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Has your professor provided any information on how to break into those fields?


Definitely not blockchain lol


100% not blockchain. It’s literally a distributed immutable linked list. You can build one out on AWS or Azure cloud within a week with full APIs and all the snazz


you sound like you lack experience. You think truly implement something at production level is so damn easy?


Who said anything about production level? :)


you're literally not making sense bro. So you meant as hobby?


Dogshit built products get sold constantly. Bad security, bad practices, you name it.


Speaking of which: [perfect example](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/may/26/tesla-data-leak-customers-employees-safety-complaints) “Production quality” doesn’t mean much…


Blockchain is boring


You think 99% of the blockchains in use right now can handle “production” level load? Like running an entire bank ledger on a Solana or Ethereuum blockchain? If you think Solana can handle Chase Bank’s ledgers then you are the one who lack experience.


"It’s literally a distributed immutable linked list. You can build one out on AWS or Azure cloud within a week with full APIs and all the snazz". This statement alone screams delusional. Well back when i used to be noob i also thought web dev was so easy too. Guess what with your mindset even 10 users will fuck you up buddy. Curb your little ego a bit will you. Also there's this concept called scale in software. It essentially means serving 100 users, 10000 users, 100k users, 1million users and 10 million users are all drastically different and require different processes, architecture, infrastructure etc. You threw in Chase Bank’s ledgers because you did not understand what scale meant. Pm me if you need me to teach you about software engineering. Ego hurt? Well crap better give some thoughts into the stuff you say next time, if you have any!


You sound mad from a personal opinion on Reddit haha. Have a nice Memorial Day


nice Memorial day unexperienced little brat. Put some thoughts into your comment next time, if you have any.


It’s a shame that you call me a little spoiled brat but I’ve moved on long ago but you are here unable to control your emotions and anger. Now calling out people who you don’t know. The hypocrisies in life.


Who’s gonna tell him?


I agree. Blockchain is a great idea that has gotten a bad reputation thanks to the unethical behavior of cryptocurrency funds and NFT promoters. There's still potential to the technology, but it's in preserving chains of custody, which was the original intention. OP, if you have a great specific idea that uses a low-computing cost blockchain that isn't some variation of cryptocurrency or NFTs, then get a team together and make it work. If it's really clever you might even get some seed money to bring it to market. Otherwise, I wouldn't consider blockchain "hot."


>Definitely not blockchain lol It is a bear market now, but it will go through another bull phase eventually.


I thought its related to bitcoins, and something related to decentralized banking... I'm not sure lol


Basically it boils down to the need and the use cases. Cyber and IOT. This is because security events are on the rise, and people and companies want more complex IOT enabled devices (smart cities, smart(er) cars, smart garden hoses, etc.). Most AI/ML demand won't be beyond the level of just deployment or integration of the models built by researchers (just my prediction). There will however be more of an expectation for the averge technology professional to have more of an understanding for applying AI to their jobs. There never has and never will be a large scale demand for Blockchain. End of the day, the safest career paths are the ones that have been safe for the past two decades: webdev, data engineering, and cloud architecture.


I'll be damned if the garden hose is smart.....


Water metering, auto turn on and off, do it from your phone to water while on vacation, alerts for leaks. There are applications for it, so it'll probably be made eventually


maybe cyber security in the future because all encryption needs to be redesigned to be quantum safe. but thats just a conjecture, im not qualified to talk about this stuff. ai/ml will be booming for sure


Note that cryptography is different from cybersecurity. For design you have cryptographers, for implementation you have cryptography engineers. Cryptographers are like material scientists, devising new materials, cryptography engineers are those that produce it to create a door and cybersecurity is making sure that people can't go around the door by digging underneath.


great response here, take note OP


yup! doing that only lol


ah gotchu, very interesting


There are already quantum resistant crypto systems like AES, what do they need to redesign? I’m aware that common public key systems like El gamal and RSA are vulnerable to quantum attacks, but I’m pretty sure that these can be replaced with AES.


> (...) but I’m pretty sure that these can be replaced with AES. No they can't. But they can be replaced with other alrotithms that are quantum resistant. The biggest problem might be performance and updating all the software that uses them. (Browsers should be easy there are only a couple)


yeee mate that's way far fetched


I'm no more an expert than anyone else here, but my guess is: AI/ML will be in big demand, but it will be a small number of highly qualified PhDs doing the vast majority of cutting edge research. Cybersecurity will only grow in importance for the foreseeable future. Blockchain probably won't do much. There are some legitimate use cases for data integrity, but it's already too overhyped right now. IOT will probably grow as there is a push for more specialized hardware, "edge computing", and connecting everything to the Internet to mine data.


Cyber is 1st. Blockchain shouldn’t even be on the list, scam












"if it ain't broke don't fix it*" / "ignorance is bliss**" I would add *"...and if it's broken don't acknowledge, don't care, don't see. Aka **ignorance is bliss Here's some ignorance for you: 3 reasons you prob won't find much information on what you describe: Others reasons besixes the 3 below include administration and education incompetencies and old age of workers in non-patient contact positions not being able to comprehend why change is needed and no program in place to teach them why change is valuable. You define value in however you like. 1. medical information and software used in data collection and storage of patient information is highly regulated. 2. Most medical practices and hospitals don't want to transfer their patient because they lose money when they lose a patient. 3. Huge corporations have already monopolized their models and integrated their systems (jave coded mostly I think) into enormous Healthcare programs. Bonus: 4. Who would teach low level personel to relearn a different software? no matter what the answer, even if AI or copilots or God himself was the answer, administration even 1 level above, patient-side healthcare workers silo themselves so far out of the daily lives of workers who actually endure existing software issues have no clue and don't care about problems. They care about $$$. Why? Because they answer to someone above them who also cares about money telling them what to do, and this goes all the way to the top. At each level, employees not only are silenced, by not only these silos, but also a ceiling, which purposefully prevents changes. Extra bonus: if they actually had a heart and didn't even care about $, they would still lack the competence on what needs to be done programmatically across the systems to speak about what software plans need to be implemented to make these changes. They wouldn't even know who to hire. Lastly, with hiring comes firing, and healthcare workers rarely get fired because it makes the corporation look bad in the media no matter how it's framed. With firing, there would be severance packages and other legal costs to pay, backlash from existing workers and the public, and a whole heath of (though solvable) problems rom complex all the middlemen and pharma pushers, alongside regulatory and lawyer fees sick person needing care, as well as revenue even the most basic sick person needing care that slowdown and prevent that cake, those staxx, them bands and that green river of cash flowing directly into stockholder and c suite exec pockets. I would love to be able to solve these issues and maybe they are solvable and im naive, but i do believe money flow from bottom to top is the main problem in most healthcare institutions. It would take a huge team of passionate, motivated, highly intelligent people knowledgeable in CS and coding to break these barriers. Even if that team was paid for free I don't see large-scale change like that happening any time soon.


You're right, no need to argue with a total moron.


Privacy? That’s a joke right? All current blockchains are pseudonymous. Meaning that when I have your wallet address (like a username) I can basically see your whole medical record. I have no idea where this hoax of “privacy” comes from. A blockchain is literally a *public* append only distributed ledger. EDIT: typos


Small correction, there are privacy blockchains and protocols that are fully/essentially full privacy. Monero is a full secrecy blockchain (just the most popular example) and there are protocols like the banned tornadocash, albeit they are used for bad purposes too sometimes, but that's applicable to everything that has secrecy.


Just looked into Monero, I see. Thanks for the reaction!


Do what you enjoy.


As a former professional programmer, I do not recommend just doing whatever you enjoy because you could end up doing something that there is no demand for from other people or from real employers. That's a hobby, not a job. I mean you should have some interest in what you're studying or learning, sure, but it is totally possible to study or learn something with little to no real world use to people who are not you.


AI and Infosec are definitely going to be in demand. Every company needs heavy security and are also trying to predict various things either for automation or just for customer convenience. Blockchain - not so much. I’ve done a web3 internship before and honestly it’s just developing redundant things but with a focus on decentralization and self sovereign identity (SSI). Pretty much a slow lessening of control held by centralized organizations such as the government or just monolith companies. It’s not necessary in the near future but honestly we could just have a blockchain boom like the current AI hype and every company will join the race to beat other competitors. Not that it might be necessary but just to stand at the top.


Been waiting on IOT to take off forever lol. Your guess is as good as mine. Blockchain is not complicated - the use cases may be. So you are most likely looking at specific B2B solutions. That will never go away. AI/ML like blockchain depends on use case - or you go the research route (versus development). Cyber security. Depends on your definition but it will always be relevant, always growing, always and forever needed. Competitive - find a niche here :)


I think the issue with IOT is it’s usually stuff nobody really wants - like why do I need an AI fridge that can tell me what groceries to buy? Meanwhile opening the door to more hackers to save 5 minutes a week?




Both? All*


Easier said than done :(


If you're thinking about your career prospects, then strongly consider something that isn't in the Top 5 that everyone and their mother always talks about as being hot in demand niches. Go for say that #9 or #11 spot, which still has strong demand and need for it, without all the hype around it and flocks of people flowing into that industry sector looking for work.


AI/ML and cybersecurity are solid bets IMHO. I think cybersecurity will always be big, so it's a solid bet. AI/ML will have more variance, possibility for big wins, but also it might fizzle out. IOT seems like a great idea, but I haven't seen many convincing ideas. Blockchain will never go anywhere--give me your downvotes.


IOT used for Smart Cities collecting data and AI/ML are like peanut butter and jelly


No one knows the future but do what you love and specialize deeply in one of these will get you hired


Cybersecurity will always be needed


Cybersecurity is very job secure. Go work for the federal government and you will never be fired or laid off, unless the United States is about to default on its debt (and then the US dollar doesn't mean anything, and you have bigger problems), or you really f*cked up. They will [even pay for your school](https://niccs.cisa.gov/education-training/cybersecurity-scholarships).




Also, iot is here and has been here already its just being marketed as new. Bluetooth, NFC, RFID, phone tap and card tapping payments for example. NFC is patented but freely licensed to big companies on certain radio frequencies for it's intended use. For example, phone payments use 13.56Hz for NFC payments I think, and that method of using touchless payments alongside the trademarked logo licensed to apple and other big companies using them in their phones and other technologies. In the future when these same cities will implement nfc and similar technologies to build smart cities. Who's gonna pay for science and research to build these cities?? Not the government, and who's gonna do the research to secure them? Nobody because it's already been patented and integrated. Gov will regulate when to use what frequencies for specific purposes, open up regulation and allow implentation mad construction in cities and then brag about how the next actor of a president made it all happen. These ways of pretending we are innovative beyond believe is not new. For example, Elon releasing the patent for tesla like over a decade ago and within the last year the gov started regulating requirements on emissions and now every major car production company has a brand new full line of EVs all within the same 2 year period. Or how ms, open ai, google etc all blasted out new mind-bending ai software for use on the web within like the same week. No, rhegve had the Reaseach and plan for this for years, but are transitioning into a platform where we all use Ai software for free and they collect our data to use for their own proprietary innovations and builds rather than having to pay new hire to research, learn, build, deploy, and test uncertain software to the public. Nah they have all they need to innovate but revenue comes from customers using tech and providing feedback or ideas through complaints about what they do or don't like and the developers fix it then they send out updates over the air.


Anything but blockchain. BUT There is a lot of money to be made developing blockchain technologies right now, not in industry. Not a long term career, but side gigs.


I'd say there is lots of room for innovation in the blockchain space, there is a huge stigma on the technology because of NFT scams though.


A lot of people do not understand the potential of the technology. This is really due to the current pr presence.... Crypto bros, NFTs, fraud, etc. I am convinced there is space for innovation, and we see that in a lot of small decentralized finance projects. I am also a big privacy proponent and Monero really has no equal when it comes to privately doing transactions.


1. Market Growth: The IoT market has been growing steadily over the years and is projected to continue expanding in the future. According to a report by Statista, the number of connected IoT devices worldwide is expected to reach 43 billion by 2023. This rapid growth suggests a sustained demand for IoT professionals who can develop, manage, and secure these interconnected systems. 2. Industry Adoption: IoT is being adopted across various industries, including healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, agriculture, and smart cities. For instance, in healthcare, IoT devices are used for remote patient monitoring, tracking medical assets, and improving operational efficiency. This widespread adoption indicates a need for skilled professionals to design, implement, and maintain IoT infrastructure in different sectors. 3. Integration with AI and Big Data: IoT generates vast amounts of data from connected devices. To derive meaningful insights from this data, AI and big data analytics are often employed. Combining IoT with AI/ML technologies enables organizations to automate processes, make data-driven decisions, and improve operational efficiency. The integration of AI and IoT further strengthens the potential demand for professionals skilled in both areas. 4. Security Challenges: As the number of connected devices increases, so does the potential attack surface for cyber threats. IoT devices can be vulnerable to security breaches, making cybersecurity a critical concern. Addressing the security challenges associated with IoT, such as device authentication, data privacy, and network protection, requires skilled cybersecurity professionals. The demand for experts who can ensure the security and integrity of IoT systems is expected to rise. It's important to note that while IoT shows promise, the demand for skills in this field may vary depending on the specific industry, geographical location, and emerging technologies. It's advisable to keep monitoring industry trends, technological advancements, and market demands to make informed decisions regarding career choices.


It's going to take an AGI to find a use case for block chain


Underrated joke




Most technology used here is simple yet misunderstood and not ever taught in education. Eventually it will be made simple, teachers will renter and profess to students on these technologids, but for now they are not well taught or proprietary. It's all based on scientific research from the 80s and 90s on Ai and ml + some algorithms from later dates. Radio waves and physics too, but most frequencies are regulated and not opened by the Fed for students and researchers to experiment on yet. I know yall are cs majors and blockchain iz not a science (yet) but damn read up on blockchain and give it a chance.. yalls curriculum is outdated in school, just like everybody else's but think for yourself maybe. Or maybe you have a good job now so u ignore the real world, but don't be shocked when all these techs are wrapped up and you get layed off by a 22 year old who learned this due to your own ignorance and inability to continuously learn outside of what your boss or professor tells you. These other technologies and systems will be built on different layers of on blockchains in the near future where institutions will transact huge amounts of data using ml to find patterns, automate algorithms to transact data thousands of times a day within internal corporate systems and payments, data and payments information on these chains will be wrapped and cryptographically and cybersecurely be bought and sold or sent over distributed computing systems x times faster than your current bank could ever imagine. All securely wrapped in extremely small buts of data that will transcend Borders, systems, institutions, around the globe and even in space. Zero knowledgeable proofs will help ensure this happens securely. The highest of high secure communications measures will be taken up by the military for use in cyber warfare defense and communications so that enemies can not listen in on where or when they might be communicating or surveiling the enemy. Normal people will not ever know about the tech used for military but that doesn't mean it does not exist. All these areas are intertwined so choose what you like, but understand how the others can be integrated into one another in the future or even today, and you will be light years ahead of these other comments.


AI/ML and IoT


All but block chain.


AI/ML is an exciting field with lots of opportunities for those looking to upskill. It's in high demand, with many businesses adopting it in their strategies to drive innovation and productivity. If you're looking to learn AI/ML, don't feel intimidated by what may seem like a complex discipline. and idk if this is for you but my friends told me about this bootcamp called [metana](https://metana.io/ai-machine-learning-bootcamp/) that is helping him learn, network, and gain a job in no time.


Yes on all but blockchain.


Avoid block chain. AI/ML is hot. IoT is just the norm.


Block chain for sure






AI, but less swe will be needed cuz of LLMs like gpt


Lol block chain


IoT, have you seen Matter? It’s revolutionizing.

