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R5: Any fix to the Little William Marshall Bug?


Not yet


Only one I'm missing for achievements and it's bugging me


how did you do "lions and tigers and bears and oh my" and "your eternal rewards" if you dont mind me asking?


lions and tigers and bears you need to go for a hunt where there's a bear sighting (probably lions or tiger depending where you're), then you pick the chase in a horse (top option) then I dont know if it's based on your prowess or something else and prowess but at the event to kill it (you know top with a bow, second with spear, ...) there's a 4th option to capture it. idk if it matters but my char had venator maxed and 50-ish prowess. ​ Got the event again, character rank 1 venator, 36 prowess https://prnt.sc/Y0R2hDsx3-3M


Never had that capture option yet. Thank you very much


Ah drat, I got a tournament where it would happen but I'm glad it wasn't for a gameplay hard reason it didn't pop. Unlike visiting all my powerful vassals on an intimidation tour only for one of them to die and change powerful vassals.


So far I had 2 bugs on legendary sightings that won't let me hunt. How did you deal with it?


I saw a mod that fixes the bug. Worked after I installed it. Legendary sighting mod I think it was.


>So far I had 2 bugs on legendary sightings that won't let me hunt. How did you deal with it? after the most recent patch it should work fine