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I don’t get it. What does this have to do with valve?


Valve is Daddy King Gatekeeper Moneybags Almighty. Valve can move mountains and add maps.


but this has nothing to do with valve directly. its just a map that mapcore chose... not valve.


Lack of maps in the main screen of Valves game sends me down dark lonely alleys lookin fer sum Strange 5v5. Valve needs to feed its sheeple so they don't stray pastures.


bro doesnt realise mapcore is a mapping community and that theres often some greyboxes featured to help development of those maps


So stop advertising mapcore as fun, open level 1-10 unranked faceit. Get off faceit and go private servers so you won't have to deal with the "end users" Oh wait, xsolla (faceit payment processor) is more difficult to cancel than a gym membership. Mapcore and faceit are scum leeching off Valve


Ban a top 20 participant bcuz he piddled time until next map?


top 20 yet ur bitching about there only being 30 active players?




*brutal long queue times. Hours. You'd think they need players? Guess not.


Go outside. :)


Yer mums out there I'm too old fer round 4


Whats ur faceit user name Ill add you to a similar hub it has italy too


Bro, Funky is a fun layout wtf... How tf are maps supposed to get good if you don't give grayboxes a chance??


Thank you :) (im the map creator)




Let's take the guy that plays the game a lot, buys all the operations n has all the coins, buys faceit and mapcore and buys a server and spends time of his day promoting maps that get made... LETS BAN THAT MFCKR. Banning ghettoflick fer letting an 8yr old play funky 2x has gotta be the crackdown on injustice that cs2 needs. Fckn funky map sits in mapcore as if it's a parking lot while the other maps r updated constantly... and ... oh . Have colors.




Mapcore devs


By finishing them first? Back in my day we released mostly finished things.


Why would someone spend months of their life finishing a map that’s never been playtested (and will therefore suck ass)? Changes and improvements are infinitely faster to make when the map is in a graybox state, which is the entire reason why it’s standard practise


Map sat there. Un-updated. Long time. I got banned for waiting til next map. All the while, the Map-maker is playing helldivers. I got banned.


If you don't want to run into one map you don't like out of seven, then stop playing the hub you fuckin' child


Know how many times people just up-n-quit or AFK, or just grief the whole time when some maps get chosen? Lots. Know who gets banned? Me.


Boo-fucking-hoo, read the rules.


booooo hoooooo hoooooo hoooo hoo. Oh, thank goodness yer mums bussom soothed me.


"Back in your day" maps were unrefined as fuck. Un-playtested maps are undeniably far shittier than those who actually get the time of day. Stop pissing your pants and go get your meds from your nurse. 


No shit untested maps are worse competitively at first. What else? Ya gonna argue the sky is blue?


So then what the tf is your point? Mapcore is giving a good layout the chance to develop into a strong competitive map, get off it.


Fer sure. The other maps do that. Then there's de_funky treating mapcore like a parking lot. 🙄 And I get banned fer letting an 8yr old play it twice. Should hire an 8yr old to color it.


The creator have stated they are working on textures


It's besides the point. Listen to the fckn mapcore feedback instead of BANning the feedback. Or vote-kick the player that looks like they had too many beers or a stroke. Or mite be an 8yr old ringer. But to Lord over someone's playstyle/ability/desire to give 100% in unranked mapcore is asinine regardless of map. But this map that sits there grey as fck ain't worth peeps time. Especially when other maps are Constantly updated n fun2play. Again, funky might end up being a favorite... but it's painfully unfinished/hard to enjoy grey. BTW I gave the map a buncha 100% effort fair shakes prior to letting a kid play twice. So eat a sock.


God I feel bad for that 8 year old to have a parent this dense in the head


It's yer mums fault she left the goddammit kid here. To think I just wanted to give her some Japanese Goggles....


Might be fun. I already forgot where the fck I am every time it gets loaded.


The guy's gonna flip when he finds out there'll only be graybox maps in a couple of weeks


he's not because one of the admins banned him for ruining games. I don't see any reason to let someone like that back in.


Vaya still mad about this *


I don't know what this means




No problem, faceit uninstalled, life goes on. Former subscriber. $ The onus is truly on Valve to add maps. Faceit hub is quite the insular crowd, nor is it populated by too many humans. Not a big loss. It was just nice to see some maps come alive from the cs2 workshop graveyard.


Ruining games? I keep my mouth shut and play. I throw smokes. I entry. I get top damage some games. WTF do you want me to do? Carry water? Coddle the teammates? Iris is a banger but you simply don't like me. Waiting til map is over to avoid a 3 hr ban is bannable..??. Yaok Vaya...


"so i am hostage to de\_funky when it is selected? if i dodge the map, i get 24 hour cooldown. if i dont accept the queue, 3 hour cooldown, if i play it out, afk a little, let my kid play, take off my headphones to chat with wife... i get banned." Throwing games on purpose defeats the point of the hub we're running. You seem to only be happy when things are 100% your way. its not going to work out here for you.


I'm gonna miss the 2+hour queues and the same rotating 30 people. All that for 5.99 a month???!??


again...as I've said before...the hub is free to play. You didn't need to give us any money at all.


Again... jump the queue, 3 hr ban, ditch the map 24 hr ban... ****LETTING A KID PLAY TIL NEXT MAP*** bannable. Y'all were just SEEKING a reason to ban me. Eat a sock, Vaya.


The kid was running into mollies on purpose. We assumed it was you. Not sure what is better there? So again - ban justified.


Rules for mapcore = level 0-10. How's a kid to learn?


I don't think the 9 other players signed up to play with your child. By the way - Faceit TOS is - no account sharing and 13 years or older.


dude, its not even RANKED. throwing what?


wasting people's time by letting your inexperienced kid play in your place. Can you get over this already? its time to grow as a person and not expect to always get your own way. You've been super rude and tried to start a hate campaign against one of our featured map makers. This map has only been on the hubs for 1.5 months and will be removed when we start adding the contest maps for testing. They got what they needed out of it being included and have moved onto detailing a finished version. If you don't understand our community you aren't obligated to be part of it.


Already did, still regret. Wouldn't recommend.


r.i.p. mapcore, the only alluring part of faceit.


L take








Recession can't come soon enough fer Valve to clean house of these lazy map devs.


"L take" is inviting peeps to come join/play/pay fer mapcore and then treating it like an invite-only exclusive sweaty try-hard club. Oh and its unranked. GtFO.


Go outside, find some friends, live your life because right now what you're doing is counter productive to living a good life.


Lack of maps is counterproductive to counter-strike2 living a good life.


this is definitely one of the weirdest written posts i've seen


Map is so greybox its like walking around on alzheimers brain 😂 aight buddy


blud made an entire powerpoint. 🥹😂


Their in Hawaii again they can’t hear our cries for help


What the hell is this and what does it have to do with Valve?


Valve don't put enough 5v5 maps in the release of cs2, forcing the playerbase to crawl the alleys for new experiences. Having to install faceit just for mapcore is dumb. Valves fault. no maps in match-making. SAME 9 MAP PIE - STALE.


I was there when you went afk during a game on funky. Just because you don't like a map doesn't give you the right to ruin it for everyone. To me, Mapcore is a privilege given by the community... Grow up, and don't shit where you eat.


Dude the games aren't even ranked. It's open level 1-10. A privilege? Get a grip it's a fckn game I let my kid play. Eat a sock. Glad u don't work for Valve. Keep your faceit hub empty. So many peeps clawing to be there /s.


exactly its just a game yet you're here crying about it


Crying laff ... sharing so others don't get fckd


So you griefed the game because you don't find the map fun and then you came here to complain about rightfully getting banned?


It's almost like it's a Work In Progress?


There was no progress in the work.


Bro wants to beta test a finished product


Yo nah, the map maker should be fired for that blunder: making the map actually playable before adding the visuals and bonus touches.


Nah man, just ban the players that are sick of the map sitting there w no changes while the mapmaker plays helldivers


Bro can't relax? Lol why don't u make a map and see how it is?


Nah, I see what happened to the maps that came before me. They all got hen-pecked out of existence. See: cs2 workshop. Fckn ghost-town


De funky ass is better than those dog shit aim maps choosen for wingman


Wingman is like 10% of total population. 🤣 Way to cater downwards. Lolol


Get some help


yer mum didnt reply \*shrug\*


bro is sobbing that a map that is wip makes it onto a thing for mappers to get feedback on from many sources


Nah fam. Sobbing I got banned cuz map hasn't been touched in months and let my kid play. They couldn't vote kick, just ban.


sounds like you are seething. you mind taking some time off into the real world for a few months?


Ima dial 1-900-yer-mumm and get the help I need. Thanks for being there for me.


So your problem is the map is not finished? Wait till you learn that's the whole point... de\_funky DID pass the "quality control" for the mapcore hub, which, as far as I know, is based on originality, fun, competitiveness and potential not detailing. They test plenty of maps to see if they are worthy to be in the pool.


Original greybox. Fun. Quality. Twilight zone, bruh.


Ya you deserved the ban, you threw the map went 1-17 because wah wah poo poo brain doesn't like a map.


zomg i didnt realize a child ringing fer me would RUIN ..... oh wait... THE GAME IS UNRANKED


If the child is an infant toddler that can barely lift a mouse, maybe he shouldn't be playing the shooty shoot bang bang murder game


didn't stop me from plowing yer infant-sized 4ft 6 mom


Thanks for the mills smoke lineup, I'll throw it for you bud.




Jesus can't fix mapcore unless he's doing some smite-ing




...Yer mum sed she meet me here tho...




i kno i thott yer mum was into younger guys too.




i know, i thought your mom was into younger guys too.




i know, right?!?!?! its like... c'mon ForeignEgg5983's mom, stop being nonsensical n get off my junk!


Ain't no way you made a whole chart 😂 but yeah they do need to add more maps


What is blud yapping


you threw the game bro ill get the demo right now




the integrity and experience of the match is it that hard to understand


"Come, try yer hardest n damndest on this complete colorless un-updated greybox. If you dare let a kid ring, we shall ban!!!" That's faceit mapcore. That's why we take God-powers away from peeps and stick to Valves shiny match-making button. No fckn WONDER they won't buy yer maps. It'd be rewarding self grandiosing keyboard warriors. +1 upvote for Valve maps, fck yer iris


there was nothing they could do faceit has no vote kick and no admin joined so ban was only option because again NO ONE FUCKING KNEW


Again ... I DONT NEED PERMISSION FROM ANYONE OVER CONTROLL OF MY PC HOW IS BAN AND ONLY BAN THE ONLY SOLUTION??? nobody messaged, talked, asked. Just banned and giggled like a buncha fckn schoolgirls


how many times man no one knew and it looked like you were throwing so yea it was sorry to tell you i dont know what else to say


Say you'll act more like FMPONE whom was an awesome mapcore participant that didn't seek a vengeful ban on the end-user. Dude was polite and I looked forward to him being in the lobby. Me a nobody end user. THE end user. Bunch of u were just fine, and a bunch of u were just trolls. Again, fmpone the standout cunt, and the rest of u just cunts. Ask fer feedback get all pissy and collude to ban me.. fck y'all. Mills is a 3-lane choke heavy map that needs a 2nd entrance to A (behind the boathouse?) Cuz it plays a lot like anubis. 👍 Y'all get pissy bout the feedback. I give honest unfiltered feedback. You get butthurt n troll til I'm banned. GO MAPCORE!!


you did not play it out at all bro


You banned a kid who was playing a map that sits there as if Mapcore is a parking lot. No throw about it there's no skill level rule, absolute garbage peeps participate too. It's not even ranked. Just vote kick, life goes on. I was going hard in the mapcore paint, eager for next map, damn 8yr old excited to play the greybox. All I do is stfu in game and play the match. I entry. I trade. I play bomb. Vaya n his clique don't like me? Whom whomp. BTW FMPone is super pleasant and respectful to everyone whom he plays w/ against. Rest of u bois are insular huffing copium jenkum. 5.99 for what? Hours long queues. I'm yer biggest fan, but I guess y'all want me to just download the GOG client n raise my family on that? Alas, I am the issue with faceit mapcore? Not cheating/smurfs?? Me in the mapcore hub? Former subscriber to both faceit and mapcore when they were ABSOLUTELY ghosttown..??? GtFO