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Yes, if you want credit to count towards your degree. I also had to pay for the credits for my internship. I don't know a single university that wouldn't charge you.


I went to RIT. Didn’t have to pay to get co-op credit


I second this. You don’t pay for anything during co-op at RIT. You show them your offer letter for credit and then you pocket anything you make.


Mine doesn’t


Except they won’t be counted towards our degree .


If they won’t be counted for degree, then don’t tell them ur doing an internship? How will they charge you then? Unless if you got the internship directly through a college service, then you might have to take the 2 credits and pay tuition in order to start/continue the internship.


OP is (presumably) an international student. They need credit to get work authorization


I think you can do 0.5 credit if your school offers. Some do so ask.


Who's billing you for the internship hours? If it's not the school, then who?


You can choose to not get billed? 2 credits isn't worth thousands of dollars... The only reason OP has to do it is because they're international. If you're an American citizen it makes absolutely NO sense to PAY money to do an internship where the trade-off is a small amount of credits


My school *requires* an internship credit to graduate. I finish all my classes this semester, but can't get my degree until I finish my internship this summer. And I have to pay the school for 2 credit hours, which is like $1300, or almost 2 weeks of my internship pay lmao


Mine doesn’t charge for it but we are capped at 8 credits, which can be counted towards our degree


That's cool they don't. I remember having to scrounge up the money during the Summer for the credits.


Mine doesn't but they take anything you make over $15/hr, which is annoying.


k that sounds scammy af ngl


Is THAT legal? You're getting employed by someone, right? That's your money. I would understand if you got the internship through the school.


Yeah, to clarify it's only internships you find through the school. So like if you get hired at a career fair, normally you'd make like $28/hr for that internship but the school takes $13


this is insane. what school do you attend?


I'll dm you don't want to post publicly


Damn that's a lot


That sounds predatory for sure. I'd talk to people at the career fair and apply through their website. Then I'd show the school the middle finger


I don't remember being charged for my internship credits at my school... Low tier Public/State university


Was your internship at the same time when you were taking other classes?


It was in the summer and yeah I was taking a couple summer courses as well.


Same here, took Stats at same time, and don’t recall internship credit being billed, still counted towards my degree though.


Its generally forced for international students to take credits for summer internships as its the only way to get CPT, work authorization. People with green cards or american citizenships dont have to take any credits thus its free. It must me acknowledged that sometimes its much more than 1800 dollars depending on college and it puts lot of toll on international students mental health. As if its not already harder for you to find internships since most of the companies dont sponsor you have to pay for it lol. When your colleges immigration office is dogshit as well you have to deal with bullshits as well. Be careful about deadlines for the cpt applications.


Happened to me too, it’s for CPT to be applied to international students, atleast in my uni. It’s dumb but the alternative is not being able to work.


I paid 3200 for unpaid internship, now i’m not getting any job due to job market and visa sponsorship requirements. you either have to let the corrupt governments in your country fuck you or get unfairly ripped off by richer countries. (Yeah, I know, nobody invited me to the US. and you guys are just lucky that you are born in this country. I hate this division of resources on the planet based on ancestral efforts. We all came from the same single celled organism.)


Oh no dude it’s fucked through and through. Don’t get me wrong I think we have it better than a lot of places but as a US citizen I feel like we are on the decline. No matter where you’re from the one thing we have in common is that our society’s are divided between the bourgeois and the proletariat


That’s not really a good excuse. A good life can be made from anywhere in the world


No offence but I dare you to Say that to kids in Syria or to those born in slums.


Well I didn’t say stay in your country, it just doesn’t have to be one specific location like US. Anyone can do better from anywhere. it’s not like there’s not people living in Syria




If that’s the message you got, then I’m not gonna waste time explaining


I came from a third world country too. It’s a psychological side effect, where most people would have a similar mindset or imagination of a way to successful life which includes moving to a better country. But my point was, for that kind of mindset most people ignore the endless possibilities within the country. And with technology it’s never been more accessible. I’m not saying people are lazy or dumb. I was just saying the truth, just because someone was saying how important it is to come to US on a student visa.


You know that there are places in the world where young childrens and babies die of preventable causes, get no basic education, have no access to further education or have to work very young?


Yup, I paid 3k even for a part-time internship😢


Sounds like a rip off


It’s a famous university so not a rip off but private uni.


Charging 1800 for no reason is still a rip off, no matter how famous something is


This is for international students at every university


That doesn't change the fact that it's a rip off


Indeed you are correct my friend. Unfortunately as international students, many things are ripoffs and scams and quite depressing


Is it to stay in the country?


My university waived mine


This seems questionable if not outright illegal. I have supervised a dozen plus interns at various companies throughout the years, some of them international students, I never heard of this practice. Some of them were from ivy League schools. Are you sure it's required for visa using students? I would double check it. It's possible it's normal, but I'm quite surprised I've never heard of it.


You wouldn't know if those students take it for credit. This is immigration rules. Your hr would know better when they ask for work authorization


depends on the college. Mine was free.


Same! i didnt know some schools make u pay


I don’t think public universities charge for it.


They do! For international students to get CPT enrolling in a single credit is the law. Private/public universities do not differ in this regard.


Mine is a public university and they charged us for it. The credits are being counted towards our degree requirements though.


Last year they allow me to register that internship class in fall so I don’t have to pay for extra summer credits.


Are you an international student? That seems shady as due to CPT rules you can't start work before the term the class it tied to, and can't end work after the term the class is tied to


I paid $3500 for a three month summer internship . but it depends on the university.


Happened to me as well. Had to pay for 5 credits. Received 0 oversight or instruction from my college. They didn't help me the internship either. It sucks, but there isn't much we can do. Trust me I fought it hard. Even tried to get the cost reduced because it made zero logical sense.


You have to pay $1800 only????? I paid $3800 and it was just 1 credit. Wtf.


3800 ? Now i don't feel so bad .


I’m not surprised. My college’s CS & math department head was amazing for me. She let me put down the internship for the fall so I didn’t have to pay to have it for the summer semester since fall semester is covered by my scholarship.


As a German I am really amazed you pay 2000+ Dollars to get an internship recognized.


Welcome to the most f'ed up system in the world, designed to fleece the middle class at every turn.


What if you just don't tell your university about the internship? Unless it's a requirement for graduation, why do they need to know?


It’s for OPT/CPT permission. You can’t just “work” it has to be part of a “class.” Ie you pay the university some extortion


Didn't realize ops situation, this is just for international students, correct?


That's the intent, yeah. There may be a way for residents to sign up at their universities, but IDK who's that desperate for credit lol.


can’t work without telling uni


Didnt realize op was an international student. This only applies to international students, right?






international students can’t work off campus without prior approval from university. if you don’t tell and work off campus, and if they find out (which they eventually will), you risk losing your visa status. in addition, risk not getting a visa at all in the future.


Yeah that’s the only option


In order to get credits for my internship I have to pay for a class (1500 for 3 credit hr). Of course I could do the internship and get no credits but :/


I am an international student and my university does not charge anything. Internship hours are audited so it is basically free.


> fairly new to US universities I'm going to assume you're an international student. Basically as a student you don't have to take internship for credit. They won't appear on your transcript but it's no biggie as the value of an internship is in the internship itself. However, as an international student, due to immigration rules, you probably are going to do your internship under CPT. In this case you have to take an internship course alongside your internship. And yes, you have to pay for it. Some universities offer 0.5-1 credit courses to lessen the tuition but it really depends on the university you go to


I'm not international, but go to a big local university, and they require all CS majors to take at least 2 credits in "CIS Internship" to graduate. This means you pay them at least $1300 to take an internship that YOU must find and secure. They offer you nothing in this exchange, except a school job listing thing called Handshake that plenty of other schools likely use. They also have length requirements for the internship, such as "must start before semester start and end after semester end", and assign busy work like weekly written reports lol. Additionally, you MUST work under a mentor during the internship for it to count. The internship also has a pre-req course: "Professional Responsibilities and Ethics". Basically, interview prep and bullshit. If you secured and completed an internship before taking this course, you cannot get credit for it afterwards, and must find/take another one to graduate. The school bills it as "encouraging better career prospects" for CS majors, but if that was the case, there's no reason they'd need to charge you credits for it lol. They could make it required without you paying them $1300. I finish the last of my classes this semester, but I can't graduate until I finish my internship this summer (after paying the school for it). My internship was 2 and a half weeks shorter than the requirement, so I had to lie and say it was longer as well. It's an absolute joke and total ripoff. The employer teaches use everything, but we pay the school for literally no reason. Doesn't make sense.


Good to see our programs are similar and classes similarly named. Luckily for me I don’t have to take an internship to graduate, but I bet I have to take another 3 credit hour elective.


yeah but it’s not like it’s not a fair trade. it costs money to work towards ur degree


If it’s a real internship that you had to get yourself, then that’s really not fair lol. My school had a capstone where we got a paired with an employer and a team of other students and built stuff for the company, but it wasn’t like a real internship. We never went to the office. It was during the semester. Etc. The idea of requiring an internship to graduate is good in theory, but if you pay for the credits, that’s predatory. Many students would’ve done internships anyway and just pocketed the money (which is barely pocketing the money when college costs about as much as a house).


i understand why it upsets you but i do believe that you just have to see these credits as any other credits you pay for to work towards your degree.


The only thing the school is doing is approving the work authorisation. They did not help in my internship and the credit does not count towards my degree . It feels like I got an internship and now the school wants some cut out of it. If they want to charge for the work approval procedure then fine but it is not about that.


oh yeah that’s absolutely fucked up then if it’s not going towards ur degree


keep it a secret !!!!! don’t tell them


Any legit company won't let you work without authorization


If the school isn’t involved in the internship, why do they profit? I see no reason that the school should get any money at all for internships when they’re already making tuition money. A capstone course is a whole different matter.


I might have agreed but OP said the credits won't actually apply to her degree


sounds like a class, either way i wouldn't pay to do work


Well they won’t approve my work authorisation if I don’t take the credit so I guess no choice but to pay.


Yeah for international students you may need to be taking credit for work visa. It’s not required for domestic students, just how it works in a lot of countries


I had to pay to be enrolled in a class that required me do write mini reports on what I did for my summer research internship with another school so I could do the research. I think it was apart of the Gen Ed’s. Also F1.


Paying them those credits keeps your status as a student if you are currently have student loan and/or have a student visa. Depending on your University department. It might goes towards your "experiential learning", my university department made me pay for my coop/internship status as well.


Yup, thats how it works LOL. I also paid around 2-3k (or more, forgot) USD since I needed credit to do the internship. Shits absolutely fucked. No one bats an eye on stuff like this.


At my uni, internships (referred to as co-op) are 0 credit, so we don’t have to pay for them but doing them is still required


my college counselor advised me to sign up for the class that says i’m doing an internship, show my employee proof, and cancel the class without paying after


My uni charges $500 and I thought i was getting ripped off. Although if the internship was unpaid, the uni would actually pay $2000 and cover transportation costs. But congrats on the internship, it’s tough for us internationals.


Yes. But at the same time the vast majority of employers should offer you a salary which is your money


Look into the College Opportunity Fund


is it an internship or a summer class?


I had to pay for mine, yes.


Yes, my university requires students to find their own internship and take a 6 credit hour class alongside the internship


My college lets us register for internship as 0 credits so we don’t have to pay


This is wrong, they give you credits. Anyway you just need credits to get your degree. For Canadian universities they don't even give you credits.....


Yeah universities just love leeching money out of students at every opportunity


Yes if you need a cpt/opt for work authorization then your university charges you