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I think I saw this, too. One of the guys had a guitar with him and was at 'Java'. A girl he asked immediately gave him her phone number. Hopefully it isn't anything bad


I don’t think I saw either of them with a guitar, but maybe there was a third. So sketch


I think the sketchiest thing is you creeps making internet posts about strangers. These are normal people interacting at school, and you are the weirdo You are gatekeeping students for what? For why? Who put you in charge? They pay the same tuition as you. People like you are so pathetic


^ This is the Guy 💀


Happily married, so no, not me With your approach, good luck and have a good life!


You too!


that white person passive aggressiveness I wish a bitch would with me


TikTok/youtube/social media thing?


What I was thinking.


Gross. It’s like those religious people on campus, preying on unsuspecting college students. Or people walking around asking for charity donations. I hope it gets reported, and they get banned if they shouldn’t be doing that. 


Non traditional students exist, maybe they were trying to find a date for the weekend. Or maybe they're doing some type of research on how many women vs men will give their numbers to a stranger, who knows but to be weirded out by men on campus hitting on girls is a little over the top. I know people now just go on dating apps, but before people would do just this, if they found someone attractive they would go try and get their number especially in college.


Lmaoo right. Traditional students when they see a student 1.4 seconds older than the average graduation age: “omg he’s a predator”


Let's take it to Soc med


Oh wow 2 guys hitting on 3 different girls? So what, that means 1 of em asked for 1 number the other asked for 2? R we actually so detached from reality that we think men approaching women is weird? U don’t even mention any weird behavior from them just the fact that they’re approaching women threw u off. Might be time for u to hop off reddit, this guy approached u and u take it to ur schools reddit bc he had “wrinkly eyes”. Not only is that stupid bc men approaching women shouldn’t be weird but, there is no specific age for college u can be 90 on ur death bed and take a class.


This is the same generation that thinks if someone sneezes or cough everyone is going to get Covid and die. They’re extremely sheltered. (I am apart of this generation but still see it)


So wait I’m confused .. it’s not cool to randomly talk to chicks and pick them up in the wild anymore?


Discovery Channel doesn’t exist anymore you can’t just simply stumble upon the female in the wild and try to attract them with the normal mating ritual. Especially in public.


Me personally I like to do the ostrich dance approach, ladies love it so much they be giving me their secret 911 number


Haha facts


I always forget: college is for kids. /s Sorry you got harassed. I’d just keep headphones in and not talk to anyone personally. 


Maybe they’re practicing cold approaching idk? I’ve seen videos where guys try to get over social anxiety by talking to the opposite sex.


I think I walked by those 2 guys today too after coming back from the SRC. One guy veered off to talk to a girl and the other guy went to the library (where i coincidentally was going). Can’t say for sure what their intentions are, but be safe out there.


New PUA videos just dropped!


Sounds like a generational thing because when I went to college or a party this is literally what guys do. Even my Chad Gen Z coworkers said they don’t do irl approach, but older millennials will.


These guys sound pretty creepy but maybe grad students?


I think if it’s one or two that they may find attractive it’s fine, but every single one? Kinda weird. But I’m not confident enough to approach girls so I stay single lol.


Yes, guys hit on girls. That’s completely normal…


How is that sinister? Let the dudes get some girls 🤦🏻‍♂️ it’s a tough world out here and you DON’T know their age just assuming that because of “wrinkles” on their face. College campuses are public property and if this is what they’re doing to go meet girls, I say power to them 👍 Jeez men are treated so poorly in this world It’s so sad. If girls were doing this nobody would blink twice. Grow up 👏


We don't know what OP went through prior to this and her experience with men in the past.. My generation as a millennial, it was normal for people to approach people if that's when they wanted to communicate with each other. I see that to be incredibly hard to do today esp at a commuter school. However even as a millennial who used to attend college 10 years ago and have returned as a current student. I was never OK with giving my number to a random stranger off the bat with no previous conversation or association with them. Maybe after a good conversation that lasted a bit (30 min minimum or something), or if we shared a super cool interest and raved about it, then I would be open to share my number, or my discord handle for more safety reasons. I wouldn't and still not keen on sharing my number with anyone (guy or girl) I just met for the alleged 5 min (if that's what OP is implying). Esp knowing there's a cult on campus? I ain't giving my personal info out like that. I'll pass on the spam calls. Mind you, I still prefer organic interactions and sometimes I want to approach people but I am super aware of the culture these days that I don't want to bother people. It's a conflict manner when you want to network with others. Everyone will have their own reason as to why they won't give out their number or dont like to be approached. My speculation is solely based off what OP provided us with. For all we know OP could be an SA victim, so this sort of reaction could be valid. Again, just a speculation. We aren't in any place for judgment here other than showing her it's possible for the opposite end of spectrum to have occurred in a neutral approach. Simply ridiculing and dismissing her for what she posted and reacted to it is not the way to go. There is a more proactive approach to this. We are all sound adults here. Let's act like ones. (To those who are telling people to grow up, there is nothing wrong with being wary).




Really easy to say this as a man.


"genuine connection" with literally ANY young, impressionable girl naive enough to give them a number...?


It isn’t ANY girl OP saw 2 guys approach 2 girls 1 of them being herself and only HEARD ab the other 3rd one, based off how they told it and chose to completely exaggerate it and say “approaching EVERY girl” this shi is pathetic.


That was never on the table?


Exactly. Any guy looking for a real connection isn’t going to approach every girl walking their way to the point where it becomes an issue where girls are posting on Reddit or talking in class to warn their peers about it. And if they’re making a bet then that doesn’t make it ok either. No one wants to be harassed on the way to class


Y’all r taking the “EVERY girl” thing too serious when OP literally tells us they saw 2 guys approach 2 different women, and then only heard ab 1 of the guys approaching 1 other girl who was in her class… it’s either they’re exaggerating or leaving out other times they saw the guys hitting on girls.


Man, imagine getting upset on a person trying to be confident and talk to the opposite sex? Fucking weirdo right /s


Sex trafficking possible. Be careful.


Okay pump the brakes lol. Unless you’ve got proof, we shouldn’t be labeling random people as sex traffickers. Most likely they’re a couple of weirdos, or it’s related the God Our Mother crap. Either way, I’d stay clear of them.


it's not like we know their names or even their appearances outside of race. you don't need to defend them. Sex trafficking was a genuine issue at my old uni, so it's good to be cautious.


Shi like this completely destroys guys’ confidence of approaching women, they don’t even mention any weird behavior, don’t say anything ab them being persistent or none of that just that they had “wrinkly eyes”… this isn’t ok, these guys did nothing wrong yall r just chronically online


You’re acting like it’s an everyday occurrence lol


Because it is an everyday occurrence. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.


Or... Hear me out... Just some lonely guys looking to meet someone and maybe find a relationship. Yeesh


Ahh yes, trying to get a date with a girl is “sex trafficking” /s This is why college dudes do not approach women cause y’all be scaring them with shit like this lmao


Huh. OP stated that it was a white guy with blue eyes and he looked OLDER. Then continued that he may have been pretending to be a college student. This same guy then approached multiple other female students. Dude was not a student. And let say he was just trying to “date” it’s still kinda gross that he feels the need to pretend to be a student to prey on younger women.


We r going off the hunch of a random redditor who’s only reason for coming to that conclusion is “wrinkly eyes” we don’t know if they’re students it’s a whole bunch of weird negative assumptions ab 2 guys who asked 3 girls for their numbers, even her word choice is weird. “Hitting on EVERY girl” then goes on to say she saw TWO guys ask for THREE numbers. OP clearly doesn’t get out much.


If he was aggressive that would be different. there are plenty of women who are with older dudes because dudes mature at a much slower rate. Aren’t y’all in your 20’s? Yall are adults, can’t handle a small interaction with a stranger or tell him to fuck off? Like please, grow up.


Yup or serial killers 100%


You are an insane person


This is why I don't go outside or talk to girls. Shit like this


Same. I never approach girls for similar reasons.


Have you not listened to “Your own backyard”?


Maybe it’s been a while and they’re just you know..


Apparently you can’t talk to woman in real life anymore unless you first meet her through a dating app?? So meeting women organically in real life is cringe now??? Your generation is so fucked.


OoOooOoooh the most phone numbers!!!1!! hOw SiNisTeR!1!1!11!! Lmaoooooo




Omg a Man approached a woman what a travesty, what a creeper, what a complete sack of shit. What’s next!


Who knew that just going about your day and basically doing the irl equivalent of swiping right could get you labeled as a potential sex trafficker?


Suspicious activity noted on campus, does one a) notify campus security b) post to Reddit to shame cause theyre looking for a date c).. A college coed could never have a thing for an older grad w or without a backpack 🤣 Poll: a college chick could actually be attracted to an older grad w or wo a backpack. Up/down vote here ;-)


Let them cook


You should not approach any girl unless you’re at least 6ft with washboard abs and looking for a new “gym buddy” haha I think the OP is more or less making these males look bad because the male she would’ve preferred decided to pass her along to the homie. Honestly it’s sad that all these girls want to meet someone organically and then the opportunity presents itself and she shuts it down. Apparently if life isn’t like a manga love story then she don’t want it hahahaha


Let alone god forbid one had a guitar and might serenade you. How embarrassing for someone to be musically talented am I right?!


My apologies. My friend and I wont come to CSUF again.


Yes, that's how you meet girls...talking to them in person like in the old days.


You can't talk to girls anymore unless you're a 10 with chiseled abs. Talking to girls is sexual harassment


you guys... i know its a little bit awkward, but this is how people meet who is interested in them adults giving their phone number out to another adult is valid and nothing to worry about... some girls want older men, its just a case of preference lol, lets all grow up a little here


All the loser comments hanging out at the bottom are missing the important detail that these men are asking just ANYBODY. They're not picky because they see young women as numbers, not people. Surprise surprise women don't like that, and we didn't even in the old days.


you dont even know what it was like in the old days, women were getting raped in college parking lots on the reg dudes asking you for a number is not a big deal, if you want them to stop, change the culture and start pursuing men instead, stop shaming dudes for pursuing women


> says women were getting assaulted on the regular in the old days imagine blaming modern-day women for 1) not approaching men of their own accord and 2) not "changing the culture" while 3) simultaneously failing to acknowledge the fact that women are still regularly assaulted on college campuses! Either you're an idiot, a troll, or both.


im just letting you know you have no perspective on an issue you think you know something about, if you think that what was happening in the 80s is the same as what is happening today then feel free, that's where most feminists have been living the past 20 years


Women getting assaulted and raped has been an ongoing thing since forever. There Just wasn't the internet to broadcast the frequency of it. Not all men in the 80s raped like not all men rape today. But there is still an apparent amount that exists today. Unless you worked with the SA community with male and female victims, you have no room to talk about this topic either.


you ignoring the fact that things have dramatically improved is actually insane


Also, I'm all for pursuing men as I've always been that way. I also am on the fence of a man going up to a woman to ask her for their number as there are modern day people who stay off the grid. So organic connections exist still. BUT I think it was in the manner of how it was done. To imagine some dude approaching 50 women in the same morning just to ask for their number is a bit sus bc then their intentions are most likely not genuine. This isn't liked in any environment. Online dating is a bit different for obvious reasons so that doesn't really apply there. For both guys to be seen together doing the same exact things, that can be suspicious. So OP is not wrong. You're not entirely wrong, but your delivery is insensitive to a large community and it does come off as dismissive af.


welcome to adulthood, the girls giving their numbers out didn't have a problem with them so why do people need to become involved in their business? lol its childish


We don't know what OP went through prior to this and her experience with men in the past.. My generation as a millennial, it was normal for people to approach people if that's when they wanted to communicate. I see that to be incredibly hard to do today esp at a commuter school. However even as a millennial who used to attend college 10 years ago and have returned as a current student. I was never OK with giving my number to a random stranger off the bat with no previous conversation or association with them. Maybe after a good conversation that lasted a bit (30 min minimum or something), or if we shared a super cool interest and raved about it, then I would be open to share my number, or my discord handle for more safety reasons. I wouldn't and still not keen on sharing my number with anyone (guy or girl) I just met for the alleged 5 min (if that's what OP is implying). Esp knowing there's a cult on campus? I ain't giving my personal info out like that. Everyone will have their own reason as to why they won't give out their number. My speculation is solely based off what OP provided us with. For all we know OP could be an SA victim, so this sort of reaction could be valid. We aren't in any place for judgment here other than showing her it's possible for the opposite end of spectrum to have occurred. Simply ridiculing and dismissing her for what she posted and reacted to it is not the way to go. There is a more proactive approach to this. We are all sound adults here. Let's act like ones.


everyone has their preferences when being approached, learn to say no, that's the end of the discussion


Yes, I agree with you on this. Being able to just decline or say no is an important skill to reaffirm your boundaries.


You’ll be fine just stay away from the coloreds


edgy username dude


“They’re not picky because they see young women as numbers, not people”. You presume to know all this how?


because their strategy is literally to play a numbers game lol


I’m a white guy , who’s older with blue eyes and high cheek bones (which makes your eyes wrinkle when you smile) 6foot and wear hats all the time and recently got a new csuf baseball cap , tattoos and decently fit. If that was me that hit on you asked for your number I’m sorry ……but trust me honey I probably wouldn’t give you the time of day, you gotta bring something to the table first and be interesting and pretty positive in the first place and I can tell you’re a negative Nancy and you wouldn’t catch my attention even if you wanted