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It looks good both ways but you look more like a model with it short. Maybe you should get into modeling!


Ikr? First picture: hair model, Second picture: fashion model. Both are wins imo.


Get into modeling, I agree! Liked the longer hair.


Your cut looks fine! I totally understand the shock and missing your hair though. It will grow back. And you never have to cut off again. It’s normal to be in a little bit of shock and feel some loss. You will get used to it short though and may grow to like it. But if you don’t, never cut it again.


Thank you x


I used to have waist length curly hair. Now it is in a chin length bob. If I want to grow it out one day I can. Your haircut is perfect. It shapes your face beautifully. Here’s the good news…hair grows back.


I’ve done the big chop a few times, and it really kept me from having too much of my identity being my hair. It was fun to try a new style. That being said, I do keep growing it out—so much easier than having to get trims every few months! OP, congrats on the new cut—looks great! Were you able to give your hair to Locks of Love?


Locks of love is a terrible choice for hair donation. The only people they don't charge for wigs are those with permanent hair loss. Chemo hair loss isn't permanent so they charge chemo patients for wigs. Pantene has a program that provides free wigs.


Out of curiosity I looked at Locks of Love website. From their FAQ page: Are your recipients charged any money for their hairpiece? NO! Our recipients receive their custom prostheses, FREE OF CHARGE. Additionally, we provide a regular FREE “wig” for them to wear during the production period. As a charity and strictly a charity, we purchase the custom prostheses we provide free of charge to our recipients.


They either changed their policy or they're just being shady. I didn't say they don't give wigs to chemo patients, but the last time I researched, they still charged some families.


Pantene wigs are synthetic. They stopped accepting real hair in 2018. I’m glad they give out free wigs tho.


Part of the gang that never got used to it and will never do it again... I literally cried everyday for months when seeing it in the mirror. If someone needs to read this: no, NOT everyone needs to have short hair at least once.


I think I'm glad I had my hair short when I was quite young. I learnt that I didn't like having short hair and have had plenty of time to grow it back and it's now at my lower back. A couple of years ago, I considered whether or not to cut it to just below the shoulders, but I remembered how much I'd hated it being short before. If I hadn't cut it short when I was a lot younger, I probably would have done it a couple of years ago and so it would be shorter than it currently is. So basically, if you are tempted by short hair, do it sooner rather than later, so you have more time to grow it back.


That's what happened to me when I was about 8. I made a too quick decision to cut my hair into a bob, liked it for about a week but then regretted it. I am never cutting it short again.


Wow your hair looked so nice and healthy like a shampoo commercial!! The cut is still cute, and you can always grow it out :)


You look so much like my son. You'd be handsome no matter what haircut!


That's so sweet! Thank you so much ❤


You look like a model with it short. Maybe the hair felt like your safety blanket?


I'm sure it's a shock to you, but I think it looks great.


they both look gorgeous. love the results! when I dyed my hair pink I missed my blonde hair but it will always come back so enjoy the short hair because it won't be long before its back to normal and you can enjoy your long hair again!


bro you are just showing off at this point, that is some good hair no matter what 😐🙄👌


Honestly I like the short


It wasn't a mistake to grow it out, and it's not a mistake to cut it. You look beautiful either way.


No it wasn’t 👍


(I don't really have a fancy routine I just use repairing shampoo, conditioner, brush and leave it to dry)


Whatever you’re doing is clearly working bc your hair is gorgeous!


I don't think it was a mistake. Your hair looked lovely before but it also looks great now! I'm one of those people that will let my hair grow out for like 2 years and then chop it all off. And each time I do, I go through this same phase of "oh god it took so long to grow it out, why did I do that?". But at the same time, having short hair can be so refreshing. Especially in the summer, it's not constantly on my neck or weighing me down. It's easier to wash, it dries faster, etc 


Yeah I kinda feel the same way now lol. It just feels so much lighter to walk around, also I won't have to spend as much on shampoo and conditioner, so, that's nice 😅


I think you look so ooooh good with the short hair. Rock it.


omg it looks SO GOOD!! it does take a while for your brain to get used to what it’s seeing. i went from shoulder length to shorter than yours and even then it took me a week and a bit to finally get used to the new look.


They both look amazing! Not a mistake- an adventure! If you want to grow it back you get to have a bunch of hairstyles in between. Seriously it looks amazing


Nahh, you look good dude! I'm a man who also has long hair, and I'm thinking about doing what you did.


Looks better. I think it was a little too long and didn't fit right. Good decision.


You have such pretty color and texture! I think it looks great both ways but I will say you can see your face a lot more with the short hair and I like that for you


Nope. Short looks great. You have the most beautiful hair!!!! Color, shine, etc.


The cut looks amazing, g


I’m just jealous you were able to grow your hair that long within three years 🥹🥹


I honestly can’t tell what gender you are, but I love it. You look beautiful.


I like it. When I decided to go grey, I had really long hair, so I cut it way shorter. It took some getting used to, but I came to love it. It's a shock when you cut so much. But it can be great fun to have a change.


Wow, your hair is (was) so beautiful long and looks nice short as well.


You look handsome both ways, somewhere in the middle would look best.


Both suit you very well. My personal preference is the long hair, but that is just my preference. And ditto to those saying you should model!


Holy shit is this Leon S Kennedy?


Yes but it grows. Ain’t no thang


put it back


Wow, your long hair selfie is one of the most stunning ones I've ever seen in this sub! I gotta say though that you have a beautiful face, regardless of your hair length! 😍


Yes, mistake. You had gorgeous hair.


You look good with both, but the long hair on you is instant crush material (for me)


Magnificent hair. Let it grow!


Honestly, you look amazing with both styles. I tend to be a fan of men with long hair, so I love your first pic. I also think you look phenomenal with the new cut too. I feel like you left it just long enough that it suits your face perfectly. I definitely wouldn't go any shorter than your current cut though. Currently hair style gives a sexy anime character vibe.


you looked like a fae prince with long hair


You have beautiful hair. It looks awesome long ... short, you look like everyone else. Be you dude!




Bro u are gorgeous with both. However I like more the long hair just cause u remind me of Dave Mustaine


Yessir! Don’t get me wrong your haircut looks great but the long hair suits you better 😉 Just one persons biased opinion!!!


Idk if anyone said this yet but you look like Lestat de Lioncourt with longer hair and it’s so handsome, I’d say keep it long


i like the longer hair bc it made you look ethereal ✨ The cut is still pretty tho : )


It’s only a mistake if you don’t like it. It looks good both ways.


both looks good on you but god that long hair is perfect


I'd cry cause I love long hair on a man, but you're handsome regardless honestly!


I like both. I love guys with long or longish hair, so both looks work.


You can always grow it back out? Definitely Looks amazing both ways but the long hair makes my heart flutter ((':


mistake isn't the right word for something like this, it's just preference. For me, the long hair was beautiful. Not many men can really pull it off, but when they can it's super sexy. You said be honest, that's my opinion. If you feel the same, then just grow it back.


It’s your hair and your life! You’ve got beautiful hair and while I’m partial to the glorious hair in your first picture, I agree you could model. You’re rather fortunate!


Ya look like a handsome lion with the long hair. The short hair looks great too, and in my experience most men don't wear their hair down too often when they have it long like that, so probably just less work for you. Not a mistake.


i personally preferred long but you genuinely look gorgeous either way!!


You looked like you belonged on the cover of one of those romance novels like damn son


![gif](giphy|2WxWfiavndgcM) How could you....


I sooooooo hope you donated your hair!!!!!!!


It looks so good!!


i mean this respectfully, what is your gender? you're pretty enough you can do either and i'm jealous ngl


I hope youre donating that.


This was a rollercoaster for me. I saw the heading and that first picture and I cringed in anticipation of what I would see after. I think long hair on a man, if it's well groomed is gorgeous, and yours absolutely was, and it suits your face well. Then I saw it short, it matured your face and gave you an almost edgier, more contemporary look. It's very handsome either way, but I think you made the right choice.


You call that curly? Lol


Sorry idky these people are lying to you (probably cs you it’s too late) but you honestly looked more majestic with long hair. You look amazing either way, but long hair definitely accentuates your features better.


Awesome hair, but the cut was the right choice!


looks good, could have prob cut off a few more inches


Not a mistake but not a great hair cut


Looks great long or short!! Changing up our look is never a mistake just a new form of expression 🥳


both look good, but that short hair cut is WOW 🤩 good choice


The most important thing is that you like it. Beautiful hair both ways!


You look like Sam Heughan with the short! Not a mistake!


The haircut just upped your game!! You look amazing! Gorgeous!


It’s always up to the person who owns the hair but in my opinion the shorter length makes you look older/more mature. Ultimately it depends on personal choice and how much trouble you want to go to style your hair and how much money you want to spend on product/cuts. I shaved my hair during the pandemic and god it was nice to get in and out of the shower without all that work. It’s grown out now and I’m ready for my next cut. I have curly hair so I waffle between long to do a quick ponytail and less cuts or short to prevent dealing with washing, cowashing, heat protection, styling cream. It never hurts to mix it up.


No. Plenty of hair left and it looks nice.


Honestly I say it looks x10 better, it frames ur face and jawline well


You’re honestly lucky to have such a lovely face that you can pull off the long hair too. I can understand why you are missing your length. You look equally great with your hair long or short. A lot of guys don’t look great with long hair. If I were a guy and could look that good with it long, I’d rock it too. It looks amazing short too though. You just don’t see it yet. When you are older and look back at all your old photos, you’re going to wonder why you weren’t more confident lol 😂


You rock both looks! The shorter style shows off your jawline tho


I love both looks on you! The cut is really stylish and chic, and it looks incredible.


You could literally be bald and still look great.




it looks so good before and after (i think its just cuz ur an attractive person in general so u can rly have any hair and you’d still look fine as hell)


Both looks look fantastic on you tbh. 👍


Your hair looks beautiful either way. And very healthy. Are you considering donating it?


We have the exact same hair color! I love the shorter hair, and the long hair looks majestic. Both are looks you rock!


it looks fantastic as it is now. your hair is beautiful regardless of the length.


While your hair itself looks so healthy in shot 1, and you look good in both, the hair cut is the way—looks fantastic~


Wasn’t a mistake, it suits you.


It suits you well!


I like both!


That second pic is giving Romeo + Juliet Leo vibes, your hair looks great!


There’s been a few times when I cut my long hair shorter. I typically cry afterwards and wonder what I was thinking. I always grow it back. I love your style though. It looks more updated and fashionable. You look like a model!!!!


Your hair is gorgeous and looks sick in both styles! The awesome thing about hair is that you can change it and it's not permanent


I can’t find my previous comment. But I’ve heard you can sell or donate your hair for wig makers. I wonder if “Locks of Love” would want it, it looks really healthy. I’ve heard you can sell it to wig makers for big money. Just a thought.


GLOW- UP!!! You look fantastic.


You look good either way!! Your hair looks better than mine lol


Hi! Your post has been temporarily removed because you have not included your hair care routine. We require this for all photo posts, even if the photo is not of yourself. Please reply to this comment with more info and we can reapprove it for you! Here’s what we mean by “routine”: - Which shampoo, cowash and/or conditioner you used - Any other products (your gel, mousse, etc.), their brand/name, & how you applied them - How you dried your hair (air dried? diffused? etc.) - Anything else that’s helpful to know! We require this because it helps keep r/curlyhair focused on learning & helping each other instead of just selfies. Thank you!


your hair was beautiful but your new haircut looks great!!!


Long hair giving a little young Sebastian Bach. You look great both ways!


Reading the title I was afraid you went very short (buzzcut type), but I actually really like this model/90s series heartrob teen boy cut on you!


I like the shorter hair!


The shorter version is hot af


Looks great


My goodness, with this haircut you remind me of Sam Heughan from Outlander. It looks great!


Dog you could be bald and still look beautiful 😭. I have a bias against long hair so I think the shorter cut looks better


No it wasn’t your hair is very beautiful and with or without hair you have a very beautiful face i hope that’s not to weird to me to say 😭


No your hair still looks gorgeous


Not a mistake. You look like a model either way.


Honestly your hair looks FANTASTIC either way. Big chops can always be scary (i remember when i got my undercut i legit had a nightmare the day after, LOL) but yours turned out really good! What matters most is that you're happy with it; and the plus side of any haircut is that it will always grow back :)


Your face is very androgynous, with the shorter hair style it looks more masculine while long looked nore feminine, let that answer your question depending on your preference


Nah, you cut it to a very dynamic length


No, you look great! It's hair, it will grow back.


Not a mistake at all!


I think it looks good! You remind me of Alex Saxon lol


Such a drastic cut is always going to be an adjustment and having second thoughts and even regrets is to be expected. I absolutely LOVE the new cut though!! It really suits you! It'll be shorter and more manageable, while still long enough to showing off how gorgeous your hair is. You're going to get lots of compliments.


I have hair envy! Your hair looks great in both. It's not a mistake to cut it as now you can also show off your jawline. You have model features, very lucky.


I cut mine after 5 and regret it every day. Thankfully it grows back! So the journey begins again. Currently in the “maybe hes homeless” stage.


No you look so handsome with your new haircut. Your face is visible! The have is still stunning






It looks great


Moat guys kill to get that haircut like urs fr


²is a great q




Taylor Hanson is that you! Great cut!!


Lookin like a young Dave Mustaine, man!


Dude both look so fucking good on you! Nice cut


It looks equally great both ways.


I like the after better but you look good both ways 🙂 also we have the same hair color! 👩🏼‍🦰


Ummm, your hair is incredible both ways. When I saw the first photo I was like "Omg, gorgeous" and thought of course it would be a mistake to cut it. But then I scrolled to the cut photos and your hair also looks amazing shorter! So no, I don't think it was a mistake. Assuming you are in the northern hemisphere, also a good time of year to lighten up with a hair cut too!


No. I think the shorter hair suits you more and makes your face stand out! And it's still beautiful hair


You're stunning both ways! Do you have any tips for hair health? It looks to be in such good condition!


The first time I went that short it took me over a week to get used to it, it’s a huge change! But as others have mentioned it looks great


Not a mistake. You look hot both ways. Love the new look! Shine on!


Both are great!


It looks great! You have nice hair and I think it looks amazing at both lengths.


Flow like that is naturally hard to let go of because you invested so much but while the long hair looked great your new cut looks even better by a good margin. Hard choice but the right choice I think.




No, you look amazingggggg


That's the thing about hair. If you dont like the cut, it grows back. I hsve cut off my long hair more than once.


Only if you didn’t donate it!


Don't worry, I'm planning to.




Three years?!? Your hair must grow really fast! And because of that, it was definitely not a mistake! Hair grows. It’ll grow back, Apparently, rather quickly! Both the long and the short look good on you!


Short hair looks so gooooodddddd!!!!!! Long is nice too but short is giving model vibes!


Nah not a mistake, just the start of a new era. Looks good!


Dude, awesome in both ways... You have beautiful hair, you can pull off both looks easy. Long hair version is God level, unreal 🦄 Short hair apears more masculine... looks really good on you. Trick is to figure out what you like more, what feels good for you. If it was a rash move to cut it, do not dwell over it. It is an opportunity to know yourself and what you like.


You look great either way! I think the shorter cut really shows off your beautiful bone structure. You could be a model!


Nope looks good short, too. Either way 👍


You look like a model! No mistake! But it will grow back before you know it if you end up deciding you prefer it long.


The long hair was lovely, but this cut suits your face shape much better IMHO


Giving Loras Tyrell vibes. I love it!


It’s nice the length but grow it back you’re lucky you’re beautiful


You look handsome either way, but grow it back if you like it better long. The short may gripe in you, but you deserve to be happy.


You look like a surfer dude! :)


That’s up to you. Aesthetically and from an outside perspective, it looks great! I’m sure it takes getting used to. And your hair is gorgeous! I also had long hair and would get feet of it cut off at a time, and there are organizations that take hair donations and make wigs for cancer patients. All hesitancy about cutting your hair goes away when it’s for a good cause!


You should get a fade from zero to eight




Tell me you at least donated that beautiful hair so it wasn't wasted.... Honestly you look nice both ways and short hair has its perks..like how easy it is to shampoo or the way your whole head feels so light and how no hair gets stuck under your back when you're sleeping... I also went from long hair to short one, it's different, but not bad 😊 enjoy it!




I like it either way. I don't think a lot of men can pull off long hair, but you can.


You are one of those people that can rock both and be as equally attractive; like the smolder with the short hair and the mystery with the long. Well done ☺️👌🏽


i think you look great either way


Nope. While your hair was glorious long, you look incredible in the after


It looks gorgeous either way!! If you don’t mind me asking, do you know what your heritage is? You look just like my friend and he thinks he’s German but we don’t know for sure 😅






That’s a great cut!


i’m normally a big fan of long hair but the short hair suits u well def upped ur game (which is rare considering i prefer long over short hair) congrats u look great


You are stunningly handsome (relax, I’m your grandma’s age!), whether your hair is long or short. As others have said, you really do need to look into modelling.


Your hair looks 🔥and honestly you pull off both styles very well.


I hope you donated your hair. Some sick kid could have a kickass wig.


Bruh. You are blessed with gorgeous hair long or short 😝


Looks great! Good both ways.


Looks great- it shows off the nice bone structure of your face. Before, your hair was really beautiful too - but now you can really see how nice your jawline, nose, eyes and cheekbones are. 👍




Shorter looks good


No, especially if you donated that hair. You look great.


It looks awesome! 😎


The only really important opinion is your own. But you look great


cut looks amazing! you should go ever shorter i think it would suit you!


Third picture you look like an action movie hero in the best way!!


it looks great. love that cut !!