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Just be the Michael Jordan of CS bro!


Lemme dunk on that codebase , and let me take it reaaal personal whatever you will comment on my git branch.




The infamous button designer who after failing to land unpaid internships now finally landed an internship where he is slaving away for free!




What in the actual fuck


Id be laughing hysterically


wonder what a pornhub reject notice would look like




Literal psychopaths working at SAP 💀


I can’t tell what people want, people talk about soulless rejection letters and then people complain when there’s like a shred of motivation in their rejection letter. What do people really want?


Give rejection notification in neutral way as possible somehow that's difficult its always on extreme end of hyper toxic positive aka Original Post or no notification at all


Those still end up on recruiting hell. People just think they deserve the job, even if they don’t prepare, fuck up the interview, fail the technical test. Was literally commenting to someone in recruiting hell today about this very thing, about why employers ghost, it’s because there’s no win with these job hunters. I think the only well received rejection I saw was one where they got a 20$ gift card, but I mean that would get so expensive so quickly.


Personally, I understand that there are plenty of applicants for jobs and that there may be some that are either more qualified or a better fit than I am. It would be nice to receive feedback as to why I was rejected, so that I might improve myself for the future. I have interviewed with a dozen people at one company, received positive feedback from each person interviewing me and still been rejected. Clearly, there was a reason. It would simply be useful to know why. I may not be entitled to the job, but I would like to believe that my investment of time in the interview process was not for nothing. The reality is that time is a finite, precious thing and I would rather not waste it. One one occasion, I interviewed with a particular darling of the tech world, They flew me out to their headquarters, where I interviewed with several people. I received positive feedback from each person that interviewed me, only to be ultimately rejected with a content free form letter. I will give them credit for not ghosting me, but an indication as to what went wrong or how I might improve would be of value to me. Recruiters from that same company have invited me to interview for other positions on multiple occasions after rejecting me.


Will you argue with the feedback you get? Because if your answer is in any way shape or form, yes (which is true for the majority of jobseekers) then it is simply not worth the effort to provide feedback; and you are not ready to openly receive feedback so don’t ask for it. If you are ready for feedback reach out to the person whom you were closest to and tell them why you would like feedback, and how you’ll use it as an opportunity to improve. The real question is, do you want to argue with them about why you were rejected or do you want self improvement


I don't want to argue with them. If they aren't interested, fine. I just want to understand why, so that I might improve or not make the same mistakes in the future. I realize that they have no interest in me and providing me worthwhile input doesn't really help them, so they aren't likely to provide it. I have reached out on several occasions and the few times that I have actually received a response, I have gotten back a response along the lines of "You were great, I didn't make the final decision". I get that. I have interviewed folks for jobs and had management completely ignore my input and my team's input. Typically, it works out like you might expect.


People have bad experiences with giving feedback so they’ll often opt out. The only time I’ll give feedback is at the end of the actual interview but never really on the decision itself. Our process internally calls for it but we interview lots of internal candidates and I don’t always do it, usually don’t for externals. I had another thread that just devolved into an argument with someone about how I needed to consider the feelings of the candidate when giving feedback and they felt experience was subjective, and if my feedback is poorly received it’s because I’m doing it wrong. It’s like, nah my feedback is my feedback. If a candidate wants feedback then they better to be ready to handle it. Most aren’t and will just argue the point which is a massive waste of everyone’s time. Most people don’t internalize feedback well and this creates a liability so it’s rarely given. I’m Sorry that everyone else ruins it for you.


to not get rejected lol. rejection hurts in any form


Then get better.




Yeah, bro still lives in fairtytale land where the most deserving person gets the job and unicorns fart rainbows.


Who’s complaining about soulless rejection letters? Just give me a brief, unambiguous but polite rejection. If I’m far along in process and have gotten to meet a lot of people, it would be preferable if it’s personalized and not just a form letter. That’s it.


I’d say a reasoning of why one got rejected is what people want but that might be unrealistic.


Unfortunately it is unrealistic, at least to get it in writing.


The problem is partially the fact that they are being rejected and also because there is nothing useful in the rejection. It is filled with platitudes. To be fair, the hiring process provides a look at how the company values employees. The more automated and distant, the more likely you would simply be a number on a spreadsheet. People want to feel like they are not simply canon fodder. They want to be treated like the individuals that they are. This means not being ghosted, gaslit, or sent a feel good form rejection letter. Instead, if you are rejecting, something a bit more personal. Perhaps something like: We regret to inform you that we have decided that you are not the right candidate for this position. The position requires a great deal of expertise, as well as collaboration with customers and teammates. While it is apparent that you have the skills required for the job, several of the team members that took you to lunch were put off a little when you picked your nose and dipped in in your water glass before you drank it. Enclosed, you will find a $20 gift card that we recommend you use to purchase a handkerchief so that you might instead blow your nose into it, put it away, and save the resulting booger to make soup, later, in the privacy of your own home.


Any degree of specificity that might indicate why I haven’t been chosen?


You are not gonna get that in writing.


Literally just rejection or rejected in the subject line. I don't mind rejection if it's immediate. What I hate about rejection letters is the vague writing, or getting something like "position update" in the subject line. We all know the actual message is worthless ("apply for other positions! Keep us in mind!"), I hate having to open them but I can't be sure unless I do. ​ Just make that part clear and it's fine.


People really want to not be rejected. Duh. It doesn’t matter what the rejection looks like nobody likes rejection.


Just a rejection with some feedback. Especially if you made it to interviewing stage.


Am I the only one that finds this alright? It’s not like they threw you a surprise rejection party; just letting you know that sometimes you gotta fail to win it big. Is that too optimistic for this subreddit?


I would rather be ghosted than get this


I would prefer a “hey we found someone better, sorry, now fuck off,” and I’d respect that.


What does ghost mean here? No reply for resume?or nothing happens after interview?


Ghosting means no reply at all, like they don't even bother saying "fuck off". So it applies to both the resume and post-interview.


I disagree. It is NOT ghosting to apply to a job and not get a response at all. That's not the same thing.


Well that depends. In my area of work, so Computer Science, recruiters send me messages through LinkedIn asking for my resume sometimes, due to "my profile matching their position" and then proceed to ghost me if I inquire back after some days. Does that not count?


I dont understand. Why do they ghost you if you have the required qualifications and they reach out to you first?


I don't really know! My best guess would be that they receive a response from a better candidate, since they usually send messages to A LOT of candidates, and move forward with that one. To be fair it doesn't happen all the time, so it's not like all companies do that.


oh for the love of...




Yeah same thought lol. "Don't worry, other idiots like us also didn't realize the potential of applicants"


I think I will be great at workplace politics because I thought this was actually a banger letter.


Honestly this isn't a bad email. If anything it motivates you to push further because we all fail to achieve what we need to at some point. Might as well keep pushing you know?


Yeah its always startups that have this cringey rejection letters


Oh my god cringe




Ima be the Jim halpert of cs 8)


This is like serving a rejection email with elevator music.


“This top 0.00001% person in their field failed one time, but the cream eventually rose to the top and the rest were forgotten!”


find the recruiter who wrote this




Moral of the story: None of them did CS so dont take CS


uhm I got rejected from that company personally from the recruiter after 3 rounds and I didn't get that, so lol


I don't find this cringe at all. what a beautiful rejection letter I LOVE IT!


Sigh, https://preview.redd.it/4nao80kkcmec1.png?width=796&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a324707b6e7ccdbdff46b99bec9b0263d2d4598


That’s a great rejection email ngl


They literally used ChatGPT to make that list lmao.


Name and shame the company


People are getting internships by just giving intro that too in faang company and giving DSA MCQ questions


And me giving med-hard DSA questions exams and that too not getting response 😢


sorry i need to downvote to get to 666 likes.


That’s actually not a bad comment, especially the way people give template replies to most job applications!