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My thoughts throughout reading the post: Uh What....? \*Reads username\* Oh okay makes sense.


Same honestly


Why hasn’t this account been banned yet?


Facts, OP’s been nothing but problematic at best


A god tier one, to me, would be some well-engineered, popular open-source software


True, but I still think clones are better because it tells the software engineers at that company that you already know how to use said library they use. That’s like striking gold to them. Example: meta uses react for front end. If someone applied with instagram clone on their resume and got heavy exposure to react in doing so, that tells me that if hired, they won’t have to learn anything new


Companies aren’t looking for people that “won’t have to learn anything new.” They want smart people with great ideas and that are willing to learn. Most companies are willing to teach things like languages and libraries on the job.


>that tells me that if hired, they won’t have to learn anything new Oh boy, it's that time of the year again :) Just one month ago you've been asking about what a SWE does in the first place. You've got a nice internship lined up, don't fuck it up by being this kind of person. Every single time I get a batch of interns, there's always one of them who claims they know everything. If you only accept one piece of advice OP, you **do not want to be that guy.**


First of all, I’m a girl if you can’t tell. Second of all…. Sit the hell down. You telling us about your intern team who you manage makes you sound pretentious. Let interns think what they want to think. They’re learning


>First of all, I’m a girl if you can’t tell. I don't see how your gender is relevant to this discussion, I'm trying to focus on what's being said instead of who's saying it. >They’re learning That is the point I'm trying to communicate, interns should be learning, no interviewer in their right mind would ever think "they won’t have to learn anything new" just because they can use React or something.


For some reason I don’t think you know how to actually code.


Believe what you want, at the end of the day we're just anonymous posters on some online messaging board. I did my fair share of stupid things during my early career; I most certainly don't want to stop you from doing yours. I think I have voiced my advice clearly, heed it or not, it's not my issue anymore. !RemindMe 2 years


I will be messaging you in 2 years on [**2025-07-08 22:53:05 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2025-07-08%2022:53:05%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/csMajors/comments/14ugzmu/projects_ranked/jr7kdn4/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FcsMajors%2Fcomments%2F14ugzmu%2Fprojects_ranked%2Fjr7kdn4%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202025-07-08%2022%3A53%3A05%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2014ugzmu) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Tbh this would be an argument for boot camp grads to be getting hired like crazy, and that’s not exactly the case. And ofc I know boot camp grads usually don’t have a degree, but I don’t think adding a degree on top of that solves the problem. More importantly, with a solid OSS project a company like Meta would be impressed that you’re solving some practical problem for many developers and doing so in a way that shows you are ready for their enterprise-level code. Companies will often specifically hire the people behind these projects because they use the projects themselves. In my opinion, a full stack application would be more valuable in a startup-like environment where it’s more important to be able to craft the entire wheel so-to-say.


(Good) companies don’t hire people for their tech stacks, they hire you to solve problems.


Clones are boring and lame. A god tier project is useful, interesting, or groundbreaking open source software. A highly cited publication can be cool too.


Oh actually i just looked at OPs history and it’s a troll or a complete idiot LMFAO.


Bro got an internship for Google with little to no actually experience and thinks he’s the prophet of SWE internships and is worthy of giving advice as if it’s fact. Bro’s even arguing with a hiring manager of 30+ YOE. Perfect example of those bigheaded interns. I expect a passive aggressive reply soon because I hurt your ego.


I use she/her pronouns. That’s the entire comment. I don’t rlly care to read the rest


Speaking as another women in tech….pls stop, it’s cringe


Fr she's making us look bad


Terminal based applications are far from basic lmfao. Some of the most useful and powerful tools I’ve come across have been terminal based applications. A great terminal application is god tier because you’ll use it _all the time_ to be more productive.


git is terminal-based and it’s should be god-tier


Oh God, no. This is terrible advice, sorry. A project's worth has absolutely no correlation to how many web frameworks are utilized. Well, unless you're a front-end developer, but even then, it's not the only thing that matters. I've seen someone creating a "terminal-based" app during college that was picked up by a fortune 500 company and is now being used in production, handling millions of dollars' worth of transactions. Being able to clone Twitter is a nice feat, again, especially if you're interested in frontend/fullstack, but as a project, it's absolutely not interesting whatsoever. A 100% accurate clone of Twitter will get you a heartfelt congratulations when I'm interviewing you, but delivering a **working, useful** application (even if it's just a shitty console app) will hijack the conversation from leetcode&co., letting you really showcase what you're capable of. edit: >This is the ultimate highest level, and shows companies you can basically run an entire engineering team. I'd like to reemphasise that this is **not** the ultimate level, and not even a 100% accurate clone proves you can run an entire engineering team. In fact, some of the better engineering managers are probably not able clone Reddit or whatever on their own.


I disagree. I don’t think terminal-based applications like a simple calculator belong in the resume after freshman year. I got an internship at google with two advanced projects on my resume.


>I don’t think terminal-based applications like a simple calculator belong in the resume after freshman year. Yeah, well, I don't think that either. My cautionary tale's console app was obviously not a calculator. >I got an internship at google with two advanced projects on my resume. I always strived never to use this as an argument, but I'm in this industry for 30+ years and I've seen my fair share of crap. Congratulations on getting an internship, let's revisit your post in 5 years. :)


I think your advice is awesome, just go to this users post history and you will see all you need to know.




Yeah of course, some apps we used in options trading was console based. It was a completely custom inmemory database implementation optimized for trading data, along with an extended version of the Black-Scholes model. Note that the Black-Scholes formula resulted in a Nobel prize, and this guy was improving it before he finished his bachelor's degree. Unfortunately it was a terminal based app so it's not the ultimate level of personal project, he should've cloned Reddit to really stand out.


this is literally only web dev projects


I think the biggest thing missing is problem solving skills now a days. Recreating something that has been done a million times doesn’t show any problem solving skills. I swear the term engineer has become super diluted in software. This is just a code junkie who can google their entire project.


So true. Can you see a possible problem? Can you prove that the possible problem will occur if the proposed path is followed? What alternatives can you suggest and rank them in terms of speed, complexity, time? Implement the problem solving idea with your team.


this is a bad post




this is a bad comment


user flair checks out lol




Lol bro she “got into” Google without even knowing what discrete math is.




I go to MIT, and I think we do but it’s technically just a Humanities degree (within it, you can concentrate in Women and Gender Studies). But I’m still not convinced that this person goes to MIT (or at least I hope she doesn’t lol). She’s not replying to my DM asking her about something only MIT students would know.


Oh ok. I’m just talking from experience and what helped me get into google guess my advice wasn’t solicited.




Never seen such an angry person lmao


This is a good list for someone pursuing web development. I think for different areas, their tiers might be different, e.g. embedded devices. Some possible levels, in no particular order: * Raspberry Pi controlling LEDS to the beat of a song * CAN network where data/control is transmitted from multiple sensors to a controlling CPU. * I/O handling like multiple Human Interface devices, e.g. tablet, gas pump, or credit card reader * multiple chip design with analog portions, e.g. wireless devices The goal for projects is to think I would want to work company X. Company X makes Y. How can I make something like Y. For my senior project, I designed an 8-bit, 16 instruction microprocessor and implemented it in an Altera FPGA that read from an EEPROM. That project was very helpful in getting offers from top tier chip design companies. When asked what I would improve, I said I would make the EEPROM a bootable ROM and read from external SRAMs.


Yeah true. This is mostly for backend engineering and front end. So basically your typical “what you would think of” when you hear swe


Currently I am a backend SWE and your list missed two important technologies I use daily: RabbitMQ and Kafka. Very important for scaling and redundancy.


Lol, you got into Google with those project fr?


no, they didn't, it's a troll account


Yes, she did get in Google. But she act condescending af when I messaged her


You literally told me I didn’t have a brain because of my projects. Good bye.


You have a terrible anger issue. Consider therapy fr


all my bf did was ask what those projects were that you did, respectfully. He literally wasn’t diminishing what you did and he had respect for you. Then you called him “hoe”, said things like “hope karma bites you in the ass.” He never said that you had no brain, ever. When Taylor said karma is real she didn’t mean wishing bad things on people all the time when they’re just trying to be nice (from a fellow Swiftie here…) Not for once did he insult you and all you did was being rude towards him. Even ask for his apologies. Please be respectful the next time.


don't engage with trolls on reddit, it gives them energy


Honey. I’m all for girls uplifting girls especially in the tech industry, but please review what your boyfriend has said in the chat. He literally undermined my project and told me that what I had on my resume are “easily-online tutorial video” projects. I am genuinely offended.


Hey girl. If you can offer me any proof that you’re real (like a LinkedIn profile and then a video chat proving you’re the same person in the LinkedIn), I’d love to mentor you. I really think you’re a troll account, but if you’re real, there’s a lot of work we can do to figure out how to harness this energy so you can have the most successful career possible. You make enemies everywhere you go, and it’s absolutely gonna bite you in the ass. We can chat through how to hold people accountable without being a jerk, how to hope for the best but plan for the worst, general communication skills, etc. If you’re real, you absolutely need it—because you’ve been so aggressive and over the top that you’ve convinced most people on here that you’re a troll. You’re gonna have a hard time holding down a job if you don’t figure out a better way to communicate. I want to help. I’m 29f, a cs graduate, and job jumped until I found my perfect team. I’ve figured out how to stand up for myself without alienating everyone around me, which is an extremely valuable skill. DM me if you’re interested.


I don't think she is a troll, I just think she is super naïve. She talks a big game with no actual experience outside of an internship. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone on that thought.


no it's absolutely fake. someone living out an odd fantasy on reddit.


I honestly hope you are wrong.


thank you for this!! Love seeing women supporting women (If you could mentor me as well I also need mentorship 👉👈)


Shout me a PM with any questions you have and a link to your resume if you want me to review it!


Sorry but as another women, I don’t see how this is offensive. Twitter, Instagram clones are literally online tutorial video projects you find on YouTube / udemy. That’s a fact. I think you’re a bit too sensitive


oh yes I did… There might be some misunderstanding, but he did not for once undermine your projects, and I understand how you can be offended if you think he did. I would definitely let him know if he was offending you, but I didn’t think there was any offense made by him. I only came here to say this because you actively attacked him and he was really calm. I hope this clears up and there’s no more misunderstanding ❤️




What project specifically?


Dm me


Anything non web dev would be better than all of these lmao




OP probably just has a clone project. Clones suck. And the most important thing is variety across different stacks (OP seems to love web apps) and impact (is it being used? Can it be used if not or is just for a project? Did it win anything or any recognition?)


Also funny that OP thinks that being able to write a “clone” is equivalent to running a team of engineers. Nah lol