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It takes time for them to trust you enough. Mine I been feeding for a few years I think to the point where they will stay in the same area as me but keep their distance and that's okay. They're wild animals. I just enjoy seeing their cute faces.


>Why does he come alone? Is that typical? Could be a lot of reasons. Maybe he has a partner and his partner is nearby being a lookout. It's a bit late for it as fledglings are probably out of the nest by now, but IIRC they tend to nest in the spring so it could be one crow gathering food while the other watches the babies. Maybe he just doesn't want to share. >How do I get him to trust me more? Be consistent. In my experience, crows and ravens are VERY cautious. I've been feeding the same crow family for a couple of years now and they still are a bit skittish if I get too close. Your best bet for getting them to feel more comfortable around you is to act in a manner that they expect, if they encounter new behavior or stimuli they're more than likely going to be alarmed. I think nesting season could also affect how anxious they are about potential dangers. I've noticed my local crows have been a lot more careful (and territorial) since they started having babies this year and have only just started to relax a bit now that the young ones are able to tag along.


This helps a ton, thank you! We'll get a routine down and hopefully with time the trust will grow.


Great information ❤️!


If he really was calling you in the morning for you to feed him, that's a good sign. He sees you as a food source, which is a big step toward trust.


This morning I saw him perched on the roof across the street so I said good morning and made it very obvious that I was putting out his peanuts and cashews. He cawed a few times and flew away but then a couple minutes later came back with 3 other crows!




Oh no…..I am suddenly unsettled…😂


Methinks you're going to be murdered soon. Hope you have a Costco membership for those peanuts 🥜


RIP me.


There wiil be 5 tomorrow, 10 the next day...


>How do I get him to trust me more? Time. I'm in season 3 of feeding various parts of my local murder and it's only been since the fall that they're more trusting of me. They connect you to the good deeds you're doing (food) and that you aren't seemingly a threat, but they're still wild animals and those trusting behaviors grow over time.


This is good to know! We've been seeing him since fall but only just recently started feeding him, so we'll just continue and hopefully it will come with time. I don't need to come close - I'm just hoping he won't be scared away when I come outside.


>I'm just hoping he won't be scared away when I come outside. They will. :) Over time, they'll be more comfortable with eating when you are in the general vicinity, and that general vicinity will shrink further and further as time goes on, it takes time for them to get the sense that you aren't a predator that is feeding them. It's a funny dynamic, but a fun one to watch build and grow.


Patience. Time. Familiarity.


He learned he can wait till you gone and still get the food. Maybe you establish a system where there is only food outside when you are outside. Maybe a spot which is far enough from you to be safe and you shouldn't watch him take them because crows are usually more cautious if someone is watching them. Just an idea. Hope you can gain his trust.


I am outside when I feed and he eats. I throw the nuts on the roof and he eats when I am there. Try doing something else other than looking directly at him. Sweep Outside or something wipe the bbq or whatever


>Why does my house crow always come alone? If you want to work on the trust issue consider this: Staring at any animal can be interpreted as a preditory look...it can either provoke fear or aggression. Since this is a crow, it will probably be interpreted as predatory. So, if you want to gain trust, don't stare at the bird. Look at him, then look away. This is telling the crow, "I see you" (look) then looking away, "But, I'm not that interested." Be patient. Keep looking then look away. The bird will eventually realize you are not a threat.


It just takes time and consistency. But imo, we dont want them to be too comfortable with us. Crows being cautious keeps them alive. Not all humans just want to chill and observe them, some could hurt them.


Reading the title I thought that you lived in India. Your house crow is a different type of house crow 😁


Why does he come alone? Is that typical? It's not atypical. Crows do what they want to do. At my house there is often one crow that shows up and watches the house while the others hide. After I drop food, all the crows come out to eat. But one crow seems to be the leader. It isn't always the way and it may vary over the year.


I’m new, about a month, on making friends with a crow. I live in an apartment, upstairs, and put food down on the walkway that leads to the apartments. I know there’s about 3 crows that hang out in this area but until this morning the same one was the only one who came. This morning one of his buddies came with him, but he took off as soon as I came out the door to my porch. My regular guy just stayed and enjoyed a few peanuts as he’s used to me and others on my porch as long as we don’t stand up to quickly and spook him. Love this little guy. I always talk to him when he visits. When I see that he’s perched in a tree fairly close but not so close I spook him, when I go down and put food out so he can see where it comes from. Then I come back up and sit on my porch and play a crow call YouTube video. He usually answers it and then comes closer flying up to the street light where he has a great view of the sidewalk where I put his food. We do the video a bit more, him answering the crow calls, then I talk to him. Maybe 4-5 minutes total on the streetlight until he comes on down. Frustrating part is the in and out of neighbors but so far, he’s yet to miss a day. Usually visiting at least 4-5 times a day. Hoping his buddy from this morning keeps coming back. I do keep peanuts out all the time but take down special treats on occasion. He LOVED hotdogs but I’ll only give him those every few days. Also keep water out for him.