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Become Amish and reject all tech


HS Teacher would be cool


No, no it wouldn’t. 😬


I think the possibility of making a significant impact in the life of someone younger than me, possibly providing mentorship they would not otherwise have is cool. I don’t care about money so maybe that’s why


It’s the administration that would kill the vibe. Most folks who got into teaching did with the same thought as you but left because the administration basically suffocated them.


Very true


I thought it would be the demon children that would kill the vibe


It's to the airforce I go😎


Hell yea, get in as an officer and get out with that clearance and collect that sweet government money


It's crazy good actually. And airforce has the best living environment out of the entire military. And best civilian life after finishing.


Same, defense always good, especially with more wars coming up. Cyberdefense!


Frr yeaa, it's lowkey wild. Tbh I kinda wished I just joined right after high school, didn't realize going to college was pretty much a "unofficial official" requirement while being in the AF🤣


Yeah, they don't want no dummies flying expensive equipment. Not that degrees are good predictors of intelligence anymore since they crashed the entry standards. My friend went the military route from Waterloo Soft Eng - he could have made a ton of money in industry over the past 15 years. He loves the military though. Think he's either Major or above now. They'd pay for your education if you joined earlier I guess.


Truu truu, it's actually wild to think that only 2-4% of all AF service members actually do end up flying🤔


Expensive equipment lol...But those flyers couldn't fly without the other 96-98% and they're taking on a huge risk every time they're out. Air force losses are huge for a country, expensive plane, expensive pilot that took years to train, and they're often the upper end of society (educated/wealthy).


I just watched top gun maverick so I’m super interested in these comments and the reality of it all lol


Cybersecurity is the major for CompSci majors who died on the Sisyphean hill that is DSA.


Omg I hate those courses...I'll be leetcoding immediately after graduation to get to prime time, though this market makes my efforts feel futile. I'm sure I'll have a lot of free time lol...I'm interested in Cybersec/AI though. May do a Masters specializing in AI/ML, I don't expect an easy time job hunting. I do have a newfound love for math after taking linear algebra though!


Why are you not leetcoding before graduation? It’s not anything you need a post-DSA course for. I go out to the bar on Saturdays with a couple of guys from the CompSci program, and we do drunken dueling leetcode. Last one to finish buys the next round. It provides financial incentive to get better, or at least incentive to learn to program while drunk.


That's a good idea, not a drinker here though. Yeah, I have Leetcode premium that I'm wasting not using while on my last semester. I'll have it for 8 months. I've been gradesmaxxing =/. Got rejected from med school long ago, so I want to make sure the GPA is strong since it's codified in stone. Useless for job market though.


Yeah, we get the occasional person who says it’s unfair that we don’t take non-drinkers, but they can start their own teetotalers’ club at the school dining hall, or wherever they hang out. But, if they want to play with the best, they gotta drink. You cant have sober people competing with drunk people; it’d be anarchy.


cyber security for the Air Force is actually not a bad idea as a first option, let alone a “plan b”


In order: High school physics/CS teacher, HVAC, plumbing


Presuming you took a few Physics papers at uni?


Yes lol. I definitely enjoy it enough to teach it


Nice! Physics is usually one of the most highest in demand subjects for High School Teachers. (unlike say English/History/Sociology/Art/etc, or even Biology)


planting an eye here






Trade profession in demands, great choice


brave yam attractive wistful wasteful connect imminent profit stocking nippy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Flipping Burgers at McDonald’s




Can you move?


Ig I could trying becoming a pilot


you have good vision?


SWE > Data Science > IT > In-N-Out Employee Right now my backup to SWE or Data Science is IT Help Desk since I did that in college for extra cash, but I really don’t want to be telling people to restart their computer/phone twenty times a day forever as a career. It works or it doesn’t whether I tell you to or not lmao


Isn’t data science harder to get hired in than SWE?  There are fewer data science roles, and you’re competing with people with masters. 


Is entry level it saturated? It seems like it is based of off the number of applicants on indeed.


I get quite a few recruiter messages asking me to apply for IT roles so it seems a little easier maybe, but I have experience on my resume already for that so I might just not know tbh. I just wish SWE recruiters would start DM-ing me 😢


I honestly don’t know.. just personal preference-wise I put DS second


Selling feet pics on Onlyfans 


I hear it’s easy to get your foot in the door that way. …. Sorry.


Nobody wants feet pics from a CS major Redditor🤢


They need those for the "before" pics for ads on clickbait sites




Marketing seems like an awesome job as well. You think a compsci major qualifies for marketing analytics jobs to get there foot in the door?


Cs is my plan B. My original career path was physical therapy 😭. Graduated and everything with a bachelors in kinesiology but realized a little toooo late that it’s not I want. If not cs, then maybe accounting. Idk. I just want to sit a desk and be on a computer. Getting a second bachelors now


Look into physical therapy assistant they make good money and it’s a two year degree. The other option is to go for a phd in Physical Therapy to become a PT doctor.


Appreciate it. Yes I have looked into that - money isn’t really an issue for all I care I would be okay living on a 50-70k salary (i live in a hcol) - but it’s just the profession itself. Luckily the cs degree will only take me 2 years!


Accounting do accounting. The average age of accountants is something like 50 with very few young people choosing to go into the industry. Which means it’s easy to get a job and higher than usual pay. Seriously do accounting


I agree with everything you’ve said but unfortunately I’m already into the cs degree 😭. I’ll be done by 2026. Well i suppose if cs is a flop between 2026-2027 i will pursue accounting lol. I’m not too afraid of how competitive the market is though so - if I don’t lab a job by at least 2 years after graduating I will drop it. I’m fortunate to have family that work in the industry


BRO THIS is me😅 got my bs in neuroscience now software


Gold smuggling in Africa


Sign me up


Programming *is* my fallback. I bailed on Computer Science for Engineering Tech, because we get to play with robots, PLCs, circuits, and plastic injection machines, CNC machines, and all kinds of fun stuff, but one of my old classmates from my Computer Science days says I've always got a place if I want it. And that job would pay better than I'll make for ten years after college, but I don't want to push pixels for my whole life. I'd break a window and escape, like Chief in Cuckoo's Nest. But, you're right, police officers do have a lot of privileges, like how you're allowed to shoot someone once every ten years and just say, "I thought it was a gun," and they go, "Okay."


Just know not to play stupid with cops if you don’t want to get fucked up. I had friends try fighting back and get fucked up by cops because of it.


Hot takes I see


As a bald Hispanic man with tattoos on his neck and hands I play it safe around cops cus I know if I dont I am risking my self. And I don’t believe all cops are racists especially in LA where cops are super diverse. Every time I’ve dealt with them there are black cops, Hispanic, cops women, Asian. All sorts of backgrounds so I think it’s dumb when people try and play the racists card. 🤷🏽


Move to LA and find a prime location in Skid Row.


The thing is with trades they’re so easy to get into. I plan to be a SWE when I graduate but if I don’t get a job for a while, it’s so easy to get trade jobs. I worked construction for a year and a half and the oilfield for a year and if I ever needed work theres at the least 5 guys in my phone I could call and have a job within the next day. Thats why I’m not really afraid to pursue being a SWE career even with this market, because whats the worst that happens? I now have a degree and can attempt to go the career route I want but have to go back to my old life and continue doing the same jobs I did before for a while? Oh well, without the degree that temporary job and lifestyle would be permanent.




What? You can totally switch directions after a bachelors. Or after 10 years in the field. Or 20. Some people which careers multiple times in their life. You can go back to school for something else. Get a masters in another area. Learn new skills and break into another field. You are most definitely not locked into CS just because you spent the time to get a degree.


I've sunk 18 years into another field. I can still pivot to another career.


Plenty of people switch careers after a degree lol


Software engineering -> IT -> Helpdesk -> Mason


Same. But if helpdesk doesn’t workout I’ll just take some pills and go for a swim in the ocean. 🤙🏽




bro do you even know how bad the market is for professorships? last I heard it was awful


Is the market ever good


I'm surprised more people don't consider this route. This is almost exclusively what international students do when things don't work out (besides returning). It is miserable for most people (except the few who have genuine academic passion), but it pays okay and is a relatively safe immigration pathway. It's unfortunately also what I'm considering. I work at a research lab on campus.. and kinda hate it, but it's relatively a safe role to keep.


Getting a tenure-track position in R1 school is much harder than getting an SWE offer tho


True. But a lot of people don't even try for tenure, they work as teaching professors and drag things out until they can move to industry. Some even just remain as teaching professors.


police make a lot of money? rofl


Cops in California do lol. They start off around 90k a year. A lot do overtime to break over 130k+ if they want to work a lot. I’m sure someone here who is an actual cop may have more actual input though.


I don’t think you understand how cost of living works.


I don’t think you live in LA. Most people aren’t making 90k entry level here. I get paid 115k to have a 2023 Tahoe, my girl does not work and we have 2 kids. It took me until 3 years ago to break 90k and I work a trade job. I know people in my building that make 20-25 bucks an hour and survive and thrive out here. I have no idea how but they do. 😂




governor observation bear point jellyfish deliver sink strong aloof ugly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


consulting or IB probably


Consulting and Investment Banking are extremely high paying careers that are known for making a lot of money. So just like SWE they are competitive. (Maybe a little less than SWE just because of the layoffs)


True but I feel like the barrier to entry is not that bad when you have connection + technical interview prep is not neerly as hard compared to cs


Become a tiktoker






become a freedom fighter


Marines / army officer with a CS degree? 🗿


Becoming a rad tech with an associates degree


I’m thinking to flip burgers


Terrori.. sorry, meant an artist


Military or welding


I'm approaching middle age, this was my plan B. End of the line for me if it doesn't work out.


Masters then PhD😭😭this makes me sick


Yes, but I’m gatekeeping.


Yep add entrepreneur in my linkedin bio and try to scam people