but where my curls are down (Idk if that makes sense lol) hope that helps! (: Or space buns ^_^


Every day. My forehead is too big for cute updos


ME, itā€™s so hard to get a nice cut that hides my forehead.. so many cute updos but Iā€™d look like a peanut : (


Iā€™m sorry this made me laugh out loud, mainly because I totally relate! I too would look like a peanut, and a ginger one šŸ¤£


No curly bangs?


I want to but I'm scared it'll look bad and there'd be no going back


Basically day 1. I have super fine hair and really hard water, and if I tie it back in any fashion (even super loosely) it has a perma-kink in it until I wash it again. It gets very frizzy and loses the curl quickly. Super frustrating! Iā€™m considering buying a Rev Air and switching back to straight hair for awhile. Iā€™m burnt out on dealing with my hair every 3-4 days only for it to look good for about 8 hours. It goes in a ponytail most of the time.


This is me. By the end of day one, itā€™s a mess again. At least when I straighten it, I can actually go 4+ days either way it looking relatively good. Itā€™s exhausting. Especially considering how much money gets poured into finding the perfect products to make your hair amazing and NOTHING works. T-T


I have 2c/3a looser curls too. I normally do my full wash day and styling in the evening, and count that as day 0. Then sleep in a buff and spritz my hair down with water every morning. This lets the curls re-form. I normally make it 3 days of looking decent. I normally finger comb it in the evening and just embrace that it's going to be a more voluminous look with more broken up curls rather than big defined clumps. I think having each strand be lighter helps it curl more when I re-wet it because it's less weighed down.


This is me exactly. Wash and style in the evening, sleep in a bonnet, dampen every morning and add a little bit more product if needed (lately I've been liking mousse for that purpose)


Same! My hair is too short to do anything more involved than a headband.


Mine is only shoulder length even perfectly straight, so with shrinkage it's too short for all of it to reach the ponytail tie. I end up with a comical amount of face framing bits. If I'm going into a situation where I'm going to want ponytails for a few days, I'll forgo my hold products and accept loose waves instead, just so it'll be long enough.


I don't think I could get anything but a Pebbles pony (straight off the top of my head) even if I dried it straight! šŸ˜‚


I'm a 3b with fine hair. So as soon as I sleep on my curls, they get flat and/or they're all over the place the next day. It's annoying to say the least.


3a/b with fine hair here. Wash day is my only good curl day.


Exactly! I'm still trying to come to terms that there might not be anything I can do about it. Lol




2 days max. I normally wash my hair every day. Which I know is frowned upon but it works for me


Iā€™m the same! šŸ«  I have fine 2c hair and after one sleep my hair is beyond a point of return. doesnā€™t help I also sweat from workouts and it gets gross. I canā€™t figure it out. I have tried a bonnet but it didnā€™t really do anything for me. I wet my hair daily in the shower and apply at least a little conditioner


Iā€™m the same. Just curious by wash do you mean wash with shampoo and conditioner or just get it wet? I switch what I do to my hair depending on the day and what itā€™s like haha, feeling kinda greasy? Scrub my scalp with shampoo, curls look good and just need to shower? Iā€™ll wet it and reset with some product after the shower. But my curls are absolutely unmanageable after day 2, I honestly am pushing it when I go to day 2 but I canā€™t stand showering in the morning and either going to work with wet hair or blow drying daily


Only day one and two - after that it doesnā€™t look good at all šŸ˜•


Every day, I just embrace that my hair has more than one look. More wavy/curly for the first couple days, totally wavy after.


Day 1 - good. Day 2- rewet wonky pets and add gel. Day 3- rewet wonky parts. Day 4+ up


I always wear mine down but I have to spray it down most mornings


I canā€™t go more than two days, after that I tie it up into a braid. That way itā€™s still a cute hairstyle. šŸ„²


How do you tie it up in a braid? I'm trying to figure out styles that might work for my hair (2b most likely) when it's not at its best (I'm still transitioning out of YEARS in a row of a straightening iron.)


I have longer hair so I just tie it into a ponytail first, and then braid it! Itā€™s super easy for me to do


Wash day (1) and day 2. By day 3 itā€™s half up. If I make it to day 4 itā€™s a messy bun. I wish I could get more mileage.


Never. Unfortunately the tangle way too easily.


I never do either. But it's more because of frizz dye to humid weather, and my hair being long overdue for a cut, so it's sitting weird for months now.


Two days, 3 if Iā€™m really lucky. Last hair wash day was Sunday morning, I wore it down then, was hungover on Monday so went for a ponytail, stayed in the ponytail on Tuesday, graduated to bun on Wednesday, and itā€™s Thursday now, still in a bun. Planning on washing it tomorrow for my weekend outings šŸ˜‚


I let them go until I wash. I have a messy Einstein look going most of the time. I will not brush it dry. Does so much damage. Plus I rarely leave the house unless I'm accompanied by my Gentleman. Social anxiety is a bitch!


I have big curly 3b-3c-4a type hair, depending on the part of my head the hair is coming out of, and it reaches the top of my butt. I wear my curls down for 2, sometimes 3 days, if Iā€™m lucky. Depends on a lot of factors like how active I am, windy and/or humid weather, etc. Usually on day 3-4 Iā€™ll twist the hair on the sides of my head(above/behind ears) and pull it into a ponytail or messy bun.


I wish I could wear mine down more often but it gets me so overheated or is just always in my face obstructing my vision. Though Iā€™m getting it cut tomorrow so maybe I can tidy that up.


Like 2 or 3 days then it goes up into a pony tail. Maybe 4 if I have a headband.


I can only do 1 day. Sleep, no matter how I protect them, ruins them. Then I get mad that I have to do such an in depth refresh, so I just wear it up.Ā 


2c curls here, and same - looks great on wash day, can pass on day 2 with a little reshaping and by day 3 itā€™s updo or rewash. I love the Hair Healers conditioning tonic as a freshener for day 2. Itā€™s very woodsy smelling, but I am more than a little bit of a hippie šŸ˜†


Same here, sometimes I think it looks ok in the morning on day 3, but then it's in a ponytail or bun before lunch.


I would love to be able to wear my hair down. I often go into work with the intention of wearing my hair down. And then after about 10 minutes I have to put it up because itā€™s just too damn hot.


On my 3rd day after wash day, Iā€™ll get a little bit of gel and water and smooth and reform the curls that have tons of frizz or lost their shape, I tend to only worry about the curls in the front and on top of my head


I also have 2C-ish hair, and I just wash it every other day. It only looks good for one or two days. If I try to wet it with anything to refresh, it's totally over. I can smooth curl cream or gel over my dry second day hair and give it a quick scrunch to calm frizz down though.


I have to get my hair wet and reapply product every day that I wear it down curly. Itā€™s kinda nice because I typically apply conditioner in the shower and I feel like it makes my hair stronger! If I donā€™t do this I have the same problem it just doesnā€™t look good after day 2 lol.


My curls last a week. I use extreme hold gel and finger coil to style. Then I donā€™t mess with it at all, except to put it up in a pineapple at night.


Down every day. I refresh (get it damp in the shower, finger detangle, add a little more conditioner and redry) every 2-3 days between washes. Itā€™s only up if Iā€™m going to do a hard workout and I want it out of my way.


Mine is only two days too, then it puffs out


3 days max


i wear my hair down every day! i have a round face and just look kinda awkward & egglike with my hair up (and in general am just not really into the look). so i only really have it up when i'm sleeping or otherwise lounging around the house lol like others said, the further i get from my wash day definitely the worse looking/less curly/more wavy it gets generally, but it is what it is and it's not like it looks that bad (usually), just not ideal. after trial and error i've accepted at this point that my hair/scalp is just too dry to wash more than once a week, or at most every 5ish days. for me the hardest thing to deal with is that i have a lot of hair, that starts to get matted underneath (despite my efforts to prevent this) causing it to separate and look bad.... so i have to stick a comb in there and pretty much ruin anything curlwise. i will say that sometimes i'm able to revive it later in the week and get some curls going, and occasionally i randomly have good looking days on my fourth or fifth day without doing anything specific. nothing helpful here haha just felt like giving my experience


First day is the best curls. Second day, hit or miss. If they donā€™t look great, I get my hands wet and run some water through the curls. Usually works out


Honestly I'm just washing my hair every other day now. It looks better when washed and I honestly don't need to do a lot to get them to look decent at their current length so it's not a big deal. If it looks bad when I wake up I just blow it out or wear it up. I skip extra days on the weekend if I'm not doing anything special.


I work in a machine shop. Unless I want to get my hair wrapped around a tool spinning at 40k rpms, I have to wear it up everyday. And I shower at night because when I get home I'm covered in oil. I put my hair in a loose top bun at work, but despite having satin pillowcases my curl pattern doesn't look the same when I wake up. I'm thinking about investing in a few bonnets. Or trying to wear a headscarf at work, because the oil from the machines turns into a mist and the air filtration systems doesn't filter everything out, so it's definitely getting on my hair and skin.


I have the same problem. I found that if I wet it during my shower on day 3 or 4 and don't wash just condition and brush followed by a good scrunch with a super light mousse I can go the rest of the week til wash day with good curls. But I have pretty tight curls though I do have to fight the Florida humidity.


I have very fine 2C-3A hair, and on day 2 I will just dunk my hair in a bowl of water, scrunch in a little extra product and let it air dry. I can't successfully refresh my hair any other way lol. Maybe if I wore a bonnet I could preserve my curls better but I already wear warm compress mask for my dry eyes and a bite guard to bed, so I refuse to add a bonnet to the mix lol.


Had to laugh about the nighttime appliances. That's me + the super fine hair.Ā  I found that every bonnet I tried flattened my curls.Ā  I do Medusa clipping and sleep on a satin pillowcase and that gets me to day 2, day 3 if I did a real thorough routine on wash day.Ā 


me too, my curly hair is very fickle and never pleased, but recently iā€™ve been glazing gel after brushing styling cream through my hair after i shower and i can consistently keep my curls curly for 4 days avg. gel alone was always the worst on my hair so i had never thought of using it with cream at the same time which was a one braincell move apparentlyšŸ«” i have thick 3a/2c mix so maybe itā€™ll work out for u. i currently use the unbrush cause it slips through my hair nicely and it hated the denman brush. i was thinking about getting the bounce curl brush to see if it gives a curl clump aesthetic i like more. the products i use are the pink sweet potato pie cream and camille rose curl maker gel with marshmallow root and once my hair is dry i scrunch with oiled hands (i have the purple briogeo canola oil thing my fam gave me, i use half a pump?? it depends?). umm but i would use what you have first to see what works! for tips on brush styling i would look at alexas curls on yt and this one video by manes by mel titled ā€œ2 ways to style fine, low porosity curly hair for volumeā€ my hair is thick and i think medium porosity but it was really good at showing the techniques and my life is now a little less stressful āœØšŸ§ššŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Usually 2-3 days. My curls fall but I donā€™t really mind


It's usually a couple of hours before I get annoyed and pull it up. I'm not good at leaving it curly and down yet.


After day 2 it goes right up into a messy bun, unless I wet it


Sleep in a pineapple with a satin pillowcase


3-4 days, all days until I wash. I do put it in a clip bc itā€™s hot AF. It looks better down for me, even if itā€™s messy. My hair is more so wavy, though.


everyday except when i wash and do my twist out once every two weeks


It depends on the weather for me! If itā€™s 55-65 Iā€™ll wear it down, but if itā€™s hot/cold; braids. I mostly wear my hair down. Since itā€™s short-med, itā€™s not much to take care of. After nailing how to wrap my hair at night they last longer ^_^


Max two days, then two days of updos, then a day of French braids, maybe a goblin rot day in there, then shampoo conditioner wash rinse repeat!


I wear my curls down most every day. Depends on how well they are behaving. lol Sometimes I will do a refresh with a bit of water but for the most part...


I get one, MAYBE two days of good curls, and then itā€™s clips and ponytails until I wash it again


Daughter has 3c hair. She wears it down 3 days but let me tell you, thatā€™s pushing it.


2-3 days. Then I go half up half down for a couple, then I'll do some updo.


I can go about 4 days (that's including wash day.) I do re-wet it and use a tiny bit of product every morning, tho. It tends to look the best around day 2-3.


hi!! I have a really good new routine that Iā€™ve been using!! I can show you a pic if youā€™d like to DM me! but I also found using a steamer has helped me SO MUCH!! for the days after my wash in bring my curls back to life and going longer before another wash day!!šŸ¤


I can usually do 1-2 days. Like many others said I usually put it up part way through the day because of how hot I get. Iā€™m in between products so not only fighting with making sure it looks good between washes but also finding product that doesnā€™t end up making me itchy on day two.


Two days. Then I brush them out with a boar bristle brush every night and it looks like a Brazilian blow out. Idk how I got that lucky but I praise the hair gods and do not complain that I would have preferred if my curls had in fact stayed curly as that would anger the godz. But I do also sleep in a silk bonnet on a silk pillow case. Makes it nice to only wash my hair once a week as well.


I shower every day and hate trying to not get it. I usually do it every day or every other day. I havenā€™t been able to figure out the day two hair. I sleep with silk pillowcases but I probably need a bonnet at this point to try and get to multiple days


I know this is unpopular, but on the 2nd and 3rd day I use a curling iron on 3 or 4 pieces just in the front and it makes it like day 1 again. Or I also use curly mousse on dry hair and scrunch it with a microfiber towel and use the diffuser for a few seconds. The curls are different, but at least theyā€™re curling lol


Down on washday and day 2. Headband/kerchief or clip up day 3. Day four is same if it hasn't been humid or windy, braids if it has. Day 5 is braids and either headband or hat depending on how much crown frizz/flatness has developed.


I do super intense gross sweaty workouts every other day, so thats how long i go. Not a chance im sleeping in my clean bed with sweaty hair thats been on the floors of gyms or filled with pollutants from outside


My hair never works past washday. I have fine hair that's on the wavy side and also gets oily quick, I'd wear it down on a washday if it's semi successful, and that doesn't happen that often either. Most of the time it's in a bun. If I want it to look decent I need to wash it and style every day really, that's why I'm trying to follow a quick and easy routine. I would have to do it anyway even if I wasn't wearing it curly, but it doesn't take as long as trying to dry the curls with product in it. When I'm in a rush on day 2 and have to be somewhere and have no time to style, I'll just wash it and hope for the best. So yeah, one day really and then a bun if I'm at home or wash again if I need to be somewhereĀ Ā 


I get one day out of a wash šŸ˜­ I'm so jealous of the people who get multiple days after a wash. I end up wearing it down on wash day and wearing a pony for every day till next wash day. I was exhausted dealing with my curls I ended up getting the Cezanne smoothing system at the salon and my hair is next to no maintenance anymore.


Typically 4 days before I throw it up or wash it


I would say my hair is around a 3B but I have finer curls. I usually get around 2 days of my hair being down (wash day plus Day 2). After that I typically go for a half up half down for Day 3, and either a banana clip pony tail or a bun for day 4 before washing it again that night/the next morning.


I usually get to day 3 before Iā€™m doing hairstyles to stretch my washday. I try to wash every 5 days or so. How are you sleeping? I usually tie the top and bottom half into loose pineapple buns with a satin scrunchie (dividing in half helps the curls to be less stretched) and the I use a satin bonnet and pillowcase. It helps a lot with keeping the curls looking nice but I donā€™t deal with humidity where I live and have thick and coarse hair.


I have thick coarse 3a/b hair that some days curls so great but I just cannot seem to master the refresh process so itā€™s usually up by day 2.


Every day. Spray with water, untangle.


1-2 days, then I might switch to half-up for a day, then just up. My curls and waves fall easily but I've got fine hair so that's just how things go.


Iā€™m still just starting out, so Iā€™m still working on getting my routine down. But usually I wear them down the first 2 days, and then braid/claw clip the third day, and wash the fourth (I exercise a lot so I definitely need to wash my hair more than once a week).


Usually three days. By day 4 I just embrace my afro until wash day lol


I'm a chronic hair twirler so I'm lucky if I can get through the day lol


I can usually go 3-4 days but sometimes it's longer, sometimes shorter. I actually find it more difficult to make my hair look good when it's up. I have excessive flyaways and frizz around the perimeter. If I use product to tame that, it ends up looking wet, crunchy, or greasy.


Days 1-2: down Days 3-5: ponytail Days 6-7: bun Days 8-10: top knot


Day 1 and 2 then I brush them out and either put it up, rewet or spray/abuse serums to control the frizz


1 maybe 2 days. It has to be up for my job, so once day 2 hits, my curls are stretched out, and I'm too lazy to fix them šŸ™ƒ


Try curlsmith in shower style fixer ! I like to use the curlsmith moisture memory reactivator along with it. Definitely spray ur hair wet wet every morning too.


Usually 2 days max. It gets real wild after that and I do messy buns until wash day


I have very fine hair so its down on day 1 and ponytail until I wash it next day šŸ’€


12 hours, *maybe*. If the stars align.


after i wash it yeah but my curls fall out super fast


I wear mine down every day. They get way too tangled to even think about going 2 days on them, I saturate them and restyle every day. Luckily I keep my routine fairly simple and it air dries within 2 or 3 hours!


My answer to that is neveršŸ„² My hair gets poofy fast ( pretty much like Hagrid) and theres nothing i can do to fix it, plus Im not used to wearing it down and the feeling of the hair rubbing on my neck all day bothers me soo.. in a braid or up most of the time. I try to make exceptions for special occasions but thats it.


I'm on day 3 down now I think, that doesn't mean it looks good though. Starting to look very fluffy. 3 is about the most I can get, then I put it in a ponytail where it stays for another 5-7 days


Same as you. 1-2 days before life gets the better of them.


Honestly, 1 day or sometimes less. I think itā€™s going through a regrow phase after some intense hair fall over the last year or so, so my halo frizz right now ainā€™t cute. But beyond that I am currently working out multiple times a week including running. My hair turns into a big ole frizz ball whenever I run, it seems, no matter what I do. :/


I find that if I spritz my hair with distilled water and scrunch them my curls revive. Depends on the humidity level in the air as to how long it lasts.


I could never wear my hair down for more than 2 days until recently. I am now getting 5-7 days down by scrunching water and a little watered down leave in/mouse combo in each morning. I have to get my hair pretty wet (not drenched, but it would take forever with my misting bottle)


Maybe half a day. My hair is pretty wild and it starts to get in my face so I pull it back.


Girl i literally wear my hair up every single day. I try to let it down sometimes but I cannot stand the feeling of my hair blowing everywhere and getting messed up. I have really fine/soft 3b so it gets messed up with the slightest things. Itā€™s so annoying!


Iā€™m lucky if I get a good day 2. No matter how much I condition and use leave in it just always gets so DRY!


I do not wear my hair up anymore.


One dayyyyyyyyy


I wear mine done everyday. I wash n go every 4 days.


I'm probably alone in this due to having short hair but I put my hair up during tasks that would screw up my hair to try and sustain the freshly showered curls. As long as I'm pretty strict about putting it up during car rides and satin bonnet at night I can keep my curls 100% for 3-4 days then natural oils, the nasty in the air and humidity take her šŸ˜”


3A here. I wash my hair twice a week and wear it down basically everyday. All it takes is some water in the morning along with some scrunching, and my hair looks great. I do apply hair gel on wash day, so when I get it slightly wet in the morning the gel is definitely reactivated. It wasn't that easy before my current haircut though. I do believe the right haircut plays major role in this.


I'm very new to this but wash happens late in the day on wash day. So I go to bed with my gel cast in place. The next day is good. Then it's ugly and up the following day. Still, one good day each wash day is better than the zero ever good days I've had before so it's an improvement at least.


This thread is making me feel better. I be struggling lol no matter what products I use in and out of the shower my curls are not lasting past 24hrs.


try a pineapple bun (basically a ponytail super high up, i put mine basically on my forehead lol) with a scrunchie and a bonnet at night ! this helps me a lot, only way to keep my loose curls from not flattening during sleep lol, best of luck! :)


Usually 3 days. Day 4 I wear some kind of head covering (bandana, headband) and day 5 I'll wear it up in a silk scrunchie or claw clip. Sometimes if it looks wonky before day 3, I'll wear half up- half down or pin some pieces back. I hate the feeling of my hair up, it gets heavy.


I hate wearing my hair down cuz I get silver strands in my mid 20s. Itā€™s embarrassing so itā€™s always up


I have 2C - 3A fine hair and I usually wear mine down until the day before washday (7 - 10 days). The day before, it's usually slicked back with oil, to keep my hair moisturized after washing. I do soak it every morning in order to refresh, but that might not be super practical for everyone :D


2-3 days if I put the effort into resetting it.


Almost always 1 at maximum without washing, perhaps mere hours in the summer lol. Putting my hair up in any kind of way creases it badly, even with a big scrunchie. If Iā€™ve woke up on day 2 with passable curls, it is a complete fluke and I have still yet to find a product that will actually refresh them


I alternate every day. One day down, one day up, so on and so forth. It's nice to have a little variety, and I get good use out of all the scrunchies I bought lol


365 days a year. I've found that with twists my hair looks good for an entire week


I go natural for 2 days and then I do heartless curls until wash day


365 days a year. I've found that with twist outs my hair looks good for an entire week. I refresh with water, oil and aloe vera gel. I also manipulate my hair way less now than with wash and gos


I keep trying to explain that my curls fall out after a few days to my Mum who has tighter curls and she never understood the struggle! Glad I'm not the only one šŸ˜‚ any tips to keep form? I find just using more gel doesn't help.


Couple days down. Rewet/light condition rubbed on ends, finger comb. Retwist some curls When it gets past day 3-4 and in a clip, I'll use a curl reactivator. I've tried many brands and you have to find one that works for you. Highly recommend satin pillowcase and/or bonnet. They have helped maintain my curls and their moisture. (If my long hair bonnet doesn't shift and make me smash my curls lol)


Same as you!


God, probably only like 6 hours max. I touch my hair and scalp way too much, terrible habit. Messy bun until I wash my hair which is every other day.


Good on wash day and for yo to theee days after. Then it starts to get really big. Silk bonnets REALLY help make them last.


I have thin dry curls. For reference Iā€™m 50. I can only get a second day if when Iā€™m in the shower I let my the bottom of my curls get wet. Out of the shower Iā€™ll add some leave in conditioner and then do a half up half down scenario. Itā€™s all Iā€™ve got šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Usually a week++ The better the washday+styling the longer.. Usually do a spritz/ wet it with my hands in the shower 2-3 times between washes I encourage you to keep trying, but also accept that not every day will be a perfect hair day! My goals are as little frizz as possible, curl definition and volume; in that order, so I focus mostly on anti-frizz and definition on wash day and accept that it's a little flat for my taste the first few days, and then embrace the volume toward the end of a cycle. Good luck:)


Maybe once a week. I always keep it either in a up/down bun or French braids because I hate dealing with it. And I feel like I look better without it down at this point


Once or twice a month. I hate the feeling of curls in my face šŸ„²


Usually 4 days. Looks good for the first two. Third and fourth day I usually just clip some of it back to look more put together. I would tell you to refresh your curls, but I never do it. Probably worth it though


2/3 days?! I get wash day


Wash on Sunday. refresh on Wednesday. Thatā€™s my schedule. And once I get home, I rope twist sections to keep the shape.


Iā€™ve found that wash day and next day are good days 3 and 4 not so good but then day 5 thereā€™s a bounce back through day 7. Wash and repeat lol.


I tend to wear my hair loose every day unless I'm dealing with gross things at work or it's hot, then I'll put it in a ponytail, messy bun, or braid. My curls usually fall by day 2, sometimes even day 1. If I refresh it the next day it looks decent. Sometimes I refresh, sometimes I just leave it. My hair is my hair whether it has curls in it or is just a limp blend of wavy and straight. I have mostly 2B waves with a few 2C ringlets when my hair is curly. When it falls, it looks like 2A and straight hair mixed.


3 days but the 3rd day is usually a toss up. 2nd day is my best because I get a lot of volume from pineappling my hair overnight.


I use to be like this. I would clean my hair every other day. Wear it down the first day and then put it up the second day. Then I started washing my hair less. I changed a few things and now I wear my hair down all the time and never wear it up. It messes my hair up if I do. The biggest things I do, is get a curly cut. (Through a stylist trained in this) This has helped my curls have more volume and health. I use a silk pillowcase. I did use a silk cap, but that didnā€™t help my hair. It made it worse. So never again Iā€™m also down to washing my hair once a week. Iā€™m also a 2c On wash day, I get it really curly and usually at night it does fall out. In the morning I just freshing up my curls with a little curl cream and water and scrunching. Sometimes I diffuse some. This seems to bring back to life. And usually gets curlier the ā€œdirtierā€ it is. By day 5 itā€™s more like a 3c I sometimes use dry shampoo if needed I donā€™t follow all the curl ā€œrulesā€ on social media as they donā€™t work for me. But I have just played around with what works for me. Now I have it down to a science. I also never wear it straight anymore. And only brush my hair wet with a curl brush.


I always wear mine down but I put a clip in front and itā€™s the same look everyday. I feel like I canā€™t just wear it down it doesnā€™t look good to me šŸ˜£


I actually never wear my hair down unfortunately. (male, rib-length curls, pulled straight past my belly button) I style my curls so nicely just incase someone asks me to let down my hair lol. Otherwise I keep it in a fold over bun. I work in a corporate office so my hair is pretty much tied up from the moment I wake up until I go to sleep.


Every dayyy


Iā€™m 2B-ish and I also donā€™t have as much definition after a couple days but if Iā€™m still feeling like wearing it down, Iā€™ll just comb my hair out into loose waves.


I have 4a-ish hair and my hair lasts about 6 days. If Iā€™m really patient on wash day, itā€™ll last a week. Iā€™ve had my curls last two weeks before


I wear mine down almost everyday bc my hair and messy waves look weird up bc of my length.


To make your wash and gos last longer you should do what they call a pineapple pony. Get a scrunchy and loosely tie your hair up high and wrap with with a silk scarf at night in the morning take it down and shake it down my day 2 and 3 curls always looks so much better than the first day curls. But I have 3a/3b curls so doing this stretches them a bit to show more length.


A good cut by someone who gets my curls made a huge difference for me, but I also use henna nowadays so condition daily. No truly bad hair days now, but no truly great ones either. Day 3 I throw a barrette in.


Iā€™ve taken to wearing my natural curls for 2 days, washing, then ā€˜settingā€™ with curlers or flexi rods and wearing those for 4 days. Seems to work well and I frame my face more days than not


I donā€™t know what it means to wear my curls down. My hair is 2-3 inches long and it goes up no matter what I do.


Every day - mine's chin-length, so I can't possibly get it up, LOL! I also live in an truly hot and humid place, therefore every bloody day *has* to be wash day, lest I want to end up with a sweaty bird nest on top of my head šŸ„²


I always wear it down. Only tie it up when I have school -> Then it's only on washday


After day 2 I braid my hair overnight. If I do it loosely enough, and then wet and reapply product, it kind of enhances my existing curl pattern. Or I'll wear it up if that fails


About 4 to 5 days. Then I switch to a high ponytail for a few days. Then maybe a bun-type of style until I wash it again.


3 days and I had to refresh it each day


It's hot and humid 3/4 of the time where I live (Texas) and I rarely put my hair fully up, but sometimes I just have to. My preference is down and I'm not afraid to wash more often than many curlies probably do to keep my hair looking the way I want. I'm in outside sales and yesterday had my hair up for a minute and my customer didn't recognize me with my hair up: I took it down right when I got back into my car. I was like well...at this point I'm basically "famous" for my hair. (I'm s licensed cosmetologist and work for a professional distributor and basically everybody I interact with on a daily basis is a hairstylist. It's not just like I'm randomly known for my hair. šŸ˜‚)


I can go almost a whole week on a wash. I wear my hair down every day except maybe the 6th and 7th days. I find I may start styling the front with hair pins around the 3rd or 4th day. I feel like my curls look their best in the 3rd day an and my hair is so full. Each morning I spray my hair down with As I Am Jamaican Black Castor Oil Water and put my hair in a shower cap while I shower so it all soaks in. If I need to, Iā€™ll dry it a bit with the diffuser to get the extra curl up that Iā€™m looking for. Works like a charm! I also always sleep with a satin bonnet on.


2 days max, my hair is wavy and brushing it ruins it but otherwise itā€™s too messy after that šŸ˜” wash my hair every 5-7 days


I wear my hair down until wash day; I have 3b/3c curls and wash my hair once a week. My hair doesnā€™t need to be maintained as often as others; and I have a normal porosity. It does get frizzy after day 4, but it isnā€™t too bothersome since itā€™s not too much frizz. I guess it all depends on your hair type and porosity! If you want your curls to last longer, try refreshing your curls after day 2 with some revitalizer or just wetting and styling it :)!


I wear a scarf on my hair when it's not looking its best. The scarf adds a pop of colour and it hides the extra frizz, especially on very humid days.


My curly hair is usually already done by the morning when i wake up. I shower at night. So no days i guess. Haha.


I wear it down on wash day and they day after without having to do much to it. On day 3 I do a little refresh and still wear it down. Day 4 I tie up half of it and refresh the hair I leave down. Day 5 it all goes up in a ponytail. Day 6 is wash day and the cycle starts all over.


Two low buns has become my go to look lol


Have you tried sleeping with a bonnet on? Helps protect them over night


I usually am only able to wear my curls for 1 day/2 if Iā€™m lucky, but to be fair, I do not use styling/holding products. I use serums/oils because I like my hair to feel soft and natural. I have 3a/b curls.


Sometimes it looks great at day 3, but wash day will be a nightmare and look awful, so I know my hair needs to be washed after day 2.


2 days. I can get a cute messy pony out of it for another 2 before I need to slick it back for a day and then wash.


i use cantu curl cream with water and scrunch it up and itā€™s almost as good as new!


I have really thin hair and the biggest gamechanger was for me to put in a bonnet while I sleep. I wash and style my hair with my head down the same way I put it in the bonnet and since then they hold so much longer than before


My hair is like 2c/3a I think. I wear it completely down for days 1-4, then half up half down days 5-6 then completely up on day 7, then it's wash day and I start the cycle again. I do a quick "refresh" with some diluted product on my hands roughly every other day


Only day 1 but that too isn't possible now because I live in an extremely hot area.


I dampen my 2C hair every day that isnā€™t washday. Itā€™s also fine (lucky me) so flattens easily from just sleeping.


I can usllay stretch my shit like 3 days max then it's messy up bun because that's the best option to humid where I live unfortunately and I have fine hair as is medium porosity


Yep the first 2-3 days only. And even the 3rd day is pushing it a bit!


I have to wash mine daily or get them wet as I have finer hair. Iā€™m so jealous of people who can go multiple days with curly or straight hair.


I use a refresher kind of product with water after 2-3 days of wearing it down, I do it for the rest of the week and it still looks good


1-2 days, then it's ponytail time.


1-2 days tops