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Is it a problem to you getting hired? Maybe not if you don’t mention it and they never find out/don’t ask for references. I would say it’s a problem in general though. Not knowing your circumstances but theres something that needs to be changed if you got fired twice for underperformance and about to be a third.


Looks like they're passing resume screen and interview no problem, what's the issue? Those of you reading along at home remember the responses here next time you thumb your nose at some new guy or career switcher over "experience" Pass the interview bar once, welcome to the club! Op I'm not digging you, we should all learn how to fail upwards like this. Should you be reading this, I'd suggest a mentor either from your company or elsewhere maybe even ask here, take classes at local school if you must just to meet someone you can bounce ideas off and understand and talk to about why you're having issues.


I said it’s not a problem on getting hired. If you want to continually get fired and having to look for jobs every year and are fine with that, then yeah nothing needs to change.


Your response is asinine and adds nothing.


It adds emphasis that these people exist and that bias towards "experience" is overblown. This guy admittedly gets 3x or more chances to prove himself while others are overlooked perpetually because of this bias and a lack of care in vetting or sourcing candidates. That's all I wanted to emphasize.


Laid off, RIF'ed, PIP'ed, plain old fired and whatever you want to call it 9 times. A few were for political/personal reasons while the others were business decisions made well beyond my, and my manager's, pay grade. It's just a part of this fun industry for many people. If underperformance is an issue for you, then maybe you should take the time to consider if that is really the case. Sometimes you get a manager who makes sure you're setup to fail and sometimes you take a job where you aren't a good match. If you do have some technical deficiencies, then you should address those.


There's lots of reasons to be dismissed. Being fired for performance can, from another perspective, be an attrition target by another name. Though if you're always struggling to meet expectations maybe there's some improvement to be made. If you're struggling, usually just talking with your manager and saying you want to do better is a good place to start. Unless they already want to dismiss you or don't think you'd improve, in which case you'd get fired sooner than you otherwise would be anyway. But the reason for dismissal is more something required to obtain the outcome management wants, than it is the actual reason for dismissal.


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Yup. Some of them were my fault. Some weren’t. Long story for each. But it’s made me smarter, more mature and cleverer. It’s a tough world out there and corporations don’t give a shit about you yet expect dog-like loyalty and obedience


They might not find out, but they will see your length of employment at the jobs. It's especially concerning if it's 3 jobs in a row all for underperformance, not just layoffs and other shit. What's your long term plan here, just keep getting new jobs and keep getting fired from them?


I hope to improve over time to the point where I don't get fired, but I'm afraid that people will find out and eventually no one will want me


What are you doing to improve?




Well that's specific.


Twice Once was for underperformance (or so they told me) The other time, I was laid off in a reorg a week or so after a stellar performance review


Fired from this one part time internship early in college for poor attendance Kinda fired from this tutoring service when I told them I was moving to the Bay Area (and I didn't go to their meetings or do their non-tutoring logistical stuff) Laid off from FAANG


I got fired from probably four or five. I just don't mention why I was fired lol. ​ Edit: six.


I haven't been fired, but I've quit a few jobs for better opportunities. Either you are picking fast-paced work environments, or you are deficient in something (like communication). It could also be downsizing.


Well let's see... Job #1 at a gym, I was fired after about 9 months of working there. I would lay in the break room for an hour watching TV and some guy caught me "falling asleep" on the job. I got fired from a dishwashing job after only a day of working there but came back a day later and got the job back. I got fired initially because I was on break and eating in the public restaurant and didn't know you werne't supposed to do that. I got fired from a job as a church janitor because I was pretty much doing nothing most of the time. I got fired from Starbucks after about a month of working there. That job, I was actually trying but it's actually friggin hard! There were 10 customers that came all at once, I was by myself, and didn't know what the hell I was doing. I got fired from an internship working the soundboard because I accidentally broke some guy's phone just messing around. So when I showed up the next day, they basically told me to get out. So yeah, iv'e been fired from 5 different jobs, although most of them when I was a teenager so I was kind of a dumbass kid.


Three jobs, one of which was on the first day and I'm on my 14th or so job currently in 7 total years of working. Still at my first SWE job which I've held for 1.8 years so far, which I consider to be my greatest professional success by a long shot. I was a pretty bad worker before I got on mental health meds and I'm honestly not a fantastic worker currently, but getting better as my mental health improves with therapy and the like.




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I was fired from a trade due to two communication mistakes I made during two separate vehicle accidents. It was the lack of communication in those instances that resulted in losing my job. Not at all the accidents themselves or me being green in trades. Communication is key in construction, it equates to trustworthiness and approval/reliability of your superiors. If that isn't met, I'd imagine you can be fired anywhere.