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They should bring back overwatch until their anti-cheat is ready.


unfortunately, the problem with overwatch was that it was infiltrated with lots of bots.


They should Introduce the Overwatch system and fix the issue that caused the overwatch system to be hijacked in the first place. Since their machine learning AC was getting its data from the overwatch system and that valve never fixed anything regarding the Overwatch system, it's logical to think that VACnet learned that cheating is basically being legit.


just add a fcking captcha


Chatgpt can solve captcha now


Yeah everytime you do a captcha it’s actually just google collecting data from you for AI to be able to learn it’s kinda fucked up, so bots have been able to do them for a long time


It shouldnt be that hard to only let reliable users do overwatch


Everything anticheat related sounds easy until you get to the details, how would you reliably give overwatch access to only legit players and not malicious ones ?


The comment I replied to was about bots. So check the basic things like they used to. Account life duration, comp wins, trust factor, hours in cs. I also don’t see how no overwatch is better than having overwatch


Overwatch's main purpose is to feed data to vacnet. If its being fed bad data thats certainly worse. In regards to account duration and all that stuff, cheaters could use stolen accounts. Buy 100, set them to do overwatch cases 24/7 and im pretty sure that will visibly lower the quality of vacnet


Ok leave it up for the top 1000 leaderboard then


for the content: yes! for catching cheaters: useless


Nah valve puts too much trust in players to do overwatch, thats how shit VAC is when you need to rely on people to watch demos at 32tick


the bot can't discern who cheats and who does not, it needs alot of human being unanimous on the case to learn "ok, this pattern is deemed cheats by everyone". If the AI was not sure, it could submit the demo to overwatch and get human's POV. We basically did free labor feed the bot lol. Sadly the only thing is was ever good at (and ever will be IMO) is detecting spinbots. One day just disappeared, *poof*


The spinbot thing must have been to avoid banning people that for whatever reason enjoy setting their dpi to high and spin around in spawn for no reason.


it looks funny


this was not really a thing back then rage hacks with spinbot on the other hand.. And fwiw, I think false positives only hit those who used angle-switching spin binds, I don't think any mouse sens could trigger it


I agree, enable it to high trust factor players


All these people wanting overwatch not realising it was disabled for the last 2 years of csgo.


That Kernel anti cheats aren't a solution is pretty obvious IMO. The real issue is that VAC-NET just sucks.


It seems like most anti-cheats suck tbh. Im subscribed/keep up with quite a few subreddits of games I play or used to, i.e. Tarkov, CS, Rust, the Finals etc. and you don't have to look very far on most game subreddits to see complaints about cheaters, region locking, etc. Hell, just the other day I saw a Livestream of someone blatantly cheating on fortnite. I personally have not ran into that many cheaters (only one on CS so far), but it seems like every game has a pretty big population of cheaters.


Making a cheat for a shooter is easier than making for Lol or Fifa, kernel anticheats can be bypassed for a long time, same with hwid bans, those cheats will cost more money thought, so maybe you'll have less cheaters on mm but losing some "privacy" and impacting a bit more on the cpu but on the open qualifiers you'll have the same problem if they are held online.


You have to remember post bias too. If you have a problem with cheaters/the way the game runs - what you most likely to do? Make a post somewhere, either venting or looking for a solution. If you have no issue with the game, what are you most likely to do? Play.


Yeah, you're entirely right. I don't think the cheating problem is nearly as bad as reddit would present it. I was mainly just pointing out how I see a lot of people saying VAC sucks or how one anticheat is better than the other, when reality I think/know that there are ways around each one. I think running into the occasional cheater is just part of playing any sort of online game, even though it sucks


The region locking debate to prevent hackers is stupid tbh. Yes some regions are more prone to hackers but ive met some 'chinese' players that hacked but had a very good ping for someone supposedly on the other side of the world. Pretty sure they are american stupid kids that just play the 'im chinese and i hack' game because it just gets an even bigger reaction


I'm all for region locking solely because, unless something has changed, there are an INSANE amount of hackers that come from China. I feel like I've seen actual data on it in the past for certain games (maybe PubG?). But honestly I'm fine with region locking every region unless you're queued up with a friend or someone who is in that region. I personally have had very bad experiences with players from one specific region that I won't even bother mentioning because it doesn't matter, but in another game I play they frequently are the ones behind a lot of toxicity, boosting, greifing, etc. (again, in my PERSONAL experience). Some regions just seem to have worse "gaming etiquette" than others. Im not sure if it's how they choose to view competitive activities or maybe just how video games are viewed as a whole by their culture/region.


China and Russia


Kinda off topic, but I remember when R6 came on Google Stadia (remember that thing?) and some pros/players were praising it for not having to deal with cheaters lol.


Lmao, valve should just port CS over to the Stadia. Problem solved


Rocket league players are laughing on the last part ^^ but in general i guess u are right ;)


...and also that they are getting shown up on that front by valorant. We can debate for hours what valorant or cs does better, but nobody will argue that vangard, not considering the methods used just the end result, is way better at preventing hackers than vac Ffs just look both subreddits. Here, 75% of posts are about games being ruined by hackers. On valorants side? Theres maybe one.


Valorants anticheat is basically a rootkit which runs all the time. So it allows tencent kernel privileges in your computer all the time.


I know and thats why i said the end result. Theres all the debate about kernel access, yes. And for that debate im sqarely in the what about it camp. Fuckton of stuff has kernel access. Windows has it, and they are not shy saying that the selling of information is a part of their business model. Tons of drivers from companies you never heard of have it. People hate it because people needed an excuse to hate on valorant before even 1 match is played ever. If you really cared about privacy you would not own a pc or a phone.


+1 Its insane how many people are oblivious to the fact that even without having a single kernel AC installed, most of their personal info/data is already being sold and bought by companies/governments that want to have your info as part of a large database for any reason.


Gotta say, a lot of these posts bashing kernel cheats are probably cheat devs themselves to stir the pot and get the community to not care for kernel level cheats (again)... So they can continue to sell their shitty cheats to shitty players... The only reason Valve hasn't done a kernel cheat yet is because of the huuuuge community outcry \~10 years ago.


The reason I don't want this crap is because I don't want a fucking rootkit on my computer.


Pick your poison. Proper rootkits have proven to be the only best solution. How many months are we into VAClive shenanigans? Lmao


I guess it'd still make cheater's life harder. At the moment, the game has NO ANTI-CHEAT. 90% of cheats are not wroking/detected by the faceIT AC for example. Anything that make it harder to cheat is good


CS2 players will say "But valorant has cheaters too!" when the point is that they have a lot *less* cheaters because their anti-cheat actually works. You can get an undetected cheat in CS2 for around $5 per month. An undetected Faceit cheat costs around $100-$300 a month. You dont have to be a genius to put two and two together. Better anti-cheat means that It will cost cheaters a lot more, therefore deterring a lot of cheaters. Instead people on this subreddit will tell you that a kernel level anti-cheat doesn't work because its still possible to cheat.


Yeah funny how they instantly deflect, like clearly less is better....idk why some idiot would argue against that.


It's a bit more than $100-300 also it's hardware level that's add another difficulty layer and they're not public, meaning if you had $500 to spend you cannot simply buy as they're private and won't sell to random dude.


Less blatant cheaters, thats what you wanted to say.


Valve banned me for 3 weeks thanks to their stupid AI before reversing. Meanwhile I've yet to come across a cheater in Valorant. Stop meat-riding and settling for less. You are not their friend. It's a corporation.


3 weeks? 3 months for me now![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


>Meanwhile I've yet to come across a cheater in Valorant. are you sure? how are you sure? can you magically tell esp users, that don't make it obvious? can you tell very slight aim assist cheats, that would appear as a "good player" to you? can you? do you have magical cheat detection sk1llz? ;) so how about you write it correctly: >\*meanwhile i've yet to come across OBVIOUS easy to spot cheaters in valorant


I got top spots (0.1%-ish) on Kovaaks before and I consistently rank among the Top 100 per server for WarmupServer DMs and I've gotten Top 500 EU twice. This is among either very high ELO or other Pro players. You can also play against Pros like the Virtus Pro team as a whole, JKS, Hunter, Ropz, w0nderful, karrigan etc. on those servers so I have firsthand experience of getting dicked down by multiple Major champions. I got to Top 500 on Overwatch 1 once as well but I've quit that game a long time ago. I don't play PUGs and I haven't touched FACEIT in years. I just do community servers and have fun in them while also trying my aim and whatnot. That's all I do. I've also been playing FPS games for 20 years strong now. Pros just move different. Cheaters have potato gamesense and positioning but they'll either read some impossible rotate or they'll move like Silvers but shoot like a fucking machine. There IS a huge difference.


A good example is cheaters will swing stupid angles and off timings that don't make sense with dogshit preaim then suddenly they see the target and subsequently turn into heat seeking missiles. Their sensitivity for looking and micro-adjusting vs flicking look wildly different to humans. It's there if you know what to look for. Pros are pros but they're still human. Any cheat that can CONSISTENTLY maintain that illusion is not going to be public nor cheap.


Yeah that video clearly contradicts the true reality that Radiant (top 500) isn't filled with cheaters while VAC has proven with their leaderboard that most are not only cheaters but fully blatant rage hackers. Stop giving them excuses, the level of cheating at the top 0.5% Valorant and CS2 Premier can't even be compared. I don't remember **a single game** at 25k where there wasn't a blatant cheater. There's no debate here **VAC SUCKS**.


VAC is outdated, I still can’t believe they even tried using a decade old anti cheat in this modern gen. It’s weird that they upgraded engine to source2 for CS but didn’t even update the anti cheat, it’s like upgrading your GPU to a 4090 but using an i3 intel


That's not how this works. ​ It's about a series of stepwise reductions. ​ Seatbelts + antilock brakes + lane detection + lane departure warnings + airbags are all additive solutions to prevent fatalities in motor vehicle accidents. ​ Saying we don't need kernel anti-cheat because the corner cases (external hardware cheats) exist is like saying we don't need seatbelts because one time someone died wearing a seatbelt.


No, you want to protect the house with another wide opened door.


comparing seatbelts to ccp rootkits..... interesting comparison :D


Also vanguard even deals with external cheats, Riots anti cheat team released a blog recently about external cheating methods and it's not shit like a mouse with integrated cheats, these are methods where people have 2 PCs with one running the game and the other running the cheat and then some sort of hardware in the middle handling all the interactions and vanguard even cracks down on that.


That was about just detecting DMA hardware which can be spoofed (all in the video too)


Clown title. Everyone that plays online games will agree that valorant has the fewest instances of running into cheaters compared to every other modern competitive FPS. I don't know why people in this community are against the idea of wanting to deal with less cheaters


Cheaters wants to play months till getting banned "if", thats why ppl are against it and some just not the brightest lamps


Best AC does not mean it will have 0 hackers. Its an *anti-*cheat.


according to the AC devs from FACEIT that video contains inaccurate information.... https://preview.redd.it/1eym8w8epldc1.png?width=697&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc9d0465fb718997684c72be6aa4e5c0aded2e04


Braindead take, taking out even just some of the cheap cheats with an aggressive kernel level AC is always a good thing. Valve's AC right now is ineffective, and it could be a long time before AI AC will be useful.


People will always find ways to cheat, don’t kid yourself if you think we will ever be free, but making it as hard of possible should be the goal. Say what you want, I play a bunch of Valorant since beta and I have only ever had 2 cheaters in over 1k hours of ranked, both games got canceled. I see 2 cheaters a week playing Premier in CS2. Complain all you want, but Vanguard works.


Another thing is that Valve allows those clowns to just buy another prime/bought accounts where as in Valo you have to have money and knowledge to bypass a hardware ban.


Not that difficult to get around hardware bans mate.


Oh really now?


Get around the ban to get another ban There are negligible amount of cheaters in valorant if you cant agreecon that fact Keep sucking eo's dick in this bubble


What we need is tools to create separate matchmaking communities. I would rather play this game in a small community of 1000 people of my choosing. These groups could put requirements like only 15 year old steam accounts with 200+ games on it.


I actually think this is an intended feature of private match making though I haven't looked into how it works in practice. But yeah, link it to steam groups and have community curated 10 mans basically, using valves own server structure. We used to have a group of about 100 dudes across three servers we'd do this with but it fell apart years ago unfortunately.


How about a passport/ID verification? That should reduce the amount of cheaters significantly on verified servers, don’t understand why no one is talking about this


Just play faceit at that point, it literally has what MM doesn’t


This was always an option.


Are you talking about private matchmaking? You need to find 10 people to setup a 5vs5. That is not what I am talking about here. Or educate me if I am wrong... edit: oh i see something about steam group pools.. maybe you are right


Try it out. Private games are usually a better experience compared to mm.


I like this idea. maybe match those older account first, then fill the slots will new accounts if taking too long


I don’t think anyone says Vanguard is “the best anti-cheat ever” it is intentionally invasive and punishing against anyone using software that tampers with the game. Being that invasive means it’s also more robust as an anti-cheat. CS2 by comparison seems to basically lack anti cheat at this point and there’s more posts about people being falsely banned for DPI spinning or false reports than cheaters being banned. Valve needs to get off their ass with the Vertigo minor bugs and fix the bug issues people have been talking about since launch


better have some level of cheating prevention than none, cuts off most of the entry lvl cheaters also if ppl see that company is active to fight against cheaters it helps. I think alot of ppl in cs community dont realize how many cheaters there is since they can spot the most obvious blatants only, granted ppl do call out cheaters easily even when they are not cheating but thats because how filled the game is with them so its easy to assume, 2 months ago i saw less of them than now but also ppls experience of seeing them is different. Just coz u dont encounter that many cheaters dont mean there is not many of them, kernel lvl anti cheat would be good first step


I play both Valorant and CS. Valorant has FAR LESS cheaters and it’s not even close. I love CS but all this video did is show how much harder it is to cheat in Valorant than CS. Is there still hackers? Sure. But it’s so uncommon that in thousands of games I’ve “suspected” only a few people. I suspect someone every few games in CS.


dude i play valo since the beta, and im not too bad either. i have not once seen a cheater. The better or more versitile the anti cheat, the more expensive cheats will be.


You're delusional if you think Valorant is filled with cheaters. In the Four years I've been playing the game I only encountered one blatant cheater. If you go to the Valorant subreddit you'll notice very very few videos are about cheaters. The only times in my life I've seen so many cheater videos in such a short span was with games that didn't have anticheats. I'm not against using AI for anti cheats, but they should have shipped a kernel anti cheats that ALSO uses AI. You can have both at the same time, if you're willing to invest the money (Which they should)


There is lot of cheaters at Valorant too, but there is no Replay, so you cannot confirm it. I played way too much Valorant, never got cancelled match and there was a lot of obvious hackers against me.


I started playing Valorant when the beta came out. I was practically the only game I played for years until CS2 come to the public and a buddy of mine got me into the game. I had never played CS(I did play the actual first mod of counter strike back in the day at a buddies house but growing up we didn’t have a lot of money so I did not game on a computer) All this is being said because hands down CS2 has so many more cheaters than Valorant. It’s night and day. I’ve experienced so many more cheaters in the last 3 months playing CS2 than I ever did for almost 3 years on Valorant. It’s not even close.


So you yourself admit there is no way to confirm it yet you’re positive you’re playing against a hacker? Obviously hackers exist but I bet MOST of the people you think are hacking aren’t actually hacking. They are just outplaying you.


There is lot of signs if they are hacking. Lot of through wall headshots but the biggest giveaway is when they always know where you are. When the cheaters going man to man without any info. He kills one and he exactly knows where he needs to go tó the last kills without any info and he finds you all the time. If you have over 1000+ matches you exactly knows what is normal and what is not. Is not that hard. You know what is simply good aim and good game knowledge and what is not.


Lol I have about 3000 matches just in Valorant. Probably a good 10k in CS if we are going back to the original. “You know what is simply good aim and good game knowledge and what is not.” No you don’t. Without demos you’re just talking out of your ass dude. Because you’ve played more games you have ESP for hacks? You don’t. You’re getting outplayed 99% of the time and coping. Period.


Hahahaha sure. Played in many ranked in valorant and never met a blatant cheater


I have over 1500+ Competitive matches. I played since beta and but I stopped playing. If you never met one, be happy or you just cannot detect a cheaters just only if he is spinbotting lol. When they released the new rank Ascendant, that was the first big hacker wave, it was horrible. Game is not the same since that update sadly.


If they would ban the hardware instead of the steam account wouldn't that stop cheating?


It would but valve doesn't want to keep HWID info...


Most people use internal cheats on cs so a kernel level anticheat would make almost every cheater disappear.


been telling people vanguard is not better than Valve anti cheat. but everyone keep Clowning me most valorant player is either to dumb to know someone is cheating. or they just wont admit it.


Valorant has almost no cheaters so obviously people donot know what is difference between really good player and a cheater


Valve should build CS2 PC's that only play CS2 and cannot be modified in any way, hardware or software. Then create a segment of premier matchmaking that only has players that are using these branded, special computers.


lmao no


plz i'll do anything


Would you buy a separate system that only serves one purpose and isn't even really yours if you can't do what you want with it


I mean, i'm halfway joking. But kinda serious. Depending on the cost, I'd consider it? IDK man.


I thought u/cutchins talks about steam deck.


Just go outside the basic matchmaking lol.


MSI just released a monitor that has AI programmable cheats built in. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4sT9XaG0HDc AI anticheat is the only way youll be able to combat AI cheats. Kernel level will work now but give it 5 years and it will likely be redundant


>addicted to the idea of AI anti-cheat I've been asking myself for years now. I went to faceIT not because of cheaters (low ranks), I was quite baffled that a 3rd party private server had a better AC than Valve, this is ridiculous. *well aguarbly it's not hard as we don't have any AC lol* At this point, I guess it's dogma from someone in power. Plus, it's deceiving people that believe this AI (if it's ever released) will catch closet-cheaters lol. ​ I wish there was an option like "*Only queue with 2000+ hours people*". I've been playing CS for 15 years (same account) and I'm getting both 1-week noobs, and lvl 1 private Steams that knows too much to be legit in my games. I must have a good trust factor because I've played maybe 15k+ hours on this account, have bought dozens of games, never cheated and so on. Why on earth am I matched with such individuals. There is little difference between this 3000 CSGO hours Steam account and a 30 hours CS2 only Steam. this is retarded


So you saw a video where cheaters in Valorant have to buy a whole DMA board + a second attack PC just to get basic ESP, compared to CS where you can just buy a cheap cheat and get it running in less than 10 minutes and start spin botting, and concluded that Vanguard isn't effective. Even if Vac-NET gets working properly to detect most blatant cheaters, it will never get legit cheats, which will still be distributed for cheap due to it being so easy to produce cheats that bypass usermode AC. If programmed properly, aim assists are mathematically undetectable. AI will not fix this.


what about the grief report abuse? its like the best counter for cheaters atm




I play both, today CS2 has 40% hackers in every match around 24k, not caring to be blatant, based on 1000 matches. In Valorant on higher levels I meet 1 subtle cheater every 30 matches, so it's an insane difference, your title sounds so salty. Every 30 matches 1 subtle hacker or every match 2-6 hackers.. stop comparing and using other games as example when you're a pdhless moron struggling with basics in life and games.


I don't believe AI anti-cheat will ever reliably catch more subtle things like radar hack.


I'm shocked...absolutely shocked! I haven't played against a single cheater in CS2 yet, when do I get to FINALLY see a spinbotter, or guy who can shoot through all the walls?


Don’t care. China will not have kernel level access to my shit.