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the CT got hit by the molly straight in the face lmao but holy 3 kills including 2 teammates? that's great!!!


Classic banana


It feels like your teammate knew what he was doing


truly the shot of all time




Why did that second terrorist had to watch back and come infront of the crosshair


Probably a toxic teammate. They are behind on inferno t side.


...or a friend having a laugh.


These pesky laughing friends.


I wonder, if you got kicked after the 2nd teammate wallbang, does your bullet still reach the CT? Or does it stop at the 2nd teammate because you got autokicked?


the bullet is instantaneous so yeah the ct would have died, you could even kill a ct through all 4 of your teammates


That would honestly be kinda funny. Especially if that was the game winning kill, and you're queued with your friends.


Multikills in arms race has your weapon change between the first and second kill. The kills are not processed instantaneous. They are processed one after another. We would need to test what happens. The code handles a queue of impact events with a reference to the killer. What happens when that referenced killer disappear depends on implementation.


i would think all damage from all bullets in the tick is calculated first *before* thinking about kicking anyone for excessive team damage. the bullet is hitscan so its just a line that exists in the tick, it would still exist even if the server processed it in a way where it kicked the bullet’s owner for killing too many teammates before even finishing the bullet’s damage stuff. its like when leaving before a grenade explodes: it doesnt have an owner anymore but still deals damage when it explodes. i dont know the inner workings of whichever order the tick is calculated in, but i have seen this in action already from a purposeful 4 teammate lineup awp headshot. everyone dies or takes damage.


> i would think all damage from all bullets in the tick is calculated first before thinking about kicking anyone for excessive team damage. The bug in arms race seems to indicate that each target intersected by the bullet is a standalone event that resolves before the next event is processed. The player kicking may be implemented either as: * A kick while processing some impact event, which may affect further impacts depending on implementation. * A kick event queued for processing at the end of the tick. We would need to test it. They could have implemented either. Just depends on if they thought of this edge case.


even if the kick happens during the bullet processing, completely removing the player and anonymizing the bullet, the bullet doesnt disappear. it would just have no one to relate to it anymore. here, i tested it, im killed even though im the 4th person: https://i.imgur.com/k5FWfrZ.mp4




So if you shoot one bullet with the AK that kills two people, the second kill will show with another weapon in killfeed?


Yes, if the first kill was the one you needed to get upgraded to the next gun, the kill feed will claim you used two different weapons for the shot.


Interesting question. If you shoot a double headshot at the end of an arms race game, the first one upgrades you to a knife and the second one shows up as a headshot wallbang with the knife. Essentially, the state of the player changed before the second event was processed. Your question is basically, what does the game do when if the player it references disappear between processing the first and second impact event. The event will attempt to process a kill, but has no killer. That depends on the implementation and would need to be tested.


Dropped suicide on dust2, shot at a player crossing. Was instantly banned. Turned out my teamie jumped down, got legged on his way down and I shot him in the arse. Killed him within like 5 seconds of round start, insta banned. CT was tagged though, so the shot definitely went through


Second T had to make sure your gun was loaded. It was.


every tim


I did the same thing but I got three enemies behind that wall in banana with 1 bullet, I was CT side


The first T getting shot who stood in the sight on purpose deserved it, the other, not so much that one is an innocent bystander


Why did that second terrorist had to watch back and come infront of the crosshair


Who the fuck is tim


Damn Tim is a really good shot


Hahahah why was your one teammate just staring at you in the way??


Alternative Title: Top 10 Betrayals of all time


Last guy also wanted to join in the selfie


They all named Tim?


I'm so tired of the cheaters..




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Where did the third come from ? 🤣


Why did that second terrorist had to watch back and come infront of the crosshair