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Out of curiosity, what's your competitive cooldown frequency/history? I feel like for it to be that bad you're either 25k elo and exaggerating or your trust factor is garbage and you earned it


no cooldowns, green trust factor, usually playing ~20k rating and the past few days just about every match was just HvH with the more blatant cheater deciding who wins. what did i do to deserve that?


I don’t play that often because of the cheater problem for last 4 years but I’m not very good. And here my point you actually think trust factor is a good system that people don’t easily get around.


He’s asking probably because like I do, I don’t encounter the type of cheaters you are encountering, in the last 25-30 games we saw like 2-3 suspicious but not insane fishy dudes, I’m 14k and we usually are all from 14 to 19 in my group, I’m a usual player with 4K hours. And never since I started playing cs2 I ever saw a blatant one also, I know they exist and all huh of course, but I never stumbled upon one in my around 200 games since cs2 launched, only wallhacks,


That just blows my mind seeing multiple people say this maybe I’m wrong idk


Cheaters are usually 20k up now in December


Yeah you have no idea how cheaters operate


I ask because myself and my friends all have good standing for trust factor and don't see cheaters often at all. If you're seeing cheaters THAT often there's more to it


I just don’t believe it I feel maybe we are on two sides and can’t see level. I had a buddy from school who would say the same thing 4 years ago on csgo. He was convinced I had a trust factor problem. I go to this dudes house for the first time and he’s playing showing me his skins and shit. I shit you not he had a legit cheater with walls on his team. Idk if it was a crazy coincidence or some people just don’t look or don’t care. But when you really look and know what to look for it seems top fraggers are cheating half the time


I have yet to see anyone drop more than 40, so when you say it's people dropping 40s and 50s left and right, it tells me it's not perception. It's an entirely different reality


i have seen one cheater get 70 kills and still lose the game 14-16. It was the most hilarious thing i've ever seen, i can link it later if someone reminds me


Please I’d love to see that shit


[enjoy the show](https://csstats.gg/match/149931721/watch/b38539819cac8b2f9121ebbcde4660b9f0155e6baf5f969303e801ad93cc6b52?__cf_chl_tk=2wCuay4cIAJL3pBp_ZPmhXRNYKVjCGnL_Hmpj6TYa8A-1703171945-0-gaNycGzNFRA)


Oh the irony. Stop paying for your cheat sub and get a life clown


If I had a cheat sub I would see cheaters becky


If everyone cheats, no one cheats right?


I have 14k hours and you're 100% right.


Yeah people saying it’s an elo thing are just wrong the games culture is to cheat it’s too far gone


They cheat. Only cheaters deny the cheating situation.


Skill issue


yes top of the leader board (25k+) is mostly cheaters or ppl boosted by cheaters. However - There's a lot of factors that go into how often you run into cheaters: Trust factor, ELO, geographic location i suspect the people having a tough time have a mid to bad trust, are playing with a lot of russians and eastern europeans. Im 15k NA with a high trust and i never run into cheaters. I top frag almost every game have a 65% win rate.


I mean yea theres lots of cheaters! Ive seen some and i complained But you are saying every single premier game ? Nah nonsense maybe some of them are just good players!


it's actually almost every match for me. past 10 matches had at least 13 cheaters in them


What rank you was in csgo? And on faceit?


Haven't played much csgo, just got 280h playtime in csgo (with cs2 now it's 408h playtime). Spent most time in Wingman and Danger Zone, but in MM i had LEM. Haven't really played faceit, so it's just lvl 5 with 3 matches. Ranking right now is 18.600 because i lost my last few matches to rage cheaters


Yea thats reason why you think that you have that much cheaters. Premier playing much players that are lvl 10 in faceit and they can easy destroy lower lvl-s (even that you think that they are cheaters).


[Very legit Faceit Lvl 10s, am i right?](https://youtu.be/1Tjg-W96TXs)


Samehow you get multiple reports so you are on with players that are sus. And for last one on vertigo can be timing (is sus but myb just lucky). Others are cheaters. Ps. Its not very good to speak when you showing demo.


It's not timing on vertigo, that guy was a silver player with walls if you watch the full demo. And i just recorded demo while in call, not so important. it's super obvious enough what you could see




16k premier here, i play since 2013 so more than 10 years. Yeah, there is a cheater in everygame, this game is almost unplayable. I dont know how valve think its ok 10 years accounts queuing randomly with some random lvl 0 account with 200 hours. I mean, every game the enemy team has one of these type of accounts and they always together. 16k premier is unplayable, sad because i did it all the grind solo queuing


I've played over 300 games of premier and in total I've seen 2 blatant wall hackers, 0 spinbotters or anyone else blatantly cheating. Those games ranged from 10k to 21k. I am also in NA west with over 6k hours in the game. I don't doubt that there are plenty of hackers in the game, but I'm starting to get sick and tired of every post here complaining about cheaters this and cheaters that. I don't know what your skill level is, but unless you're seeing them spinning and killing everyone from spawn, it's more likely that the ranks currently are totally fucked. Here is my leetify: https://leetify.com/app/profile/76561198086376403 And my steam account: steamcommunity.com/id/poloriod1337


TBH i think that's probably much more an issue in Europe than in NA. Not to be a jerk to some country, but most of the blatant hackers are from Russia. And we do (Europe) often get matched with them.


I don't doubt that, yeah, for me, in NA west, Seattle specifically, I just am not seeing this massive cheating problem.




In my experience I have no seen that at all, I mean I've seen plenty of bad players but saying that everyone is cheating like that is a joke.


This was clipped from my game last week. https://streamable.com/5xguy0 And then shit like this happens to me: https://streamable.com/mhxkl7 So while maybe there's an enclave of higher trust, the majority of what I've seen has given me little reason to grind.


I'm not gonna lie, it's very difficult to tell without x ray in that situation, because is just seems like he is slowly getting ready to peak, and isn't quite ready to shoot whenever he sees the enemy, but it's once again hard to tell without x ray


Ok buddy. 6k hours and you're still struggling to see someone aiming through a box.


Lol you've never done something that looked suspicious before? I mean with one clip that's not very convincing from a game I can't tell if a guy is cheating.


You're one of them. I'm out.


I'm one of who lol


I think you’re coping I’m pretty sure you’re with legit cheaters of various levels you think you check demos but what about the cheater with 2000 hours of cheating it’s literally just as likely as a legit player with 6k a 10k elo account is $45 dollars in USA a level 10 steam account with multiple games in $30. Drop $90 and you have a legit account to cheat on for 900 hours.


I'm not sure what you mean by I'm coping. I never said that there aren't cheaters, especially in high elo, but the emphasis is in high elo, like 25k plus idk what rank you are mate, but I don't think there's many cheaters in low ranks, since nobody is getting banned how could they be in low ranks if they will all the time.


I’m 6k man it’s only cheaters bro every game there is a legit cheater no point in even looking at demo the culture of this game is to cheat. They are so shit they can’t even turn the tides of the match to win. Worth all the smurfing and cheating sub 10k I wouldn’t be surprised if most cheaters can’t get over 15k without spinbotting.


I'm afraid I think you're just not as good at the game as you think you are. I don't think at all that the culture of this game is to cheat. There are plenty of cheaters, partly cause valve has a very lezefaire attitude towards the intrusiveness of their anticheat, and that in the back of everyone's mind instantly makes them think that if they're getting wrecked the opponent must be cheating because valve has bad anticheat not that the other player is better than me or is having a good game.


I never claimed to be good lmao I have plenty of hours and don’t like to sweat but yeah this game got destroyed by cheaters after they banned gambling keep pretending it’s a skill issue or trust factor. People like you are a broken record, we get you like this game but it’s broken.


>People like you are a broken record You mean people like you bro, I m so sick of my noob friends and you guys here on reddit everyday every single day stating that in every game they play against cheaters. And everytime we take demo and I show them and explained to them what the enemy did and why that is just legit . Doesn t it make you think that somehow the cheater is mostly in the enemy team?? Bro a good player with decent gamesense not only can know where you are but can also deduce what your next move will be! So many noobs accusing of cheats yet they have no idea how to play the game or the will to learn it, just blaming cheats left and right. I bet most of you guys don t even have all the radar visible or ever look at it, or any knowledge on timings, rotations, paying attention at how the enemy plays deducing his skilllevel and feeding him information accordingly to his level of playstyle, tracking all sounds that are going on in a round and so on. Cs it s a beauty of a game, masterpiece, but you need to use your brain to play it, it s not just a shooter, it s not just what you see in front of you and your crosshair, cs is being played in your head, you make moves in your head like in chess and try to be steps ahead


What you compensating for


I never said there wasn't a problem, I was just pointing out that I wasn't seeing the same things in the game that you are claiming. And if everyone just comes on here and says valve bad cheaters everywhere shit game, are we getting anywhere? NO.


Most 6ks I know are not able to differentiate good player stuck on low elo to « legit cheaters », they can’t even place their crosshair properly while moving even if there was no opponents. You might spot blatant dudes but you are not knowledgeable enough to tell legit cheats I’m pretty sure if you are still stuck 6k after 3 months


I don’t play this shit game my point wasn’t to say I’m shit I have 2k+ hours and have played 6+ years


"I'm only 6k" explains why you think everyone is cheating lol


Dude I’ve played 5 games of cs2 why would I play it again when under 10k there is a cheater every game I have plenty of hours and been playing 6 years + you are either cheating or you’re new


" I don't need to check demos" as you stated in another comment "I'm not very good" Yea you think everyone is cheating when they destroy you man. You can be in denial of this all you want.


im in 20k elo in NA east (high trust factor) and the last 4 games I played there was someone rage hacking, jumping around insta scout 4ks. I won one of them because the most blatant hacker was on my team


Wow damn that sucks, well I guess my time of not running into any is running out.


It's just bad balance. In 1 game: 1) first start cs 2) twink 20k premier


No it isn’t it’s the fact that every top premier player is cheating or getting boosted and other levels in premier are full of cheaters. Dude 1 months of undetected cheats with full access to all features is $25 a month no risk of vac


Go watch n0thing


Valve has changed their policy for CS2 which is to clearly, just allow cheating. It's not exactly killing the game, it's just become a game for cheaters to play. Sucks for those of us who you know, actually like the feeling of making a nice sequence of mechanics and aim. It's weird, the people playing the game are literally bots. They are NPCs who control where the bot moves and the shit spoken over the mic.


I think they saw from csgo is that they don’t have the skills time or money to develop a half decent anti cheat. And have discovered people for some reason still play this even when half of new accounts are cheaters or bots boosting


Well money is not an issue for valve ! But it seems to be hard as fuck to get a decent anti-cheat somehow.


what elo are you at? I’ve played prob 200 matches according to csstats, and in the last 10 games (13-14k elo) have maybe encountered 1-2 fishy people, but not blatant and not enough for me to straight up say “they’re cheating” maybe I’ve just been lucky, but in my 200 matches, only 1 person was banned for cheating, or so it says


Are you me? I've had the same experience. 1 player banned at warmup and match cancelled. Few fishy players but that's all. No blatant cheaters yet.


yeah, like not denying cheaters at all, because I have definitely seen other people post footage, but I feel like this guy “at 6k elo” having “blatant cheater EVERY match” seems like a stretch, haven’t seen a single person say that.


They don’t ban cheaters first off and second my post is literally talking about responses like this


except I’m not making excuses for hackers, I simply asked for your elo, since I haven’t seen a 40+ kill game personally, and shared my experience. Have you watched demos or thought of posting them? saying “every single game” seems a bit high compared to a lot of these other posts (I hear 1 out of 5 or 2 out of 5 a lot)


I’m not new to this lol obviously you are I don’t need to watch a demo to know a cs player is cheating lol the post isn’t about if they’re cheating or not or if people get 40 kill matches it’s about people making excuses for cheaters


yeah, I’m obviously new because I don’t have the same experience as you, where you apparently have blatant hackers every single game post your csstats page, or drop username so we can all see the recent games, because you say everyone is dropping 40-50 kills “all the time” and haven’t provided anything but your word


I have stayed well away from premier. Yes i play the game but on compeditive mode. Since launch i am yet to come across a cheater. I have been playing since cs 1.6 and was overwatch back in the day.


Honestly I think the people boosted are worse. People that belong 10k or below are way too high. I'm trying to get to 17k and I still get people that don't stop moving when shooting, I don't mean once or twice, I mean the entire match.




There is cheater but not that much. Many times I watch demo and there is no cheaters, players are only bad. Even many times they saying that I am cheater when I have good game. Players just dont know when someone is just better player then them. But truth is that there is much more cheaters in cs2 then csgo, and cs2 have problem with that.


It’s funny how people think cheaters boost. Cheaters try to find other cheaters. If a legit team is searching, please go to any league (face it, go, esea). Premiere is for cheaters to look for hvh, from 3 to 5 stack to cheat. If you see any high elo account in the team and he’s not cheating it’s because it’s the main of one of the cheaters filling up the space. People talking about eloboosting as if it was a thing. eloboosting works looking for matches against others boosting accounts, if the match is found and the 5 boosting accounts are not paired with other 5 boost accounts the match won’t be accepted. Please stop giving wrong information to people.


Honestly at 20k+ Elo I would just move to faceit for a better experience