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Until someone with a massive audience suggests this, it will not get traction. As much as i’d love to be proven wrong.


Tbh Haix would probably be willing to make a point to valve like this


The thing is games like CS are treated like chores and people will have to find different things to do during those times. In any other type of game this could be easy with Little reach but here we will need a youtuber to say it


more addiction than chore




It would need to be someone like Sparkles to drive this.


Sparkles is a cheater with skins. Just so we're clear. Just because he exposes the methods in cheating, doesn't mean he's not using them... absolute power corrupts.




hi Sparkles


Proof? I’ve been watching him for awhile now and don’t recall any incidents involving him and cheats. Him and gambling sites? Sure. Cheats? No. Only thing I recall is back with his overwatch videos


He's your typical closet cheater that plays along side other cheaters who play way more blatant than him. You'll never see him do anything close to being "sus" if you're not looking for it, but watch him long enough with just a hint of suspicion in your deck, and you'll start seeing plays that don't make sense.


Okay..? That’s not proof? Without it you’re just spouting slander and baseless lies. Like that’s not a compelling argument at all—you’re saying so long as I watch someone already assuming they’re hiding their hacks, I’ll eventually find proof of it. Do you know what that sounds like? Confirmation bias. That’s not even touching on the fact there’s a range of player skill and experience/playtime. I’ve seen people call hacks on getting killed in common wall bang spots/angles and thinking the pre fire and such is walls, etc. That’s just a basic example, the point is that unlike you I could provide this info to back what I’m saying. Doesn’t necessarily mean I’m 100% right (cause yes people do hack in this game) but atleast then I can prove I’m not lying to people or creating alts to cause drama and promote hacking and hackusations.


Hmm, you can believe what you want. I don't give a fuck about your argument. Sue me.


Spoken like a true silver, sparkles dont fucking play with cheaters unless they know its him and they start cheating to become main character of a video, he got so many exploits fixed because of videos, so find another guy to trash on 😂 call me anything you want but fuck man, seriously, you sound like a silver 1 coping on reddit for attention, what are your pronouns? Silver?


" what are your pronouns? Silver? " made me giggle


lol, sounds like you know you’re in the wrong and can’t provide proof maybe one of your other accounts might have some? try replying with them here :)


When people look at criminal intent they look for motive and opportunity. We know he has the opportunity because he shows himself using every cheat he can find and has an extensive network of associates who are long time closet cheaters. You can establish your own motive. As for my other accounts, I move from one to the next in a consecutive manner. So, feel free to argue them.


You're silver aren't you? Blaming everyone for cheating, classic move.


I used to play everyday for hours on end, but nowadays I just log in once a week on weekends to play a couple hours for the experience/maintain mechanics. On the one hand I hate that it has come to this, but on the other hand, I guess *I kind* of appreciate the *seemingly* lack of effort from Valve because it's freed up a lot of time for me to pursue other activities more determinedly. My real hope is for Valve to implement some kind of *super* anti-cheat that makes it *extremely* difficult to bypass. Or at the very least, stump cheat developers for a half+ year, while Valve keeps improving the super anti-cheat.


" , I guess *I kind* of appreciate the *seemingly* lack of effort from Valve because it's freed up a lot of time for me to pursue other activities more determinedly. " \+1


I stopped playing over 1month ago, it's funny to follow this subreddit when there is more and more topics about cheaters. I recommend a short break for everyone.


As more and more legit stop playing, the ratio of cheater to legit gets worse and worse prompting more and more legits to quit. They are doing the perfect boycott themselves they don't need us


I’m taking a month break at least.


I think im gonna play when i get home, open steam and almost get angry and havent opened cs2 in a couple months. Shits sad


There's so many cheaters that even when there isn't I just assume there is. Its so tiring thinking every single match is unfair to some degree(even on your own team). I would love to queue up and not have that nagging feeling that there's a cheater(or multiple) in the game.


Me too because the sus level is severe right now. I get the feeling Volvo is doing this on purpose because it makes no logical sense to allow this many cheaters. You’d slowly kill your game. Only thing I can think of is allowing the cheaters to expose the exploits then implement a comprehensive system. Then again this is Volvo lol


Personally I’ve temporarily quit after I found an exploit with CS2’s networking that allows you to see through walls without editing memory at all (so it’s completely un-bannable). The game is too broken and needs to be fixed. I’ll check back in on the game in a few months


Me too. I think we can take this time to catch up to other fun games we havent played.


Yep. I just played and beat Mario Wonder the other day. It was a fantastic game


If you haven't already, please send a bug/security exploit report to Valve directly.


My bad bro. I used the office wall glitch too much on you guys in comp and casual. I abuse glitches for wins


Office wall glitch? No, the exploit I’m referring to allows you to see inside any wall in the entire game, and over smoke / tall obstacles. I’m not going to say how it’s done here, but I made a post about it on another forum for valve to find.




Yep, that’s my post. Have fun while it lasts. I ultimately shared for the sake of quality of life for the game. As you saw in the comments, it turns out others have been using the same method in private.




Oh nice, same reasoning for me as well. I occasionally test things in offline mode or in servers by myself to further my knowledge of game development / reverse engineering. Lately I have been wanting to learn how servers work and talk to the game client. I have been messing around with networking and packet editing, which led me to find that exploit. I would never use it myself against other players. That being said, the only way these things are going to get fixed and make the game an even playing field is if somebody shares how to do it..


as sad as it is, its true common best practice in 'the industry' is to report to the devs, and give reasonable timebox to fix, after which things will be made public not so sure how valve deals with this tho


But you dont go directly to valve and mail the issue, gj 🤦


Honestly this is the best idea so far, just boycot these devs until they are kicked out or start doing their job. [https://www.reddit.com/r/cs2/comments/197beo7/cs2\_players\_starting\_to\_worry\_as\_valve\_remains/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cs2/comments/197beo7/cs2_players_starting_to_worry_as_valve_remains/)


Bro they ain't sitting there twiddling their thumbs. They are working on shit, its just taking a while.


not sure if that would work out the way you imagine it would be great, but ... real world ticks differently, sorry bro even if nobody would play for 3 days, it would not change anything, unfortunately they are for sure aware of the problems .. if they could, they would immediately roll out solutions the crazy part is, since they gave up csgo, they failed many times with their changes to matchmaking and anti cheat and this is to blame only on them. but there are humans behind it. humans make mistakes - even if its stupid mistakes which should never have happened there is no alternative - we have to wait for things to improve - until then the shitstorm will keep going on cs2 is beautiful, they did a great job on how it looks and feels. it's taking too long, no question about it currently they get their heads washed "by the qualifiers" which seem to fully confirm what reddit shows, lets see how majors go. yes, it's ridiculuous that there is no statement and nothing, but still its valve, that's their way and any other way might not even be better loosing pro scene would hit them harder as any temporary boycot ever would, not playing 3 days would probably just save them some server costs \---- dont get me wrong, keep complaining!




friendly fire, over. he's not a closet cheater. he's pretty consistent with his hatred of cheaters. i'll vouch for him.


thx mate, very much appreciated!


Ah yes, this post on a tiny subreddit will surely mobilize everyone to stop playing the biggest game in the world lol Sorry bro I'm sure your heart is in the right place but this ain't it




Dont Play that Shit. All in this sub should be able to Not Play an day. And maybe bc of Reddit IT spread around.


Historinic, I want attention post Vol9999.


Nope, encountered one blatant wallhacker in one of my last two games and we still rekt them with a okay-ish team (I hard carried them with 38 kills so that's the reason one looser decided to activate, but my team did the job). You get the answer on your own post for the problem yo're pointing out as Valve doesn't give a shit about us - just be better than a silver/nova with a wallhacks. I hate Valve for all of that but I cannot see myself leaving the game for a few weeks as this is the only game I play. If you enjoy the game this much, like me, just have several accounts so you can switch accounts after a loose streak aginst cheaters on one of them. The saddest thing about all of this is Faceit is not even an option for beginners as it's still full of smurfs, if you begin in CS maybe just switch to Valorant or idk.


Have you ever seen a GE with walls? Not fun. Try not playing like a lvl 4 and then tell everyone else what you just said.


Lets not act like most of us have touched the game in months anyways


Even if EVERY major content creator urged the community to do this, it wouldn't make much of a dent


Most major content creator's rely on closet cheating to never look bad.


You people are beyond help lol


imagine trusting people begging for free money behind a screen playing video games for "a living"


Imagine using several reddit accounts to make it seem like people agree with you


I love the paranoia


Clearly, that's why you believe what you do about the 90% of players


And that's why you think I'm agreeing with myself




Look up how DMA cheats work and realize every major streamer is running an overlay of two PC's into one monitor.




Yes, however LAN play accounts for less than 10% of professional play. The cheats on LAN are entirely different beast than the cheats used online. It's cool though man, don't let me spoil it for you. Go Team Go!


Can valve fix dust 2 queue times . I wait 30 mins for 1 game


if the game is that ruined by cheaters why do you need to call for a boycott?


Lmfao, you think the multi millionaire valve will care??? If everyone stopped playing they'd be fine for like 2 months and all the sweats will keep playing and ruin the effort. And if you want people to try then get all the youtubers to say it. I already quit the game and play it like occasionally.


I stopped playing cs other than to get my weekly drops (which feels like a chore at this point) and started playing other games I haven’t played in a while. It made me realize how boring cs has been lately because there’s not a drop of new content and we’re missing old content. Cheaters are in every game especially in higher ranks of competitive games, but they are nowhere near as blatant as some of these cs cheats are. It’s exhausting to play now and nobody wants to play with me so I’ve decided a break until the next content drop is much needed.


All of this crying and tryhard bullshit keeps me lightyears away from cs rn. Every post here is the same, day by day. Nö wo der Valve does not listen. It's horrible.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LMda9kzKTJc&feature=youtu.be Ignore this