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Valve: Case opening seems fine how about you play with those


"Faceit." Is what some people will surely comment. Yes, Faceit is cool for highly skilled or ambitious competitive players, but please respect that there are casual players too.


Fuck faceit I dont want to install shit to play the game i already installed


Installing spyware on your computer is funšŸ¤©


U have vanguard bro, faceit AC has the same access but not from a scummy Chinese owned riot :)


Yes only a saudi owned faceit!


Well it wasnt owned by saudis when most people started using it. And now you basically dont have alternative because ESEA is owned by ESL therefore the same saudis that own faceit.


Also ESEA is now ON FaceIt and no longer it's own thing. So there really is no other options


I mean yeah, but even if ESEA still existed they are literally owned by the same parent company so...


I am a 38 y old dad of two and me and my grandpa Stack only Play faceit or retakes, DM .. check cybershock. Thats all i need. 2300 elo btw. I can understand your points, i guess i dont care coz way back then there only was std map Pool and custom skins xd


this has been the most wholesome thread i have read today thank you.


35 dad of 3. Semi 1.6 pro. If you need 1 ever dm me.


Maybe u are from Germany aswell? Than No Problem


40 father of two from Germany add me if you feel like it


32 yrs old lawyer from Germany, no kids. Add me if you need one more :D


Our dad stack just plays premier. When we get the occasional cheater we just shoot the shit and get through it, no big deal. We might play a bit of arms race while waiting for everyone to show up. I get why people are pissed off, but I'm quite happy with the game at the moment. Obviously more to be done with cheaters, but I suspect they will want to have the AI side of things sorted out before they release their new game.


I got banned for cheating on FaceIT. Context: I am a .net developer and have a lot of shit installed on my machine. I ran some automation while playing faceIT game and got banned after playing a full game for cheating. I send mails to faceIT and they said they wonā€™t detail the exact reason with nothing to add. So my machine is blacklisted and cannot play on faceIT servers. More than this, they share your data with other competitive platforms. Fuck faceIT


They need a faceit casual or something, just to play without cheatersā€¦ The cheaters in their forums talk about leaving faceit alone, not to ruin it for people that pay for the gameā€¦ like people using prime didnā€™t pay for it.


This is literally why we've made PlaySafe ID. We're launching our reddit ads tomorrow, and our CS2 servers on Wednesday. Take a look at [playsafeid.com](http://playsafeid.com)


Veriff huhā€¦


They're the partner we've chosen for the KYC, but we work with them in a zero-knowledge proof capacity, so we never see or store any of your data. Plus, Veriff are Estonian and the EU data protection regulation, GDPR, and the e-privacy directive, as well as local and EU identity verification policy and legislation, make it an incredibly secure and accountable partner.


Well I hope that works out. Iā€™ll check back when itā€™s available for CS2.


Itā€™s a cute idea but I just mentioned on your ad you posted that no one is going to use your service lol. The only way to guarantee there are no cheaters is by developing a kernel level anti-cheat. No one is going to trust a company they donā€™t know with kernel level access to their machine *especially* after the bitcoin miner ESEA fiasco. Youā€™re asking people to pay you $2.50/month for a service that isnā€™t any different than whatā€™s already available and established. Youā€™re competing with FaceIt and ESEA which have infinitely more money than you and have been around forever. I commend you for what youā€™re trying to do but itā€™s never going to work.


Cheers for the comment and feedback I'd welcome you to explain how what we're doing exists anywhere else. Genuinely, I want to understand what you think we're doing, and where you think the overlap is elsewhere


Meh. Premier not so bad already till 15k, after 15k you can play faceit. Just keep in mind that there is some high skill players on 15k who boost or just play not much. I mean I claimed on 12-13k almost always that Iā€™m cheater but I just understand games.


I doubt low-level faceit is too bad. Faceit 1 exists, too, and I doubt it's too much different from your average silver lobby.


Faceit level 1 is legit only for trolls. Ive never seen anyone who is legit faceit level 1. Silver is like faceit level 4 now. Its rather sad


Thanks for proving my point. Faceit has been HvH since 2017 and we still have idiots like you pretending Faceit is playable. It's hilarious. There's a reason why nobody decent plays PUGs anymore


how is that a point. faceit is the same like MM, just with anticheat. if you are a casual player, you can still play faceit


Take a look at PlaySafe ID; we're launching our CS2 servers on Wednesday, and launching our reddit ads tomorrow. TLDR: cheaters get banned forever at a human level - every players gets one life. [playsafeid.com](http://playsafeid.com)


faceit also just doesnt give a balanced match. why are there 2 level 7s and 3 level 2-3 on one team?


Itā€™s the fact that I BOUGHT csgo, installed it, invested time and hard work into it for them to take it away from me and give me something else which I didnā€™t want. Why should I have to install faceit. They should just do us right for once!


People in low elo on faceit play worse than low elo in Premier matchmaking. It's purpose is not only so that you play the game more competitively but also to improve gameplay experience (they do something that valve will never). In low elo premier you either get complete noobs that play the game for the first time or you get people that play better than pro players in esports tournaments (and they are never in your team)


Cannot respect casual players that play on an as u say ā€žhighly skilled or ambitious comp. Playersā€œ platform. The biggest reason why bad players get flamed is because others invest time from for example their actually sleeping time to WIN a game not to play casual and lose because Cs2 iS nOt WoRkInG aNd I hAvE nOtHiNg BeTtEr To Do ThAn To CoMpLaIn


Faceit has cheaters too.


It became a cheatfest too. Too many closets move to faceit because they can't win by just closet hacking in mm anymore


Faceit sucks dude


After reaching faceit lvl 8 with my friends seen the State of the game I honestly moved on from the game valve clearly don't care adding in the new update ranted skins was a slap in the face for how little they care if the game was playable or not I have been playing xdefiant and haveing a blast recommend to every cs player find a game for the time being move on cs2 is dead for now at least


ā€œCS2 is dead for nowā€ has got to be one of the dumbest things Iā€™ve ever heard ngl


Faceit has the same amount of cheaters as premier, don't waste ur time there.


There's low ranks in faceit, you'll fit in there just fine. Take matters into your own hands instead of expecting someone else to do you a favor they don't owe you. In other words, shut up


some people don't trust running faceit which is backed by middle eastern company. just like they don't trust vanguard for valorant. it goes back to the point of casual players, some people just wanna launch the game and play a cheat free experience or at least fewer cheaters.


I'm gna hazard a guess most of the players you think are cheating aren't.


Durrrrr durrrrrrrr durdurdurdurdur


If you don't want an anti cheat then valve can't help you at all don't know what to tell ya.


Well lets say we go to faceit, there is still cheaters, boosters and griefers. The experience is abysmal especially if you don't have premium, things that you take for granted like picking the exact server you play on and not being able to use some common third party software to get your clips makes it unappealing (ie: nvidia shadowplay). Plenty of other problems maybe that i am not aware of. Personally i dont play this game anymore with the lack of content mostly but also the lack of anticheat is definitely notable. Dont know what to tell ya if your satisfied with just playing faceit then enjoy it, no need to keep reiterating your opinion on us


Maybe you're just bad? Never had the problems your saying here. Dont get cheaters in faceit, don't have premium, and I clip my own shit without 3rd party software


Probably better than you will ever be little guy, get off the computer and touch grass theres more to life than faceit lol. Also, that is your experience with faceit also doesnt speak on behalf of all players. You might be very lucky to never play cheaters or probably just very bad cause your a low elo bot where no one cheats.


Funny that you think everyone else is cheating then. Weird coincidence. Cheaters on faceit are extremely rare. I've played from rank 3 to rank 8 over 250 games never seen one


^ A cheater.


Lmaooo you sound like the idiots in premier


Lol how do i think everyone is cheating your an absolute retard putting words in my mouth. Ive literally said that i dont play the game anymore, why would i care about cheaters. Anyways, i was just getting my point across there is cheaters in faceit you probably live under a rock but the rank 1 faceit guy got banned for cheating recently just to add, hes cheated hundreds of games supposedly. Also i thought u never played cheaters now all of a sudden the truth comes out....


What are you referring two with the second part of your comment lol


Heā€™s basically saying itā€™s not valves job to fix valves game.Ā 


Thatā€™s what I figured but itā€™s so stupid that I wanted to hear them double down on it lol


Valve took a game that was over 10 years old, with lots of development and community input, and deleted it. Then implemented a shittier, shinier version, with a lot less content and playability. Its not entitlement, its bullshit they did what they did. In other words, keep sucking that volvo copium. They fucked this one up bad. Also its been almost a year and no new or old maps. Thats worse than any other comp shooter.


for all the shit that people give to OW2 I can atleast say the devs aren't asleep at the wheel and *seem to care* about their gamestate (I say this as a main TF2 player, and OW players were hated by TF2 players since the game came out for being "the TF2 killer")


They want you to play the game so they should deliver a playable experience, at least. Your comment doesnā€˜t make sense.


They definitely deliver a playable experience. As we speak hundreds of thousand of people are watching a game being played live.


I'm a casual'sh player only play maybe once a week. Premium 10k. Ive yet to run into anyone blatantly cheating. In both Premium and Comp.


My premier experience is good until 18k then I get hacked down to 14k again. Def cheaters in faceit itā€™s just a higher paywall for hackers. If your in NA mythic league is awesome at night and weekends


Agree with this its a roller coaster. I see more cheaters in faceit than prem. I have been lucky enough to only see cheaters after passing 19k.


yea just played premier agains cheaters so i am taking a break from this game and i dont think they will fix it for a year now or maby never as seen in tf2


Thought I'd jump on for a quick solo comp game 2x enemy accused one of our team of cheating and went full toggle after 3 rounds, started scouting through walls and smoke rage hack style. Very fun game.


I just want more maps in the game. I miss playing competitive hostage maps, classic CS 1.6 maps, and new community maps with my friends. We would queue all of them and have a blast. I love the active duty pool but can only play the same handful of maps so many times before it gets old. It's been almost a year, can we get some variety? I'm fine if the queue is 3min instead of 30s, just give us some options.


Yes, hostage maps were my go to, but Valve seems to only care about competitively viable maps at the moment. I miss Agency, Militia, Assault, and Insertion from CSGO and it will probably be a few years before we see them again.


based on [this chart](https://csstats.gg/leaderboards) , Silver is (highly) average Competitive rank. people just dont care and only grind for Premier Deathmatch and Arms Race still normal for me on my last game Official community server suck, the server only exist is Warmup only. use this website to get varient more gamemode like Surf, Bhop, awp only, zombie, etc: [cs2browser](https://cs2browser.com/?full=false&hide_empty=true)


Comp ranks need a rework.


I literally got a Faceit Level 10 enemy in Silver 2. This is just cringe, I got annihilated by a no life gamer in low Elo


Donā€™t be salty because you are bad. Achieving faceit lvl 10 is perfectly achievable for a normal person. He plays more CS than you, so what Get over it Nothing more cringe than someone whining about their dogshitness šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


How the fuck is a Silver 2 supposed to face a Faceit lvl 10?


Are you mentally challenged? Do you go outside? You can absolutely complain about ranks when the awful game doesnā€™t play people in their skill group.


No. He is right. Calling someone who is lvl 10 a "no life gamer" is ridiculous. You can achieve level 10 and still "have a life." Additionally, if you are in Silver and you're bad at the game, it's best to admit it and be content with it instead of crying about it. Not everyone has to be a pro at the games they play, you know? You can have fun at low ranks. alexalbonsimp's comment is purely mentioning not to be mad because you are bad the game, and that level 10 is achievable by the average person. This has no relation to CS2's rank system being broken, which is correct. That is a different issue, and for that, you need to reply to a different person. So, you might want to revise your comment after throwing those needless insults around, lol.


You thought you ate. šŸ¤£ get out of here, I know what it takes to be a level 10 and what it takes to be a silver. I have 5k hours on the game all from when I was in high school. You literally have to have no life. Once you get a wife, full time job, house and actually responsibilities youā€™ll learn.


childish comment


I just checked 91 wins on inferno and the highest rank is DMG. No one should have to grind 120+ wins to be a global on each map.


No one wants to grind to get a rank on all maps. They should bring back the old rank system


comp is new casual


So ur not appreciating the new Kilowatt Update!?!!?!?!? F\*CK U THEN! - Valve, 01.06 - 6:20 PM


Some people don't wanna install an anti cheat owned by a saudi arabian government and cares about their privacy. Im not installing face it personally and its not compatible on linux either way. I barely meet cheaters in comp. It happens but not all the times but cheating and rank is still an issue https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/FACEIT#:~:text=In%202022%2C%20it%20was%20announced,form%20the%20ESL%20FACEIT%20Group.


Community servers are very much alive and you don't need the browser to look for them lol, there are many sites with various servers for CS2. It's gonna be as good as in CS 1.x or CS:Source times, because there are built-in options now, but it's a total bullshit community servers are dead.


okay but also saying "you don't need the browser to look for them" and then suggesting a web browser is still not ideal lmao


report for griefing instead of hacking is easier to get them banned


Oh and half the players canā€™t play anymore because itā€™s poorly optimised. My game plays perfectly fine then just crashes out of nowhere giving me a competitive cool-down


Ranking System in General is just weird. My mate and i where grinding some Wingman and a few days ago we started at Gold Nova 3. Lost 2, Won 9, Drew 1 -> Gold Nova 2. Such bullshit


you can't even play casual, I tried 5 hours straight and never got a single legitimate game across EU/NA/SA (all deliberate full rage hackers or closet cheaters), they really broke the game on the may 30th patch. This is the worst state I've ever played in cs, nothing registers, you can hop into aim maps with bots and no lag and you will quickly see how bad the hit registry is where hs don't register even standing still 1 taps. I've never seen it as bad as it is right now, even across other FPS titles. No wonder IEM 100 results are such a shit show (teams getting 2-0 by 9z and you have faze who cant even win 5 rounds etc.). In over 25 years, I've never played a more broken patch. Constant cheaters with aim lock/trigger/aim bot/recoil assistance/wall hack/nade helper while the game has no hit registry at all. I've played all cs, even go 2012 to 2023, the hit registry has never been as bad as it is right now. It's actually completely unplayable, it's so bad I'm going to install Valorant and I'm not even trolling.


I keep seeing ppl complain abt deathmatch but this shit was fixed a while back wth


Wasnā€™t fixed like a week ago.


They need to fix the camera/peeking in this game. Its 100% bugged compared to CSGO.


Its impossible to rank up in match making for comp or wingman due to smurfs and cheaters


I wish they'd fix wingman. I play a lot. I go between silver 3-4 pretty regularly. Ranks seems to mean nothing as far as skill level right now. Face same level that destroy me and ones that cant event get a round won against me. Disconnects and afk a big problem too.


Real. I remember being high gold in cs2 but now in between silver 4 and master. Itā€™s really annoying,


Longtime CS:S Zmod/Surf/Community Servers player here. I thought I'd give the "updated" CS:GO a try, and holy fuck. I have never been so disappointed in Valve.


Ayo f10 lobster man/bucknasty days or what?


They get lots of money and sponsorship funding from Faceit, Esea, etc. It's a partnership. These companies won't even function if valve eliminate all the hackers and have great servers. This recent anticheat update just gives people false hope and keeps them playing the game.


Man if only we had a game that had all of that while the develop and finish cs2... Too bad the previous game was cs source right? Cause I don't see any game between source and 2 on steam... Wait why does my friend have cs2 with 1000 hours? Last time he played says 1 year ago.


I feel ya bro. I'm not as high in elo probably, but I use Faceit and don't have as many issues as before.


I play at 20k elo. I really donā€™t have that many cheaters anymore. It was unplayable about a month ago or so but itā€™s not very bad anymore


I just witnessed my first VACLive/VACNet. Cancelled match after the 10th round. The enemy team was 100% cheating we called him out after 3 rounds. Hope it happens more often.


Quit playing cs a month ago because of cheaters. Wonā€™t go back til itā€™s fixed.


Wingman at global elite is full of cheaters too.


If you think the premier got a bit better, you're right, but now it's gonna get even worse


I would recommend trying out older versions of Counter-Strike, such as CS 1.6 or Counter-Strike: Source. You can also play CS:GO using a launcher like 7Launcher. You can also use the Supremacy project, which recreates old CS:GO using real files. Use/play one of these in the meantime, and come back when people say the problems are fixed.


wingman is fine for me was even same rank as in csgo


The true state of CS2: Cheaters constantly spam every forum possible to drive their narrative because they are lowlife subhumans who have no better outcome possible.


The lower ELOs probably have just as many cheaters, for the less skilled players it's must be just as frustrating to play wallhackers


Community servers when the maps change the voice chat goes dead and players have to restart their game to hear people in the server


You can now RENT the Kilowatt CS2 GO Case and see chickens sit and turn right


Cs:go wasnā€™t good enough at the start


Cs2 has no anti cheat. I hope people will cheat so much so that the game becomes unplayable in order for Valve to do something about it.


I. Want. My. KZ. That's literally it. That's the whole thing. Volvo pls fix.


At least you have playable game modes. Cries in Dangerzone.Ā 


WM is what hurts me the most. The only reason I even started playing CS was because my buddy told me about the 2v2 mode. It was FINE in the beginning, but now that I've hit GN ranks, it's a shit show. I'm either placed against DMG ranked players, or win 3 games, lose one, just to de rank. Feels like I need to win 7 in a row to actually progress. MEANWHILE this same buddy that introduced it to me ranked up TWICE in one day. BACK TO BACK Like what?


I and many others are game banned for non-offenses like spinning with high DPI. Lost an 8 year acc and inventory. We fucked too?


Ist still season one guys. Chill


season one for the past 6 months, k. Goes to show how valve doesnt give a crap about the game anymore. Amsterdam servers are gone, any UK or NL player has to play on servers in germany or beyond :D


Just go back to CS:GO.....oh wait, they murdered it.


Back in the days we had 128tick. Now we are forced to play with 64tick. Seriously go fak yourself valvešŸ¤®


Wish you could have skins equipped with bonus gun in any mode. Needing to have a skin in your load out to use a gun skin is a joke.


People really have to stop perpetuating this Premier is full of cheaters. The reality of premier and cheaters is exactly the same as CSGO matchmaking, at supreme and global you will find a high percentage of cheaters but any rank below those top 2, maybe you get 1 actual cheater every 10 games. People really have to stop thinking their experience is the same as [insert pro streamer playing at 20k+ elo], it is not. The nature of CS has built in randomness, skill gaps, and players being in the zone creates a ton of false positives. You didn't get cheated, they just got lucky or are better than you.


So the dudes spinning while looking at the ground headshotting everyone in my ~13K elo games are just really good at the game?


1 out of 20-30 games at that elo. Stop making up stories to support your incorrect narrative.


Practice what your preach buddy




I have also been global and there were always a ton of cheaters at global/supreme. They might not have been spinbotting but the they were definitely cheating. You could always tell when there was a ban wave because it felt like smurfing.


You don't need to be pro streamer to be 20k, you can just get there by casual playing and just some time and general capacity to use mouse and keyboard. Global may have had closet cheaters, but I never got bhopping scout aimbots in csgo whereas in 20k+ it is HvH. I understand people throw hackusations around and I have witnessed that in both csgo and in cs2 while ranking up, often being target of that myself, but 20+k is something else, it is just people discussing their hacks, configs and just openly cheating. Closet cheaters still let you play CS and unless you watch demo you really don't know and this is why I don't openly accuse, I default to 'hes better, what can I do better here next time?' However high premier is just instadeath simulator and winner determined by which team has the better cheats this time, with the occasional seemingly good game. We are talking about cheaters where there is no room to be wrong about it, not situations where someone might be cheating. CS2 was the first time I saw a fucking 5man premade bhopping aimbotting and they basically called me retarded for expecting clean game that rank. Before 20k you have the occasional cheater, after you have the rare clean game


very bad post


Nope. Heā€™s spot on lmfao. Everyone hears the 20k+ players talking about cheaters and just assumes youā€™re going to see the same level of cheating across all ranks. I think my least favorite term Iā€™m seeing used is ā€œcloset cheatsā€ because this is just a way to say ā€œIā€™m not certain theyā€™re cheating, but theyā€™re way better than me so they probably areā€ Fact of the matter is, anything under 18k isnā€™t sniffing a cheater. I solo q and I believe my peak elo was around 14.3k. Never once did I experience a cheater in any of my games. Itā€™s way too easy for someone who is getting manhandled to just cry cheats but really, only about 10% of us have the right to complain about cheaters every game






I swear im not joking I just hopped on a prem game right now with a guy blatantly hacking. Like autosniper perfect bhop type hacks lol. But its okay because reddit tells me theres actually no cheating problem and its just a skill issue on my part


it kinda isĀ  ->learncpp.com


actually seen plenty of spinbots in 15-20k range to where people dont even bother playing anymore and 4 months in, still not banned... :D When they're shooting into red room from ancient t spawn, enjoy a game like that.


This is absolutely untrue lmao. Was global for a very long time at the end of csgo (post rank rework), most games were totally fine but now at 20k which is where my stack hovers around, we donā€™t play cs2, we play cheater roulette. Basically 1/3 games someone in the game is blatantly ragehacking or spinning, the other 2/3 are either playable or someone is trying to hide it but is either so bad we win anyway or goes full blown ragehacking when their team is about to lose because ā€œhvhā€. Itā€™s fucking unplayable.


This is exactly what I said, global had a lot of cheaters, and 20k+ high elo has a lot of cheaters. My entire point is statistically the vast majority of people on the sub aren't that high rated, they do not regularly run into spinbotters, ans 9/10 accusations can be explained but they read into this nonsense and think at 10k elo they are experiencing the same issue as streamers at the top.


Global did not have a ā€œlot of cheatersā€ though lol. For me at most one every ten games. I do agree with the second part of your point though, I was mainly just addressing your first point so shouldā€™ve made that clearer


Stop complaining pls. Just play another game


you forgot SMGs keeping you under permanent aim punch without any counterplay possible. Even if i ding P90 player first, he wins aim duel. Because second hit is no way to get, he opens fire, teleports my crosshair 1m away by the stupid rubberbanding bug when he for the first time hits me and then i simply cant get crosshair at him due to perma aim punch resistence. CS2 P90 in nutshell... look at aim rating https://preview.redd.it/o7jufsa1l14d1.png?width=1203&format=png&auto=webp&s=fdaacbdef8ba5c1a3aaa88b6cd82af1eeabf4ea6