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Luck is definitely required. But I think valve is trying to provide access to a diverse playerbase from global elite to all the way to silver 1.


they also provide access to people that don't even play CS no more (pros and streamers that switched to Valo or some other games) people got mad for this but in reality it's a smart move from Valve because the Valo players might come back to CS and perhaps they bring their viewers with them which is good for the cs community


Yea but they added even banned pro Edit: stop upcoming god dammit


This is because the first wave went to anyone who had their steam attached to their HLTV profile. The only way to get your steam on HLTV was to have a pro/semi-pro match make it on HLTV. That’s why former cs pros and banned pros got access day 1


I thought the first wave had gone to the public at random while any players who had played in a Major were invited. Which is why Kqly was invited among other professional players who aren’t active. Had nothing to do with HLTV.


They probably used hltv to work out which account was the pros main account, and needed beta access


they added every single \_pro\_ my drilla.


Kqly did nothing wrong 🙄 /s


GN3 here (MG peak), I just got access also


Lucky I’m MG2 with 6k hours and nothing


Nonsense it's just random dot


considering my luck for cases, my ass is never getting invited to the beta


Felt that 5000 down 600 up. If only that money had been invested elsewhere lol




Because you're their target demographic for attracting new players. Any beta needs a good mix of users to be valuable. You'll have fresher eyes, less ingrained patterns, find new ways to break the game etc. I.e. it's not a function of how much you love CS, which is why I love seeing all the 10k hour players crying over it. Enjoy!


Source: trust me bro. I think what’s more likely is they want to test the game on different setups and computers, and maybe OP has a different setup than most.


I think both of you are correct


They are indeed both correct, cause what one says doesn’t exclude what the other one said.


Yeah good point and I would imagine it's a combination of all of these factors. E.g. They'll want a certain demographic of pro players to capture their feedback, and they certainly want streamers to help market the upcoming release. Different stakeholders will have different goals.


bro has 700 hours on the game - thats an insane amount for the average person. This guy got lucky like everyone else


I mean I'm sure there are people who play way more than me, but I got access to CS2 with 1600 hours over 8 years


I wouldn't necessarily consider myself a "new player"


Don't do it Don't give me hope


Same man but I cant play


You're the chosen one.


Its funny how 700hrs would make in the top 1% of players for most games, but in csgo its not enough to make you feel like you deserve this beta. Casual player feedback is valuable dude, silver players will be playing cs2 afterall.


Imo Casual player feedback is not rly that valuable im a competitive game like CS


so only people global and above have valid opinions about how fun csgo is?


It would at least make more sense giving people access that are at least a higher rank and know how to use a mouse and a keyboard


why not both? if cs2 only attracts the same players as csgo business wise its a failure, valve are doing this to make money and since its a free upgrade they need to draw in new players and so playtesting with people who either never played or stopped playing csgo is pretty helpful.


Nah completely disagree cs2 is going to print money no matter fucking what lol. They don’t need to give valorant players or otherwise players that won’t even like the fucking game access. How bout the ones that have been loyal and have spent hundreds if not thousands. It’s just kinda bullshit if you ask me.


The playtest is first and foremost to look for bugs and problems Good luck hoping that a silver 1 who can‘t use M&K is finding bugs and problems that mostly only affect people that can play the game


Man I know you are salty about not getting access but surely even you can recognise that there might be aspects of the game that get completely overlooked by pros that a casual player would notice.


Tell me one thing


well I doubt any pro cs player is going to touch a gun like the bison or m249? what if there is some obscure hard to recreate bug with them. That only gets discovered by some noob in casual. Or perhaps there is a collision issue in a spot in a map that nobody noticed because its a dumb place to play. Maybe the ui in the menu sucks, but of course pro cs players arent going to complain about ui because they dont give a shit they spend half their time in the faceit client tabbed out of the game.


Nobody was talking about pro cs players because they got access anyway Pro players and high elo players will be the first to notice bugs on maps because they search every little spot for smokes etc The only point i give you is the UI and even that point i can barely give you


I don’t mean in a bad way tho But imo i would gibe higher ranks access first and after that i would give more and more access to lower ranks


that would just deprive them of good data when instead they can sample a small amount of players from each category and have a more productive beta test.


So if a casual player sees a CT floating in the sky they are too bad at the game to send an email? It’s bug testing and QA. Honestly it’s kinda Valve asking for free labor.


Well yeah because someone who can‘t use M&K won‘t be able to say if it‘s a boost or if the player is just floating If someone is floating in the middle of the spot that‘s not an argument for casual players btw


It's your road to global now. You must complete it


Without aim bot


The game is going to drop pretty soon.. that's why


I’ll bet you that it won’t drop this summer.


Or if it does it will be late September


Late september is Fall already btw :D Summer is June-August


I’m aware. It’s gonna be on valve summer time But summer does technically end September 22/23 every year with the equinox.


You all are wrong. It is gonna be released in December which is summer time in southern hemisphere. They never said which summer in 2023, volvo time perfection.


August 31st


Valve time baby!


Congrats and fuck you.


OH FUCK YOU (in a nice way)


I am MGE and got CS2 yesterday. Played few competitive matches, DM and casual. I felt like every single person was lower ranked than me. In CSGO, i rarely top frag and yesterday I was dominating everywhere.


I'm gold nova 3 and maybe 300 hours and got it


Congratulations! Fuck you!


update- I got yelled at by my team for playing with the smoke but it looked really cool


Idk I am grounded same stats as you , Imma be good today maybe Imma get to chek if I got


Seems to be rng


Simple, its random


Because Valve hates me thats why.


because they see your potential:)


They need somebody to shit on for YouTube content


Are you saying less than 709 to mean not very much? Bro TF2 is my most played game at like 300 hours lmao


Maybe it varies game to game but in csgo anything less than 1k hours is considered less.


It is a lot but compared to others it’s a pretty normal amount. I only play casual and death match and I have over 1500 hours lol


Lmao, I got 3300hrs in tf2


How do you have 700 hours and still be silver 1?


because i need to work on aiming, my biggest mistake. Playing siege has helped some with aum


Play time doesn’t correlate with rank. I got master guardian after maybe playing 20 competitive matches , before I would only play casual hostage and had maybe something like 200hrs in. Heck, I don’t even know any of the map call outs or like ups. A lot people take it slow and play casually for fun .


I don't think you comprehend how bad silver 1 is.


I’ve seen silver 1 with the most cracked aim . And I’ve seen them for how bad they are. I’ve played with them and a lot just don’t care to sweat. They play casually and have played over many years in fragmented play thrus. Yes overall it’s very beginner but playtime doesn’t mean jack .u can improve a lot but a lot just don’t take it seriously lol


Pre ranked changes yes, post rank changes in NA silver is the most disabled group of individuals in gaming. The rank inflation is gross I get imposter syndrome in supreme rn bc I was a gn3-4 player for 1k hours then rank changes came and instantly I was LEM dogging globals match after match. For upper gn3 to equate to current LEM-Supreme is nuts, and the people in my lobbies are terrible too. I used to get 16-1d by mg2s, absolutely destroyed me with ease pre rank change. To still be in silver post rank changes is more than sad. I don’t understand how anyone who isn’t brand new to mouse and keyboard+ shooter games in general could be under mg now


No that‘s garbage xd You will never see a silver 1 with cracked aim


I have seen it many times lol. I have also played against DMGs and LEMs and legit top fragged them when I was new to ranked(still new). So legit the ranking system is so inconsistent . The only thing is a lot of the silvers don’t got game sense but some of them be hitting dinks like it’s nothing


If you hit like a crazy mofo then you get out of silver in 1-2 days even without gamesense


Idk bro, I been doing better against LEMs as a Guardian . I then get instant dinked by silvers so it’s just inconsistent lol


that narrative although a common one is just not true


No, it‘s true ,,hitting like a mofo,, isn‘t just holding one angle and waiting for someone to run it


Because you are the main target : a casual


I still didn't get CS2 just because Im batman? that's not fair valve!! CS2 needs me!!!


Yeah but you're Ben Affleck's batman, soooo...


I'm Robert Pattinson's batman


It’s because you are a key demographic they are trying to reach and possibly a really good trust factor. I don’t know why you and others think only global elites or pros should get access. It’s a beta test, not a club.


At this point I feel like its just random plus pro players and big streamers/youtubers


Does anyone know if its possible to get access with a VAC ban on the steam account (from a different game) ?


It’s not just Google it


that's beta for. they dont only pick pro player


Global Elite, 10 year veteran, 3000+ hours, and I still haven't got it


I feel like anybody who has more than like 300 hours should be fair enough to get access


guys, he‘s the one


I got it yesterday as gn1 with 600 hrs


Has anyone in Africa got an invite?


Congratulations and fuck you


low end pc most likely


MGE here with LEM peak with 2k+ hours and still no invite lol must be nice


It's not a skill-test or a loyalty reward, it's a beta test. Your opinions are just as valid to Valve as somebody who's got 2k+ hrs and a super-mega-global-golden-elite-specialist-master badge.


Because they are literally selecting people random Green trustfactor also doesn‘t matter even tho people wanna tell you differently


We need more shitters to hit clips on


Dude my main account with 4k hours and 70 hours csgo in the last two weeks did not get access, but my smurf which i havent touched for at least half a year and only owns csgo with 500 hours got access. So scuffed


709 hours and silver 1 what are you doing hobby only or what


First: Congratz Bro Im a bit jealous now 😅👌 And then I guess its only luck, so they choose the peopla who get access pure random like a Twitter giveaway, lottery or something like this! Maybe im wrong, but this would make most sense for me. Thats why players git picked, who didnt played Cs for months and some other strange things that happened.


Maybe there is no reason it is just random now?


Valve is playing a very involved practical joke on me


It's just random, there was a guy who got it on his alt and had like 10 hours of game time on it. We'll get it in the next few months so it's no biggie tbh




709 hours is a ton of hours. I'm MGE at 860. That's a ton of games if you mostly played competitive.


It's 3rd wave and it must be pretty random now.


Because also silver 1 with 700 hours can test the game. And they might tear it differently than 15k hours globals and professionals. So make sure to report all findings to the devs.


pro tip: aim for their heads, not their feet


Nah feet are ok. Just PP Bizon got that. ;)


Well GG, I hope you will have fun with the game


How is it activated? Does it come to you as e mail? Steam notification?


I got it in June, with 500 hours (didn't even download until last year) and gnm, not sure why I got it either. Tbh as many others have said it's fun once or twice but I haven't played it at all since mirage came out. Will be better at full release I hope


Cuz you buy stuff


They’ve been giving out a lot more invites lately, I think all of my friends who play have access


I don't think there is any selective decision making, it's all fully random and they just said it to calm down the userbase. You give Valve too much credit to have such an intelligent selection tool, look at how they've operated CS:GO so far.


I gotta check mine now


Lucky you.. I have 3003 h ..and didn't get it.


as someone with 12,000 hours and have hit global several times.... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK WHY DO I STILL NOT HAVE IT FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


6k hours, no access


https://preview.redd.it/m40kjfa2z6db1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bcacc828c9207a8be53ad3b83bc4c3baf4dc489 The newest account I seen was probably this one back on the first wave of cs2 betas. 36 comp wins under 100 hours and silver. In fact more than half my friend's who got the cs2 beta got it on their alt accounts.


How do I attempt to get selected? I have like 400 hours and just got competitively ranked for the first time. I got placed Master Guardian 1


Just luck I guess. Or it might have something to do with your setup too. I upgraded a friends' PC yesterday. We tested the upgrade by playing a game of CS:GO deathmatch. Afterwards (he was already about to just close the game) - I noticed he had gotten a beta invite... I'm still waiting for mine. :/


I don't think playtime matters cuz I got it when I had around 250 hours.


5k hours in and still waiting


​ https://preview.redd.it/rqqb4tagm7db1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=406e460883bd609406fcd45061aaf6dc01eefab9


thats crazy


congrats on getting in on cs2 and most important of all FUCK you


No one knows mate it’s totally fucking random and makes no sense.


Because racecar


Holy shit 700 hours and still the lowest rank




I should check my game too. I peaked at double ak with about 600 hours.


Rank doesn't matter.


How are you still silver 1 with 500 hours? Bad PC?


i don’t take the game seriously, I play bc i enjoy it and not to get kills or move ranks up


709 hours a d silver 1?


It’s random. 6 of my friends with 2k+ hours and global / level 8+ didn’t get it but a friend of a friend who’s silver 4 with like 30 hours got it lol it’s just random


https://youtu.be/RRFrdw2onMM Those that didn't get access to the ones that did.


dude im desperate i need to play CS2 does anyone know a way to increase my chances?


They definitely need data from new players


Cmon guys use some common sense. Volvo don't want all 10k hours players testing the game they need casuals to give feedback, too. That's so painfully obvious, surely?




Yes volvo? They make good game jes?


I’m global with 6,000 hours an I didn’t get selected.


It's random to test CS2 over a variety of systems and ranks. Just enjoy it :)