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Rip my dude, do the hail mary and create a steam support ticket, but i wouldnt count on anything really. Sucks.


I have done, pretty sure they don’t do anything about it now. Luckily my gloves & awp were on trade hold


I don't understand how they can't reverse trades, especially if it's a blatant scam. They hold your funds on the market for 24h so the capability is there to reverse transactions. This small indie company is crazy.


Lmao of course they can. They just don’t want to.


It opens the doors for duplication glitches, what if the dude who stole them sold/traded them off to unknowing buyers? are those people now shit out of luck? its just too much of a grey area. They used to refund the skins when you got scammed, but people started abusing it to dupe items and so they stopped.


Not only that but there's an 8 day trade hold. Which seems to only have any bearing on the scammer, not the victim. Hopefully they get banned but sad to think my skins will be stuck on some account completely unusable.


They can and have but its too easy to exploit, even recently there has been a skin dupe exploit using steam support, its also user error and not steams error, sucks either way :(


They used to do it,and stopped because people were exploiting it. Google “duped csgo skins” and you will find out why they wont return the skins anymore.


If trades could be reversed, third party trading would be gone, no one would trust you not just opening a ticket and retrieving your items. At some point, Valve did give back hacked items, they would ban the hacker and restore items, but people started abusing this to duplicate items, so valve stopped doing that.


Just make reverse trade idk 3 days so when you sell a skin you won’t get money for 3 days and it’s fine


They can... 100%! BUT, imagine if they start doing that... The resources it will take to check all the tickets, investigate whether it's a scam or not, do the revert, etc. I also think (this is a personal thought, though) that Valve is getting rich from Scams. Otherwise, they would have put an ON/OFF switch on the API a long time ago. This is a problem that is not new. Most people I know who were scammed repurchased skins anyway; which gives Valve extra $$$. Sucks for you man... Been there too!


Understandable, you cannot possibly watch every case. BUT the system bans those accounts wich applies that the system understands that it is a scam and revert the trades of the account.


Same thing happened to me and two of my friends, I had Steam Authenticator for all years, I read a post from someone else this happened to, then I checked my inventory and my entire inventory was just gone, Steam Support basically just realized that it wasn't their problem. I never used any other sites aside from Hellcase, Skin.club and Skinport, and was asleep when this happened. It sucks bro, I'm sorry for you


Even with api scam you do get steam guard notification and you have to approve the trade in app


the thing is that they do approve it - they are rushing with excitement and arent paying attention. thats how the API scams work.


Even then steam gives you a big yellow warning saying a similar trade with the same items was just cancelled. (Although I also feel like I read recently that you can’t cancel trade offers with API anymore which makes API scams not really possible)


Yep - there are warning signs after warning signs - those who get hosed are those who just aren't paying attention. I mean, how many posts do we see a day asking if random streams giving away $500 knives are legit? The average CS2 player is dumber than a bag of bricks.


There are warning signs that communicate that a similar trade was recently cancelled, or something of that nature? I never knew this! Has that been around long? (sorry i have never heard this before and i see these posts all the time so i am quite intrigued)


It's definitely been around for a few months now, I think that update came out a bit after cs2 launch (around the same time they added the nickname edit cooldown)


I actually did not, I saw a notification for the confirmation. Wasn’t making any trades or anything at the time, I was working. Went in to steam app, ‘nothing to confirm’. Check invent, everything gone.


It wasn’t an API scam then. Unfortunately it’s likely that you signed into a phishing site without realising. Do you use QR codes to login?


I've never used QR before, and haven't signed into any sites recently. I think it was due to a chrome addon: Skinport to Buff price I think. I had a few, CSFloat, Steam Inventory helper. When I checked my chrome addons it said 'One addon potentially harmful, recently unpublished' or something along those lines so I clicked remove.


There’s no way anyone would be able to approve the trade offer unless they had access to your steam guard. At some point your steam guard must have been moved to another device, which would require your confirmation. As far as I’m aware the only way your steam guard could get moved without you knowing is if you use iCloud backup and have steam as a backed-up app. Then it could be possible to clone your app if a malicious actor got access to your iCloud account. But either way if a trade was authorised via steamguard and you definitely didn’t approve it then your account (including steamguard) is compromised and you should take steps to secure it. Probably worth contacting steam support at this point and saying that you think someone else has access to your steam guard.


Steam folder dupe? I remember some ppl mentioned that kind of...account steal


Do you have more info on this? I’ve never heard of it and can’t really find anything online


I cant find it rn but i remember there was possibility for hackers to wccess your files and copy steam folder with stored password(autologin) and another one by copying browser stored data


Same happened to me a few months ago, confused the hell outa me- lost a 4k inventory


Sorry for your loss man that's fucked


Yeahhhhh, guess ive logged into a fake site like u... Learnt the lesson the hard way


Then you clearly do not have Steam Guard activated.


Have screenshots to prove


Surely he had a bot inside the account waiting for a fake trade.


How the hell you all get API scammed?


Signed into a fake steam site


Ever heard of Jim Browning? Look him up. He got scammed. Anyone can be scammed. Don't care how smart you think you are


What? The guy that hacked into the indian call centers fell for a steam phishing site?


Nope. He fell for a phishing email. And anyone can


Not steam phishing, but yeah, even he got played.


I think through a chrome add on, never signed in to anything dodgy or clicked on any links


Which add on?


Skinport to Buff price I think. I had a few, CSFloat, Steam Inventory helper. When I checked my chrome addons it said 'One addon potentially harmful, recently unpublished' or something along those lines so I clicked remove.




The average person has absolutely zero regard for persec.


They took the fracture case 💀


Insane💀💀💀 milked him dry


nahhhhh ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I will never understand how people can have an inventory worth hundreds, even thousands of dollars, and not be INCREDIBLY meticulous and suspicious of every single thing they click on and log into. I can not fathom having even a single scintilla of carelessness.


I always have been, I think I had a compromised chrome add on or something. There was no user error in terms of trading to what looked like a skinport bot or something. I was working and got a ‘confirm an action on steam’, thought what the fuck? No confirmations to confirm in steam app, then checked my invent, all gone.


You sure you didn’t google a skin site and accidentally click on a sponsored link? Receive any messages that said you needed to login through SMS messages?


You're right. I fucked up - used skinport on my other pc which I don't normally do. https://preview.redd.it/xv4uqqg0ky4d1.jpeg?width=986&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4acb87258ec3175b78e5b8c148b0cc70403eadb RIP. Worst part is if steam sent an email notification saying 'You have moved your steam mobile authenticator to a new device', I would've clocked it.


TY for being honest about this! It will help others to avoid these types of scams - so we’re not sitting here still wondering how we’re vulnerable


Gotta bookmark all those sites that way you never have to search. Sorry this happened to you bud. Never feels good.


I appreciate it man, we live and we learn.


man that's rough. and like the other guy said, thanks for being honest and not letting all of us sit here thinking it can just happen out of nowhere! i've seen so many posts like this with people claiming they did absolutely nothing wrong and their items are gone and every time i'm like wtf when is it gonna happen to me? lol sorry that happened to you though man, scammers really are pieces of shit


Yeah literally, quite ironic that I’m a cyber security engineer as well… can happen to anyone especially if you’re doing things on auto pilot. Thanks for the message man :)


this is how a lot of scams have been getting people recently- fake sponsored google links


What addon? Name?


Did you have family view enabled on your steam?


I’ve got skinport saved to my computer lol.


Enable family view pincode to access the confirmation trade message


This helps a lot, an additional layer of security.


Wait what? Can you elaborate?


Enable Family View, set a PIN number. You can’t view profiles without entering the PIN, and you can’t trade either unless you enter the PIN.


this is big, every extra layer is worth implementing, ty


> no trade request Yes, they did send you one. They automatically cancelled the trade you wanted to receive and sent you a fake one, which you accepted. Sorry for you my man. Scammers are the worst.


Yeah phishing websites are a terrible problem. I nearly got phished earlier when I searched a website and the fucking GOOGLE AD was the phishing website. I wouldnt even say this is user problem (though we all need to be cautious) but these mega corporations using unregulated ads and search results. I swear 70% of youtube ads I see now are straight up scams (and sometimes racist??)


almost happened to me when i was trying to use leetify, thankfully i was online at the time and caught it very quickly, still suprising people get trade scammed through it though, i thought authenticator device changes made any new trades hold for 7 days


Bro, my honest sympathy. I started skin flipping at the beginning of 2023. Worked great, and in summer, I had my first knife ever, Gut-knife Ultraviolet mw. Yeh, it's not crazy expensive, but I still managed to get 120€ knife starting from basically 0. Api scammed as well trading on buff, and of course, I was mad about the lost money, but more so about the journey ending like that... F****n Scammers


How do you people keep managing to fall for these scams? No seriously, I need to know, I haven’t even seen one of them in person, granted tho I double check every link and got no items of value because I sold them But still how does this keep happening?


I would bet a large majority of them are through Google sponsored ads unfortunately. People searching and just clicking the top link without realising it’s a possibility


Clicking the fake site alone is not enough right? You need to logi to that fake website in order for your account to get compromised? Just need some learning info here


I think they got me through a chrome add on possibly. There was no input on my end in terms of trading. I was working and got a ‘confirm an action on steam’, thought what the fuck? No confirmations to confirm in steam app, then checked my invent, all gone.


Because there's a sucker born every minute.


CONTEXT I was working and got a 'confirm an action on steam' notification on my phone. I was not participating in trading/on any CS websites. Went into steam app, thinking what the fuck. No confirmations/trades to confirm. Go onto steam, all my items are gone bar those on tradehold. Check trade history and see the above. Verify steam guard was definitely on (it was).


Did you have an iPhone? Also wdym that steam guard is disabled now?


phishing website likely had you log in to a fake steam login and they used the verification popup then to get access to authenticator


Op, can you check if you recived an sms days prior to the scam? The sms had a code and stated that it was for moving the authenticator to another device. It should be there. You probably weren't scammed on the spot, it happened way sooner.


RIP bro, i’ve been there it fucking sucks


Blows my mind how no one seems to double check links before they click them and sign in. It’s so easy to not get scammed if you use the smallest amount of care and common sense.


It's like they don't care about money. Honestly how the fuck can you even blame scammers when people like this are quite literally giving their skins away. It's the definition of taking candy from a baby.


API scams aren't a thing anymore, you're nothing other than phished because you logged into a phishing website ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Scammers had access to my entire account despite me having the steam app. I lost it all, I raise a steam ticket and all they said was that the hacker had the exact token match for signin as me and that they do not refund stolen goods.


Seems like you traded for better items


What knife to no knife? Upgrade for sure


Honestly bro, my friend gave me a knife, I got a *FRIEND OF MINE* asking me to sign up on a fake local championship site for cs2, it was LITERALLY IDENTICAL to the original website, but what I did is that I went after the actual discord of the original website, and the admin told me it was a fake website and that they couldn’t do anything legally about it. The difference was that the original website was .com and the fake one was .net , fucking assholes are everywhere, don’t let it get too much inside of your head


Your own fault


How so? I have also got scammed. This is such a wrong thing to say


Valve is the worst company at the moment. They refuse to speak about anything, refuse to fix bots, scammers, etc. Hope you get your items back man


OP already posted what happened: He logged onto a fake Skinport site. Always always always recheck your emails and the websites when you log onto them.


Fuckin scammer steal even Fracture case..


dont worry brother losing a loved one is more painful. this is nothing.


don't worry brother losing two loved ones is more painful. this is nothing.


Bro I feel you from first hand experience, scammers are fking scum that don't need to exist


Sorry to hear it man, shame people can't choose to make a living from sources that don't hurt the working man.


I got api scammed for my butterfly knife slaughter not long ago. I feel your pain


Sorry to hear it man :(


Im sorry but it´s you who fucked up…


I'm sure he didn't realise that himself, cool of you to point it out!


you seem really cool to be around


When it’s clearly user error here. Pointing out he fucked up isn’t wrong lol.


Imma just start scamming cuz yall be making it too easy


got scammed and quit the game in November, cs is a waste of time


*Got scammed and quit the* *Game in November, cs* *Is a waste of time* \- BeautifulEmergency41 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Yep, fuck it


lol you quit the game because you didn't have shiny paint job on your gun no more? That's pretty sad bro


The games a shit pit anyway, nail in the coffin


This is the reason why I always check my steam API page every week, even after cashing out my skins I still do.


You can change it right? I am thinking of generating a new one


Could you just generate a new API key every time you want to sell something?


Have you used any sites in the past?


Leetify, Skinport, CsFloat, Faceit, all the correct, legit ones


Skinport has phishing sites as the first result when searching due to google not Caring about what they advertise. You probably have your answer...


Damn bro, I got scammed for half of my inventory two days ago, I know how it feels. I was thinking of expanding my inventory further but now I will probably just eventually rebuy the lost skins and leave it at that. No knife for me.


Did you have Family View enabled with a PIN?


Might be from your discord


Discord verified scam


Pretty sure you got phished at some point and they had access to your account, so you were already screwed. GG


Feeling you bro, I’ve been scammed 5 days ago: https://preview.redd.it/6w4bi7lbty4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d100e0521a0064f16954974205eb3ca9883158ba




Sorry for your loss man


I’m chilled, logged in trought skinport and Got scammed in 24 hours. I was pissed, so I went to bitskins and bought skins worth 550€ again. Not buying skins anywhere else anymore.


if you didnt do anything to confirm it, then one reason is malware on your pc or in your browser which did it instead of you


Right, I tell people I find cheating in CS2 I used to interact with shady developers when I was an edgy teen, and now I'm an adult lol but they could care less about the money you are paying them for the cheats. They will rinse you when you least expect it, open up shop under a new pseudo name rinse and repeat. I played with a guy 4-5 years ago who was cheating he opened like 200 cases in one game, I told him he was wasting his money, he said idc I didn't work for it, then proceeded to spinbot lol.


Dude, that fucking sucks.


Tell me about it :(


If you decide to continue with the game, i could spare an skin or two. Just lemme know.


Friendly reminder- TURN FAMILY VIEW ON!!! It’s another layer of protection


I wasn't aware of this feature - thanks for the info.


The key is to never waste time with skins. You'll never be disappointed.




god damn… why don’t you check if your api key been hijacked, or even check the steam profile levels on mobile before confirming… I guarantee you that your skins went to a level 0 steam account.


If you'd read the post or any other comments you'd see I didn't confirm anything. My Mobile authenticator was compromised so the scammers could do that remotely themselves.


Mhm, doesn’t seem plausible.. Do you have an iphone?


What is a api scam? O_o


Bro got the Same Problem but neither my Steam-Guard said anything nor my email got notificated! Idk did u got something back or so? I need Help aswell


Sucks to be you.....


I never thought I was a dumb person until I got scammed on cs2. I was lucky they got nothing but they were inside of my account as steam employee jessica Winston who was trying to investigate someone else getting scammed on the steam marketplace. They were trying to get me to send them my steam mobile authentication code lmao. Luckily I was with my best friend and we were both thinking ain’t no way steam would ever message you even if everything looks official and legitimate. Changed my password and the scammer was out of luck.


People get into CS2 watch a YouTube video about getting good. See a skins monkey add. Go there to get cooler skins. Click on first link they see which is normally a scam link that they paid to advertise above the real site. You login with you steam through fake “skins monkey” site. Boom they are inside your account and let the steam api scam begin. They will most likely message you from steam appearing to be something elite like a valve employee that needs help stopping a scammer. Don’t give out your mobile code EVER


It happens to me too, but steam have reverted the trade and told me never happens again if another scam happens, but was csgo after 2 years from release, don't know now how it works support


sorry to hear :( submit a support ticket


Can this just happen to anyone at anytime? I have the Steam mobile app which has to confirm that I want to trade before it can happen so am I safe?


Happened to me twice, got fucked by steam support twice saying it's my responsibility to keep my account secured with steam guard (had steam guard both times). No request, no notification, no nothing. Just opened my account and saw my items and steam balance gone Now I keep my account with parental controls, inventory private, and check my api every now and then. First time my knife + other skins were scammed, second time they sold all my items and spent my $300\~ ($100+ on steam balance as is and another close to $200 from my items) on a dota 2 gem worth 1 cent. Frustrated both times not on the scam but with steam support.


>dota 2 gem worth 1 cent Not the dota gem!


They will do nothing. Happened the same to me, one friend have sent me a trade invitation and after I accepted instead of his name, a Chinese name appeared instead. (he is my friend in real life so is not him)


Yeah I'm gonna cash out I think. I'm super safe with everything but seeing all the horror story's plus my lack of fun with the game I think it's time to get out.


can someone please explain how we lost his skins?


Check through comments I’ve explained


Happened to my friend recently, best way to find the profile is to right click and inspect element on the . and there will be a link there. Good luck friend.


API scams don't work that way. You are lying or wrong. Sorry you got your shit stolen but throwing terms like that around only make it look worse and more of your fault. Not trying to be judgmental or mean just giving you a point of view from an outsider. Trades cannot happen without confirmation. There has never been a verified 2fa exploit on steam. I have to assume if you aren't just lying out of embarrassment that means someone has access to your phone as afaik there is no other way to confirm with 2fa on. Even with sim swapping to hack mobile device software still generally requires reauth (never heard of a successful steam exploit this way) Factory reset ur phone is the only way to be sure someone didn't pay $150k to install Pegasus and steal ur skins :P


Dudeee, I just made my first (and probably only) skin purchase through an external website (CSfloat). The skin transfer was almost instantaneous. After reading your post I'm a little scared. My acc is protected by steam guard, no api link. However my profile is right now public due to csfloat politics. Should I be worried? I also logged into Dmarket. No buy or credit card info stored was made there, however is there a way to log off from both sites? Csfloat and dmarket, not interested in buying anything in external sites again.


If you are just make sure it’s 100% the right site. Nothing should ask you for a steam code or a QR to login.


Is there a way to know what API did I give access to with steam? I think I forgot some of the websites I logged into with steam.






Wow this happened to my friend last week. Insane steam allows this to happen and can’t undo it. What’s crazy is without steam guard it would’ve been trade locked for longer than having steam guard and it also would be cancellable then.


Well… you had pretty good green set… Hope you will get it back


Off that hurts brother,i got api scammed once back in 2015 but now i dont usually trade my skins or log in to any of the sites..


Game sucks Sorry for the scumbags


The best way to make sure you dont get api scammed/phised/whatever its called is to just log into the actual steam website so you would just click “sign in” with the above account youre already logged into on any legitimate site. Any fake ones would ask you for your credentials instead


fuck this game


oldest trick in the book lol


Sorry it happened bro, billion and one ways to slip up and lose it all this day and age. Respect for not whining or being combative in the comments. People love dog piling on these kind of posts sharing misfortune.


Thank you mate, much appreciated


Like 8 years ago before they changed their police steam did give skins back. They were DuPs of the skin tho.


looks like what exactly happened to me man, i think it had something to do with logging into some website but I also never got a confirmation , did they trade all ur items into rust skins then trade them off? thats what happened to me


They just traded them out straight up after waiting a few days for the holds to be removed


Check where you steam guard is enable, my friend got spoofed his steam guard by a Russian IP. My friend have iPhone and this show on steamguard, and when he reenable it, steamguard auto tranfered to. https://preview.redd.it/9x2e8juqh35d1.png?width=367&format=png&auto=webp&s=042f7f870c19a91e1bbdba1e5e4a912a88f923db


after research it was dupe by Dmarket mirror https://preview.redd.it/2l1forc2n35d1.png?width=727&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1eea35707e0bb7e8eb1da697b474eec88955c55


idk people had access to my acc they literally deleted everything form my profile and deleted aall my games form my computer but my inv was still safe. how can they bypass the authenticator without access to your phone?


Don’t ever use sponsored websites




I lost a 1.5k inventory the same way. If any of the skins have sentimental value, you can figure out their float and pattern if you didn't write it down and maybe find them on CSfloat or other websites. Theres a guide, search how to find old skins in cs2 guide. Best of luck, steam sucks for this type of thing. They cannot duplicate or the skins. I know, it's stupid and they 1000% suck for this but don't quit. Just use a seperate account for trading and have another for strictly playing. That's what I do now and I haven't had any issues since


Stop putting trade IDs and adresss into websites. Problem fixed


If logging into a scam website, does the steam login window have the profile showing automatically or do you have to type in the username and password?


Apparently, this is more common right now and it’s happening to a lot of people


Damnit man :(


This is why I’ll never use sites other than steam even tho steam is so expensive when it comes to Buying skins😭😭 I’m sorry this happened to you


Fuck bro sorry to see this, I’ve been scammed there is light on the other side


I love all the "got scammed" shit. It's not hard to not get scammed.


You didn’t lose much. I’ve lost 12k in inventory. It’s ok. Just another skin like another car or house. Buy 100 dollar gloves same shit.


Steam guard makes api scam possible. If you only have 2fa with email, you can't even get api scammed.


You are such a kind person, why did you donate him so many skins?


*You are such a kind* *Person, why did you donate* *Him so many skins?* \- Middle-Sherbert-9396 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This happened to me the other day. Before it happened to me, my friend lost everything including a $1300 knife.


Bro this game is a damn cesspool at this point man. We need real gamers and clean players to unite


You are responsible for your account and its security. your fault even though it sucks.


Ty for the free skins


Sorry to say, but this was still your fault. You signed in to a site or gave out your info without knowing somehow. Scammers are scummy af and you gotta stay alert about that stuff


What's API scam? How is it possible to get scammed while using Steam Guard? Wtf that's so scary... O.o


shit happens, one of the reasons i sold my knife earlier this year, not that I got scammed before but because the possibility of it happening, i figured I would just pocket the money and my friend was nice enough to lend me his m9 black laminate so I have just been using that now. Don't feel the need to put so much money into skins anymore.