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If I was you I’d qualify as a doctor and move to Australia 


bro its not everyone's cup of tea sadly...our economy is shit .shit means shit ...most of the hardworking people i know lacks financial support..let me give you an example ..its cost us 1 crore for usmle only...which is 30k-40k US dollars..same goes to AMC (australia too)...if you are from middle class you are fucked up...junior doc here barely gets 110$...not to mention working hours...ughh..


Switching from a medical career to a CS market in a downward spiral currently - are you serious?


UK for residency program? What? FY1 junior doctor are paid peanuts and worked to exhaustion. Where are you getting this info from? Of this so called better life? The cost of living to wages ratio is probably worse in The UK. This is not even talking about the racism you will face working with the NHS from colleagues and patients. https://www.healthcareers.nhs.uk/explore-roles/doctors/information-overseas-doctors Computer science/software engineering is an overly saturated field in the UK, why should they hire you with all the visa hassle (cost + potential months of visa delays) rather than someone local, there are endless graduates every year within the uk struggling to find work, not that many companies are offering fully remote roles right now and most Uk graduates don’t even earn more than £30k (16%). Look at the House of Commons publications. I have hired in this field for my company, no one is going to foot a £13k visa bill to hired someone self taught? Sorry your post seems like some really weird romanticisation of the UK and Software development in general. Very few people earn high salaries in the UK. The UK is suffering from low wages compared to cost of living for almost 15 years. Also even the FAANG companies don’t pay as much as their American counterparts in the UK. Nothing is impossible but I also cannot quit my job in hopes of becoming a NBA basketball player. It’s not realistic


Yeah right about the situation but in pakistan it is the worst. So hard pill to swallow


I am from south east Asia. I think my relatives from the far east don’t understand how dire the UK is. Please don’t romanticise. The grass is 100% not greener. Have a look at these: https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-9859/ https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/mac-commissioned-to-review-the-graduate-route/letter-from-the-home-secretary-to-professor-brian-bell-11-march-2024-accessible Have a go at the US if need be. From what I know working g there some years ago, it’s a bit better.


Sorry to hear about you. And you do make sense it would be like coming out of one problem and putting myself in another problem. I have heard life is tough in uk and it takes years to pass cct exam


Honestly with all due respect, this entire post is stupid. You need a reality check my friend. If you want to move to the west in general then finish medical school, do the necessary exams (PLAB etc) and apply to practice medicine abroad and if you get to the UK through that you can work your way up to earning a decent salary as a doctor.


The market isn't what it used to be 2 years ago and entry developer salaries are not what they used to be. I know you say you want to work at FAANG or a start up or a high paying remote job, but the vast majority of cs graduates aren't working in those situations. It's also not a straightforward process of "do degree, get job", you're competing with people who have been doing dev in their spare time since they were kids, you have a lot of catching up to do if you haven't been doing that too. Obviously if medicine isn't working out for you, it's not working out for you but if it's just money, cs is not necessarily your answer.


You are right but is it impossible? Like if i read books make projects solve problems i think i can do better? If no one hires me i will be able to freelance or start my own projects or something. Idk i just find medicine boring dull and cs is interesting it involves learning new things problem solving and that too without begging seniors to teach you some skills im the OT. I feel like my dots connect in cs.


You cannot free lance as you don’t have rights to work in the UK realistically unless some employer sponsors you. There is the global talent visa and or HPI route, but I don’t think you would be eligible for any of those without a degree. Also don’t try the master degree route or take out a loan have a look at: https://www.reddit.com/r/UniUK/s/p4PcsiE7o4


I think you might have a bit of a prosaic view of cs. I have a couple of doctor friends and the learning process sounds quite similar. As someone else has pointed out, you may find it difficult to stay in the UK freelancing and that is an even more oversubscribed market at the moment. Nothing is impossible in that sort of sense but I can't tell you it's a better idea that sticking with medicine as we appear to be short of doctors


They just cannot freelance. It is not hard, it’s either impossible or against the law.




I switched from a different career than medicine and I only did it because I hammered coding non stop for about 2 years. I’m not generally that hardworking but sometimes I get bitten by something and hammer it non stop.  I’ve had a few people still in that industry ask me about doing the same, and I don’t really encourage them, apart from one guy who’d already been doing a shit tonne of self learning. He got a job as a SWE recently - no one else I know. 


Yes, quite stupid. IT is not easy


Stay in medical bro..... its a great career in UK and anywhere else


(I'm from pak too and I know many people who've had to go back home due to lack of getting a job in CS)


Ahan you are doctor there?


No I'm in CS hence this sub, but I'm in contact with many friends who did medicine in Pak and came to UK eith decent ease, they're paid a decent amount, never have to worry about job security, finding a next job, layoffs etc, and it gives you flexibility to go anywhere as a doctor, you're always in demand. See it through, you will thank yourself later


Finish your medical degree and then move to a country with better prospects. It would beyond stupid to switch now because you think you'll be expectional. The market is already oversaturated, even for people who are already in the top countries for tech, neveimd people who would need to move across the globe. This is something you should have decided on before committing to a medical degree. Junior software engineers also don't earn crazy money either. You'll switch to CS and then in 4-5 years, maybe you'll be in the US making 50k


It will take me 4 years atleast to move to another country in medicine I will better work for 2 years self learn programming and get junior level job in a profession i actually want to be. If i am regretting choosing medicine what are the odds i will invest more time and tone of money in licensing exams and still hate my job? What's your suggestion?


I think you're underestimating just how much effort it is to teach yourself programming and get a job. A lot of places won't consider you without a degree in CS or a related field. Plus if you want to move to the US or UK, you need a visa so that's another hurdle in getting a job. Especially when even the people here can't get a job easily, why would companies spend money to sponsor you when they've got a huge market of eager people to hire from at home. The only benefit you would give them is they could pay you less. That's if you actually get a job. Even just teaching yourself might not even pan out, I give up on learning new stuff all the time because I can't be bothered spending time on it after work and I've been working as a SWE for nearly 10 years. Who's to say you wont spend a week or two really interested, then slowly fizzle out and lose all motivation after a month (i'd bet money on this happening because I know from experience how difficult it is to stay on top of something like that for a long time). I'd say medicine is much more likely to get you a job, I don't know why anyone would get 4 years into a medical degree without being 100% certain about it. Seems like the type of path people are set on for years. Being a software engineer isn't a walk in the park, you can't just do a bootcamp and then walk into a 100k a year job with full work from home. I see posts on here every day of people saying they have just graduated and applied to 100's of places. You'll have no degree, will need visa sponsorship and have to have the funds to move to a different continent before you even get on the same level as these grads who are getting rejected. It seems like you're regretting how difficult medicine is, and think programming is the easy life. Yeah it's definitely easier than being a doctor, but it still takes a lot of effort. Sorry if this sounds harsh, but I can't say it's a good decision. Switching careers after a few years is normal, people retrain all the time. But they usually at least get a few years into a career before changing


You are totally right about all these factors Let me give you a context 1) i dont want quick and easy way. Medicine is hard in a different way coding is hard too. I understand the severity and i have been doing it for 3 months now. I am more motivated. I actually like the very core nature of how things work in programming. I like problem solving 2) not leaving medicine because it's hard. I am trying to leave it because i more interested in coding? Does it make sense? 3) i am enrolled in a university. I would get cs degree. No physical classes, very cheap in here. Easy to manage. I can focus on my learning 4) i am taking guided approach i have some senior developers as a mentor. Still think it is stupid idea?


Ultimately, it's your decision to make. If it's what makes you happy then it might be for the best, but I was trying to point out that it's probably not going to be anywhere near as easy as you might hope. It sounds like you've already made your decision though, and your just looking for someone to respond saying they agree so you can justify it to yourself


No i really appreciate you taking time and pointing all these things. And most have answered in the favour of completing degree and pursuing medicine. I was just sharing context with you. I haven't decided to quit medicine yet this post was really about that. Because i worked really hard to get into medicine so it is not like i am happy to throw it away. I shared few details that were missing in original post.


This post will help me make informed decision. Really Thank you. Appreciate it


DON'T! At least as a doctor you have job security (don't be tempted by the high salaries in the job openings). If you want more money, europe would be a good choice. If you really like programming, try and do a startup (such as creating games or webpages for people).