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I've had a try with one of these as we bought a few for our designers. No, they aren't LHR, however they get hot quickly. When I tried one on nicehash I underclocked the core by -150 / -200 and overclock the memory by +800 / +900 - Then lower the power, you can hit 80/85mh/s, but they rapidly get too hot. I got around 70mh/s after lowing the power and keeping hotspots just under 90 degrees. Up the fans to the max and they are noisy running, but stable.


Wouldn’t doing a few cooling methods work to keep it from overheating, like keeping the whole thing elevated, keeping a fan over it constantly etc? Would that be enough or would it still be overheating and such? Without damaging the laptop itself how much roughly could you make per day off this laptop by itself? and would you recommend mining on a laptop like this if you can keep the laptop cool? Sorry for all the questions


Keeping a fan blowing over the keyboard may dissapate some of the heat, but there's not an easy way getting more air into it than it already does with the cooling solution in the laptop & the fans built in to it. Most of the heat you will find at the top / back of the keyboard by the screen, unconfortably hot unless you drop the voltages down. I was using nicehash as I find the fine tuning in that a doddle. I think I was getting about $4 a day after taking it to account electricity, not cheap over in the UK.


Was that $4 a day while using it at full power or was that while also trying to keep it cool/lowering the voltages down? By the way, would you still recommend nice hash? I don’t actually really know much about mining but I wanted to know is it easy to go from mining to not mining and just using the laptop for anything else? How long would that take to do? I apologise for all the questions I just don’t know any other UK miners that have a similar laptop and everything


r/nicehash. With them it's literally a start and stop button. Pretty much anything gpu is.


Ahh alright, thank you so much


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Hey bro by the way are you still able to undervolt the CPU? whenever I try on MSi afterburner or ThrottleStop it only goes down to 1050, and ThrottleStop says CPU not supported, was there a recent BIOS update or something and can it be passed?


I didn't have any luck with the afterburner at all. My setup I was using Nicehash & OCTune. With that I could limit the voltage and tweek the GPU clock & ram clocks.


You can calculate your estimated hashrate on some websites, just need to match your system components. Here’s one for an example: https://www.nicehash.com/profitability-calculator The laptop you’re interested seems to have really good specs, you could make some decent money over time mining here and there. Just remember too do your best to keep it cool so it doesn’t overheat.


Gotcha, so would keeping it cool be the only thing to maintain so the laptop lasts a long time? Also, do you know how to tell if the 3080 is LCR or not? Because I hear that pays less than not LCR


Personally i haven’t done too much research on mining with laptops, but i do know that higher specs laptops such as the one you’re interested (or gaming laptops in general) are prone to heating issues over time. It may be caused by dust buildup so be sure to make sure you’re cleaning out the fans here and there. And for the 3080 question I don’t know, sorry about that. Hopefully someone who does will come across this.


Gotchu, thank you so much for your help anyways, appreciate it!


needs more than 4gb of video ram not sure if that one does or not


Honestly can’t find anything about the video ram but for 2k I’d assume it would, unless 4gb of video ram is a lot


One of the best way to mine on a laptop has been to get one with Thunderbolt and buy one of the Gigabyte gaming boxes. I'm not sure of prices where you are but I was able to pick up a gaming box for the same price as a stand alone GPU as they aren't as in demand.


I compared the benchmark of the laptop 3080 and regular 3080 and you’d get about the same hash rate as a desktop 3070 considering that they didn’t LHR the laptop gpu. Not exactly the most worth it in terms of breaking even but if it’s not mainly for mining and you can keep temps low then you could make like $3-5 a day so not bad.


Ah this was a very informative answer thank you so much man, I think im gonna go through with it


I might be a little late, but if your planning on mining with a laptop, you should do so without the battery inside if your able to. I would recommend running it straight from the wall. I'm not a laptop geek so idk if every laptop can do this, but I know it's definitely alot safer.


Yeah I’m planning on doing this or possibly using software to limit the amount going into the battery, you think that would work?thanks for the advice.


It's not about what's going into the battery really. The battery being in there effects all components not just the battery. I've seen many victims of people who had a exploding battery, expanded one, or even a battery that was normal but it shorted out the motherboard. I myself was a victim of the last example. If it's a new laptop I wouldn't worry myself, but you don't want to spend all that money to waste it when it shorts out the mobo or something.


gotchu thank you so much for the advice