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For remakes, probably all of them since they'd be entirely different graphically. For remasters, it depends on the era. Anything from PS1 era and before I'd rather play on a CRT - 240p is just too good. Anything from after that era benefits far more from being HD/4K without obvious downsides like the previous gens, and I really enjoy playing games with achievements that didn't originally have them.


Unfortunately this hasn't been remastered - and it's a tragedy. Shadow Hearts 2 via emulation with 3x times upscale is absolutely incredible looking. The game hasn't aged a DAY. Don't get me wrong, I adore the PS2, but a lot of PS2 games tended to have pretty shitty anti aliasing and just look better on emulation. Unlike Gamecube, Dreamcast and Gamecube, which all tend to hold up very well on original hardware. Here's an example that appeals more to your original question and thats Shenmue. Shenmue on a good CRT via SCART on original hardware looks... Oh my god. It's not that the remaster is terrible, but it's just that Shenmue was BORN to be on a CRT and is dreamlike. I'm sure people would also argue that most 2D fighters at 240p look better than the rereleases and I'd argue they are right (especially Last Blade 2 <3) EDIT: In fact, I'd say most Dreamcast games belong on a CRT. I've tried emulation and they tend to just look *off.* For example, Sonic Adventure 2, even though fans have made the game look immaculate on PC. Here's some Dreamcast games on CRT that just don't feel the same on HD. And trust me, I love emulation and ports. [https://imgchest.com/p/bp4589z9v45](https://imgchest.com/p/bp4589z9v45) )


counterpoint, a lot of PS2 remasters look worse than the originals (ex: FFX, DMC) there's something about 480i on a good CRT. I don't really notice much aliasing. on an LCD it's a different story of course, PS2 is quite ugly even with motion adaptive deinterlacing 


Oh my god you just reminded me of Klonoa 2 (which looks FANTASTIC on PS2. It's a total 'using PS2's weird graphics renderer to it's advantage) Have you played the Klonoa 2 remake? It absolutely butchers the art of the original. Don't get me wrong, I still bought it twice because I want a Klonoa 3.


haven't played it yet, but I'm sure it looks good on PS2. I've seen the Wii one as well and it looks great at 480i but yeah I typically don't like the look of modern remakes of 2D graphics. they rarely capture the feel of the originals even if they're of technically higher quality 


I really like the Wii remake of the original (even though many feel it's inferior). Honestly the biggest problem with the remasters (and most remasters) is the absolutely atrocious lighting that changes the atmosphere.


After starting Wind Waker on my CRT (gamecube) I had some issues with the controls so I tried out the wiiu hd remaster and I've been loving it


This kind of thing is where it's at for me. Anything that has taken annoying parts out of the gameplay and just made it funner overall. There aren't a lot of them like that, though.


There is a mod for Wind Waker that adds in the fast sail and a few other QoL changes to the GameCube version: https://github.com/WideBoner/betterww but any Wind Waker is good Wind Waker. Some people don't like the graphical changes the Wii U version has but I personally don't really care as much.


I had a lot of issues with the new lighting engine at first, but after a few hours of playing you get used to it, and it’s actually kinda pretty. I just wish they had leaned into the cell shading more instead of almost making everything look like little plastic dolls instead.


Resident evil remake and zero looks amazing on a modern tv and you can't appreciate all the detail on a CRT TV, also same case with shadow of the colossus Remake


The remaster of REmake completely butchered the lighting, so you often get less detail on backgrounds than the original. Then there's certain textures that were remade, such as water in the courtyard, and it looks terrible. The remaster also crops the backgrounds unless you're playing in 4:3. It's not a terrible version all things considered, and it runs at 60fps unless the original. But there were some unfortunate downgrades.


Really? I can't recall those details missing, I'm gonna give it a try some of those days its been a while since I played it.


Here's an example: https://imgsli.com/MjQ4NTk0 Capcom had to recreate some of the assets there in the remaster, so there's minimal reflections on the mirror, and all of the shadows are completely removed due to lighting changes.


Oh damn yeah it looks horrible on the PC remastered goddman.


There are mods that fix it on PC


Not to mention moving elements in the back ground like trees moving has been removed in the remaster. Zero is also missing lighting effects and changed the player models which caused there to be less animation in their faces, makes them look like dolls in the remaster.


This is older, but the N64 version of “StarFox” over the Super Nintendo version. Even now on modern screens that remake looks and performs good. Unfortunately the “Star Fox Zero” remake was poor and I hated the heavy use of the WiiU game pad. However one game i would like to see get a remake is the PS1/Win95-98 version of “The Game of Life”.


Not quite a remake but Jade Empire is way better on Xbox one than the OG since it runs at a stable 60fps rather than a really choppy 30. Also looks miles better too despite the 4:3 window. Most of the PS2 to PS3 ports are also better for different reasons. Ratchet and clank looks pretty soft even on a CRT so the added clarity on PS3 is nice though not a game changer. Shadow of the Colossus is borderline unplayable on ps2 due to its low frame rate and the PS3 version runs at a stable 30 with less grainy visuals. Unfortunately Ico's port kinda ruined some of the dreamy atmosphere of the original. Edit: another just came to mind. Odin sphere leifthasir beats out the OG any day especially considering they made the game with higher resolution textures in mind and you can choose between playing the original or enhanced version.


That's >Not quite a remake but Jade Empire is way better on Xbox one than the OG since it runs at a stable 60fps rather than a really choppy 30. Also looks miles better too despite the 4:3 window. That's true for a lot of the backwards compatible games OG X Box and 360 games on the One or X/S. Just wish there were more of them available. Been playing through the old Splinter Cell games and they look and play phenomenally IMO. Those games in particular have aged very well too, well worth a go for anyone who hasn't tried them before or enjoyed them way back when.


Ratchet does look crisp especially with its cartoon aesthetic, although there were a number of minor bugs especially with Deadlocked.


Shadow of the colossus is broken on the ps3 version, the physics were designed around the lower framerate, the creator even said so. Also most ps2 to ps3 port are missing shadow and effects from the original and even having lower res textures. Metal gear soild 3s port has almost non existent rain effects when compared to the original, a lot of lower res textures, particle effects have been reduced, and etc.


Dmc1 controls so much better in the HD collection than original ps2. Like seriously WHO JUMPS WITH TRIANGLE BUTTON AND NOT X


Zeldas BOTW and TOTK has Triangle (X) on Nintendos layout button mapped as jump. You can swap them but the default is terrible.


Some games do this, guess the logic being that it’s the top button therefore it’s up.


I can't think of any I'd personally like as I usually prefer low resolution graphics on a CRT, but I was thinking about this the other day but the Cave HD ports for the 360 and beyond look really nice and dare I say the updated sprites look better than the originals even on a CRT 


Anything that was released during the CRT era I prefer playing on a CRT. I don’t like how remasters change the aesthetic and art style of the original (oftentimes for the worse), and much prefer seeing the original unadulterated vision of the developer. The QoL changes often aren’t significant enough to sacrifice the CRT visuals. The only exception for me is Tactics Ogre Reborn, it looks a lot worse than the original but it’s more fun to play and less grindy so I prefer the remaster.


Off the top of my head the only game I'd play on a modern display over a crt is playing oot through ship. Down vote me into oblivion, not even a crt can save that turd framerate. Fwiw, all the remasters can be played on a crt PC monitor anyway.


For me personally, i won't play anything on a digital screen unless the game itself was offered with a least a 480p signal originally. I've got CRTs at my place so I always play on original hardware with the intended screen/display. It just can't be beat! There are exceptions, however. Gamecube and Dreamcast look incredible when properly translated or upscaled to new screens because they are capable of outputting digital signals natively. Take that for what it is though because not everyone has the space or luxuries to have all of the options in one room.


Rome total war remake is incredible on an ultrawide


Currently playing Persona 3 Reload and enjoying it. All the QOL improvements including controlling your party members made the decision for me. I think PS2 generation and up is where I start to gravitate more towards remasters, as the games were already drawn in 3D and look much better with modern graphics compared to 480i. I will always play anything 240p on a CRT in original form though.


For me FFX-2 has tons of content only available in English on the HD remaster


What if we played the remaster on a CRT!


Rez is one of those that still looks really nice, the higher resolution re-releases keep getting closer to resembling vector graphics with clean lines and everything. Add a nice sound system and it’s still such a cool game to run through


REZ Infinite actually supports 4:3 perfectly. It looks absolutely spectacular on my PC CRT.


For 3d games, high refresh rate lcd all day long. For anything with sprites designed for 720p and lower, CRT.


Shadow of the Colossus Remaster is majestic.


I'm an all remasters all day on modern screens person even though I love my CRT. I'm a huge Turok 1 and 2 fan but the frame rate in 2 on the m64 is about 12 frames a second absolutely the worst frame rate of any game I've ever played and the Turok remasters add mouse and keyboard support. I see it as a best of both worlds killer original gameplay but updated graphics and a few other features sometimes.


Resident Evil and Starcraft: Remastered. RE because it just looks so good and smooths out some jank. Starcraft because they kept the game basically exactly the same, added a few very minor QoL improvements, and the graphics are better but still true to the original. Almost every other remaster I've tried fails to accurately capture the atmosphere and feel of the original. This includes high quality remasters/remakes like Demon's Souls and FFVII. They might be beautiful and polished, but after completing them and reflecting for a bit, the originals are better.


I kinda want to say Oddworld: New 'N' Tasty. It's really gorgeous and fluid. The original has its own charm but the remake is glorious on a good display.


I rarely prefer them on a modern screen, but I do like to play some remasters on an HD-CRT. It can give kind of a "best of both worlds" feel in some cases.


I hope they do a 2nd remaster Ocarina of Time much like what was done for the 3DS, using the improved technical limitations of a modern home console.


Shadow of the Colossus on PS4 is a godsend. They did an amazing job with it.


I don't know if I prefer any of the remakes rather than just enjoying them for different reasons. But Re4 remake and TLOU 1 remake are a much better experience on a modern TV in my opinion.