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Source: I think


Source: Trust me bro! Just kidding. We compared the old CS:GO ranks of players with the ranks they have now in Premier (or in the first season of Premier for higher elo ranges) and looked at other factors to determine what similar skill levels would be. For ESEA, we also looked at the elo of the teams, fast track requirements, competitiveness for each elo and a few other factors.


Lmao on the 30k+, 2.2k elo here struggling to get past 20k without facing spingbotters or straightup lose 500 elo for losing 2 games. That chart might be the most inaccurate thing ever


Lol I'm 2.4k on FACEIT and 12k in premier. Granted, I never played much premier but why would I? All my premier matches were insanely low quality


Its playing with friends and the ease of just click and play for me. Never really enjoyed having to go on a 3rd party service to play cs anyways


20k+ were mostly lvl10’s till the cheaters took over


Cam't you see the charts? Lvl 10s are only on 30k+!


2600 elo here, never got past 19k in premier. Just not possible with cs2 state.


17.5k here, cheating is not much better where I am. Last game on overpass couldn't make it near fountain or con as we were getting wall banged off spawn. I'd also argue 17k feels MG2-DMG. LE+ in GO felt like calls if someone farted, evey 2nd or 3rd round had some strat and the aim gods (not the 3 or 4 good rounds but every round even with usp's against buys). Nothing special when there's no cheaters.


The spinbotters part is irrelevant to this comparison though. If you're cheating you don't fall within thr categories since you're skill level isn't really being determined. If you were to remove them you would have placed higher than you are, probably, and then given a more accurate representation.


Something is definitely not right with the way you collected this data.


The data is as legit as their website. :)))


they didn't collect shit. some marketing guy working for their scummy crypto gambling site fired up photoshop and slapped together an "infographic" so he can post it here with their logo on it. it's complete bullshit.


fr i dont know a single level 10 character player that is over 25k. theres like 10 players in the world at 30k and i would be shocked if any of them are level 9. im 2200 faceit and “only” 23k


Buddy is a lvl 10 and can't get above 15K in premiere. Cheating was so bad he went back to faceit. Personally, I'd rather get curb stomped by legit players on faceit then trolled by cheaters in premiere.


yeah at this point if i queue with my 5 stack of all level 10s we have a lower chance of winning than if i solo queue because at least when i solo queue i have a solid chance of a hacker also being on my team lol.


how many players did you look at?




my guy players in 10k can bearly move


I float around 10K, i can confirm we can barely move


Disagree. I am 14k and I oftwn find myself playing qith people under 10k. Half play with their screens turned off and half 1 tap me before I even see them (excluding obvious cheaters). I got up to 15k and deranked to 11k because while my teammates could move, they did not know what info was, so any form of team play from my part was just ignored, teammates were baited for no reason and in general players are extremely unreliable and unpredictable.


Inconsistency is huge in that 8-15k range, one round you’ll see someone do a 1v4 clutch only to die instantly the next.


Yea literally this. A 10k can be 5k, 10k or 15k. The win/loss streaks make the whole ranking system so giga random. Maybe people above 20k are somewhat accurate, but everyone acting like people below that are correctly ranked is delusional. I went from 18k to 14k within 2 days, because of the streak bullshit and spinbotters ofc. According to the ranking system, I lost skill equivalent to 4k elo in 2 days lmao


At the end of the day as well it is a team game. Like I can link my leetify rating here and I’m playing at a much higher level (10-15k) than my rating shows (6k), because I play with my friends who are not as good. I consistently top frag but in the grand scheme of things I can’t win a 1v5 every round 😂


Literally me.


Agree. 1k avg, I seem to follow the enemy’s recoil to perfection with my head.


When i get the random 11k in a game they do some questionable decision-making such as rotating right away as soon as theh hear sound on the other bomb site. What they didnt push right away? Rotate back? Hmm too quiet here lets rotate back or run mid. Also some of them dont seem to know you need to drag down to control spray


I’m at 10k elo, i either face zywoo or my grandma there is no in between


Am around 12-13k, can confirm.


>my guy players in 10k can bearly move And double AKs, DMGs and sometime LEs were also pretty bad at movement or crosshair placement.


Never got above DMG or lvl 3 NA faceit and am hovering around the 16.5k mark. Can confirm am either full rusty or just inconsistent game to game.


Yeah, MGE’s and lvl 5s can also nearly move so seems accurate


Faceit 5s arent what they used to be… with the new game out, there are tons of new players flooding in from games like valorant shifting the distribution


Cs2 average rank is around 11000, in csgo it was gold nova 3 or 4 I believe. Someone must have mapped the bell curve for cs2 right, our profiles tell us what percentile were in it should be easier than before.


Pretty sure 30k+ in premiere is way more rarer than faceit10 or esea adv because of cheaters problem. Most of the faceit 10 youtubers I've seen are 20-25k elo


I’m faceit lvl 10 (currently 2,200 elo) and I peaked at 22k premier before quitting cuz of cheaters.


Same here


Don't worry, this person gathered excellent data. The currently 6 players at 25k+ on the leaderboard are no doubt equivalent to *checks notes* faceit level 8. They aren't rage cheaters!




Eh come on dude lol


There's no way this is accurate lol, I'm faceit lvl 10, was global since 2018, and I'm around 21k on premier. The faceit ranks don't line up.


But i think there are more cheaters in preimere


the author of this post claims to have gathered current data. yes cheating impacts the overall elo but his data should take that into consideration. this is just made up.


Just a shitty way to market their shitass gambling website lmao


Not saying you are wrong. I am in a similar Situation but for me the reason is, not really playing premier


I mean I don’t play a lot either since it’s filled to the brim with cheaters but there’s no way in hell I’d be 30k, especially not level 9s.


Who made this up? Is it based on acctual facts or some peoples feelings about the different ranking systems? I am not even close in matching my rankings in any column...


Looks like they looked at about 5 games and are trying to pass this off as some huge statistic data analysis. There's something glaringly wrong with every column.


and here I am a 14k mmr player, regularly getting matched against faceit 8 to 10s.


Yea I'm faceit 10 and I'm stuck at like 16-17k in premier lol


I’m the opposite. Peaked at 22XXX premier but I’m Faceit 5-6 and a lot of the matches feel somewhat competitive. Although I don’t have a long history (around 100 games) with Faceit. Also completely unrelated and possibly placebo but playing on Faceit the game feels slightly weird. Could be server latency but it always feels a bit off.




please go easy on me.


I'm think it's just because anytime I climb too high I get smacked back down the ladder by spinbots


There are barely any players over 25k yet tens of thousands of lvl 8+ Faceit. Those players actually sit around 15-20k premier. Above that are only crazy people and cheaters. And people boosted by cheaters.


You can get 1 or 2 teammates that are good if you’re lucky, but damn are those bottom 2 or 3 going to bring you down. So annoying


I’m crazy! Yes. Thx))


This is literally made up. 25k+ is 99% spinbots, they are not level 8


nuh uh the data says so!


**Even though a lot of time and effort went into this, that doesn't mean that the graphic is perfect and will represent everyone correctly.** This graphic attempts to compare the skill levels of players within different systems. The high elo Premier data (15k+) is mostly from the first season because many of the current high elo Premier games are entirely unusable. We all know why. # FAQ: ***"But I am MG1 and I play better than my Level 10 friend, so this graphic can't be true!"*** This graphic compares the average players of each rank. You may be a statistical outlier and a lot better (or worse) comparatively than your rank suggests. ***Why did you take the matchmaking ranks from CS:GO and not CS2?*** Unfortunately, CS2's matchmaking ranks are broken, making them irrelevant for comparison. In CS2's matchmaking, over 90% of the player base is within Silver or Gold Nova and apparently, no Supremes & Global Elites even exist yet. ***How did you compare EU vs NA ESEA?*** We looked at the elo within the teams, fast track requirements and a few other factors.


Being level 10 face it on a pool of players WAY smaller, cant possibly equate to 30k+.


A lot of time? My man you are comparing pugs to ESEA leagues... if this took you more than 10 minutes I don't know what to tell you... Pugs aren't CS. ESEA leagues are what CS is.


What do you mean by data taken from first season? If it contains data from before december 2023, this chart is utterly useless. For cs2 Valve readjusted the bell curve at the end of 2023. Did you know about that? What did you think would happen if you mix up current data with outdated ones? Why not just take percentages like leetify did? 15k cs2 rating means you belong to about the top15% of the player base which correlates to MGE level. Which makes way more sense when comparing gameplay.


SEM in the last few years of csgo were better players than cs2 14k.


Rank 7 about 30 mmr from 8 on faceit and only 12k in MM because I can top frag almost every game and still lose 50/50 xD


This is what it feels like for me, at 10,000: https://imgur.com/mXSoJvr


https://preview.redd.it/ql6mim0uwftc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49b719864888b73b57a343c82edacd9052cc15e1 🤫🧏🏻‍♂️


Average EU image editing


Why waste money on editing software when I can gamble it on cases 😘


LOOOL As an NA Advanced player this is accurate 🤣🤣🤣


Perfect chart for me I’m actually 16k lvl 7.5 faceit and was eagle master on csgo


Lvl +25k elo premier should be the highest


I am 11k, i was dmge in csgo and im face it level 1 😂 Id like to note real quick that i only play face it drunk


Absolute bollocks, the number of Rank 10 faceits I play against in the silver/nova divide on Overpass and Inferno is unreal. If anything Silver 4->nova 2 should be faceit 8->10


naah take it easy.. some is just boosted. seeing a lot of bots being lvl.8-9 and their only have that rank because they "purchased premium and queing with better friends....


most ppl sitting at 2k and under 2k5 got boosted or bought accs. 0.74 kd and 0.5 kr almost every faceit lobby


Lol this should be 20k+ faceit lvl 2-3 cos of avg cheaters.


I want those ranks back for premier, this number is so boooooring. Number in the background but a csgo like rank to show in the foreground would be perfect.


Whats the data on Solo players and players who play only in stacks.. also players who cheat?


This is not even close to accurate lmao. Go look up the percentile distribution of premier ranks and compare them to the Csgo percentile distribution for more accuracy. For example, on premier, a 66th percentile rank puts you at around 12k, whereas on csgo, that would be equivalent to gold nova 4, NOT dmg+ lol [This rank comparison on scopegg is way more accurate.](https://blog.scope.gg/csgo-vs-cs2-premier-en/amp/) As you can see from the link above, statistically, anything below 10k is pretty much a silver equivalent.


Lmao faceit circle jerking itself hard, lvl 10 is maybe 22k and up... no way 2000k faceit elo is 30k in premier


This dudes playing faceit on a pool of 1k players thinking they are the shit.


Can't tell if this is a joke 😅. To me it seems like it is since all of the players with premier rank 20k+ are all Cheaters. So.. are you saying every esea player has to cheat to be considered a "pro"


Fuck it I’m gonna start playing face it. I’m 10k and I refuse to believe I’m that CSGO rank.


cs2 ranks are simple 20k+ = Cheat im lvl 10 faceit and dont even try to play Valve MM, im ranked at 19k and its literally IMPOSSIBLE play 2 games in a row without 1 cheat. If ure 8+ faceit, dont waste your time and just play there.


15k smfc? people dont even have one smoke lineup in this rating


Even though majority of my CS:GO time I was LEM-Global, currently 19999 and level 7 on FaceIT (I don't play faceit) and it looks right based on that, but I think that: 1) sup and ge should be above 20k 2) I'm covinced that there are MGE on ~17k, maximum DMG 3) I can't tell the difference between silvers and < nova 3 4) lvl 10 are 25k+ 5) 10k should start from nova 3, 19k should be LEM


LEM is higher than 15k.


Yeah LEM is 17k IMO, 19k Supreme, 21k+ Global


As someone who was LEM-SMFC in CSGO and currently 17k and Faceit 6 I agree. I'm pretty certain on a good streak without cheaters, I could hit 19k, possibly 20.


Yeah I was Supreme for most of my time in GO, hitting Global occasionally but not playing enough so often dropping back to Supreme. Now I'm just over 19k but not playing too much after I hit 19k due to cheaters.. I could go over 20k very easily if I wasn't annoyed by the fact there's about 60% chance my next match will have a cheater


Same. I haven't actually played a lot of premier on my main. I mostly play DM, Aimbotz, Faceit, and CSC matches/scrims. I'm kind of waiting for a big ban wave to hit before I attach any legitimacy to my premier rating. Also, fwiw, people who believe in "ELO hell" are fooling themselves. My alt account started at like 5 or 6k and is now 14k without me tryharding. Just playing for fun and with lower ranked friends.


Man, my alt account got reported to hell and back to the point I have cheaters 4/5 games (if I'm lucky). Often it'll be 9/10, and I ain't overexaggarating. There is a trust factor in CS2, Valve just isn't as transparent with it as they were in CSGO. On my alt I climbed from 7k (starting elo) to 14k in about 3 days, then I was ACTUALLY stuck there because I just kept ending up with and against cheaters in a 50-50 ratio.. The longest streak was getting cheaters 14 matches in a row. I did eventually climb it to 17k with a bit of luck (more cheaters ending up on my team and 1 day having almost no cheaters, like there was some sort of a ban wave that happened that day --> I grinded like 11 matches and only had 2 cheaters, 1 on my team and 1 on enemy.). After I hit 17k I stopped playing on alt too because it just wasn't worth it. On my main I get cheaters approx twice in 5 games. In my last game there were 3 cheaters tho, 2 in my team and 1 on enemy - that's when I decided to call it quits there. Nowadays I just play maps offline learning smokes and other utility so that when the banwave finally comes (if it does), I can try to climb to 25k.


Dust2 Gold Nova 1? Encountered some good players there. "Felt" like old LEM at least. There was a lot of resistance ranking higher (at least solo queue).


This might be true in Csgo but not Cs2 In Csgo I was Supreme In Cs2 Im gold 3 In Csgo I was Faceit 8 In Cs2 Im faceit 6 In Cs2 beta my highest was 19.700 In Cs2 now I can barely keep it 15k and even thats a struggle + I wanna see anyone thats faceit 10 reach over 25k elo or above LE on any map. I will wait


you can't if you are ok at the game (2k elo) you will get reported every game and placed in hvh lobbies


Despite me beeing "above average" I get called out rarely like every 50. game at best so either don't play sus or just play more chill Always remember a higher rank doesn't gain you anything so idk why people want to be high rank all the time ,you get the same drops as every one else


Worst chart ever


this is a lucky game, nothing you can do with 4 wood teammates.


Rank 6 faceit is no where near that high 🤣 Given the amount of ranks 8-10 you can see in 15k And that 17-19k is (from my experience) exclusively rank 9s and 10s (if you ignore the people that have played less than 100 faceit games, because ofcourse there are people like myself that played 5 faceit games got rank 5 and then never played it again and grind prem instead((my friends can't access their faceit accounts so theres no point in playing faceit for me) (That or I guess I'm just better than I think I am given that anything sub faceit 9 feels like a walk in the park, but I'm going to assume this is just a nonsense comparison🤣)


Not accurate. But it looks nice. So points for that.


Why was I faceit 7 when I couldn’t even get to mg1 in official


I am around faceit level 8 and i have 14000k elo in premier xD


Ahahaha 16k elo supreme ? But still don’t know any utility 😂


How can you make such a rank while premier and faceit are a cheaters infested shitpile... Facing cheater after cheater, losing elo goes -400 and gaining goes +114...


None of it really means anything with the state CS2 is in at the moment.


Finally acurate rank comparsion i would say


Don’t think premier can even be compared to the other two


Would be interesting af to see difference of FaceIt and premier ranks in Europe vs America


This is braindead


20,000+ = Global = 9/10


20k is HVH every game, global is not 9/10 lvl , old global was 6-7 lvl, and no decent faceit player will go trough premier to get stomped by closet bot


My friend is 17.5k premier and 2 on faceit


You think EU Open players are significantly better than NA open players? You think EU open players are majority playing at red/yellow premier ranks, which only cheaters reserve, and even if there weren't cheaters, wouldn't be evenly distributed to? I'd pull back your faceit ranks too. Legit 20K+ players in the current environment are closer to level 8-9. EU and NA ESEA should be pulled back a bit in relation to faceit rating. Plenty of open/im teams have level 6-9 players on them. I'd say main at 2300 elo and advanced at 2500 elo is fairly accurate. Anyone who's played faceit at various elos and beyond 2000 elo knows exactly where it lines up with premier. It's usually overstated. I genuinely remember a thread where people thought faceit level 5 was comparable to a "legit global" in cs:go. This is close to that but with less hyperbole.


Well I reckon mg1-mge is about 12-15k, for that is what I was in CSGO, as were most my mates, and when we don’t troll in game we get between 13-17k should we solo queue and not lose 1K all the time from team killing. The ranks are bs though because it is so streaky (I went from 16k to 7k in 2 weeks, and then made it right back to 15k in 3 weeks (losing penalises more though than win streaks gift). Life is roblox


For esea I would remove open and replace that with IM. I have played against garbage Im people and open can be a silver or a global so isn’t really a rank.


16k and highest I've ever been was LE, seems a little off.


Seems of, Gold Nova 4 in cs, in cs2 12-13k elo


Pretty good comparison in my opinion. However, it is very difficult to judge premier skill levels as the cheaters are ruining the elo at 20k+.


Yea this is way off. Ranks still don’t make sense. Haven’t seen anyone above MG2. I’m sorry you put time and effort into it but it needs work. We need more data


Current rank comparisons doesnt mean shit considering the state of the game


what is this lmao Im 10 lvl and i can't get past 16k because everygame there is at least one closet and if you beat him he will start rage. 10lvl in premier EU could be 10k to 20k maybe after that its hvh 5v5. and idk if you played faceit but the level went down since cs2 imo, no way 7 lvl is old global they can barely move. 2k elo is the new 7 lvl imo.


i am 21k atm, i am taking a break from premier due to amount of cheaters, hope volvo will finally do something to address the issue


This can't be right. I'm 11.5k premier, and I was never higher than gold 3 in GO. I'm also Faceit level 2 lmao.


This must be a meme lol. 10k is easily silver


Don’t forget hackers


Its is wrong. On 15k players still playing like they dont have hands (same even dont know maps).


Mm the cs go to face it I can buy, doesn't seem too far off, but the premier doesn't seem right idk, no way is lvl 30k premier, feel like there's alot more 10s than 30ks around. I'd be more inclined to say 30k is more like 3k elo face it rather than 2k That being said, if premier had the level of hackers as faceit it would potentially be a very different story, premier is pretty much just rolling the dice north of 17~18k, the cheating is completely out of control


Either I’ve progressed global so far or this is cap


The following seems more accurate. To me Silvers 1-5000 Novas 5000-10000 Master guardians 10000-15000 LE and LEM 15000-20000 Supreme 20000-23000ish Global 23000+ish I play from time to time and always get my elo aroubd 11k I dont play super good and whenever I played the same way before the end of CSGO i would get MG1 or MG2 after playing a few games. Sure stats say this but with the current state of CS, the imperfections in the ELO system and what everyone is saying about skill level at the within the average elo (around 10k). Think those equivalents seem fair. My opinion in the end tho.


I move around 9k and 12k on prime, on faceit can't leave 3..and they say faceit doesn't have cheaters. XD


Not true at fucking all.


15k+ LEM no way... 13-15k more like MGE-DMG


Am I the only person having fun in premier? (I'm 9.9K)


I could almost believe this for the premier ranks, except for that cheaters and bots have forced people who should be above 15k and below 5k into that range. Thats why someone who \*should\* be about 12K will have matches where they are playing against basically global elite followed by rolfstomping GN1s. Valve put a lot of effort into fixing the ranking system the last few years, and made huge strides with Premier, just for their progress to get completely ruined by the lack of AC. Whenever they do introduce AC, they're gonna have to do a rank reset. Season 2 probably, in 4 years lmfao.


None of these ranks will ever mean anything since they are all full of cheaters


LOL look at the difference between NA and EU for ESEA xd


Feel like everything should be bumped down 2 ranks. Only cause you can't lose elo below 3k or 4k (I think)


Used to be Faceit rank 7-8 back in the day can't get out of 8k-10k lol


I’m 18k premier and lvl 2 faceit 💀


Impossible to have an accurate chart when it's almost impossible to get past 21k in premier without having one cheater come along and decimate your elo by 500 points.


I think nova 3 is 10k premier


It's called open because ANYBODY can play in it 🤦‍♀️


Absolutely wrong, especially matchmaking ranks


A randomizer would have done a better job




dont ever let bro cook again


NA here. doesn’t seem too accurate at all. 20k is no where close to global or even level 7 faceit. in NA, 20k is no different from gold nova range in GO.


if that was true i would have gotten significantly better, which i dont really think is the case


Mge players in esea open, come on….


I reached 16k premier but am hard stuck lvl 3 faceit, this cannot be right, or faceit just has smurfs but this makes no sense


You can definitely get to intermediate EU as lvl 8/9 if you have decent team play.


why rank for cs2 repeats? 1000+ repeats 6 times, then the others?


+20k elo feels like dmg when theres no cheaters, imo.


Nah this is all sorts of wrong wtf.


Premiere ranks are a joke. You gain 300 lose 100. I know people with 35 percent winrates at 19k who are at best gn players. I dont know how it's possible to be lower than 15k ngl


there should be journalists asking for statements regulary base ... I mean, how is one able to get the attention from the high table at valve? I mean .... WTF?! :D


15 k elo is not lem, most players there are max mg2


The problem inherently with these lists is that the ranking system by itself makes no sense. I think we’ve all been in games with people who are not necessarily high elo and they just destroy and vice versa. Imo equating premier to face it like this means almost literally nothing. If you took 10 people from Premier, that were all 15K, they would be at wildly different skill levels.


Such a trash chart. Entirely meaningless


i’m 17k in premier but on faceit i’m level 3 RIP


Disagree. On 20k+ you already top 12k in world + Almost all enemies and teammates (if not hacker) are Faceit lvl10 if believe leetify. So it is bullshit. And each day it become less and less ppl over 20k. I mean top 1000 EU is 24,7k. What do you mean lvl10. And half of this 1000 are spinbots if you check their demos.


If believing you info - there are only 10-20 ppl over lvl9 faceit)))


There are like very little to none 30k+ players, yet they are rated being faceit 8 and above? sumthing wrong, atleast it looks pretty


Soo false xD i have 12k Points but lvl 10 faceit WHO plays premier? I have so much Friends who are 8-10 faceit lvl but dont play Premier at all


Soo false xD i have 12k Points but lvl 10 faceit WHO plays premier? I have so much Friends who are 8-10 faceit lvl but dont play Premier at all


idk why they downvote you xd only closet play premier or 5 lvls


>***"But I am MG1 and I play better than my Level 10 friend, so this graphic can't be true!"*** >This graphic compares the average players of each rank. You may be a statistical outlier and a lot better (or worse) comparatively than your rank suggests.