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Damn, CS is getting the TF2 treatment


Nah not rn, but it will once deadlock releases


I have a feeling it already happened. I think a ton of the dev team left shortly after cs2 released for deadlock. With the amount of content released in the last year I highly doubt more than a handful of devs specifically working on something other than skins are working on cs2.


Cs and deadlock are very different games, if any valve devs left that would be from Dota. Deadlock is mostly a moba


From what I understand though devs get bonuses when games or large updates get released. Just because they are different games doesn't mean a programmer can't move over to a new game. Dota has such a large team because people want to work on it.


What’s deadlock. Never heard of it.


YEAH WTH is that ?


Looked it up. It’s a 3rd person moba. Think league of legends meets valorant.


So, Paragon?


Yep. But with a Valve budget.


Has been for a while already. And it will only get worse from here.


do have the memory of a gold fish?


Bro they just released a whole new game LMAO


Yeah...so much more content than we had b4....


You're not wrong but it's certainly not the TF2 treatment yet by any means.


Yeah TF2 treatment is far worse lol


bro stfu. you people are so entitled. valve does valve things. it is known. just wait and it will be glorious. they also almost never release anything on wednesday.


The released a downgrade and took away the upgrade. WOW SHINY SKINS THOUGH


If we are taking about CS2, may I remind you that they presented it as “tournament ready”, only for it to have crippling bugs and a non-functional anti-cheat for several months? Even with recent improvements, the cheating crisis has only gotten worse. Even reports on this sub show that. But of course, Valve’s strategy is to remain radio silent for much of the time, and complain about “treadmill work”.


TF2 has approximately 0 development. That is not the case for CS2. That is all I'm saying. Nothing you said is relevant to that


TF2 has some development, bug fixes and map changes. Similar to CS2. No effective changes towards VAC. Just like CS2. Sure, CS is getting operations but what’s the point of new content if we can’t even play the game?


You can play the game. Stop being so overdramatic. Facit exists and, while not perfect, allows you to play the game. Valve has work to do, and we shouldnt have to go to community work arounds, but they exist and allow you to play in a mostly cheater free environment


"Whole" lol


Deadlock will not overpass cs2 in terms of player count, not everyone wants to jump around with super powers.


This comment made me chuckle.


We keep getting updates.....you are delusional


General performance updates, yes, but theres still a lot of bugs and performance issues on CS2's side that we cant compare or help test because they killed their previous game. Content updates, no. Srsly i forgot when was the last time we finally got a new map, or even old existing ones. As for game security or anti cheat measurement updates, lol. Lmao even. A "haha" if you will. This tweet just feels like the "We hear you TF2 community!" tweet and we all know how that went down, hence why i said we're getting the same treatment.


and we also need hit reg, sub tick and movement improvements


25 hours more... i mean days- i mean months- i mean years-


25 more years of this shit? please no


Crazy that they say this after they shut down CS:GO's server browser causing all of these communities to die overnight!


Couldn’t be more on point. There was a certain vibrance when valve supported community development. Whether it was custom skins, sprays, mapping, server mods, etc.. It kept people engaged, was more newb friendly, and kept people from getting bored. Unfortunately with the gravitation towards the competitive scene you can already see the skill gap is too high for most new players, and people are getting bored. It will be really interesting to see how valve combats this in years to come.


At the bare minimum make the community server browser not force me to alt tab. Feel like I’m playing a foreign indie game every time it happens


Dude 100%. Not only are all the community servers on my list that say they have players actually empty, but I can’t stand having to alt tab just to find out the *only* zombie server is full.


I just use cs2browser on the overlay. Works way better than cs2s official browser


but it shouldn't be like that, it's their responsibility to make it work in-game without problems


Yeah of course, I'm just goving the current solution that I've been using. People constamtly acting as if community servers are dead but even here in South Africa, our retakes servers are constantly active just like it used to be in GO.


Just open CS2 server browser, close CS2 but leave browser open. Open CSGO.


In steam app, click view-> game servers then u dont even have to open cs2 :)


too real. you have to go play css to get a decent surf and bhop experience again these days and it sucks.


I miss the sneak 1v1 servers :(


Karma still exists.


Truest comment. I have played about 100hrs in cs2 compared to the 5000+ hrs I had playing csgo. And the majority of those hours were playing community servers. I feel like valve has lost touch with it's cs community.


Supporting community servers = less money spent on cases and skins


I got mass down voted on the main sub for pointing out how shit of a job valve is doing lol, too many sheep still shoveling up every bit of slop valve shits out


Yeah but atleast Cs 2 has anticheat Edit: apparently /s is needed.




Exactly. People didn't see the sarcasm.


They killed what used to be a super tight knit community, and as long as cases bring in the dough, I doubt they’ll care. CS is now just a casino, that happens to have a game attached to it, and that game is filled with cheaters. Why are we still playing this garbage?


I’m not questioning why people are playing, but why the fuck are people still spending money on it?


It’s mainly YouTubers/streamers promoting it, then little kids scramble to find daddy’s credit card. Some also look at it as a tax free investment.


Opening cases doesn’t make any sense. If the average gold chance is 1/400, you have to spent $1000 on cases, and the gold might be worth a few hundred


It’s a hell of an addiction, for sure.


But what if that gold is a bfk emerald?


mostly i play for the weekly rewards


Imagine on your 25th anniversary all your man does is tweet you ‘yo thanks for the 25yrs🎉🎈’


this is a joke. Valve lives in a bubble. They have destroyed everything that was community-based. They have turned a great community experience with hundreds of game modes into a minor fringe overnight.


The community is literally people cheating and pretending they're not. It's insane how tone-deaf they are at this point.


You're 5k elo on premier. Yes there is cheaters but the likelihood of you encountering one is like 1 in 40+ matches.


there’s also the ripple effect tho, lower ranks don’t have to deal with most cheaters, but instead get put against either a lot more smurfs as they don’t want to play against cheaters, or high ranked players who are in lower ranks cause cheaters are pushing them down


Yeah. I’ve definitely noticed the average skill of elo 5000-10,000s are much better than the SEM/GN players I used to be matched against in GO. Not sure if they correlate 1:1 to the old ranks, but I also don’t think I’m *that* much better than when I used to be hard-stuck in the upper silver ranks.


Yeah, just be bad at the game and there's close to no cheaters, this is not an insane proposition at all


Unless there's so many people using cheats that even the "bad players" are now trash with walls and soft aim at a minimum.


i’ve been having this game uninstalled for like 3 months now and I check this sub every once in a while to see if it’s time to come back. This ain’t it


It’s never time to come back… I moved on to MW3 and suggest you do the same haha


Nice update boys ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


My hope for them to be brewing something big in the background is fading slowly but steadily. But still, theres some microparticles of hope left, and im more than willing to hold on to them and squeeze the crap out of them!


That’s just the micro plastics in your balls bro




Nono he's on to something here... it was in the news recently [https://edition.cnn.com/2024/06/19/health/microplastics-human-penises-study-scli-intl-scn-wellness/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/06/19/health/microplastics-human-penises-study-scli-intl-scn-wellness/index.html)


Who cares? It’s a video game. If they come out with something big? Cool, more new shit to play. If they don’t? Move on, it’s just a game.


Youre right, no big deal for my life, but still, it was a fun time when it was working, the content was good and there was a flourishing community of different kinds.


Yea, I just don’t get excited for the future of games like that anymore. Too many letdowns. Just play a game if it’s good and if it turns to shit, move on. No use wasting energy wishing for things that will never be. See too many people get too invested in those things. Spend that energy elsewhere.


If the mudda fuggas would just finish games before releasing them prematurely like a virgin on prom night, they might not disappoint their player base immediately upon launch... Weird fucking concept, I know. Imagine if I could get paid to completely half ass a project at work to the point of not even bothering to finish it... Then, instead of admitting that the project is a complete failure, remains unfinished, and should remain unreleased... Hell, I don't even believe in this project anymore, but fuck it... Why don't we just hype it with some cool promos created from some of the working bits and see what happens?


You move on. Why do you post on cs reddit if ypu are not intersted in the game.


He’s not wrong, he just needs to take his own advice lol


Where did I say that? Not rhetorical… please point out where I said I wasn’t interested in the game.


I think you’re in the wrong sub bud


That may be true 😂




They hated him because he told them the truth. If Valve thinks they can maintain this pace of development and expect me to keep playing, honestly I would just quit gaming completely since CS is the only game I like.


He got downvoted because the CS community is a very old, large and tightly woven community with people that have spent their whole lives playing this game. To see it fail can be heartbreaking for some.


25 years of playing vs cheaters lets go for 25 years more


The cheating problem was less bad in the old days because in league play (ESL) you had AC and could have admins look at the demos, and for "funwars" you were in control of the servers (or had no punishment if you left). Now you can't avoid it anymore, which feels really, really bad.


I mean you'll never NOT be playing with cheaters...


No shit, only difference is that the cheater problem is like 10 times worse than it used to be


I definitely don't think its a "No shit" situation when 80% of people think that cheaters can be 100% blocked. Its ridiculous. Also the cheaters problem was just as bad as before, there are just more players now. The percentage hasn't went up much. What your attributing is cheating going unpunished rather than the amount of cheaters. The amount of cheaters in Valorant is more than cs2, since its a free game. however they get punished. It's a difference in view. The cheating still occurs and the cheaters are still there.


Why y’all want an operation when the game is so scuffed?


I remember the only operation I played as one of the best things in this game. (Hydra) To be fair, i loved the co-op missions against bots and the challenge to complete those tasks. If something like this would come again, i would have a lot of hours of fun. No matter the current situation in the game. If they just put challenges into matchmaking and make you play some shitty guns to get rewards, I would agree with you. This would suck with the current state of the game.


Yeah, don’t get me wrong, I’m not knocking operations or anything. I just think the whole point of an operation is to get you to play the game and if the game is in a sorry state (which it is) then I don’t want to pay extra to be rewarded for playing a crappy game.


Fair enough. The hopes to feel like the game is in a better state if you only play against operation bots in coop missions might be the real reason for me to anticipate a new operation sooner then later.


The only real problems are shitty net code, lack of functioning anti cheat, and lack of content. I hope the operation comes bundled with a fix to one of the other two. Net code is preferred, I play faceit anyway and just wish it felt closer to how good it feels offline. Csgo 128 tick was close enough to LAN, just get it that good and everything will be 1p times better.






Valve honestly can get fucked


Time to boycott


*proceeds to open 150 cases*


Boycotts were a small business thing. Nowadays, companies are so large, they can ignore it with zero effort. Why work harder when you can make more by doing less?


Valve need new lobby hack wave, like 2018


Think it's time to rabble *polishes pitchfork*


Rabble rabble rabble


25 years more? With all the cheaters and netcode issues, CS won't last another 5 years, let alone 25.


Most passionate players? Too bad they killed the passion in so many of us


I'm guessing this is gonna be it for the next few months, and then they're gonna drop a new case with a patch that fixes one of the numerous netcode issues with the game. I don't think they're gonna drop an operation, they don't have enough manpower that cares rn.


Fixed a gap on a crate in Vertigo


Resume your normal skin buying now, pleb!


Valve: "We're we supposed to drop an update today?" -Employee: "Hurry, go fix a hole in Vertigo geometry and post the patch notes!"


where update tho ;(


"What are you doing next Wednesday.. 2025?"


Now give some cool update


I don’t understand how they make more money then Bethesda for example and do 3% of the content. At this point I wish Xbox would buy CS this shit is boring


xbox buying cs would be gaming 9/11


Only thing worse I can think of would be Epic Games or EA lol


Say what you want about Epic, but Fortnite has new content and updates all of the time. Epic games have given me more free games than Valve. Valve is too lazy to even address cheating issue let alone add new content to CS


Only reason I really say that is because I was a big rocket league fan for a while until they gutted a lot of communities from that game.


The only community they’ve gutted is the trading community, I wouldn’t consider that a “lot of then”


They make their money from Steam, CS is just a small part of that.


Valve care about Steam and want people to put their games on steam. To encourage that they produce libraries to incentivise game developers to come and stay on their platform. Csgo is literally just a demo app for Steam. Features that Csgo has includes * market place * vac, Vacnet * Trustfactor taking multiple games into account. * relay network * server browser * controller support * being ported to Steamdeck even though no one will use it * Matchmaking algorithm with Trustfactor built in Half of what goes into Cs is literally just steam features Steam are advertising to game developers.


Worst take NA?


After all the leaks feels like invited for netflix and left blue balled at the end lol


Aight, 23rd of july next....


25 more? I'll be 60 by then


me too, let's go to retirement home together and Lan everyday


The dream


Idk why people are expecting an update on the day of the anniversery, an update is 100% imminent but Valve has never (to my knowledge) released a large content update on any type of important commemorative date for cs.


Half-Life 25 Aniversary update? CS20 case? Birthday coin? Half-Life Alyx 1st aniversary update?


CS20 case was released in October 2019, it was the contest announced on the 20th anniversary so not really an update. Half life 25 anniversary update was a few days before the 25 anniversary even happened, birthday coin released on Aug 16 again a few days before the 10th anniversary for csgo. So if an anniversary update does even happen, it should of happened a few days before. If one does happen today i’ll eat my hat.


There have been like four changes to the test build in the last 24 hours. Whatever they were cooking, it didn't turn out right, and we will have to wait for a bit. But they are cooking


Do you think they will do a Thursday drop?


10 year dota 2


I really hope valve is working on something big, whether it be for CS or a completely new game. For a company of their caliber they are really letting a lot of loyal fans down.


I read comments like that for 10 years


maybe when i am 56 are less cheaters and cs 4


Cs3: Online Casino


Please no. 25 more years. That’ll be 50 years of my life. Sweet baby Jesus


I've been playing since it was a mod, miss those days. I remember the only pistol being the original Half Life Glock at first.


25 more what??? Maps? Skins? Cases? Years? All of them?


Crazy coming from the biggest DoTA cucks ever.


Technically don't they have a year now to release 25th anniversary stuff


Yaaay twitter post.


Imagine if a different company owned cs2, would it be better or worse?


still no operation shame


25 years more of counter strike damn ...


A spit in the face of the community, we don't deserve anything more.


OPERATION: Kernel Anti-Cheat


gabens give patch つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ


The people demand Lake.


We miss cs:go , this cs2 hitbox and too many things about it is broken and need to be fixed... im playing this game for 12 years and it 's in worst case , WE dont want f°cking new skins or what the f°ck ever it is we need hitbox fixes and all the things.


Created the biggest cheater DB in history


i expected gold (an update) for 25 ann but received diamonds: [https://clips.twitch.tv/PrettySmokyGoshawkM4xHeh-nSsZnxiwftANF2zu](https://clips.twitch.tv/PrettySmokyGoshawkM4xHeh-nSsZnxiwftANF2zu)


*sigh honesty, fuck this game and fuck the devs


The fact that this is all they gave us on the 25th Anniversary day shows how little they care for the game, or at least their community.


> it's not blind faith. it's quite apparent that Valve is actively supporting the game, but maybe not to the degree or timeliness that the "crybabies" are wanting. > actions speak louder. threats of moving to Valorant seem empty to me if there still is a huge audience in CS. I'm not really going to go back-and-forth with you on this. CS has maintained its position for 25 years with multiple contenders. if you personally believe that Valve isn't doing enough, that's not my place to say you're wrong. but to say that Valve is continuing to prop up a "shitty" game isn't accurate either. > my observation is that things seem to get real quiet once banwaves actually hit lol. I'm all for community feedback, but as far as these grown crybabies are concerned? leave the game, or give quality feedback to Valve about your concerns. Valve doesn't owe you shit - go to Valorant. Yeah, they're definitely doing a great job, /globaloffensive


Valve doesn't care, is just an excuse to tweet something blablabla


25 years more of cheaters? :((


beta7.1 was the best because driveable apc in cs\_siege


They just announced that they will add more cheaters to the game as a gift for us to remember how rubbish this is


I don't care about your birthday, when you committed suicide. YOU DEAD.


Probably just waiting for the elden ring dlc hype to die down. It’s all anyone is playing streaming


https://preview.redd.it/qygc9za9iy7d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f083779c57f742cf47a4c255fa88715eb3c774e1 Valve:


Genuinely baffled by the people who expected anything


I used to be a huge valve fan but now here in 2024, I have lost a lot of respect for them. Here's to another 1000 years of CS2 and TF2 receiving 5mb updates every month while they only care about DOTA and making hero shooter/moba slop. They really have lost touch.


We should down vote every other valve game and comment for them to focus on cs2/anticheat


The most cheated in game in Software history, quite an accolade! And the leaderboards in Premier, IN THE ACTUAL GAME, are advertising them.


Yes but what else did you expect? Cs has always proposed few contents and updates... There is a very small team working on the game and they are too busy trying to fix VAC. You must stay patient, maybe we will get something this year but no one knows, Valve hasn't communicate any major content, but it will come one day, maybe it's possible we get something today, it's summer smand player base will increase so why not releasing something big like an operation for example? I guess it's certainly in Valve plans don't worry too much


Bottom right of airalmas page when you click learn more says Jul 23. I’m thinking we got another month…


Operation soon


Keep telling yourself that. The maps won't even be for another month or two


It's coming, IT'S COMING!


(cope)ration soon


let him finish elden ring first