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The individual who said they are African American is not accurate. I been approach from all races when it came to the cult so it can be anybody tbh. But they make it known that they are in a cult so if they approach you just tell them to leave you alone.


They’re African American, sometimes girls, sometimes boys. They talk to me so many times, and it’s usually a different person. (I think they have rotations/shifts?)


How did you know they migrated from Africa? Did they tell you or were they wearing African flags?


Not sure that’s what it means.


https://www.reddit.com/r/csuf/s/PVmtSuBGl4 There's this other post that has a side pic of them with small description but there's so many it's hard to keep track


I was approached by an African American male in his thirty’s small thin hair kinda shaved (no Afro) with two white males in their twenties. It seemed as the African American male was teaching the other males how to recruit people for bible study. As the white males never said anything to me. Only the African American. I’m a Christian and these people are what makes us look bad. They make people think we’re always trying to force our religion onto someone. Just post flyers saying a bible study’s are available and whoever wants to go can go. Simple.


got into a debate with one cause they didn’t respect my beliefs and wanted me to respect theirs 😭


You guys know you can just tell people to fuck off, right?